gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Call Me Maybe (Epilogue)
Summary: When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
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Incoming Call from Lily of the Valley <3
“That was fast.” 
"I was going to ask if I could wait for Santa with you.” 
“I’ve already got Santa Watch up on my laptop. Why are you whispering, anyway?” 
“I don’t want my parents to hear.” 
“Evans! Are you not allowed to talk to your boyfriend past 10pm?”
"If my dad wakes up, he'll come in and ask way too many questions."
“Ahhh. He’s not still upset about you missing Christmas Eve with your family, is he?”
"I don't think so. Dursley invited them to his parents', so he'll probably be texting me under the table the whole time."
“I don’t want him to hate me. Then again, Vermin is my competition, so I feel pretty good about my chances of being the favorite son-in-law.”
"There's someone else you need to ask, you know, before you become that favorite." 
“Don’t worry, Evans. I’ve got a five year plan and you’re in it.”
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Where You Think You’re Going (Chapter 16)
Summary: When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
read on ao3 & ffn
"Remember," Mary said, nudging Lily over a few inches so they could share the bathroom mirror, "text me 911 if you need me to call and fake appendicitis."
Lily paused with her mascara wand by her eye. "You told me you had your appendix out in middle school."
"Petunia doesn't know that!" Mary answered, fluffing the back of her hair. "I'll fake my emergency, and then you and James can come back here."
"And tell you all about it?"
"You won't get too distracted with Benjy?" Lily lifted her eyebrow in the mirror.
"I set a special notification sound for you, and he knows about it. I'm not a rookie, Evans."
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Ripped Jeans, Skin Was Showing (Chapter 15)
Summary: When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
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Lily Evans is in a relationship with James Potter.
Petunia: [screenshot]
Petunia: What is this?? 
Petunia: WHO is this??
Me: my facebook profile??
Me: my boyfriend???
Petunia: Why am I finding out through Facebook that you have a boyfriend?
Me: okay Petunia how is this
Me: I have a boyfriend. His name is James and I like him a lot.
Me: [photo]
Me: here we are
Petunia: Does he style his hair to look like that? 
Petunia: How long has this been going on? 
Petunia: Do mom and dad know?
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Underneath the Tree: Fall (Chapter 4)
Summary: James is having a hard time adjusting to life as the sole Potter after his parents' passing, especially so close to Christmas time. When Remus offers him a job in his coffee shop for the season, he finds some reasons to enjoy this time of year. Like making hot chocolate for his new bakery friends from next door and exchanging notes with someone there named Doe.
Merry Christmas from @alrightginger and @women-inthe-sequel!
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Petunia rolls her eyes, but her expression changes in a second when the doorbell rings. "I bet that's Vernon," she says, checking her hair in the foyer mirror. She reaches for the door handle and opens it. "Darling, you're off a little early, but -"
Petunia freezes in place.
Lily spins to face the door. 
It's not Vernon. Her mother might still be trying to use the wrong potholder, but Lily doesn't even notice. She only has eyes for the boy in the door, feeling herself smile while her heart thumps like a racehorse running toward victory. 
"Merry Christmas, James."
James is standing there in her door frame, wearing an absolutely garish reindeer sweater. 
Lily thinks she might love him. 
“I’m not too early, am I?” he asks.
That's the same thing she was just thinking about her own emotions.
She takes a step forward. It's unfair that her sister is closer to James than she is. That has to be fixed immediately. 
"No. You're perfect,” Lily says, taking his hand to pull him inside. “Come in."
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Your Stare Was Holding (Chapter 14)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn’t expecting to find the right person behind it. She can’t stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can’t stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
Read chapter 14 on ao3 & ffn
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Head heavy and eyes burning from such a deep sleep, it took James several moments to blink himself awake. When he did, he took in what he knew of his surroundings. He was in his bedroom, in his own bed…
And there was a girl in his arms. 
A girl whose hair he had been nuzzling. 
A girl who sighed, content, and buried her head in his chest as she slept on. 
James paused for a moment, his confusion only slight as he remembered the previous night. He and Lily had kissed. A lot, if he was remembering correctly. They had spent most of the night kissing, in fact. 
And she asked to stay the night.
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Underneath the Tree: Snow (Chapter 3)
Summary: James is having a hard time adjusting to life as the sole Potter after his parents' passing, especially so close to Christmas time. When Remus offers him a job in his coffee shop for the season, he finds some reasons to enjoy this time of year. Like making hot chocolate for his new bakery friends from next door and exchanging notes with someone there named Doe.
Read chapter three on ao3 & ffn
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"It's snowing," she says, a little unnecessarily. 
