goodlucklove-mavin · 10 years
Carnival Date (pt 2)
Length: Part 2 of 2. Sorry for the long wait! It's here it's finally here!
part one: http://goodlucklove-mavin.tumblr.com/post/33067346001/carnival-date
Rated: PG-13/Language
Summary: Michael takes Gavin out to the carnival, aka their ‘first date’. But the entire time, Michael finds it quite hard to accept the fact that he’s, well, in love with a man. While poor Gav just wants to hold Michael’s hand and be with him and have just a lovely, romantic time. ( Idea requested by an awesome person with amazing ideas *o* )
How do I look? Clean? Michael snatched the black comb from his counter and quickly slipped it under the stream of water flowing out of the faucet. He brushed his hair to the left first. Then the right. Then he threw the comb into the sink and ruffled his hair back to it’s natural feral state. “Damn it Gavin, why do you have to make things so difficult.” The brit had suggested after work that they both go home to “get ready” before they left for their “carnival date”. Yep, he’d said those exact words, despite how many times Michael reminded him half-heartedly it was in fact, not a date.
Michael quickly splashed some water onto his perspiring pink face in hopes of toning down the color. He didn’t want Gavin to think he was blushing. He looked up into the mirror and saw the reflection of a confused auburn headed man staring back at him. That’s me… He shrugged. He looked different. Maybe he hadn’t been spending much time staring at himself in the mirror lately, but something was definitely off. His mouth was curved in an odd half frown half smirk  at default, and his eyes sparkled with something ... weird. He splashed his face one last time and left the bathroom without looking in the mirror again.
Oh god, Gavin was expecting him to be at his door in 20 minutes. Where were his nice pants? They were just jeans of course, but, his nice jeans. He found them under a pile of dirty clothes and slipped them on quickly and routinely. Shirt?  He shuffled through his closet for something appropriate but all the T-shirts just seemed … not good enough. A dress shirt would have been way too over the top and might send the wrong message. He settled for a nicely ironed button up and decided to leave it untucked. He took a quick glance at the clock. Shit, 10 minutes! He grabbed his keys and slid on his shoes. Michael’s hand reached for the doorknob when he suddenly stopped ; I’m forgetting something. Not his wallet, not his keys. He ran back into his room and looked around. His eye caught on a glass bottle sitting on top of his dresser and he grabbed it, giving himself a quick spritz of the old bottle of Bvgari Black he rarely ever used. Michael coughed at the initial smell and worried for a split second—that  it might be too strong and that Gavin might think so too and not want to sit near him or think that he was trying too hard or what if Gavin absolutely hated the scent? Then he wouldn’t — He was already late! He shook his head to rid of the condescending train of thought and hurriedly slipped on his shoes. Is it too much? Nah, he decided. Gavin at least deserved this from Michael. He really, really wanted this to be a date. He deserved a lot that Michael never gave him.
Michael arrived at Geoff’s house, preparing himself to apologize for being 5 minutes late, but Gavin wasn’t even outside yet. Michael turned off his engine and slipped his phone out of his back pocket, clicking on his screen and once more feeling a satisfied smile tug at the corners of his lips as his background popped up. Just as he was preparing to dial Gavin’s number (it was on speed dial), he heard a knock on the glass that made him jump. Staring back at him was a neatly groomed, clean shaven, well dressed grinning british man. Michael looked aside to hide his blushing and rolled his window. “Get in the car you dweeb.” He muttered.
“Aw, Mi-cool. That’s all I get greeted with?” Gavin pouted, leaning in through the window so that he was only a few inches away from Michael’s cute face. “Mi-cool, are you wearing cologne?” he took a big sniff and bore his shiny whites. “Thank you Mi-cool…” He almost whimpered.
“Yeah I figured you’d like it. Get in the car.” Michael replied, secretly taking a victory for that last minute decision, and patted the seat beside him. “Door’s unlocked.”
“It’s bloody hot i’nt it? Christ.” Gavin commented, buckling his seat.
“You can turn on the AC if you want.” Michael replied seemingly nonchalant, looking behind him as he cautiously backed out of the drive way. He placed his hand behind the passenger seat and used it as leverage to get a clear view of the street behind him. Gavin observed Michael’s concentrated face. He smelled the cologne on his wrists and the lackluster curls on his head that suggested he’d been combing it excessively before he drove over. Michael sure liked to deny it, but Gavin knew. They both knew. He gave him a quick smooch on the cheek for being just so offhandedly adorable. “What are you—!”
“Thank you Mi-cool. This is a great date already.” Gavin interrupted giddily. Michael blushed and quickly clicked on the radio as if the music would drown out his embarrassment.
Date. It was sort of a date, wasn’t it?
The boys arrived at the carnival at what seemed to be it’s busiest hour. It was about 7pm; Wasn’t quite dark yet, but the sun was definitely beginning to cool down. Michael got out of the car and shut the door loudly behind him. He made his way over to the brunette’s side of the car and opened the door for him. “What are you doing? Come ou-“
“Thank you Mi-cool.” Gavin snickered, grabbing the man’s hands as he stood up. Gavin free was an absolute prince; His charming chuckle, his killer smile, the way he elegantly stepped out of the vehicle, God Michael was going absolutely crazy and there was no more heat for him to blame it on.
“Gavin people are looking” he growled unaggressively as he shook off the grip of the man’s hand when he realized what they were doing.
“No one’s looking Mi-cool…” Gavin mumbled; the giddy expression he’d had on his face slowly disappearing. He closed the door behind him and slumped ever-so-slightly.
The thing was, Michael knew no one was looking, but he couldn’t help it. The paranoia was eating him alive. What if, though. What if people were looking? Michael didn’t want anyone to think they were…dating. But it was a date, wasn’t it? He’d gotten ready for it—with care and extra effort. He’d picked up Gavin from his house, they had a set time and everything.
“Let’s get tickets before more people show up.” Michael said, running up ahead. When he realized Gavin was lagging behind , he waved for him to catch up but the brunette didn’t seem to want to listen. Michael slowed down a little and waited for him to catch up but said nothing, even as he saws those big, sad green eyes approaching, practically glued to his feet.
With tickets in hand, the two entered the mystical fairground together. Booths flashed bright reds and whites, lights hung from every sign and on poles up above them, from the rides came screaming voices and laughing of people of all ages. Michael hadn’t felt this exhilarated in a long time. “Man, look at this place! It’s fuckin’ magical is what it is!” He looked towards his companion hoping for a similar response but instead he was met with a confused glance from a stranger. “Gavin?” He gasped. “Gavin?” He raised his voice a little higher and turned around, searching for the man’s golden brown hair amongst the crowd of families and couples. He spotted him by a booth with stacked up cups and the stand owners juggling three balls each. Loads of enormous stuffed animals displayed on a rope as prizes. He shoved his way against the current of people and caught up to him. Gavin hadn’t noticed him come up. His eyes were transfixed, instead, on the giant plushy sheep that hung above one of the guns. Michael could tell he wanted it, he wanted it bad. “Hey bud.” He said, placing a gentle arm on the man’s shoulder.
“Mi-cool” He replied dreamily and unphased; perhaps he was aware of his presence and just didn’t bother to say anything. “I want it.” He turned to look at the curly haired man beside him with big, adorning eyes.
“What, the sheep?”
“Yes the sheep, it reminds me of you. My little Mi-cool sheep…” His voice faded into a little whimper. Michael’s eyes quickly glanced around, making sure no one heard his subtle but suggestive comment. People can hear you! He wanted to remind him, but hadn’t he reminded Gavin enough? His gentle frown and his doe-like eyes. How could Michael not get it for him?
“Alright, step aside and let the pros at it.” Michael said confidently, rolling up his sleeves as if this wasn’t the first time he was playing one of these games. “Hey, toss me a ball.” He called to the man in the striped outfit. He approached with a kind, welcoming smile and ecstatically explained the rules.
Twenty dollars. Twenty dollars until he finally knocked down all the stupid cups and got the stupid sheep all because of a stupid whimper from a British boy’s not-so-stupid face. “We got a winner!” The man yelled finally, it seemed like he’d been routing for Michael to get it the entire time and gladly pulled down the stuffed animal above his head. Gavin stood with his fists clenched in sheer excitement and reached out for it. The man gave Michael a chuckle and leaned in to whisper, “He’s gonna remember this. Be good to him.” and patted Michael roughly on the shoulder.
“Yeah…” Michael replied quietly; dazed by the kindness of the man and his comment. He turned to face Gavin and gave him a bright smile. “So, is it everything you’d hoped?”
“Oh it’s fantastic Mi-cool! You’re the best. This date is absolutely top!” He squee-ed, giving the sheep a big cuddle and kissing it right on the nose. “I love you, Mi-cool.”
“Gavin! Shut up—“ Michael’s tone came out more aggressively than he’d intended, and he quickly shook his head to fix his mistake but Gavin’s eyebrows already began to furrow. “Wait, I’m sorry it’s just I hate when you—“
“I know Mi-cool! I already know how you hate it...” He wiped frustratedly at his eyes as his nose began to redden. Michael’s throat went dry. He didn’t mean to upset him, that was the last thing he wanted. He just spent the last hour trying to win the man a stuffed animal, for god’s sake.
“Gavin it’s not that I don’t want it… I just…”  He gently tugged Gavin’s arm aside but he refused to move or even look up at him. Michael felt his heart drum against his chest.
“Want what exactly, Mi-cool? Can you tell me that?” Gavin wasn’t angry, he just sounded hurt. Hurt in a way that made Michael hurt too.
“You know what I mean, Gav…” Even now he whispered it in fear of eavesdroppers. Gavin hated when Michael did this. He hated feeling like he had to be kept a secret. Why was Michael so embarrassed?
“Why can’t you just goddamn admit it Mi-cool? Just say it!” Gavin threw the sheep onto the ground and Michael felt his heart tighten as its pure white fur was soiled with the dirty fairgrounds.
“No Mi-cool! Say it or it’s not real to me anymore.” He realized how unreasonable he was being, but—but no, he wasn’t being unreasonable. Was it unreasonable to ask for acknowledgement? It surely wasn’t. Michael was the one being unreasonable. Always so ashamed, always
“—trying to hide the fact that we’re dating…” He sputtered through his blurry eyes.
“Gavin, please…” Michael’s voice began to quiver too. How could he let himself become so selfish? So caught up in his own paranoia and embarrassment that he couldn’t even put Gavin’s feelings above it. He thought winning the sheep would somehow make up for how he’d acted earlier back at the office but… it definitely did not. Michael had messed up, he’d messed up bad and it wasn’t just this one time. He’d been messing things up for a long time. “—come here.” He grabbed the man’s hand with his left and picked up the sheep with his right. Together, Michael dragged the three of them all the way to the other end of the carnival.
“Mi-cool where are we going…” Gavin sniffled, once in a while bumping into people as he was pulled through the crowd. They stopped, finally, and both looked up at what was probably the brightest attraction in the whole park. The Ferris wheel moved slowly as people loaded onto their separate little seats. It had to be at least 150 feet tall, and by far the most popular ride there. The line stretched all the way into the food area and looped back around again. Michael grunted frustratedly and handed the sheep to Gavin so he could pinch his nose bridge and figure out what to do. A familiar voice called out to them and both the boys looked up; one in tears and one furrowing his brows annoyedly.
“ You boys lookin’ to get on the ferris wheel?” It was the man from the booth before, the one that had patted Michael’s shoulder after he won the sheep for Gavin. Apparently he’d switched over to tending the Ferris wheel while the two had been arguing. That was… quick, Michael thought, and somehow the man had picked them out individually from the crowd, almost as if he’d been expecting them. Gavin looked to Michael for an answer.
“…Yeah, we were.” Michael replied. He’d had a plan to make everything up to Gavin, but by the time they actually got on the ride, the carnival would have probably been over.
