goddessguru-blog1 · 5 years
“Stop apologizing. You don’t have to say sorry for how you laugh, how you dress, how you make your hair, how you speak. You don’t have to be sorry for being yourself. Do it fearlessly. It’s time to accept this is you, and you gotta spend the rest of your life with you. So start loving your sarcasm, your awkwardness, your weirdness, your unique sense of humor, your everything. It will make your life so much easier to simply be yourself.”
— Unknown
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goddessguru-blog1 · 6 years
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~Offering Stones~
This is a great way to give back to the earth when collecting anything from it.
The item you are taking is making a sacrifice of itself to you it will be bent to your will and needs.
Giving back after you have taken shows respect to the place you took it from and ensures nourishment for the plant or earth or water what ever it may be that you value its sacrifice.
Or a simple thank you if you don’t plan to return to the place you took from these stones are great for travel altars.
You do not have to make an offering or if you don’t have the available items or money or if you don’t have the means to make it.
A simple offering of corn meal also works.
Offering Stones Recipe:
2 Cups Flour 2 Cups Warm water 1 Cup Salt 2 Tbs Olive oil (vegetable oil works as well) 1 Tbs Cream of tartar
That is the simple recipe for plain stones you can get creative as you like though and add herbs, dried flowers, essential oil (a few drops) Biodegradable glitter, food coloring, stones, the sky is the limit! Keep in mind they need to be biodegradable don’t put charms or plastic into these
Combined the ingredients in a bowl first to get out any lumps. Then put in a pot and cook on the stove on low heat! It will come together quicker than you think.
It will form a dough once formed and you can touch it without the dough sticking to your fingers, put it on a surface to cool kneading gently to work what’s left of the moisture into the dough.
Form your stones get creative and while working with the dough set your intentions into it keep love and light into your heart as you make them remembering you are giving back to mother Gaia and her beautiful majesty. The God and Goddess Smile upon your workings dear one.
Now once the stones are complete (you will yield quite a lot my batch turned out 203!! Keep in mind I was using a mold which you can use!)
You may leave them to dry for a few days in a dry warm area. However depending on your humidity and where you live (basement, mildew or moldy area, damp apartment etc.) I highly recommend baking them in your oven at 200 F (93 C) keep an eye on them!
Then after that you are ready to give back to the universe happy crafting and blessed be~ 🌻
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goddessguru-blog1 · 6 years
Offering Stones
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Hello, there is a post on tumblr here that shows you how to make offering stones. They are beautiful! But additional reblogging of the post included mentions that baking soda is not safe for nature. So I tried to come up with a different type of offering stone that isn’t harmful. I attempted several experiments before I finally remembered making gingerbread ornaments as a kid that were not edible. The recipe I have for you is simple, completely environmentally safe and it will not mold over time.
Cinnamon Offering Stone Recipe:
Âľ cup of applesauce
4 ounces of Cinnamon (about two jars from a grocery store)
Put the applesauce in a bowl and slowly mix in the cinnamon a little at a time. It will eventually start to thicken and ball up into a dough that you can form with your hands.
I added some herbs and flowers that I have dried myself just for an extra touch (although the cinnamon stones are a sufficient offering themselves) Pictured are thyme, rosemary, peppermint, roses, sage (leaf and flower).
Preheat your oven to 200° (fahrenheit) and bake them for 2 hours.
It’s up to you what size/shape you make them, so get creative! I made mine smaller (an inch to inch and a half) and made circular and heart shapes. I was able to get 33 cinnamon stones. (Added tip:  if you have a spot in your grocery store where you can buy “bulk” spices and measure your own, I suggest getting the cinnamon there. I was able to get 4 oz for about $3.15 which I know is cheaper than if I had purchased two jars of it.)
I am so glad these turned out this wonderfully! It really bummed me out when I found out the other recipe was no good. I wanted something that I could give back to nature if I take something (such as a rock or herb). You can leave these as a thank you or you can also offer these to a god or goddess.
The most important thing is that these are totally safe for the environment!
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goddessguru-blog1 · 6 years
Offering stones
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When taking something from nature, such as herbs, it is nice to give something back. You can leave these lovely air-dry stones in places such as the forest as a way to say thank you. Leaving these in nature is also totally safe for the environment. You can also offer these to a god/goddess.