“Oh - wow,” James says, following her movements. Snow is starting to lightly fall in his hair, sticking there, and Lily has the sudden urge to reach out and touch it. 
Lily closes the fingers of her outstretched hand to resist.
"It's perfect," Lily says, following the paths of a few snowflakes. "Do you…" She looks back to him and again swallows the urge to brush the snow from his hair. "Do you need to go home?"
He looks over at her, shaking his head. “Not really. There’s no one to really go home to, you know? Do you?”
"No," she says quietly. "No one really minds if I stay out. I wasn't sure how you felt about driving with us not knowing the forecast or - or…" She shakes her head, trying to get a grasp on what could easily turn into rambling. "Do you need to get warm?"
James laughs. “I’m fine, Lily. Really. No need to worry about me. I’m enjoying your company.”
"Okay. Good." Her fingers tingle with either cold or excitement at the fact that he doesn't want to leave either. "Let's go to the end of the block and then back to the car? We should take some pictures too."
He grins, making her feel warm to the tips of her fingers and toes. 
“Alright, Evans.”
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Welcome to Pettyville: I Wasn’t Looking for This (Chapter 13)
Ginger in the Sequel posting chapter 13 on the day Queen Taylor blessed us with evermore??? It’s fate!
Summary: When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
Read chapter 13 on ao3 & ffn
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Group Chat: Welcome to Pettyville
Me: was I being too subtle???
Padfoot: Idk
Padfoot: I think he’s broken 
Remus: You know what’s not subtle? 
Padfoot: Wow Remus you're sitting right next to me 
Padfoot: No need to shout
Me: but then he wins!!!
Me: whose side are you on??
Remus: The side that makes this end.
Padfoot: I think we all know that I’m…
Padfoot: TEAM VALLY 
Remus: Well done, Pads. 
Remus: You managed to put two words together and have them make sense. 
Me: I'm flattered Padfoot <3
Remus: I think we can just be team Lily now. 
Me: we all need to be Team Make James Admit It
Remus: Ugh. 
Remus: I hate this team. 
Padfoot: You need to lay on the charm Evans
Padfoot: Use your powers of...persuasion ;)
Remus: oh my god
Me: you think that will work??
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Underneath the Tree: Before You (Chapter 2)
Summary: James is having a hard time adjusting to life as the sole Potter after his parent's passing, especially so close to Christmas time. When Remus offers him a job in his coffee shop for the season, he finds some reasons to enjoy this time of year. Like making hot chocolate for his new bakery friends from next door and exchanging notes with someone there named Doe.
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“Oh my god,” James groans, slumping over and letting his head bang against a shelf of Christmas tree cakes that he absolutely doesn't need but sorely wants. He’s rounded this store three times already, and this seems to be the only thing he can find. It’s like a useless Little Debbie shaped north star that keeps calling back to him. 
He should just give into it at this point. Throw enough Little Debbie cakes in his cart for the week, and call it a day. 
“Are you okay?”
James shrieks. There’s no other word for the high pitched sound that comes out his mouth at that moment. Which is unfortunate, because when he turns, it’s to find Lily from the bakery standing there, head tilted and looking amused with a shopping basket hanging from her arm. 
“You scared me!” he tells her, leaning back against his cart for support. It rolls a bit down the aisle, and she follows him with her head still tilted and the amused smile still in place. 
"You didn't answer the question," she says as she walks beside him. "Are you okay?"
He considers lying and telling her he’s fine like he’s been doing with Remus, but, for some reason, the word won’t come out. 
For some reason, it’s harder around her. 
“No,” he admits, standing up straighter and running a hand through his hair. “I’m sort of… lost. I’m not sure what I’m doing.”
"Lost because you're shopping for something new? Or because of the Christmas season rush?" 
Lily reads something in his face. He sees her eyes soften as she moves closer to him to let someone pass them on the aisle.
"How can I help?"
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Pennies and Dimes (Chapter 12)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number? 
Read chapter 12 on ao3 & ffn
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Prongs: Soooo
Prongs: Have you found me yet?
Me: do you think I would keep it to myself if I had?
Prongs: No, I don’t 
Prongs: VALLLL
Prongs: I’m getting impatient over here
Me: my sister always says I love to brag
Me: is class girl not keeping you distracted??
Prongs: She is
Prongs: You have no idea how distracted
Me: clearly not enough :P
Prongs: Nice scarf today btw
Prongs: Loved all the little penguins printed on it
Me: you’re the worst
Me: (not really)
Prongs: Oh I really am. I’ve been told so several times. 
Prongs: Have fun at work my dear Val!
Me: how do you know everything???