“I can help y’all out.” The man grinned and his teeth glowed white, even in the reflection of all the colored lights around him. He curled his finger and signaled them to step closer to the gate. They two looked at each other and slowly approached the oddly generous worker.
“We don’t want to get you into any trouble.” Michael looked back at Gavin and back at the man.
“Listen bud,” Once again he leaned in close so only Michael could hear him. “If it’ll make him feel better I’ll let you on, alright? Just make sure it’s worth it.” Michael didn’t know what else to say, so he nodded slowly,
“Yeah, yeah I will.”
“Good.” He unlocked the gate and Michael grabbed Gavin’s hand and pulled him through, hearing the sound of groaning behind him and a little bit of shouting here and there, from angry parents. Michael looked back at the man who was still smiling at him and gave him a nod of appreciation for dealing with the wave of complaints he was surely going to get hit with.
“Come on, Gav.” Michael said, pushing up the metal bar so Gavin could squeeze underneath. He followed after. They sat across from each other with the sheep beside Gavin.
“What are we doing here Mi-cool?” Gavin asked. He had stopped sniffling by now, and his nose was only a little pink. Michael didn’t answer him. Instead he only looked at him, sat next to this slightly dusty fluffy sheep. They were cute together. The sheep probably had a few anger issues and probably didn’t treat Gavin as great as he could, but still Gavin clung onto one of it’s arms and looked out towards the rest of the carnival scene. The sheep probably took advantage of how willing Gavin was to hold its hand all the time and never realized how much it loved it. So what if the sheep was a boy? That didn’t change how badly Gavin wanted to win it. It didn’t change anything.
“Mi-cool are you going to talk to me yet—“ Gavin looked sadly back at Michael who was beginning to stand up as they approached the very top of the Ferris wheel’s cycle. “Mi-cool, sit down you’re going to get hurt—“
“I LOVE GAVIN FREE!” Michael cupped his mouth with his hands and screamed as loud as his lungs would allow him, and his face turned pink. “I LOVE HIM AND I TOOK HIM ON THIS DATE TODAY TO TELL HIM THAT.” He stretched out his words and squinted his eyes in efforts to be louder. “I love you Gavin Free,” he turned to look at the Brit staring doe-eyed back at him. He could deny it no longer. “I do love you, Gavin Free.” 
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goodlucklove-mavin · 10 years
Hi friends! I know I've been in a really long hiatus but i just wanted to say I'm back and looking for requests! I've got a few ideas lined up but my first story back will be CARNIVAL DATE PT 2 which I know tons of people have been messaging me about ~~ Sorry for the long wait ! But its coming out probably tomorrow so definitely look forward to that if you've been waiting since pt 1 ~ I missed you all so much and I have been keeping up with RT so any requests are gladly taken. Bye for now!~♡♡♡
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goodlucklove-mavin · 11 years
Genre: Angst
Rated: M!! And trigger warning ((slight mention of sexual abuse etc))
Summary: After a night of drinking, Michael and Gavin leave the bar in search for a place for Gavin to piss. He wanders into an alley …
“This way my little–hic–drunk little Mi-cool. –hic–.” The brit wrapped his arm tightly around his partner’s fleshy waist and pulled him up. His eyes rolled around in his head.
“I’m not the one drunk, Gav. Jeez pull yourself together.” The ginger took his partner’s hands and draped them around his moist, thick neck instead.  God it was hot in there. It was nice to finally be outside. The nighttime breeze made the sweat feel cool . “You’ll be more supported this way.” He muttered, pulling up Gavin’s limp body. Michael had been drinking too, in fact his face was rather pink, but that was just in his genes. He wouldn’t dare get shit-faced knowing Gavin would as well. Michael would never risk anything happening to Gavin. He was a big enough health risk to himself as it was. The dope.
“Mi-cool I need to take a piss. Mi-cool. Pissy poss.” The brunette whined, tugging on his partner’s red shirt. 
“Yeah, okay Gav I heard you.” The man itched his nose, speaking in an unconcerned voice. This happened all the time when they went drinking. Gavin just couldn’t ever bring himself to pee before they got out of the bar. Well, he didn’t feel like dragging his 140 pound body back in now. Michael’s eyes darted around, searching for a possible toilet for his drunk companion. His eyes fell on an alley a few feet away and he sighed, leaning Gavin against the wall to talk to him. “How about you go do your business in that alley over there, yeah?”
“–No Mi-cool that’s scary…” Gavin whined. “And… utterly disgusting.” He blinked his eyes several times but couldn’t manage to focus his vision.
“Oh come on , it’s not like you haven’t done it a million times before. Come on, I’ll help you over. I wont look okay? I promise I wont look.” Michael once again wrapped his arm behind Gavin’s and supported him from under his armpits. Gavin mumbled something undecipherable and finally just gave in and limped along. “Here, you got it?” Michael asked, slowly letting go to see how well Gavin could support himself. 
“I’m ffffine Mi-cool.” Gavin mumbled, waving him away. “I really , really need to take a piss so just… bugger off for a bit, love.” He said, continuing his trek deeper into the alley.
“Alright I’ll be right here.” Michael crossed his arms and leaned himself onto the cool bricks beside the alley. The tv’s inside the bar could still be heard blaring out the doors. He only left because Gavin was begging to go home. The game was still on… “I’ll be back in a few, Gav.” Michael shouted before wandering back towards the bar. Only for a bit, though. Only to see how the game ended.
Away from all the noise, Gavin continued to wander through the alley, using his hands to maneuver further and further into the crevice. Only a few yards in, he was already beggining to lose his vision due to the darkness–not that he could see much before as it was. The only identifiable objects were the trashcans, whose lids were cool and covered in a thin layer of dirt. Gavin’s hand slid across the top of one and he grimaced, wiping his hands on his jeans. 
“Nasty,” He remarked, settling on an appropriate spot for his release of body fluid. He fumbled around in the dark to find the button on his pants, and took another few moments to figure out how to unhook it– when suddenly the sound of rattling trashcan lids and shuffling trashbags sent the hairs on the back of his neck straight up. “W-who’s there?” He stuttered, pulling his shirt back down and stepping backwards. “Who would be bloody wandering around in the alleys this late at night…” Gavin murmured. He slapped the palm of his hand to his forehead repeatedly, hoping to somehow regain focus in his vision. Not that it would have helped. Surely a cat couldn’t even see what it was rustling about in this darkness. “Is there someone-”
“What are you doin’ around here boy?” A low, aggressive voice called out. “Huh? You think you can just go pissin’ around in my territory?” The footsteps came closer. Gavin held in a scream.
“N-no. I didn’t mean to..do…” He felt his heart clench up in his chest, oh god he was scared. He wanted to call for Michael, but his throat wouldn’t let him. He froze.
“Didn’t mean to what? Huh? You go wanderin around here whipping your dick out and you tell me you didnt mean to pee here? You a fuckin’ liar now?”
Gavin began to quiver violently. His knees felt weak. Where was Michael? His mouth began to form the beginnings of an “M” when suddenly his face was cupped by fowl smelling hands. 
“Shut up you fuckin’ Brit” The man reached down to Gavin’s unbuttoned jeans. “Well lookie here, already done most the work for me." 
Gavin squirmed and pushed the man away. "Get off me!” He spat out, his voice wavering.
“Don’t act like you don’t do it already. I saw you out there, your arm wrapped around that curly haired guy, practically kissing him. I know what you are. Why try denying it?" 
Gavin almost felt the beer come up his throat. He needed Michael, now. "Mi..cool…Mi-cool…” he whimpered helplessly. 
“Stop fuckin calling for him he’s not coming.” The man growled, once again approaching Gavin. 
Please no, please please no. The words just refused to come out of his mouth. His eyes began to water. He could practically feel the disgusting breath of the thug on his neck; the morbid quirk in his voice as he said,
“Now stay quiet.”
Gavin let out a yelp. Arms jerked him backwards and thrusted him towards the left wall of the alley. He landed with his knees slightly bent, his hands plastered to the bricks.
“Get the fuck away from him you fuckin’ piece of shit.” It wasn’t the voice Gavin recognized from the dark. It was protective. It was familiar. “What the fuck’s your problem? You wanna come out of the dark you son of a bitch?” The blurry image of Michael rolling up his already-short sleeves appeared in Gavin’s distorted vision.
“M….” Gavin heaved over and released all that he had been holding in his throat for the past hour. It didn’t smell good, but he sure felt better. But his ears were ringing. Everything was so loud, so angry. He could barely pick up on what was going on as his motor skills began to fade.
“Do you really have nothing else in your life that you’ve got to fuck with innocent bystanders? You’re sick. How dare you even touch him. How fucking dare you!” Michael was furious. He could tell that. But that was it. Michael was mad… Gavin was sad. Gavin’s back slid down the brick wall and his thoughts faded into oblivion.
“Gavin?” He blinked. “Gav?” He blinked again. Soft brown eyes faded into vision and then faded out again. “Gavin , come on. Time to go. Come on.” Loving arms wrapped themselves around his weak body and lifted him upwards. Michael was so strong. So strong for Gavin when he couldn’t be.
“Mi-cool.” He whimpered. “Mi-cool…” His voice broke.
“Yeah,” Michael slid his hand down to meet Gavin’s. He gently intertwined their fingers. “What is it?”
“He tried to…” Gavin sputtered. “He tried to…”
Michael quickly pushed Gavins head into his neck and let him rest his tearing face on his shoulders. “I know…I know, I’m sorry.”
“He…He…” Gavin spat out between gasps.
“Shh, Gavin I know. You’re alright now. You’re safe. You’re safe.” Michael squeezed him tighter as he felt his own eyes beginning to burn up. “We’re okay. We’re okay.” He murmured, squeezing his eyes shut. 
“I need you Mi-cool.” The brit sobbed. “I needed you, Mi-cool.” Michael clenched his fists until his knuckles were white.
“I’m so sorry. I’m here for you now. I’ll be here for you, I promise. I…” A tear rolled down his pink cheeks in frustration as he punched the wall. “Come on, I’m taking you home now. I’ll drive safely. I promise." 
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goodlucklove-mavin · 11 years
I "dont" like it
Genre: one shot fluffy fluff Rated: just one swear word, totally fine for everyone otherwise Summary: Gavin runs his hands through Michaels hair and he refuses to admit he loves it (requested by anon a long time ago!~ hope you like it)
Michaels cool forehead nuzzled perfectly in the nape of Gavins thick neck. He had his arms crossed over his chest and one knee up while the other extended to the other end of the couch. Gavin had his right ankle resting on his left knee, and one arm on the armrest and the other around Michael’s shoulder. 
The show they had been watching together was getting rather boring, in fact the plot had been moving quite slow in the recent episodes.  Gavin, having lost most of his interest in the show, turned his head slightly to Michael, and used the arm wrapped around him to gently run his fingers through the mans curly locks.
"What are you doing?" Michael asked neutrally, not once averting his eyes from the screen.
"I’m running my fingers through your little mop, Mi-cool. Do you not like it?" Gavin gave the top of Michaels head a little rub with his nose and kissed it.
"No. Its annoying. Stop." Michael crossed his arms even tighter and switched his leg positions.
"You don’t like it? Hmm. I thought it was quite nice." Gavin remarked. He continued to unravel the orange-brown curls anyway. Michael had the hair strands of a god; strong and yet silky smooth.
"Gavin." Michael put emphasis on the "n" as if to underscore his annoyance. He didn’t do anything after that, though and Gavin kept doing it till Michael had faded into a light slumber.
Later that night, Gavin could hear nothing but the shuffling of their sheets and the obnoxious fluffing of their pillows while in bed.
"What is it love? Having trouble getting to sleep are you?" He yawned and turned towards his irritated partner. Michael looked so cute whenever he was frustrated.
"…Yeah." he grumbled. "Its because I took that fuckin nap this afternoon. Ugh, I need rest! I have to work tomorrow." He let out a huff and turned the other direction.
