gildedcas · 5 years
URL Change Alert!
destielrecycling —> gildedcas 👀
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gildedcas · 5 years
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I wanted to play around with lighting a bit, so here’s a Cas sketch!
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gildedcas · 6 years
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My digital art skills are Very Rusty but here’s Cas with a halo! Colors are from “Secret of Life” by Lord Huron :)
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gildedcas · 6 years
We’ve got a retweet from Ruth!
She retweeted My Hope Chest message with a very lovely note :) 
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gildedcas · 6 years
All the donations have been made! Congratulations, everyone! =D
We’re very excited to announce that all the hard work of this project has finally come to it’s charitable end. The donations have been made (a little later then we’d planned but the books took SO long to reach)! You can view them all below. Be proud, your guys’ beautiful artworks helped up to raise this money for five incredible charities.
Additionally, returns have been re-sent so all of you guys who are still waiting, your wait will end soon, we promise ;)
We are immensely proud of what we have all achieved, and we haven’t stopped smiling since we made the donations!
Random Acts:
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The Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas - Team Levi:
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Camp Conrad Chinnok:
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My Hope Chest:
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We donated almost 5000$ total! We would never be able to achieve that without you, thank you!!
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gildedcas · 6 years
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CASTIEL IS AN ACE ICON THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK Here’s my entry for the June 2018 @theroadsofararchive Challenge with the prompt LGBTQ+! Even though it’s not officially canon, Cas is highkey ace and it’s always nice to see characters like me so here’s a quick ace Cas :)
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gildedcas · 6 years
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Here’s my entry for May’s @theroadsofararchive Challenge! I was suuuuper excited for the prompt “Tarot” because I’ve been wanting to get back into actually doing tarot myself. I’m gonna call this part one because I think I’m gonna do more with this prompt :)
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gildedcas · 6 years
The Road So Far Challenge
Welcome to round two!  We can’t wait to see what you guys come up with.
If you haven’t finished your piece/s from last month then don’t worry, there’s no time limit. Just remember to tag us when you do post it.
We also keep a list of the tags new and old for this challenge so you can pick previous tags and create pieces for those if you want to. You can view them right here.
No need to sign up again. Once you’re on the artist’s page, you’re in. It’s more of a case of participate if you want to, if you can’t this month, you don’t have to, we’ll see you next month, etc.
Overall we just want this to be a nice, chilled challenge which artists can use to not only practice, but also to keep themselves drawing regularly each month. It’s stress-free because we don’t have any time limits.
Remember, you can produce as many pieces as you like featuring whichever characters you please (even for the same tag), and just a quick reminder, no NSFW or OC’s please.
You have the whole month to create your piece/s, and feel free to post them whenever you’re done. Be sure to tag us in the post.
Don’t be shy to take part too. You can sign up at any time during the month by clicking here and filling out our very short form. Full details of the challenge can be found here.
So without further ado, here are this month’s tags:
Sarah’s Choice:
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My choice for this month is:
(look how adorable they all are)
So basically, your piece should be themed around 1x01, and can feature any characters from this episode.
Triss’ Choice:
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Draw your favorite character as one of the 78 cards (pst there’s one called The Lovers, come on guys, ships), playing with a deck, or at a reading.
Who knows what future the cards may tell…
Randomly Generated Pick:
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This month’s chosen random tag is
The First Blade
As always, this can go with any character.  (MoC!Sam anyone?)
This month’s tags are
Pilot (1x01)
The First Blade
Additionally, we would also love to see a small caption beneath the piece. This of course isn’t mandatory but could be a nice addition.
Don’t be afraid to send us an ask if you have any questions, and most importantly…
Sarah and Triss xx
Keep reading
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gildedcas · 6 years
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Here’s my entry for the April 2018 @theroadsofararchive Challenge! I used the prompt “wings.”
I’ve been wanting to draw Cas with wings for absolutely forever so I was super pumped for this prompt. The full piece is kinda long and skinny, so I also added a cropped version for more visible detail. The colors in this are from “The Balancer’s Eye” by Lord Huron.
[click for better quality]
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gildedcas · 6 years
Welcome to first ever The Road So Far Challenge! We are so excited for this, and we just can’t wait to see what you guys come up with.
Remember, you can produce as many pieces as you like featuring whichever characters you please (even for the same tag), and just a quick reminder, no NSFW or OC’s please.
You have the whole month to create your piece/s, and feel free to post them whenever you’re done. Be sure to tag us in the post.
Don’t be shy to take part too. You can sign up at any time during the month by clicking here and filling out our very short form. Full details of the challenge can be found here.
So without further ado, here are this month’s tags:
Sarah’s Choice:
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That’s right, my chosen tag this month is:
Disney Parks The Place Where Dreams Come True
Set your imagination free for this enchanting tag as you choose your magical destination for the Supernatural characters to enjoy. Whether they’re: riding famous attractions, dressing up in various Disney accessories (e.g. hats, Minnie ears, etc), or eating some of the most recognisable foods of the parks, get that pixie dust flowing. And remember to be specific about which Disney park around the world they’re visiting.
Some links to help you on your way: Disneyland / Disney World / Tokyo Disneyland / Disneyland Paris Hong Kong Disneyland / Shanghai Disney Resort
Need some ideas to help get those creative juices flowing? How about:
Dean terrified on Soarin’
Cas in the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
Sam and Jess touring Disneyland Paris together
The Haunted Mansion filled with familiar faced happy haunts
Triss’ Choice:
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Any character, for any reason; angel wings, demon wings, butterfly wings, turn someone into Mothman, stick Dean out on the wing of an airplane, have fun with it.
Randomly Generated Pick: 
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The whole of the tag page was dumped into a generator and, if you haven’t already guessed it, this month’s randomly chosen tag is:
Awww, sweet, adorable Eileen.
As with the other tags, the choice of the characters you incorporate is up to you.
This month’s tags are:
Disney Parks
Additionally, we would also love to see a small caption (really doesn’t have to be long) beneath the piece setting the scene for the artwork. This of course isn’t mandatory but could be a nice addition to your piece.
And with that, all that’s left to say is: don’t be afraid to send us an ask if you have any questions, and most importantly…
Sarah and Triss xx
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gildedcas · 6 years
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Keep reading
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gildedcas · 6 years
The show: oh no!!1! Cas is being problematic™ and doing things the Winchesters don’t approve of!!1! UwU
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gildedcas · 7 years
Supernatural season 1: dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days
Supernatural season 13: Sam and Dean are trapped in Jurassic Park while the son of Satan rescues their mom from an alternate dimension and Castiel, angel of the lord, sits in Colonel Sanders’ Hell Jail™
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gildedcas · 7 years
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Ik I haven’t been making much art lately, but here’s (finally) another synesthesia Cas in “Spaceman” by the Killers!
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gildedcas · 7 years
Cas vowing to bug the shit out of the void man until he gives him what he wants is both my aesthetic and really fuckin relatable
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gildedcas · 7 years
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There he is
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gildedcas · 7 years
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One of my best friends started watching Supernatural and she wanted me to draw her a Destiel comic and this is the best my brain can come up with
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