Prongs: ;)
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gingerinthesequel · 3 years
Underneath the Tree: Cold and Grey (Chapter 1)
Merry Christmas Surprise from @alrightginger and @women-inthe-sequel! We will be updating weekly until Christmas.
Summary: James is having a hard time adjusting to life as the sole Potter after his parent's passing, especially so close to Christmas time. When Remus offers him a job in his coffee shop for the season, he finds some reasons to enjoy this time of year. Like making hot chocolate for his new bakery friends from next door and exchanging notes with someone there named Doe.
Read on ao3 & ffn
“The bakery next door is baking sugar cookies,” James tells Remus as soon as he opens the door to go back into the shop. 
Remus is a good friend, one of James' best friends, but this isn't the first time he's looked at a total loss. Since getting the news and helping with plans and everything in between, he's tried. He has let James call him in the middle of the night and slept over at his house when the emptiness echoed too much. He's sat through difficult conversations and spent hours researching terms to explain confusing legal language.
But he still can't make it better.
That, more than anything, is probably what makes him look like this when he doesn't know what to say. Remus likes to find an answer and solve a problem.
This - everything that’s happened in the last year - doesn't have a solution.
"Come inside," Remus says. "I'll open the front. Do you need a minute? Or - or anything else?"
James knows he probably looks a bit off, standing there in the doorway with wide eyes and parted lips. He knows Remus is still worried over him and that the way he’s acting over the smell of the sugar cookies from next door isn’t helping, but he can’t stop the next thing that comes out of his mouth. 
“Cookies,” he says, sounding desperate. “I need cookies. I need those cookies. The ones they’re making next door.”
Remus’ shoulders drop and the line on his forehead disappears. “Okay,” he says, relieved. “We’ll get some.” 
He goes back to the counter and reaches into the tip jar sitting by the register. Remus fishes around for the bills, but there aren’t many tips before the shop has opened for the day. 
“Could we offer a trade?” James suggests. “That’s a thing, right? People trade goods all the time. Some hot chocolate for some cookies?”
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gingerinthesequel · 4 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Trade My Soul for a Wish (Chapter 11)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number? 
Read Chapter 11 on ao3 & ffn
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“Hi,” he said, bringing her close and placing his hands on her waist. 
In one motion, she looped her arms over his shoulders and pulled them closer. Nearly toe to toe, James could appreciate the faint sprinkling of freckles over her nose. “Hi,” she replied. “Are you trying to sneak off with me?”
“Am I that obvious?” he asked, nuzzling her nose with his. “I was hoping to steal you away for a bit. I hope that’s okay with you.”
“More than okay.” He could hear the smile in her voice, already familiar to him. “I’ll study later. Remus can go over my Lit outline with me at work.”
“‘I’ll study later’ has always been my motto. Maybe it’s why I’m so rubbish at Bio.” 
“You’re not actually rubbish at Bio,” Lily said. “Or, at least, you’re getting better. I saw the grade on your last quiz. You might even make Dean’s List, Potter.”
The corner of her mouth was distracting him, the way it twitched upward, finding him humorous. He placed a kiss on it. They hadn’t been able to do much exploring in the kissing department. They only shared a few quick kisses here and there since their first date, and even those had been cut short by their friends or timing in general. He was eager to put an end to that now that he was finally alone with her. 
“Studying is boring,” he said, placing a kiss to the tip of her nose and then to her cheek. He had so much to explore. It was intoxicating. “What should we do instead?”
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gingerinthesequel · 4 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Now You’re in My Way (Chapter 10)
Summary: When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number? Muggle AU.
Happy Petty Friday! 
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Prongs: ...there has been a development 
Wormtail: what happened?
Padfoot: I only hear one set of footsteps
Padfoot: You didn't bring Evans home
Moony: I think what Sirius means is...
Moony: How did your date go, James?
Prongs: It was great 
Prongs: Amazing 
Prongs: Wonderful 
Prongs: I’m going to marry this girl 
Wormtail: wow that good?
Padfoot: Gag 
Padfoot: Nothing against Evans but I’m still hopeful for Team Val 
Moony: Oh Sirius. 
Prongs: Then I think you’ll be happy with this development Pads 
Prongs: Lily is Val
Wormtail: what???
Moony: If you all heard a worrying thump, don't be too worried. 
Moony: Sirius just fell out of bed.
Padfoot: dbdjdb
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gingerinthesequel · 4 years
Welcome to Pettyville: As I Fell (Chapter Nine)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number?
Read chapter nine on ao3 & ffn
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“There’s also,” he added with great emphasis, “an ice cream shoppe next door that we can walk to for dessert, if you want.”
“I always want dessert.”
He made a mental note to thank Remus for the tip as he watched her face light up at the suggestion. His confidence was steadily increasing. Maybe he wouldn’t totally screw this up after all. 