"Hmm." Gavin closed his eyes. The boys were silent for a little while as Michael shuffled a bit more, till finally he spoke up.
"Could you… maybe do that thing you were doing this afternoon? You know, with my hair or whatever…" Michael sounded like he hadn’t finished his sentence, but he didn’t continue to say anything else.
A small, half asleep smile found its way across Gavins face.
"Of course," he murmured "my pleasure, Mi-cool." He raised his arm and brushed his fingers through his beloved’s luscious locks. "Feel good Mi-cool?" He murmured.
Before he really had a chance to answer, Michael had already begun to fall fast asleep.
"Yeahhmmff… Gavin…nggh…" he muttered under his breath. Gavin smiled and gave the back of Michaels head a gentle kiss and fell asleep himself, feeling oddly more satisfied than he had in a while.
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goodlucklove-mavin · 11 years
Tell me
Length: One shot. 
Rated: L
Summary: The lads get into a tickle fight-- or rather Michael tackles Gavin into one. ( Here's the fluff everyone's been begging for! thank you to the anon who requested especially <3)
"Gavin tell me." Michael growled, turning his chair to face the handsome brit sitting nonchalantly beside him, pretending not to hear. "Gavin!"
"Hmm? W'ot is it Mi-cool?" The beginnings of a smirk tugged at the corners of his smug mouth. 
Michael clenched his teeth. This little bastard thinks he has power over me. We'll just see about that. Leaning back in his chair and letting out a  frustrated sigh, the ginger crossed his arms and rested his chin on his tightly clenched knuckles.
"I'm giving you one more chance, Gavin. One more fuckin' chance before I make you regret being a stubborn little bitch. Tell. Me." Michael kept a keen eye on Gavin, awaiting his response. It turned out to be quite anticlimactic, as the brit simply leaned onto his own knuckle resting on top of the desk and pretended to be deep into his editing. Bullshit. MIchael thought to himself. "Fine then. I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way." Michael cracked his knuckles in preparation and stood behind Gavin. He wriggled his fingers in anticipation.
His head slowly turned around. "Wait Mi-cool what are you--"
He began to yelp and scream. He couldn't control the jerking movements of his body and ended up on the floor with Michael straddled over the top of him. "Please Mi-cool! Please stop!" He giggled with half glee half pain.
Michael ignored him and continued to tickle up and down his body. "I told you, one fuckin' chance Gavin. Are you gonna tell me yet? Huh? Or does this have to get worse before you do?"
"I dont... Know what... You're talking about! Ahahaha, Mi-cool please!" The brunette cried in-between his fits of laughter. Michael let out a frustrated sigh and sat up straight, making sure his legs were locked so that all of Gavins movements were well restricted. Gavin took this opportunity to catch his breath and began hyperventilating. 
"I guess you want me to go there huh. Do you Gavin? Huh? Or will you just tell me?"
"I ... " Gavin didn't finish his sentence. Michael shrugged.
"I guess you do want me to go there." As his boyfriend for over 2 years, he knew where the man was most sensitive. This would kill him. Michael knew that for sure. His eyebrows arched downward mischievously. He spread out his fingers and began tickling Gavin's under arms. 
"Ah! Ahahah, please! Ahaha , Mi-cool! Stop! Ahaha!" 
"Tell me!" Michael yelled, absolutely no sign of aggression in his voice. He was actually rather enjoying torturing the giddy idiot. The buckling of his body between Michael's legs gave him a sense of power and dominance. He liked it.
"Fine Mi-cool! Fine! Please, ahahaha. I love you! I love you MI-cool! Stop already you're killing me!" Michael flashed Gavin a satisfied grin and swung his leg off the man's limp body. His eyes sparkled with a devilish look. 
"I love you too, Gav."
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goodlucklove-mavin · 11 years
I Swear
Length: 4.2k words
Rated: L 
Genre: Angst sadness crying everything that makes a good story
Summary: Gavin's diagnosed with cancer and doesn't know how to break it to Michael ( SORRY FOR ALL THE DEPRESSING FICS I JUST KEEP GETTING THESE KINDS OF IDEAS, PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS IF YOU HAVE ANY!! )
"Mister Free? The doctor will see you now." Gavin's head flicked up to meet the eyes of a petite nurse with pale skin and a perfectly groomed brunette bun. He stood up and nodded towards her, giving her a sheepish smile before leaving the waiting room. The sound of the door shutting was the only noise that echoed throughout the hallway, aside from the rest of the patients anxiously chattering away quietly to one another. Gavin had come alone. He wasn't sure he wanted the company of anyone else. 
"Yes, hello, please take a seat." The doctor was a surprisingly burly man with a thick black mustache and an equally as thick head of hair. Though the wrinkles around his eyes suggested he was much older than he looked, or perhaps the stress of being a doctor had just bore its way into his face over the years.
"Hello Doctor." Gavin sat himself down as he was told and crossed his legs. 
The doctor spun himself around in his chair to reach the clipboard on the counter and swiveled back to face Gavin. He used his legs to pull the chair closer towards his patient and leaned in to speak with him. Gavin gulped. 
"Mister Free, your results came in yesterday evening, concerning the strange discomfort you've been feeling in your lower sides." He flipped through the pages attached to the clip board and dropped them to make eye contact with the anxious brit before him. "We are almost positive that... it does indeed indicate some form of kidney cancer..."  Gavin's ears had stopped working after that. He sat there in a state of pure shock and stared blankly back at the doctor blabbing away at him. He felt his knees shake and he gripped tightly onto the arms of the chair he was sitting in. 
"W-...w'ot do you mean... cancer?" He could barely spit the word out. Cancer? No... It couldn't be. They were mistaken. Worse case scenario Gavin had thought it was a case of eating expired food that he'd forgotten about or something. Can...cer...?
"I understand this may all be a huge shock to you, and I sympathize completely. I go through this almost every day and I can still share some of the pain my patients feel when delivered the news. However, try not to scare yourself too much. It is possible that, unless your conditions worsen, with a few weeks of moderate chemotherapy, you should be able to be discharged from the hospital."
"Discharged from the-" Gavin shook his head. "It can't be that bad, can it? I... I have a job to go to...I have..." The image of Michael flashed through his mind. "I can't stay at the hospital, I've got... people to care for."
"Well I'm sorry Mister Free, but unless you want to see your symptoms get progressively worse, you really need to pull through with the therapy. Soon it won't just be lower stomach pains, depending on which stage you're in, it'll be throwing up frequently and blood in your urinary tract, which isn't very pleasant either. Unless a cure for it is discovered by tomorrow, it's your only hope, really."
"Only..." He hated that the words could come out of the doctors mouth so easily. No matter how many times he'd been through this same routine before, how could he just...Did he not understand? He had a life to live! A job he loved! Michael, for gods sake. He had Michael... His heart wrenched at the thought of the redhead's reaction if he were to hear about this. Gavin bit his him and shook his head. He wasn't going to tell Michael. He couldn't, no way in hell. He could make up an excuse to be gone for a few weeks and then everything would be back to normal... "So... Let's say I do go through with the therapy, would I be free of the cancer completely then?" Oh it was so hopeless, but it didn’t hurt to try anyway.
"Err..." The doctor scratched at his chin while furrowing his eyebrows down at the clipboard.  "It's still too early to know right now. The thing is about your case, Mister Free, is that we've never seen this quick of development before. The tests we've taken so far has recognized that it is definitely some form of cancer, however because of the quick spreading and the lack of symptoms compared to the spreading... we're not quite sure whether or not you'll be stable enough to function in a few days. The pattern of cells multiplying is quite unpredictable in your case. Quite strange, really. We're going to have to run a few more tests after a session of Chemo first to be sure. Is... that alright with you?"
Gavin's toes curled up inside his shoes. They weren't ....sure? He felt fine! The only thing that had really been bothering him was his stomach and those symptoms had only shown up a day prior. Did he actually have a chance of... "...dying..?" His voice squeaked.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" The doctor pulled the wheeling chair close to Gavin and pressed a hand to his ear. Gavin wanted to slap the hand off his face and throw a chair at him. He was done. Absolutely done.
"...Nothing..." he murmured. "Alright then, I'll agree to the chemo. But I'm not going to stay at the hospital . Just call me in when you need to take the tests. If it gets worse then... Then I'll stay here if there's no other choice... but for now, I can't spend any more time here." The doctor stood up at the same time Gavin reached for the door knob. 
"Mister..." He seemed to have wanted to say something more, but shook his head. "Alright, fair enough. The hospital is not allowed to keep patients if they do not wish to stay. But keep in mind, if your condition does get worse. it'd be your best choice to stay here where we can closely care for you."
"I understand. Thank you for your time, Doctor." Gavin shut the door behind him.
The walk back to his car was brisk and numb. The faces of the other patients went by him in a blur. They all had their own problems and own lives to worry about. They weren't paying any attention to him.
He slammed the car door and threw the keys into the passenger seat. He brought his knees up to his chest and buried his face deep into his legs as he wrapped his arms around them. Warm tears speckled his blue jeans. His nails dug into his shins as he sniffled in short breaths, "W'ot am I going to do... Cancer... Bloody cancer... How could i have gotten ... Cancer." He sobbed quietly some more. "Mi-cool.... how will I have the heart to tell Mi-cool..."
Texas weather had been scorching lately, especially in Austin, but even as he walked into the humid office room, Gavin felt shivers running up and down his spine as he tossed his keys onto his desk.
"Hey buddy." Michael immediately stood up from his chair and approached Gavin, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
"Hello Mi-cool." Gavin put up a fake smile to keep his partner calm.
"So how'd it go?" He asked eagerly. He didn't know, that's why... he didn't know. "Gavin? Come on , you're makin' me nervous man. Tell me."
Gavin looked up at him guiltily but just before he could open his mouth, Geoff piped in. "How'd what go?"
Michael turned around and answered for him. "Gavin probably ate some weird food and caused his stomach to hurt, so he was worried it could've been something serious like a disease or some shit." He laughed half jokingly half nervously. Gavin let out a long sigh and looked up at Michael with the most loving eyes he could express. 
"You were right, Mi-cool. I was just being a paranoid little dope after all. Doctor says I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." He shook his head and pretended as if he felt completely ridiculed. He felt his insides shake.
"Hah! Fuckin' told you so." He shrugged. "Whatever, I mean I’m glad. How could I be Team Nice Dynamite without you huh?" Michael patted him roughly on the back and sat back down in his chair sighing of relief.
"Yep." Gavin muttered. “Without me…”
Most of the day went by rather slowly. By lunch time everyone had already decided they felt done for the day. The guys decided to go out and eat all together at the new bar restaurant that had opened up across the street. ( they heard the place had a happy hour  and Geoff wasn't going to let that opportunity slip him by ). They wrapped their wires around their headphones and pushed in their chairs. Gavin was the last to leave the Achievement Hunter office. He wasn't feeling too well.
"Come on Gav, hurry up! Last one to the car has to sit in the middle. It's hot today too... so…" Ray waved him to come along. But Gavin remained pressed against the wall. He grabbed his stomach and clenched his shirt tightly in his hand. 
"Give me--- a second. Be right-- out." His words came out more like forced gasps. 
"You alright there buddy...?" Ray cocked his head in concern. "You don't look too hot." 
"Fine! Fine...." Gavin gulped. He pushed past his clearly confused friend  and straight to the bathroom.
Before he had time to even shut the stall door behind himself, he heaved over the toilet bowl and out came his breakfast, along with a thick red liquid. 
"Bloody hell..." He muttered. Yes, quite literally. Swirled in with his mushy beige lumps of cereal from that morning, was copious amounts of blood clearly from within him. He didn't feel good at all now. His throat tasted of iron and cereal bits, which caused him to throw up even more. 