2 cups of baking soda
1 cup of corn starch
1 ½ cups cold water
Mix until smooth, then put it in a pan and stir until it boils. Keep stirring until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Let it cool and take the clay out of the pan. It should feel really smooth and you will probably play with it alot before you are even going to make the stones :)
I added some herbs and flowers, such as rosemary, lavender, roses, carnations, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, some blue flowers of which I don’t know the name and some orange berries that I found near the park.
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I just made a little ball, then made a hole in it and added some herbs.
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Now you can decorate it! You can add anything and shape them in any way you want. As you can see I made some squares, hearts, blobs and even an easter egg :) I’ve seen some people use glitter and I recommend you don’t add any glitter since that is actually bad for the environment. I tried using normal white sugar as an alternative, but i noticed that the stones got kind of wet, which I should’ve seen coming. Not sure what’s going to happen when it dries so I’ll keep you guys updated.
I’m so happy with these and I am definitely going to use these for Ostara ^^ Of course you can use this recipe to make anything you want, not just offering stones. 
I hope this was helpful for you guys ^-^
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goddessguru-blog1 · 6 years
Updated Resource Masterpost
Astral Projection
Are you over-complicating astral travel?
Beginner Witchcraft
9 ingredients every aspiring witch needs
A witch’s library
Grimoire organization ideas
Cleansing and charging items
Basic herbs
Candle magic
Candle magic omens
50 simple charms
Magical Metals: The Basics
Incense Uses and meanings
Herb magic: rose colors and magic
Magical correspondences of food
Yankee candle theoi associations
Cosmic Witchcraft
Cosmic Witchcraft 101: Tips for beginners
Cosmic witch tip
Cosmic Witchcraft 101: Lunar magic
Cultural Appropriation
On Smudging
Reminder about the term spirit animal
Cursing 101
Deity Related (not Pantheon specific)
Mythological book recommendations
Devotional acts don’t have to be high maintenance
Alternative Altars and devotions
A friendly gentle reminder
Green Witchcraft
Study tips for herbalists
Ways to help save bees
Herbal amulets
Hellenic Polytheism
Veiling and binding
Hair and hair binding in Pre-classical Greece
Breif deity prayers
Basic Hellenic supplies
Basic Hellenic offering ritual
Hellenic crafts for kids
Small things about the Theoi
2016 Hellenion Calendar
Kemetic Polytheism
Some Kickass papercrafts
Kemetic holidays
Goddesses and Gods of the Ancient Egyptians
Shrine Basics
Daily Ritual Basics
Saying “Hi” to Netjeru
Kitchen Witchcraft
Moon cakes
Using soda in witchcraft
Offerings and Devotion for Specific Deities [Mostly Hellenic ATM]
Offerings for Haides
Devotional acts for Hermes
Offerings/Devotional acts for Aphrodite
Persephone Offerings
Hymn for Helios
More devotional act for Hermes
Other Masterposts
A Spirit-workers holy grail
DIY Witchery masterpost
A huge masterpot !!Great for beginners!!
Cosmic witch masterpost
Protecting and shielding masterpost
Astral travel/projection masterpost
A masterpost for space witches
Resources for Hellenismos
Pie’s Hellenic Polytheism Resource page
“Give Me Sunshine” Potion for happiness
Secret witches
How to hide an altar (Also: Altoid tin travel kits)
Discrete witch tip: charge your toothbrush
Herbal and floral waters (Also good as offerings to deities/lots of other things)
Sigil Magic
3 Sigils by witchofthunder
Homophobes cannot see me
Banish the bullshitter spell
Jar spell to attract love
Herbal sleep and dream pillows
Tarot cards
Twelve Olympians spread
Is an entity contacting me spread
I’m fucking perfect spread
Deity identification spread
Am I worth much spread
Witch Tips
Witch Tip: Disabled tip
Making your room magical
Witchling tips
Witch tip (if you crochet)
A witchy tip (if you’re having guests)
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goddessguru-blog1 · 6 years
Master Post for Beginner Witches
Remember that you don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, and this list isn’t a requirement for witchcraft, just suggestions. Don’t let ANYONE invalidate you as a witch. Whether you have been doing this for 5 mins or 50 years, you are still a witch. Special love, energy, and snaps sent to all the people responsible for these amazing posts: ♥
Basic Information/Anthology etc.
