gilded-gotham · 7 months
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mi familia 🦇
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gilded-gotham · 7 months
(pic included below)
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he’s what pops in my head when i think ‘dick grayson’
ib: @gilded-gotham 💋
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gilded-gotham · 7 months
Gilded Gotham’s Masterlist
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Dancing Knights:
Part One - Part Two
Faceclaims Part One - Faceclaims Part Two
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gilded-gotham · 7 months
Dancing Knights: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Dancing with the Stars AU
Faceclaims! part 2
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part one is here
check out the full fic here.
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gilded-gotham · 7 months
Dancing Knights: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Dancing with the Stars AU Faceclaims!
A/N: This will be updated as characters appear in Dancing Knights!
DISCLAIMER: This is only how I imagine them. I'm going to be using these face claims for their social media posts. You are free to see the characters as you please!
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this is part one of the faceclaims! part 2 will be linked here.
check out dancing knights here.
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gilded-gotham · 7 months
Dancing Knights: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Dancing with the Stars AU
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TW: No triggers in this chapter
Summary: What starts out as a joke turns into a romance
Mr. Jason Todd,
Congratulations on joining the prestigious lineup of Gotham's Dancing with the Stars! Your star power is undeniable, and we're thrilled to have you on board.
Prepare to dazzle audiences with your charisma and talent as you grace the dance floor. We'll provide all the support you need to make this season unforgettable.
Stay tuned for further details. Let's make magic together!
Best regards,
Gotham's Dancing with the Stars Team
What the fuck…?
Jason looked up at Alfred with his jaw slack and brows raised.
“This is fake, right?” He laughed, but underneath the humor, a hint of uncertainty lingered. Alfred's calm demeanor only added to the surreal nature of the situation.
“Master Jason, all our mail goes through multiple security checks. This letter is undeniably real. I don’t suppose you remember signing up for this? Unless…”
“Unless what?” Jason's grip tightened on the crumpled letter, his mind racing with possibilities.
“Perhaps your brothers are responsible for—”
Alfred's words hung in the air, stirring a mixture of annoyance and amusement within Jason. He had grown accustomed to the unpredictable nature of his family, but this? This was a whole new level of absurdity.
Without a word, Jason stormed down the hall to the dining room, his footsteps echoing in the halls of the manor.
The door swung open with a bang, silencing the gentle chatter of breakfast. All eyes turned to him, their curiosity palpable in the air.
He zeroed in on Dick, a familiar mix of frustration and exasperation bubbling within him. Of course, it had to be Dick.
“Did you do this?!” Jason's accusation hung in the air as he whipped the wrinkled paper in Dick's face, fueled by a mix of emotions he couldn't quite name.
Dick's expression shifted from confusion to amusement, a playful glint dancing in his eyes.
“Wow… we never thought they’d actually accept you,” he chuckled, his nonchalant demeanor only infuriating Jason further.
“So it was you!” Jason's voice rose with each word, his frustration reaching a boiling point.
The crumpled letter found its way into Damian's lap, his laughter ringing out like a taunt.
“Dancing with the stars? You’re about as coordinated as a baby elephant,” Damian quipped, his words cutting through the tension like a knife.
With a resigned sigh, Jason sank into his seat, allowing himself to be swept up in the whirlwind of their antics. He ran his hand through his black and white locks as he grabbed the pitcher of orange juice.
Beside him, he heard Stephanie giggling as she and Tim typed chaotically on their phones and he heard his phone ding.
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He drags a hand down his face as he groans in exhasperation. No point in asking them to delete their posts, too many people had seen them already.
"I can't believe you did this," he grumbles to Dick, who shrugs.
"I'll be honest, Jason. Did I help? Yes. Was signing you up for Dancing with the Stars my idea? Possibly. Was I the one to initiate it? ...No." Jason looks at Dick quizzically. "Then who signed me up for this?" He asks, a little too calmly. Tim slouches in his seat.
"...Tim?" Jason asks slowly.
"Damian made me do it!" He says quickly, finishing his last sip of coffee and rushing out of the room. All eyes turned to Damian.
The boy sighs. "That's what you get for taking the last of Alfred's cookies," he says simply before exiting the dining room.
"I can't with you all," says Jason, beginning to feel overwhelmed with anxiety. "I'm going to go out. I'll see you at dinner." And he too leaves the room, running down to the Bat Cave.
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A/N: omg, this story has been in the back of my head for MONTHS now. i can't wait to start writing more! tysm for reading!!
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gilded-gotham · 7 months
girls don’t want flowers, girls want to see masked men do the head tilt.
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