When the hurling finally came to a plateau and Gavin felt well enough to stand up properly, he flushed the toilet and the foul smell along with it. Limping over to the sink, he practically fell on top of it and only had enough energy to lift up his head and look at the sickly reflection staring back at him in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot and his face pale. His bluish green eyes no longer sparkled with the usual energy it once did before. They were dull, and lifeless. And most of all, full of regret.
Gavin had managed to call a taxi cab after everyone had left. He told them he had a dentist appointment and wouldnt be able to make it to the happy hour, but he wish he could've. They all bought the excuse. Ray did raise an eyebrow at Gavin as he explained to them from the doorway of the office, however, he said not a word and rolled up the window when the car began to drive away.
The hospital was much livelier than it had been that morning. The seats he remembered to be empty were now filled with people of all ages, and some even had to stand up for there were simple no more places to sit. He rushed straight to the emergency room and begged to see the doctor from that morning. Luckily for him, the same receptionist was working and told him the doctor was busy with another patient , but would only be a few minutes. Gavin nodded a thanks towards her and leaned himself against the wall to rest.
After a few minutes of standing there, Gavin began to feel the same nauseous feeling he had felt earlier that morning during his encounter with Ray. He pressed his face to the wall, unable to keep himself steady, and his breathing began to increase speed rapidly. 
"Mister..." He flicked his head to the source of the voice. He hadn't even noticed that a little girl no older than the age of 12 had approached him. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and flashed her a weak smile.
"Yes , love, what is it?" He asked her.
"Do you.. want to take my seat?" She squeezed her hands behind her back and swiveled on one ankle shyly.
"I..." Before he could thank her for her kind offer, the nurse called him in. He nodded at her apologetically and ran-- or rather limped-- into the doctor's office.
"It's not getting any better without the chemo help." The doctor had said. "It'll only get worse from here on, even with the help of the chemo." "We've never seen such a rapidly spreading case like yours before" The cold words still rung in his hears. "You don't have much more than a week to live." Those last few words had repeated themselves in his head until he passed out across his bed and continued to take over his thoughts the moment he woke up. His eyes felt sunken in and his shoulders weak. He couldn’t push himself out of bed. He couldn’t even sit up. How could this be possible? Not even a week ago he had been perfectly healthy, recording videos, spending lunch with his co-workers, going on a private dinner date with Michael. And now suddenly all of that was being taken away from him. Like that, in an instant, because of ten words that had come out of some doctor's mouth, Gavin's life had come to a complete halt. He knew it wasn't the doctor's fault, and that this hatrid he had slowly began to form for the man was unjustified. But what the hell did it matter? He'd been 'justified' in his opinions almost all his life, and look where it got him. A walking dead man, practically. What a life this is, he thought.
He stuffed his hands into his face and took deep breaths to calm himself. 
Though it seemed quite an oxymoron, his life wasn't the one he was worried about the most. Rather, he was worried about whose lives it would affect instead. His family , of course, his parents, his brother, all of his co-workers, his best friends. Michael...
Every time MIchael's name came to mind, Gavin suddenly lost all of the anger he had been building up towards the doctor and it all turned into a wash of sorrow. Michael and he had just begun to be more open about their relationship. Everything was going so well. Everything was so lovely and perfect. Before that day , Gavin had never believed in the saying that "All good things come to an end". But indeed he discovered it to be quite true, within his last few days of living.
He wiped the tears he hadn't noticed rolling down his cheeks and stuffed his face into his sheets. His body was exhausted still. He needed to rest it, just a little more.
The next morning he felt even worse than before. Before even getting a chance to rub his eyes, he heard his phone vibrate from on top of his dresser. With all the strength he had left, he reached for the phone. Suddenly the difficulty of a simple task had magnified itself to the extreme. With a series of grunts and groans he finally managed to grab it and was surprised to see there were 12 missed calls. three from Geoff, one from Ray, and the rest from Michael. His heat dropped to his stomach once more as he saw the man's name flash across his screen. Gavin gathered his sheets in a fist and laid there for a few moments. Finally he gathered the strength and pushed himself out of bed, got dressed, and drove his weak, dying body to the RoosterTeeth office.
As he arrived at the door he let out a heavy cough and spit out the liquid that had filled his throat. More blood had been speckled lightly across the concrete outside the main door. Gavin shook his head in disgust and continued to lug himself towards the door. HIs head began to spin but he persisted. 
The first person to spot him was Ray. In fact, it seemed as if he had been waiting for him to come. Ray took one look at his sickly friend and pushed him over to the corner of the hallway. He let out a sigh and put his hands on Gavins shoulders.
"Gavin... where have you been? Everyones been going apeshit looking for you. Why didn't you answer any of our calls?" Ray tried his best to keep his voice low. Gavin couldn't keep his head steady and it rolled from shoulder blade to shoulder blade as his eyes began to roll back to his head. "Hey, hey! Gav!" Ray gently slapped him on the cheeks and he shook out of it. Just barely.
"I'm... I've been..." He gulped. "Ray... I'm--"
"You're... sick... Right? Like badly sick?"
Gavin looked at him with a startled look. He didn't know what to say in response but mutter,
"What? What are you-"
"Gav… I know. There was blood on the toilet seat and... you didn't look too hot when you came out to tell us about your ‘dentist appointment’ either." 
It looked like his lie wasn't going to work. He stared to the floor and ran a hand through his dirty hair. 
"I've only got no more than week left to live, Ray." He sighed. It sounded so foreign coming out of his mouth like that. But he was going to have to get over it. It was true, after all. The doctor had told him, and all the proof he needed was apparently on the toilet seat and splattered across the concrete outside.
"A... A week?" Ray gulped. "Man, i thought you were sick but.... I didn't know you were...that sick...What is it? Do you know?"
"It's kidney can-" Gavin let out another nasty cough and almost fell over but Ray managed to catch him just in time. 
"Oh god no...no…” It seemed even Ray couldn’t’ believe it. “Cancer? Really?" Gavin only nodded in reply. Ray took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose for a long time. "How are you gonna tell him?" He finally replied. It was as if he knew exactly what Gavin was thinking already.
"...I'm... Not." The brit murmured. Ray gave him a disapproving look and pushed his shoulders against the wall. He stared into his dull eyes and said,
"You have to tell him, Gav. You owe it to him if you're going to just disappear from his life like that. He...Loves you, you know that right? You should tell him what’s going on, if no one else." He released the man’s shoulders.
Gavin gave him a long stare. Not of hatrid, not of disobedience, but rather the same stare he gave himself in the mirror of the office bathroom the day prior. Sorrowful, and regretful. 
The door to the Achievement Hunter office had never been heavier to push open. As soon as he stepped into the room, everyone immediately put down their controllers and stood up to look at him. Questions began being thrown at him left and right. Ray entered quietly behind him and sat down in his seat. He turned away from the door where Gavin was standing and faced the wall silently. Gavin's eyes rested on Ray's back for a while before he spoke.
"Mi-cool. I need to talk to you." He tried his best to sound normal but his voice was already beginning to shake. Geoff stood up from his seat and began approaching Gavin at a rapid speed.
"Where the fuck have yo-"
"Let them talk, Geoff." Ray's voice rose from the corner of the room. It was strange to hear an outburst from Ray, especially being one of the employees who respected Geoff the most. 
Jack and Ryan both looked anxiously over to Geoff to see his response but surprisingly he had frozen in place. The thing about Geoff, is that although he could be a tiny bit hot headed sometimes, it was rare, and most of the time he understood when it was his place to get involved or not. Slowly he nodded, not completely understanding, and sat back down in his chair. Gavin nodded at Geoff as if to thank him for the privacy, and turned to Ray to send a thank you look his way but he had already turned back around towards the wall. Michael looked around the room.
“Why? The hells going on?” He asked.
“Please, Mi-cool. Please.” Gavin begged. He could already feel something sharp in his stomach again. It wouldn’t be much time before he had to throw up again. Michael slowly stood up from his seat, a bit dazed looking, and followed Gavin outside.
The two men stood face to face outside the Achievement Hunter office doors.
“What’s up Gavy Wavy? What’s so important you had to drag me out here?” Michael asked, scratching the back of his neck and letting out a little yawn.
“Mi-cool… I’m not quite sure how to… well I’ll just … come out and say it I suppose.” Gavin stuttered, “I’ve…” There was a long pause. Long enough to consider the end of a conversation, but Michael stood there and listened intently until Gavin could spit out what he had to say. “There’s been some issues with my visa lately…” His stomach already began to feel queasy. “I need to… Go back to England for a few weeks until things get settled…” Gavins eyes dropped to the floor. He wouldn’t’ be able to stand the look in Michael’s eyes. He just couldn’t. He’d rather the goodbye be quick and painless for the both of them.
“What… ? How did things get mixed up? How long are we talkin’ here? Two? Three weeks?”
“It’s… not clear right now, Mi-cool. Maybe a long time… There’s a chance I won’t come back at all.” Gavin murmured. He shut his eyes immediately and felt tears fall from his eyes straight to the carpet below, staining it with wet droplets. Warm arms wrapped themselves around him and squeezed him tightly.
“No… What the fuck! … No you’re absolutely not going anywhere!” Michael shook his head furiously. “… I’m coming with you!”
Gavin pushed himself away from Michael’s embrace and furrowed his eyebrows.
“No, Mi-cool, you’re not.”
“Yeah, I fuckin’ am! Do you think I’m just going to stay here and be separated from you for an unknown amount of time? Do you know how fucking long that could be? I need to be with you Gavin, I’m coming with you.”
“Mi-cool!” Gavin grabbed the man’s face in his hands and pulled him close. The ginger’s eyes suddenly grew wide. “Mi-cool… Please be calm about this. There’s nothing I can do.”
“No…No!” He cried. “Fuck no, Gavin! Things were just starting to fall together for us! I’m not letting you do this, not without me… not without me…” His voice broke with those last few words. “I’m going with you Gavin... I can’t even think about… not seeing your face for that long… It’ drives me insane. It makes me want to kill someo-“
“Mi-cool!” Gavin yelled. Something caught in his throat and he let out another cough.
“Gavin…” Michael sniffled. “I love you, Gavin.”
Gavin swallowed hard. No… His heart beat got quicker. Warm beads of hot salty tears rolled down his cheeks almost as quickly as his heart was pumping. Don’t do this to me…
“I… Love you too, Mi-cool.” His voice croaked.
“Then please don’t leave me, please. Please…” This time Michael took Gavin’s face in his hands and cupped it beneath his chin. He pulled him in for a long, warm, salty kiss and pulled away , still looking at him with distressed eyes. “Please…”
Gavin gave his partner a long look. His nose was red and his brown eyes watery. This was exactly what Gavin was trying to avoid, and in the end he was faced with it anyway. It hurt, so badly to see him like this. He wanted it to stop.
“…I’ll be back, Mi-cool. Real soon. Please stay here for me. Please go on with your life as if normal until I get back, huh? Can you do that for me Mi-cool? Don’t you want me to come back?”
“Of course I fucking do… What kind of question is that?”
“Well I can’t if I don’t go away for a little while. Please, stay happy for me while I’m gone?” Gavin smiled at him and beamed all the happiness he had left. He gave it all to Michael. He stared into his hazy brown eyes for a long time and awaited his answer.
“… Swear to me, Gavin.” Michael wiped his eyes. “Swear to me you’ll come back as soon as you can.”
“…… I swear, Mi-cool.”