• Good things to research when you don’t know where to research (START HERE)
• Types of Witches & Witchcraft
• The Boring but IMPORTANT Basics of Witchcraft
• Beginner Witchcraft
• Crystals to Have on Your Altar (Altars aren’t required but if you do use one, this may be helpful)
• Familiars (The Who What Hows)
• The Goddess and the God (If following a Wicca Path, and just remember you need to find the path just for you. No one else can tell you how/who to worship)
Spell/Ritual Work
• Ways to Cleanse
• Magick of the Moon Phases (Familiarize yourself with this, many witches use the phases of the moon for spells, rituals, etc)
• Spirit Work for beginners 
• Crystal Cleansing (Important if you are going to work with crystals)
• Salt & Witchcraft (You know witches love their salt)
• Spell Writing Tips for Beginners
• Divination Tips for Beginners
• Spell Loopholes (A Must Read)
• Reading a Candle
• Color Magick (Lots of great ideas on how to include color witchcraft in your daily routine)
• Simple beginner Spells 
• 50 simple Charms
Stock Up & Set Up! (Materials, meanings, etc.)
• Basic Herbs List
• Magical Correspondence and foods
• Cleansing and Charging Items
• Some Crystals for Beginners
• Crystals/Stones Grouped by Use
• Witchcraft Basics plants
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goddessguru-blog1 · 6 years
Accepting Your Seasons
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Happy autumn and happy October babies! In honor of the seasons changing and mood shifts going on right now I want to talk to you guys about seasons. Being a plant mom means I get to watch my little loves grow and thrive every day but the weather has inspired me somewhat. With some things dying and some things flourishing its left me thinking about the seasons of plants in relation to ourselves. Every plant has their own season. There's one to plant seeds, to grow, to cultivate, to bloom, and so on. However, not every plants seasons are the same. Not all plants thrive in the same enviornment either. So in those aspects you could say that we are much like plants. Not all of us thrive in the same enviornments as others. Some of us excel in social settings, some don't. Some are most comfortable in the winter months, some are more at ease in the summer, etc. So much like plants we all have our own seasons as well and not everyone's seasons coincide with each other. While it might be your season to bloom it is my season to grow. This is something we need to remind ourselves of. I've been catching myself scrolling through instagram, YouTube, and whatever else lately watching people live these beautifu, wild, and crazy lives and feeling stagnant thinking "I could do that. I have just as much talent and potential as them. Why am I not living that life?" This is when I have to remind myself that it is their season, not mine. They are blooming. Granted, not everything you see on social media is true and we all know this but I do hope that it is because I want to fully support them during their time while remembering that my time is coming.
Okay. Trust me, I know it's not easy. I feel like a bird in a cage lately. I think I have so much potential, so many things I want to do, so many experiences to have and there's a negative force in the back of my mind screaming "You're wasting time! This is your prime and here you are back in your hometown rotting away. What happened to you?" The words I am writing now, the truth I am speaking out, this is the sword I am using to cut down those thoughts, the weeds born from bad seeds planted long ago. I know better. This is my time for cultivation and as much as I want to jump on a plane to Indonesia or go dance in a field of like-minded people my intuition insistently tells me to stay. I am obedient to her and I listen. She tells me, "this is spiritual warfare, there's a battle to be fought here". The universe has specifically lead me to this exact point in life to learn and instead of trying to claw my way out I need to heed to the flow, listen, be present, and learn. Maybe not in your life but in my own. We all have seasons of spiritual warfare and I want to encourage you guys to remember this! Do not compare yourself to others for we all blossom in a variety of enviornments. Accept your season, recognize it for what it is, and make the most of it. Most importantly, lets all support each other during these times.