He could do this. 
He could take Lily Evans out on a date, and not totally flounder it. 
He’d have to figure it out, because ten minutes later, he was parking in front of the restaurant, looking over at Lily. 
“Ready?” he asked. 
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gingerinthesequel · 4 years
Welcome to Pettyville: I Looked at You (Chapter 8)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number? Muggle AU. 
Updates every Friday!
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“Mary says I worry too much. But if I’m here, I want to give it my best shot, right?”
“Of course you do. That doesn’t mean you can’t also take a break and enjoy yourself.”
“I’m getting better at that.” Lily looked over at him. She seemed to consider him for a few seconds and, he thought, liked what she saw. “I went to a party and even let a boy walk me home.”
“That’s true,” he said, bumping her shoe with his own. “What would you say to the same boy taking you to dinner?” 
Instantly, the teasing left her face. Lily looked surprised, more than anything else. “Like, um…” She turned over the words. “Like a date?”
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gingerinthesequel · 4 years
Welcome to Pettyville: I’ll Never Tell (Chapter 7)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number? Muggle AU. Updates every Friday!
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Happy Petty Friday!
Me: I have a question
Prongs: Fire away
Me: how did you know that you liked class girl?
Prongs: Hmm Prongs: I just knew I guess Prongs: I don’t know how to explain it other than it was like something hit me Prongs: It could have been her laugh or how smart she is or any combination of things but it was almost like I didn’t have a choice in the matter Prongs: One day I simply liked her and couldn’t see past her and that was it Prongs: Why do you ask?
Me: I met this boy Me: but idk
Prongs: You met a boy??? Prongs: And I’m just now hearing about him??? Prongs: VAL Prongs: WE DON'T KEEP SECRETS Prongs: You know, except for names and like everything else
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gingerinthesequel · 4 years
Welcome to Pettyville: Don’t Ask Me (Chapter 6)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number? Muggle AU. Updates every Friday!
Read Chapter 6 on ao3 & ffn
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“Don’t talk to her like that,” Lily snapped, purposely lowering her shoulders and trying to appear that much taller. “You’re blocking both of us from living our lives and seeing our friends. Go home, Severus.” 
“Which friends?” he asked quickly, unable to let it go. His eyes looked her up and down, taking in the way she was dressed for the first time. “Are you going to a party?”
"What if I am?"
“It’s not like you.” 
“What do you know about what she’s like?” Mary scoffed. “You haven’t known her for awhile now. Things change. A cute boy invited her to a party. She wants to go. She’s allowed to go.”
For a moment, Severus’ mouth just hung there, gaping at Lily as if she had caught on fire. “What boy?” he asked finally. 
"None of your business," Lily answered stiffly. "What does it matter, anyway? You're going to have a problem with whoever I say."
“Do you even know this boy? It could be dangerous. Things happen to girls at parties, Lily.”
“Please,” said Mary, rolling her eyes. “Potter isn’t dangerous. He’s a dork.”
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gingerinthesequel · 4 years
Welcome to Pettyville: A Threw a Wish in the Well (Chapter 5)
Summary:  When Lily Evans accidentally sends a text to the wrong number, she isn't expecting to find the right person behind it. She can't stop talking to Prongs. The only thing is, Prongs can't stop talking about the girl in his class. What could go wrong, other than the number? Muggle AU. Updates every Friday!
Read chapter 5 on ao3 & ffn
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“Oh my god,” she answered, propping her chin on her hand. “Boys can be so dumb.”
“They really can. Speaking as a boy myself, you have no idea how dumb.” His eyes flickered toward the door. “Oh, look. Speak of the devil. There’s James.”
“Who?” Lily’s gaze followed his, where she recognized the boy rushing through the doorway. “You know James? He’s in my Bio class.”
“Huh,” Remus said, as if this information was both expected and surprising.
Lily furrowed her brow but followed James’ path from the door.
“Hey there,” said James casually once he approached their counter. He waved at Remus before turning to smile at Lily. “Long time, no see.”
Standing up straight, she raised her hand in a brief wave. “Hi, James. Did you have better luck with the lecture today?”
“Oh yeah,” he told her, gripping the strap of his bag. “Today was much better. I think your notes from last time probably helped me understand everything a bit more.”
“Great. I’m glad.” She offered him a smile and brushed her ponytail back over her shoulder. “Maybe we can swap notes or review before the midterm.”
“That’s a good idea,” Remus said. “Didn’t you say you wanted someone to help you study in Bio, James?”
“Oh… oh,” said James, blinking rapidly. “That’s right. I’m sort of in the market for a study buddy. Seeing as I’m rubbish at Bio.”
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