From behind the door, Gavin could hear the sound of stifled crying and the clang of black rimmed glasses being thrown onto the table. “God damn…” The voice sniffled. “God damn it…”
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goodlucklove-mavin · 11 years
Spilled Wine
Length: One shot
Rated: A few swear words that's all
"Hell yeah , I mean, who isn't?" Michael chuckled lightly, his distinct laugh setting itself apart from the rest of the quiet chatter spreading amongst the restaurant. In Gavin's ears Michaels voice was the only one worth listening to. His eyes gleamed with an indescribable sort of happiness watching Michael take a simple sip of his wine and he couldn't force himself to contain the grin spreading across his face. "...What?" Michael questioned, cocking his head
"Nothing," The brit shook his head dutifully. "Nothing at all Mi-cool. You're just so darn lovel-"
"Don't say it" Michael growled unaggressively. He attempted to kick what he though to be Gavin's leg beneath the table. His foot missed and the table leg went wobbly. The wine inside the glass he had just set down , wavered for a moment and toppled the entire cup over in an instant. The red liquid soaked into the unstained, white tablecloth and drizzled down the side of the table. 
"Ah, shit..."
"Oh, Mi-cool." Gavin smiled sheepishly. He hurriedly got out of his chair and knelt down beside Michael's leg to check if any of it had gotten onto his new shoes. He seemed to be quite fond of them, after all, wearing them to their very important two year anniversary date. It seemed to be alright. "Nothing to worry about, Mi-cool your shoes are fine." Gavin reached an arm out to find MIchael's knee. He didn't feel it there. All he felt was cloth. "...Mi-cool" Gavin reached around some more, feeling a bit more panicked this time. "Mi-cool! Why... Why can't I..." Michael's leg wasn't there. He couldn't turn his head to check why. Michael's leg wasn't there.
Gavin let out a loud gasp and sat straight up in bed. He turned to the left where his hand lay. His fingers were gripping tightly to the empty sheets beside him. He bit his lower lip hard and squeezed his eyes shut tightly for a moment and slowly let his fingers release. A long, heavy breath escaped his lips as his vision of the empty bedside began to blur. 
"Mi-cool..." He whispered lowly. holding back the tears that he'd come so used to suppressing. Slowly and painfully he lay himself back down onto the pillow and nuzzled into it. He raised a shaky arm and pulled the blankets over his head to muffle the sniffling. 
A photo of him and Michael sat on top of the dresser, with the golden engraved letters, "Rest in peace, my love"
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
More Than You Know
Length: Short story (5k words)
Rated: Lot of swearing but nothing sexual
Summary: Angsty. Michael beats Gavin up over something stupid but can’t remember because of his split personality disorder. (Thank you anon who requested!)
It was a wretchedly humid day outside, as to be expected of a Texas summer. It was amongst one of the only things Gavin still hadn’t quite gotten used to, along with the steering wheel being on the right side of the car, and everyone calling chips “fries”. He let out a heavy sigh as he glanced outside into the putrid sun, ruining such a carefree day. It wasn’t worth the hassle of driving all the way into town only to end up at some cruddy last minute restaurant. Instead, he decided to cook dinner for the two of them to enjoy in the comfort of their well air-conditioned apartment as a break from their typical fast food. Gavin airily made his way over to the fridge and began shifting through the many assortments of meat they had stocked up. He raised an eyebrow at a curious brownish-red meat that he couldn’t quite identify, and tossed it into the trash bin beside him. He rummaged around for a bit longer before finally settled on cooking a nice classic American steak for the two of them (the way the Ramseys had taught him), and plopped the icy packs of meat onto the counter top. Now he needed vegetables. Michael was always one to be picky about his greens, so he decided he’d consult him before beginning to boil anything. He didn’t want Michael to throw a fit, after all.
“Oh Mi-coool~” He wandered into the main room of the apartment where Michael was sprawled across the couch. In his arms was a bag of chips that crinkled with him as he shifted himself around uncomfortably, flipping through endless channels of shows he’d all seen before. “Mi-cool, would you like peas or broccoli?” He stood beside the couch with his arms across his chest. “Mi-cool, what do you think you’re eating? You can’t be eating that crud right before dinner! You’ll get full.”
“Go away Gavin.” Michael grumbled, sitting himself upright in the chair. “I don’t want either, I want meat.”
“I am cooking you meat, but you have to eat some greens as well, Mi-cool. Come on, what’ll it be? Give me those.” He reached in for the bag of chips, when Michael sharply pulled away. Gavin furrowed his eyebrows. “Mi-cool, give them to me.”
No response. The ginger kept his eyes glued onto the screen at some vintage game show he probably wasn’t even interested in.
Ignored once more. Michael grabbed a handful of greasy chips and tossed them into his mouth. He crunched loudly as if just to spite Gavin even more. Luckily, Gavin knew exactly what Michael was doing. Of course he did, they’d been together too long for Gavin to fall for these types of things anymore. Instead of feeding the beast, he let out a little sigh and shrugged his shoulders. “Fine, Mi-cool. Just fine.” He side stepped over to where Michael was sitting and pressed his stomach to the back of his head. His arms wrapped lovingly around the man’s neck and he rested his chin on the top of Michael’s warm noggin. “But your boyfriend is making you a ~lovely~ home cooked meal, and you’re just filling your stomach up with that rubbish instead of saving space for it.” He kissed him gently on the top of his head and used his fingers to delicately unravel his curly locks as he slid his hands through his hair. There was still no response. The channel was still flipped to the old game show, and Michael’s head seemed to be affixed to the television even though it was clear he wasn’t really watching.  On the screen showed two men sitting face to face while one was trying to give hints to the other about what word was on the card he had in hand. It looked like they were having quite a difficult time, though. Most of it was just them shouting at one another and their volume just increased as their time limit ticked closer to its end. Gavin bit the inside of his cheek in frustration and let go of Michael’s neck.
“Mi-cool, just give me the bag.”
No response. What a surprise.
“Mi-cool! I said, give, me, the—“
“Gavin would you shut the FUCK up?” Suddenly without warning, a fist came driving directly into the left side of Gavin’s face. He fell back wincing, covering his eye searing with a burning pain. He swallowed hard and rolled over onto his knees. His body remained wretched over as he continued to cap his hand over his face.
“M…Mi-cool? W…wh…” He whimpered out of breath, “…Mi-” Before he could even turn his neck completely, he felt another force, a kick this time, digging into the side of his hip. He sputtered out a cough and fell completely over, trembling with shock and absolute pain.
“I, fucking, said, to, leave me the fuck, alone!” Another punch to the side of his cheek, Michael was on his knees at this point, and stood up to serve him another sharp kick to the gut. He let out an infuriated, almost animal-like huff as he stood up and made his way back over to the couch where he continued to watch his show as if nothing.
“Oh…” Gavin groaned lowly. Aside from dealing with the abhorrent pain running all throughout his body, he was still trying to figure out what the hell just happened. The spinning in his head didn’t help much either. He tried to call out, but his words stuck in his throat. His fingers gripped the carpet and he let out a sickening cough. Oh god, it hurt. Pulling together what strength he had left, he rolled himself back up onto his knees, still shielding his eye with his hand.
The t.v. was still on, but now the noises coming from it seemed so out of place. The only thing Gavin could hear was the immutable ringing in his head and the echo of Michael screaming at him. …What… was going on? What just happened? He thought to himself. He let out another dry cough. Almost every day of his life since the moment he began working at Roosterteeth, was filled with constant, senseless yelling from Michael. It was, in a twisted sense, a rather normal occurrence. But this time… This time around was different. He hit him. Michael Jones, the love of his life, the man who supposedly should have been protecting him, had brazenly used his own bare fist to hurt Gavin. This time was definitely not…normal. It was unforgiveable. Gavin trembled further away from the stranger sitting on his couch until he reached the front door. He hastily fumbled to grab the keys to the apartment off the counter and left without saying another word. Once in the hallway, he struggled to lock the door; oh god his hands wouldn’t stop shaking. It was as if his fingers were not his own but of a foreign body, as if he was no longer Gavin Free. He finally managed to slide the key into its place and turned it counter clockwise. He felt a strange sense of security hearing the door click shut. It was like he was locking the beast within.
Gavin had no real destination in mind; he just wanted to get out of the apartment, away from… that monster that had seemingly swallowed his sweet Michael away. Oh god how he had always hated that monster. It was always there, threatening to attack, threatening to appear at any given time. But Gavin never bothered to pay any attention. In fact it was his fault for letting the best grow beside Michael for so long. Now it had completely enveloped him. His Michael, stolen away by the demon that was his rage.
Gavin quickly shook the deranged, warped thoughts out of his head thinking he’d really go crazy if he continued like this. He was scared. He was terrified actually, even trembling for gods sake. But being jittery would definitely not help him now.
The moment he stepped foot out of the lobby, a thick wave of heat kissed every inch of his exposed skin. Maybe… It was the heat that had caused something in Michael’s head to snap. Hot weather often made people a tad more feisty than usual after all, he tried reassuring himself. And knowing someone like Michael, it wasn’t unlikely his temper would be through the roof on a day as hot as this. Gavin lowered his hand from his eye which was still throbbing.  He used both of his hands to hold down and focus the pressure onto his hip where it was most painful to walk.  He hoped his eye wouldn’t leave a bruise; He had work the next day and didn’t want to have to pluck up the courage to explain to them what had happened. Not that he would. He’d rather shoot himself in the foot then tell them that Michael had done this to him. It was the heat, he kept telling himself. Yes, the heat, even though their apartment was always air conditioned…
So many thoughts ran through his mind, he was almost beginning to get a headache.
Despite the increasing popularity of their pairing, Gavin never quite felt comfortable with the relationship Michael and he shared with the public. Even if it was “just for show”, he could never exactly get “used to” Michael yelling at him. He didn’t think he ever would, either. Getting used to someone yelling and screaming at you seemed like such a foreign concept, one that nobody should ever have to get accustomed to. If anything, it hurt Gavin a little more each time Michael did it.
He knew Michael on a completely different level than the rest of the world, in fact. His extensive knowledge of everything that had to do with Michael Jones, was incomparable to any of the wild Roosterteeth fans who claimed to know everything already. Even more than that, regardless of the fact that he resided at the same office, Gavin still knew much more about Michael than anyone else who worked there, whether they had known Michael for a longer period of time or not. In fact, he knew more about Michael than he was even aware about himself. Though ironically enough, because Gavin knew Michael’s personality better than anyone else, he was also the only one who knew of his personality disorder.
It wasn’t just something he noticed one day out of the blue. It took a period of time for them to get to know each other before Gavin realized something was clearly wrong. There had been signs here and there that Gavin had always purposely pretended not to notice, for the sake of building their relationship . However, over time, he began noticing it happen more and more, and eventually pieced the puzzle together for himself. 
It wasn’t normal, he should’ve realized that, for a man to suddenly be angry one moment and the next act as if he’d forgotten he had said anything at all. Regardless of his realization, Gavin never really plucked up the courage to do anything about it. He was scared, to be put plainly. But whether it was making the effort to try to change Michael, or not changing him; he wasn’t sure which he was more afraid of.
By the time Gavin rounded up the grit to head back home, it was already dark out. He hadn’t thought of grabbing his phone before leaving; Since the only thing on his mind was the incentive to get away from that place. Being as it was summertime and the sun set much later than usual, he figured it was getting pretty late and didn’t want to get caught in the streets at night. Not without Michael there with him, anyway.
The lights were all out when he opened the door to the apartment. There was a strange aura floating in the air. The usual sensations of comfort and relief from coming home after a long, hard day were gone. Gavin quietly shut the door behind him and made sure to lock it before tossing the keys onto the counter. He flickered on the nearest light switch that only lit up the front door area and main hallway.