water your garden loves, xoxo
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goddessguru-blog1 · 6 years
Snakes in Tow
I've spent the entire day letting musings roll through my mind and feeling the insistent pull to put them out into the universe to be known but I have a problem sticking to one subject. I honestly don't even know where to start but here the hell it is anyway. I had a dream last night about a boy I've been heart broken over for on and off about a year now. We are kindred spirits. Also, we're both conveniently Scorpios if that tells you anything. Always hot or cold, no in-between. My dreams have always been super vivid and like little memos to me from the universe. I get major deja vu but not just like "hey I think I've done this before" but legit I think I see the future in my sleep type stuff. Ever heard of Akashic Records? Look it up, neat stuff. I'll be doing everyday activities when this happens. Last week for example, I was sweating bullets outside under the sun that no matter how many times I moved away from kept following me and driving nails out of a massive stack of cypress. Don't even ask, this season of my life is called manual labor. So as I was doing this and cursing the heck out of these boards the universe literally spoke to me through Hotel California on the radio and I got that deja vu feeling. I knew deep in the core of my soul that I'd dreamt of this exact moment before. Sometimes you just know things, ya know? Intuition. That's how the universe speaks to me and I know that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be no matter how hot and sweaty the moment may be. Hopefully Mama Earth will send me a much more appreciated hot and sweaty moment later on if ya know what I mean. Anyway, with that being said, when I am shown something in a dream I listen. I don't always remember every important detail but in the gist of this one the aforementioned boy went to the moon for whatever reason and while he was there I was informed that he died. I mourned in my dream. Like gut wrenching, heart shattering emotions spewed out of me and I hit the ground screaming. Knowing that time doesn't actually exist in my subconsciousness I can't tell you how long that lasted but in the next scene I could feel my heart healing. I was recovering through music much like I used to do as a child. I was writing a song for him that I am currently kicking myself for not waking up and writing down because it was damn good. As I was writing this song in my dream I felt so anxious. People kept coming around while I was working and I got the feeling they were trying to steal my lyrics to use as their own. Then I woke up. What does this mean? It feels fairly simple to me really. Him going to the moon, an unreachable place, much like I feel that I cant reach him now. His emotions are completely shut down and walled off to me. I miss him as if I missed a dead loved one. I also feel like my subconscious was giving me and my inner self the chance to mourn that I haven't even allowed my conscious self to do. I've done everything I can not to think about it. Hence the manual labor. The last part I didn't understand until just now as I'm writing this but I think the anxiety I felt from the people around me was just exactly that. I'm afraid someone will steal my joy. It's as simple as a friend texting me out of the blue informing me of his affairs or him texting me himself while I'm writing about the dreams I'm having. Get the hint? His particular text went along the lines of "I'm so sorry. I'm just fucked up and dead inside."
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I've been thinking about snakes a lot lately. Mostly because I'm tapping into my divine feminine and snakes are very similar to women in the way that we shed our skins(women shed eggs, snakes shed skin) but I just feel like they are seriously misunderstood beings. They get a bad rep with the whole Garden of Eden thing. Honestly snakes are beautiful and enticing in a sort of seductive, evil way. Yeesh. Now, with that being said I would like to invite you to take a look at some of the snakes in your life. Alluring, toxic, dangerous. Ringing any bells? So while I do have empathy for this beautiful, misunderstood creature. I mean really they cant help it. But I sure as hell would never stick my hand out for one knowing I'm going to get bit. Don't put yourself in the line of fire and stop getting bit. Don't get me wrong sometimes I do envision myself as this bad ass gypsy goddess with snakes always in tow but for the sake of this analogy lets just say that I would never let one within my vicinity which is probably actually true as hell. Funny how I sat down to write this with no idea where it was going but it all fell into place as it was supposed to. Always in the flow.
goodnight, don't let the snakes bite
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goddessguru-blog1 · 7 years
october 26 2017
It’s memories that make me wish I were artistic enough to illustrate the images in my head. I will never be able to show another person the things I once loved that no longer exist. I’ll never show someone my childhood home that burnt down years ago. No one will ever know the blood, sweat, and tears my parents put into that home and the awe I had as I watched this little house thrive in a toxic environment much like myself, but I know it was there. I can’t illustrate the infatuation I had for my first love and the ground breaking, soul ripping, emptiness I felt after being told I wasn’t enough but I know it was there. I can’t share with my closest friends all the evil I’ve seen within my short twenty years of living and the amount of sorrow I carry for all the lost things in life, but I know it’s there. It’s always there.
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