“…Mi-cool?” He called out precariously into the dark. His words felt so inapt the moment they escaped his lips; the echo of his voice lingered in the air. A sudden snorting caused him to jump out of his skin for a split second. His eyes darted around the room bewilderedly, trying to locate the source of the noise. As if it could be anyone else. An arm that had been slung over the arm of the couch twitched a little, and then fell back to rest. Gavin slid off his shoes and slowly made his way over. He let out a little sigh, as he saw Michael sprawled across the couch in the same position he was in before he had left. He was out cold. Probably wasn’t even worried about where his boyfriend had gone off to for a few hours. Probably dreaming about the next time he could have a drink with the guys. Did the dope even have dinner yet? He wondered. Gavin wandered to the small closet in the hallway and pulled out a fleece throw-blanket. He shut the door using his hip and carried the bundle over to the couch where his sleeping prince lay. “Oh Mi-cool…” He murmured, tucking the corners gently beneath the man’s warm body. He looked so peaceful, so harmless when he was sleeping. His chest pulsed gently in sync with his even breathing. His eyelids looked calm, no movement whatsoever, as if they had slowly drooped shut into the deep sleep he was entranced in now. The dim light reflected perfectly off his thick, glossy, curly eyelashes which gave him an almost feminine, angelic look. You’re so lovely… Gavin thought. He sat himself down gently, a few inches from Michael, on the old, crackling coffee table. And he swallowed hard. Oh god, how it hurt. Everything hurt, but nothing could match the pain he felt in his chest. Despite his efforts to keep them down, a single tear managed to escape the nooks of his eyes and slid down his cheek. His left eye began throbbing as the tears slowly continued to streak down his face. He brought his shirt collar up to his face and dabbed away at them gently, being sure not to further bruise his face. He rubbed his burning nose and slid down onto his knees so that his face was level to Michael’s. “Oh Mi-cool…” His voice cracked. “Mi-cool, how could you…” He sniffed , taking the man’s hand in his own and rubbing it gently with his thumb. The room went silent again. Gavin held his breath as Michael stirred lightly in his sleep. He reached for the face of the sleeping angel before him and brushed his curly locks away from his forehead. Michael’s skin was so pale it was almost sickly. But it was a lovely. Milky, almost white; probably the only thing about him that didn’t seem so threatening when he was awake. Gavin leaned in and planted a long kiss in between the man’s eyebrows. Skin to skin contact with him suddenly felt so forbidden, but strangely it made him crave the man even more. He gave Michael one last glance, and headed to bed.  If Michael saw him now, how would he feel?
Gavin left for work early the next morning. Michael was still sound asleep by the time he headed out the door, but he figured he could wake up on his own. The office was only across the street after all, and Gavin didn’t particularly feel like talking with him. What could they even conjure up conversation about after something like that? His morning did end up feeling quite lonely.
“Where the fuck’s Michael today, Gavin?” Geoff asked, following with a loud belch. His breath smelled of night and alcohol. Both odd scents to be smelling at 9:30 AM.
“I’m not sure… Guess he overslept this morning.” Gavin shrugged. He spun his chair further away from Geoff in order to hide his bruising. Perhaps he should have woken up Michael.
“Why the hell didn’t you wake him up then? You two always go to work together.”
“Uh…. I don’t know…” Gavin stuttered, pretending to be deep in his editing. He heard Geoff take a few steps closer to him and turned his chair even more until it felt almost as uncomfortable as it must have looked.
“What’s ‘a matter? You two having a little fight or something?” The scruffy man asked teasingly. He leaned in closer to Gavin.
“Something … Like that. Geoff would you mind backing away a bit? Your breath wreaks of alcohol this morning.” He placed his hand on his boss’s chest and pushed him away gently.
“Oh, does it?” He asked mischievously. “Ah. Then how’s this for ya?” Geoff spun the brit’s chair around and leaned over to breathe right into his face.
“Oh god , that is putrid!” Gavin complained, covering his face.
“Whoa, what the fuck happened to your eye dude?”  Gavin quickly spun his chair back around and sat hunched over, pulling his shirt up to his forehead.
“Nothing, nothing. I… just did something stupid.” He muttered through the thin cloth.
“Lemme see that, it looks really bad.” Geoff tugged gently on the surface of the man’s shirt, but he quickly smacked his hand away.
“I said sod off!” He yelled, catching the attention of Ray and Jack who were just now entering through the door.  Jack raised an eyebrow at the pair, wondering what in the world they could be arguing about so early in the morning; While Ray just quietly snuck around the group blocking the way to his desk and sat down quietly. He couldn’t help but wonder the same thing. Knowing the chummy history behind them and all, it was rare to see Gavin and Geoff arguing.
“Jesus Gavin, fine. Don’t gotta be a little priss. I was just checking to see if you’re alright, buddy.” Geoff leaned back and crossed his arms.
“I-I’m fine…” Gavin murmured. He wasn’t expecting that sort of response from Geoff. Well, maybe the ‘little priss’ part, but usually, Geoff wasn’t the type of man who’d take crap from anyone, especially Gavin. Perhaps he knew there was something deeper behind this. Geoff was always strangely very acute when it came to these things. When it came down to it, he knew when and when not to butt in.
“What’s goin’ on, Gav?” Ray asked a bit apprehensively.
“Nothing… It’s nothing.” Gavin replied. His voice faded as he slowly let go of his shirt. Ray let out a little gasp. “I hit my eye on a doorknob last night.” Gavin said, before the questions would start up again. “Stupid of me.”
Ray let out a relieved laugh. “Jesus, man! That’s one hell-of-a bruise. You must have been really shit-face to pull something like that!” Jack leaned from his desk to get a better look and joined Ray in a fit of chuckles.
“Aw man, how stupid do you have to be?” He joked.
“Yeah I guess I was pretty shit-faced…” Gavin forced a weak smile and cupped his hand over his eye once more to show his shame.
“Hit your eye on a doorknob, eh?” Geoff pondered for a moment, crossing his arms. He patted Gavin pathetically on the back and plopped himself down at his desk a few feet away.
Only moments later were stomping footsteps heard running down the hall and heavy breathing enter the room.
“What the hell, Gavin?” He took a second to lean himself against the doorway and even out his breathing. By the sound of it, he must have run all the way there. “Why didn’t you fuckin’ wake me up? You little prick.” Michael huffed in between gasps of air. Gavin closed his eyes and winced, pulling his shoulders in close to himself, as if preparing for impact.  “Sorry Geoff. Blame my lateness on Gavin.” He felt the wind of Michael’s presence as he passed by to get to his own desk. A strange wave of warm relief passed through him as he relaxed his shoulders.
“Yeah yeah, okay. Let’s get recording then. Gotta get this video recorded and edited by today. Jack, could’ja check and make sure the audio’s all good?” Geoff dragged his microphone in front of his mouth  and adjusted himself comfortably in his worn out chair.
“Yep.” The other bearded man responded, bending beneath his desk to untangle some of the cords that had somehow knotted overnight.
“Gavin, hand me my controller.” Michael demanded, letting out a little yawn.
“…here.” He tossed the controller to him with a pathetic flick of the wrist. It barely skid five inches from where his wrist rested on the table. Michael stared at the plastic controller as if expecting it to magically float into his hands and took in a deep, frustrated breath. Gavin gulped and shrunk deeply into the collar of his shirt once more. His left eye immersed into a dull throb, and suddenly his sides felt as if they had just been freshly bruised. He ached all over, just looking at Michael.
“…Are you serious. You can’t just hand me the controller? Jeez did I do something? Are you mad at me Gavin?” Michael said this with the same voice and head cock he always gave Gavin when he was starting to get pissed off. The first stages of going into full rage mode. Gavin shuddered in his clothes at just the thought of seeing that side so soon already.
“Just… Grab it Mi-cool. It’s right there.” He murmured, using his foot to scoot his chair just the furthest bit away from the beginnings of the fuming boyfriend before him.
“Why are you hiding your face? It’s pissing me off.” Michael stood up from his seat.
“I’m not hiding anything.”
“Gavin fucking show me your face.”
“Why Mi-cool!” The brit shouted.
“Because you’re my boyfriend and I want to see your fucking face!” The room was hushed with the foreign noises coming out of Michael’s mouth. Gavin swallowed his words and slowly turned around to reveal his purple eye to Michael. His eyes widened in a mixture of fear and curiosity. “Wh…at… the fuck happened Gavin?” He immediately dropped to his knees, also something erratically abnormal to see Michael do, and cupped his hands beneath Gavin’s jaw.
“He said he tripped and hit his face on a door knob last night.” Ray’s laugh came out a bit more forced than intended. But the sense of good humor was still there. “He looks…alright though.” His muttered words followed. Even Ray could sense something was wrong in the atmosphere, and slowly shrunk back in his seat, regretting to have said anything at all.
“That’s… not what really happened, is it Gav?” Geoff stood up from his chair and crossed his arms. “Boys, let’s give them a little space. We can record once they’re finished.” The other two nodded and strung along without saying another word . Even Jack, who was usually curious about gossip amongst office members, followed the other two out the door without resistance.
Michael’s eyes followed the men as they each left one by one before closing the door behind them. Then he averted his attention back at the quivering Brit before him. Gavin didn’t take notice to his trembling either until he saw Michael’s forearm shaking in unison with his own face. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down but ended up hyperventilating. Oh god it was all too much. Even in the arms of the man he loved, he had never been so afraid.
“Gavin, what’s wrong? Why are you shaking?” Michael asked. Gavin turned his head away and gently pushed a flat hand against Michael’s chest.
“It’s…Nothing…” He mumbled timidly.
“Look at me!” Michael turned Gavin’s face to look at his own. “Tell me what’s wrong. How did you get this on your face?…” His voice trailed off as he traced a gentle finger along the ring of black around his lover’s eyes. The brunette winced at his touch and let out a low whimper. “Ah—Sorry…” he murmured, dropping his hands.  “Gavin… Please, tell me.”
Despite his hard efforts in trying to remain calm, he absolutely could not do it. Gavin shook his head  violently as the oh-too-familiar tears began to streak down his face once more. They seemed to hurt twice as much this time, and his eye, oh god his eye. He couldn’t cease the shaking, it was getting out of control. He grabbed Michael’s hands in his own and squeezed tightly, pressing himself deeply into the man’s shoulder. Michael’s eyebrows furrowed in utter disturbance. This was the first time he’d ever witnessed Gavin crying.
Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of guilt washed over him like a basin of warm water.  
“Y…You…” Gavin’s words were muffled by the tears and the cloth of Michael’s shirt in his mouth. “You…” He hiccupped.
“No…” Michael shook his head. What the hell was this? “No, no…” He stood up with his eyes widened into spheres, and his gazed affixed to the wall. Gavin’s head slid from his shoulder to the middle of his stomach. He stood up and this time held Michael’s warm face in his hands.
“Mi-cool…” He could barely make out the man’s dark eyebrows and patched freckles through his blurred vision, but they were still there. They would always be there, to remind Gavin of the man he fell in love with. “It hurts, Mi-cool.” He sputtered dryly, causing a piercing pain to come shooting through his abdomen. “Why did you do it, Mi-cool…” He licked his dry lips and shook his head. “Why… Why did you have to scare me like that Mi-cool…” His head shook from side to side as he gradually lowered his neck towards the ground. His tears darkened the color of the carpet as they splashed down below.
“Gavin… I—“
“I was so afraid I had lost you…” Gavin’s head remained hung and his hands now rested on Michael’s broad shoulders as if relying on them to keep himself upright. “I was so scared, Mi-cool… That you had gone and lost yourself. I couldn’t imagine trying to go on… Without you by my side. With my Mi-cool…” He hiccupped. He was having sobbing fits in between his words at this point. His head flicked up to face the hazy image of the man that remained the center of his world. “Why do you have go and make me worry like that?”
Michael’s eyes were glazed over. He could hear the words coming out of Gavin’s mouth, but they made no sense; just a jumble of noise in his ears. His eyes were watery for whatever reason, he couldn’t figure why. It bothered him deeply. As Gavin lifted his face, and met his eyes with his own, he blinked. With that one blink, everything became clear. The violet surrounding Gavin’s left eye and the torment buried deep within his blue irises. Suddenly Michael couldn’t breathe. His small mouth opened and small, short breaths of air came in as if to calm himself down for the next course of action he would take. He wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and pulled him in tightly. He nuzzled his chin into Gavin’s neck as if to hook them together. He raised his large hand and pressed the back of Gavin’s head to his shoulder.
“Oh god, Gavin, oh god, fucking god…” Michael sobbed. He’d fucking done it now. He’d let his temper get out of hand and finally fucking hurt the only person that had ever learned to love him. “Don’t you go and fucking say shit like that Gavin…Fuck!” he sniffed loudly and rubbed away at his eyes angrily. “Gavin, fuck, I’m so fucking sorry, Gavin!” He shouted, squeezing the limp body of the man closer to him. He wished he could just hug the pain away, as if he could just force the pain to leave his body by embracing him tighter.
“Mi-cool…” Gavin whimpered. He let go of him for a second and held him at arm’s length by the shoulders.
“What? What is it Gavin?”
“Not that I don’t love it when you hug me but… You’re hurting me… a little bit…” He smiled sheepishly. Michael grimaced at the way Gavin was clutching the side of his hip, and looked back up to meet his face. He leaned in for the longest kiss the two had ever shared, and released with a loud pucker. Both of their cheeks were red with embarrassment, and a little bit from the crying.
“Never again, Gavin. Never fucking again. I’m going to protect you like the boyfriend that I am, like the boyfriend that I always should have fucking been.”
“…Okay Mi-cool. I’m happy with that.” Gavin leaned his head softly on Michael’s shoulders. His crying had subsided and his chest was now calming down with a few short breaths of air in couplets of two. He closed his eyes.
“I’m happy with it too, Gavin… I’m happy with you.” He kissed the man gently on top of his left, bruised eyelid. “Oh. Oops. Did that hurt? Sorry, sorry. We’ll get you to a doctor right fucking away. I’ll drive you there right now, I promise.” Michael grabbed Gavin’s hand and began pulling him. Using his other free hand he twisted the door knob and threw the door open.
Michael turned around. “It doesn’t hurt as much anymore…” Gavin blinked sleepily and his mouth pulled into a small smile. Suddenly, a familiar tune could be heard whistling from around the corner as Geoff appeared with a small satisfied grin on his face. He tossed the keys to Michael who caught them smoothly and gave him a thankful nod. Geoff turned his head and winked at Gavin, as he was pulled away  to the garage where the company cars were parked, hand in hand with his boyfriend, Michael Jones. The man he knew better than anyone else.
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Length: One shot
Rated: M
Summary: Michael comes home drunk and extremely turned on. How will Gavin take care of him? ~
(Note: sorry for the long absence guys, but I’m back, and thank you for all the sweet messages while I was away!~)
"Where is he where is he…" The ginger mumbled with his words escaping to the floor. Gavin pulled him back up straight and tugged his thick arm a little tighter around his own neck to keep him from falling. 
"Come on Mi-cool we’re almost home. Come on my little drunken baff. We’ll get you nice and cozy in bed in no time." He hummed sweetly into the hair of the wasted man clutching to him for support. 
"Where is he… I have to find him.. NOW!" Michael’s sudden exclamation caused Gavin to jump back a step down. He managed to steady his footing and keep his disorientated partner from sliding down the stairs and bashing his head open.
"Mi-cool, calm down! Jesus christ. You scared the bullocks out of me!" Gavin scowled half angrily. 
"But I have to find him!" Michael hiccuped desperately. 
"Who, love? Who are you so eager to find? Please, do tell me." They were almost there, only a few more steps to go until Gavin could throw his drunken heap of a boyfriend onto the couch and help him sober up. God his shoulder was killing him. Not that they hadn’t gone through this same scenario multiple times prior, though.
"The mnnnn.. I… need to find…" Michael seemed to give up halfway through his explanation and threw his head down in defeat. Luckily, the two had already reached the top, and Gavin fumbled to find the keys in his pocket to unlock the door and drag Michael’s body into the warm living room.
"Get on there you." He grunted, flinging Michael onto the couch. He grabbed the neatly folded fleece blanket at Michael’s feet and threw it over him. He made sure to tuck it in neatly in the sides.
"Wait, where are you going? Come …back!" Michael grabbed into the air as if searching for physical evidence that Gavin was still beside him.
"Yes, Mi-cool, what is it?" Gavin knelt down beside his partner and rested his hand in his face. He cocked his head slightly and smiled at him softly. 
"I don’t want to sleep!" Michael furrowed his eyebrows. “I don’t fuckin’ need to sleep right now! Take me.. to the bedroom. Right now. Bedroom. Pronto Gavin!…" He ripped the blanket off of him and tried to push himself back onto his feet. Gavin ran quickly to his side and helped him stumble into their small bedroom and onto the bed. 
"Will you sleep here, Mi-cool?" Gavin asked. 
“Will you sleep here Micool" He mocked. “NO I’m not sleeping, I said I don’t need to sleep! Get me him! Right now! I… need him…" His voice broke into a small whimper which caused lines of worry to form around Gavin’s eyes and mouth.
"Calm down Mi-cool. He’s right here! He’s right here." He pointed at himself hoping to trick his drunk companion. “Right here, Mi-cool."
"Oh… are you him?….. Get the fuck in bed right now." Michael demanded. Gavin decided to humor him and slid in beside the man. 
"Hi Mi-cool." Gavin giggled sheepishly. 
"Hi. Fucking hi."
"…Hi" He giggled again. He found drunken Michael to be the funniest thing for some reason, and he couldn’t help himself from snickering. Perhaps the alcohol was contagious.
"Gav…" Michael threw his arm sloppily over Gavin’s neck. “I want . the. D. Right now. seriously right.. RIGHT NOW!" His sentences held pauses in between words, and his tone raised and lowered.
"…What was that Michael? You’re drunk, Love. Just go to sleep, okay?" Gavin kissed the top of Michael’s forehead and laid his head back down onto the pillow.
"No. NO MORE SLEEP! NO MORE SLEEP!" he screamed like a child giving a tantrum. “Gavin please. Please don’t make a man begggggggggggggg…." He groaned. “Here I’ll even take off my pants for you. That’s easier isn’t it? Okay I’ll do it for you. Look I’m doing it right now. Look." And he was. Soon Michael’s pants were thrown onto the floor beside the rest of the dirty laundry.
"Oh, Mi-cool…" Gavin let out a long breath. 
"….Please?" He looked into Gavin’s eyes despite how excruciatingly difficult it was to keep his focus. 
"…N….No Mi-cool I can’t just take advantage of you like that. Honestly…" But his voice sounded swayable. 
"You’re not! Do this for me.. Please… I’m sooo fuckin’ horny Gav come on, please." He threw himself over Gavin and kissed him all around the neck. “Ugh you even smell good.. Fuuuck me…" Michael’s voice trailed off as he continued kissing the man’s stubbly neck. 
"Euuughh… Fuckkk Mi-cool… Alright, … you want top or bottom then?" He honestly couldn’t resist. 
"Fuckin’ top , duh. When the hell ever do I let YOU be on top?" It took Gavin a little while until he answered. 
"Never. Cept today." Suddenly with one swift motion he rolled himself over so that Michael was on the bottom and he was hovering over his drunken face. It wasn’t hard, but only because he was drunk and was only able to retain half his usual strength. 
"What the fuck are you—"
"Come on, Mi-cool. You’re too drunk to know what you’re doing. Give me a chance, eh? Turn over. Go on." A smirk played across his lips as Michael gave a little scoff and turned himself over. “Hey Mi-cool?" Gavin asked, undoing his own belt.
"Just who were you looking for exactly?" He threw his belt to the floor and slid his legs out of his pants.
"I was looking for…The man I love." Gavin grabbed Michael in his hand and slid up and down until his precum dripped onto his fingers.
"He is currently fucking me… I think"
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Request & updates~
Hello everyone!~ 
I'm looking for some more requests in my inbox, I'd really appreciate it if you guys offered me any ideas / prompts.
I still have a handful of prompts I've been meaning to write but with classes in the way I most likely wont post till the weekend when I've got a bit more free time.
I'm still working on part two for Carnival Date . I want to spend a bit more time on it since it's one of my longer fics, so I apologize for the long wait. :( Also been working on a new one shot aswell. Aaaannddd been brainstorming some ideas for a possible Mavin/Davin fic keke though still lacking in a solid plot. ( Suggestions anyone? )
Okay ask box is always open,
ask away all you lovely people. I LOVE YOU MAVIN COMMUNITY ~
keep calm and tease it yo
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Length: One shot
Rated: Anyone can read who’s got a strong heart
Summary: Angst, so much angst. Gavin and Michael get into a freak accident… That’s all I can say without spoiling it. Requested by an anon ( a lovely anon by the way )
"I should have been more careful…I should have been more careful Gavin… I’m so fucking sorry, Gavin."
The image of his lover’s body sprawled across the upturned car began to blur in Michael’s eyes. His nose reddened, and burned a deep pain each time he tried to swallow the tears back down. He looked an absolute mess, he felt a mess. But what the hell did it matter? Lights were flashing all around him, the siren of ambulances rung out all through the neighborhood, but Michael couldn’t hear any of it. He could hear nothing but his own mind screaming at him. It’s your fault, Michael.
His stomach twisted up inside of him as his weak knees fell roughly to the asphalt; His body lurched over in pain at the thought of Gavin, his beautiful Gavin; bloody and broken. Michael dragged a blood-stained hand across his wet eyes in attempts to clear up his vision. He let out a dry cough and then using all the strength he had left in his legs, forced himself up off the pavement and made a mad dash back towards the car; The car where Gavin’s body lay. Before he could even reach the barricade of caution tape, his eyes had once again been filled to the brim and he felt the salty, warm tears run down the fronts of his cheeks. They burned of the hot, unconditional anguish that Michael could feel eating away at his heart. He clawed savagely at the caution tape; tearing the separation away between him and his most beloved.
"Gavin!" He tried to scream, but it was like letting a deaf man know he was coming for him. It escaped his lungs as nothing but a hoarse squeak, lost in the commotion of the crowd that surrounded the accident. Michael knew they wouldn’t let him near the car; of course not. It was nothing left but a giant scrap of busted metal. But something in his mind told him it didn’t matter. No matter what, he had to be with Gavin.
Even as he clawed his way through the debris; Somewhere deep down in the throbbing of his heart, Michael already knew it; Gavin was dead, and it was his fault. In the end, Michael had murdered the only reason for his living, only reason for his existence. Gavin was gone now. As much as he didn’t want to face it, it was true. If Gavin had still been alive, he would’ve been there with Michael right then. They could have been comforting each other and grateful that both of them had made it out alive, and he wasn’t.
But this didn’t matter at this point; even if it was too late. Michael ran to him, he ran to the only man that he had ever loved and threw himself down onto the ground. He forced himself through the shattered passenger seat window; the shards ripping away at his pale skin. His blood ran thickly down his arm and soaked into the seat fabric , disguising itself with the rest of Gavin’s blood. Gavin’s blood that Michael had spilled.
"Gavin." Michael choked on his words. One arm reached over to the brunette’s head as the other wiped away at his eyes once more. Using his legs to push himself, he urged his body deeper into the wrecked car, to be closer to him. All he wanted was to be with him, dead or not.
Gavin’s eyes were shut tightly. His mouth open just a tiny slit; the corners dried with undeserved, spilled blood. Michael lay his hand dearly on the only part of the man’s face that was not immersed in death and let his tears fall down onto it. Gavin’s left cheek had been facing the seat when the accident occurred. He had turned to look at Michael while they were in the midst of conversation, when the cars collided. The other car had taken minimal damage, only one broken headlight and a small dent on the side of the door. While Michael’s car, being only half the size of its opponent, not only was dented on all possible sides, but had managed to flip over twice and skidded along the side of the road until finally coming to halt as it smashed against the bottom of a street lamp.
Gavin’s cold cheek was colorless, and contrasted greatly against the crimson blood surrounding the rest of his face.
"I’m so… sorry..Ga…vin." Michael sobbed deeply. For the first time in his life, Michael truly felt like dying. If Gavin was dead, he wanted to be dead as well. He didn’t deserve to be alive if Gavin hadn’t made it. Not even the cuts of glass embedded in his skin, nor the large tear in the skin above his forehead felt like enough. Everything on the outside was numb, and his senses stopped functioning it seemed. He could not hear nor see anything but the constant pounding of his heart inside his ears and the dead face of his lover. His heart however, ached with a pain that he felt only death would allow him to escape. It pounded, it twisted, Michael just wanted to die, simple as that. His body wanted to languish, it wanted to destroy itself so his soul could go on with Gavin. That’s all he ever wanted , was to be by that man’s side for the rest of his life.
"Ga..vi..n," Michael spat out in between sobs, “Gavin if you’re still here with me…If you can still hear me buddy," Michael pressed his lips tenderly on the clean, untouched side of the man’s face. His tears rolled down and streaked away at the dried blood on his lover’s forehead. “I’m sorry for this Gavin.. I’m so fucking sorry. It’s my fault we can’t be together anymore. I just wanted to be with you Gavin…" He slammed his fist hard onto what was left of the dashboard. His sniffed deeply and let out a low, painful groan. “But just remember this Gavin, before you leave me, before you go so soon… always … always remember, Gavin… I love-"
Michael’s arms slipped away from Gavin’s cold, dead face. His voiced cracked as he felt the rest of his body get pulled out from the window in which he had come from. No, no. He didn���t get to finish what he was saying. Gavin slid further and further away from his grasp.
"No…" his desperate attempt to resist was lost in the yelling of the paramedics around him. With a weak , frail arm, he reached out in front of him, he reached and he screamed, he just needed to be with Gavin. He had to stay with him, he had to tell him one last time before he was gone forever.
Michael felt someone flip his body onto his back , and he was lifted up off the ground. His eyelids felt heavy; Something in his throat closed up, as the last image he saw before passing out was being pulled further and further away from the crime scene, the car. Gavin’s body faded away, everything faded…
Michael’s body flung forward in the bed along with the blanket. His heart and head were pounding in unison and he blinked his eyes hard to adjust to the dark room. His breathing was heavy, heavy and loud.
"Mi-cool?" A voice called out to him in the dark. “Michael, are you alright?" A warm hand slid into his and he felt the other man sit up in bed as well. He let out a long yawn. “What’s ‘a matter?"
Michael turned to face Gavin; The brunette’s eyebrows and mouth curved into a concerned expression as he cocked his head at Michael in confusion and slight worry. His eyes looked dazed with sleep and his hair messily ruffled from tousling around all night. Michael didn’t respond, he just looked at him.
"Mi-cool,-" But before he could finish questioning him once more, Michael pulled his lover into a tight, warm embrace and squeezed tightly. He did not let go, and instead began sobbing softly into his hair.
"I love you so fucking much Gavin." A few tears managed to escape the corners of his tightly shut eyes and rolled down onto Gavin’s bare back. Michael didn’t care. They were together. Gavin was by his side.
"Michael, are you crying? What’s the matter?" The Brit asked with genuine concern.
Michael didn’t let go. “Nothing’s the matter. I’m so glad, Gavin… I’m so glad you’re still here." He dug his face into the nape of his partners neck and sniffled gently.
"Well, of course I am Michael…" Gavin hadn’t the slightest clue as to what was going on, but it seemed Michael needed some comforting. He slowly ran his hand up and down Michael’s back in a comforting stroke, and kissed him on the back of the head.
"I love you." Michael murmured sleepily. All the crying was beginning to wear him out.
"I love you, Michael. Now let’s go back to sleep. And whatever it is, I can promise you, I’ll be here when you wake up, okay? Always." The two slowly laid themselves back down to bed; Gavin’s arms gently wrapped around Michael’s waist.
It wasn’t long before Michael fell back asleep, this time with sweet dreams and laying in the arms of the man he loved, and hoped to be with for a very long time.
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Couples Aprons
Length: One shot/ Short story
Rated: Pg-13 for Michael’s language of course
Summary: Gavin pleads Michael to buy them a pair of couples aprons. They have a nice time cooking their first meal together. FLUFF, FLUFF EVERYWHERE ~ (requested by anon, thank you so much for the amazingly sweet plot!)
"Michael, please, just try it on." The Brit whimpered, draping his arms around his partner’s neck. 
"Gavin it looks fuckin’ stupid. No." Michael snatched the matching aprons from the Brit’s limp hands and threw it back on the rack. “Why the hell do we need aprons? We don’t even cook. We go out like, every fuckin’ night, Gavin." Though angry, he didn’t bother to move the man’s arms from his shoulders. 
"Oh Mi-cool please." The brunette kissed his lover repeatedly on the cheek. “I’ll cook then! I’ll cook if we get them! Oh Mi-cooool, please."
Why were the stupid things so damn important to him? It was just a pair of couple’s aprons, they probably wouldn’t even be used. In fact, Michael would make sure of that, he’d burn them the minute they got home. “Alright, alright fine! Jesus christ, Gavin. We can get the stupid aprons." Anything to get that stubbly chin off his neck. “I’ll pay for them. Just get in the car so no one thinks we’re buying these together. Hurry up." 
The Brit danced with glee. “Oh yay, Michael. Alright I’ll be waiting in the car then. See you then, love." Before Michael could even scold him for exposing their relationship in public, he pranced off like a giddy idiot and left the store. Michael let out a huff and made his way over to the cash register, grumbling under his breath. 
"This for you and your lady?" The cashier asked him. She looked to be about 50 to 60 years old. He could tell by the laugh lines around her wrinkled mouth and the grey hairs covering most of her head. Michael was glad he had sent Gavin off.
"Yeah , I guess." He muttered, handing her the money. He hated explaining their relationship to people, sometimes he didn’t even understand it himself.
"That’s sweet. I wish my honey still bought things like this for us. But, our love has perished, long ago, I’m sad to say." She shook her head and pointed at the screen. 
"Oh." Michael pondered for a moment as he handed her the money. “I’m sorry to hear you’re divorced."
"Oh heaven’s no!" The woman exclaimed. She folded the aprons neatly and tucked them into a plastic bag in which she handed to Michael. “We’re still married. Just no longer in love. I suppose after he stopped doing little things like this we just… Drifted is all." She smiled sadly down at her hands for a moment. “Well, have fun with your honey, remember to keep her happy now." She handed Michael the receipt and gave him a knowing grin. 
"…Thank you." He managed to murmur. “Have a nice day, ma’am." He waved her off, and then left the store to meet Gavin in the car.
The ingredients to cook were all laid out on the counter of the small apartment kitchen. Micheal grabbed a pair of scissors from the drawer and sliced open the bag of steaks they had just bought.
"W’ot are ya’ cookin’, Mi-cool?" Gavin asked, pushing himself up on the counter.
"What do you see in my hand, Gavin? What do you think it could possibly be?" Micheal grumbled. It seemed whenever he was being irritated by Gavin, the man’s accent only became more prominent. God, it was just a love hate relationship with him and his voice.
"Mi-cool, why don’t you let me cook-"
"GAVIN! For gods sake, read the god damn apron! ‘DONT. FUCK. WITH. THE. COOK." He threw the meat down and wrapped his arms around Gavin’s waist. Then carefully, he pulled the brunette off the counter top. In response, Gavin lay his hands on top of Michaels and kept them where they were. Michael didn’t unravel himself. Instead, the two stood there while Michael held him for a while. Their hearts beating in unison.
"Do I annoy you that much, Mi-cool? Why are you always angry with me?" A warm feeling spread across Michael’s chest, and he felt his heart drop to his stomach. The conversation he had with the cashier early flashed through his mind. No, Gavin didn’t annoy him. He didn’t want him and Gavin to drift apart, ever. 
"…I love you, Gavin. Alright?" He stuffed his face into Gavin’s back. The Brit did not reply. He wasn’t expecting a response like this. Michael raised his chin up to meet the nape of Gavin’s neck and whispered, “I love you. I love you, I love you. And I hope you ever forget that, no matter how big of an asshole I am to you, just know I love you." 
"I know, Mi-cool." The ginger could feel the jawbones of his partner as his mouth curved into a large grin. “I love you too."
"Good." He smiled faintly. “Now stop bothering me." Michael released his arms from the man’s waist and resumed his cooking.
"What is it, Gavin?" He slapped the meat onto the tray and knelt down to the cup board below. “Hm… where is it…" He murmured, with one hand on the door and one beneath his chin.
"Why don’t you take a look at my apron, Mi-cool." 
The man pushed himself up off the floor with a slight groaning noise. He looked over at Gavin curiously. “Will cook for sex." He raised an eyebrow. “Funny, Gav. What about it?" 
"Let me cook. You can pay me back later." The smile on Gavin’s face had kinky written all over it. Michael stared at his partner for a while before throwing his hands in the air.
"…Fine, go ahead. Anything to get this stupid apron off me." He began pulling it over his head before he felt something stop his arm. “What-"
"Keep it on Mi-cool. It’s cute." Gavin lowered the man’s hand and kissed him square on the nose. The ginger blushed furiously and looked down at the floor. Gavin’s hand slid from his wrist.
"Fine, I’ll keep it on." Michael muttered. His hand grabbed Gavin’s before it slipped away, and he locked their fingers together. He squeezed gently. “Only because I love you so fuckin’ much." He then yanked the other man’s arm in for a warm, sweet kiss. Immediately as he let go, he made his way over the couch and plopped himself down; his cheeks still burning. 
"What, Gavin?"
"Do you think I should’ve gotten a ‘kiss the chef’ apron aswell?"
"Shut up, Gavin. God. I would’ve burned it if you had."
"You’re right," He smiled teasingly. “You’ve kissed me plenty today."
Michael glared at Gavin with a look of false annoyance to hide his furious blushing. Gavin laughed heartily and with that, he began to cook his first meal, for the man he loved— the man who loved him.
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
can you write a murder/strong violence fic? like michael beats up gavin or the other way around?
...michael? is that you?
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Length: One shot/ short story
Rated: Pg-13, only for language
Summary: The boys are playing against each other in a let's play; Geoff and Ray against Michael and Gav. Michael's foot accidentally brushes against Gavin's in the midst of his frustration, but Gavin takes it to be a game of footsie instead. ( Requested by anon, thank you! )
Damn it. Another point down. God, why did he  always have to be paired with this incompetent idiot? Sometimes Michael wondered if Gavin was just pretending to suck at games for the sake of the video, or he was just that uncoordinated.
"Gavin you idiot! Why didn't you block me?" Michael screamed.
"Looks like we got this one in the bag, Ray." Geoff snorted, his laugh echoing throughout the small office room.
"Suck it! Another point for team Reoff!" Ray high-fived his partner. "Come on team Mavin, get your shit together!"
Everyone in the room stopped the excessive pressing of their controllers and raised an eyebrow at Ray. What did he just say?
"Team Reoff, really?" Geoff shook his head and laughed, "Sounds like, sounds like a name for a rash cream, not a winning team." He chuckled. Half at the other team's loss and half at the stupid remark Ray had just made. The ridiculous team name was more like something he would've expected to come out of that crazy Brit's made up vocabulary, not Ray. Perhaps the two had been spending too much time together lately.
"Yeah, I figured we should have team names, y'know since we're always on the same teams anyway..." Ray muttered, his focus now back on the game. Everyone laughed and Geoff patted Ray sympathetically on the back . He let out only a light grumble in response.
"Sorry Mi-cool. I'm trying, I really am." Gavin spoke, in that little whining voice he made whenever he was losing in a let's play. But this time it sounded almost like he was teasing, as if he was purposely trying to provoke the angry fumes that were practically radiating off of Michael's curly head.
'Trying' my ass, Michael thought spitefully. He stretched his legs out beneath the table in frustration. He jerked his leg back in response when the tip of his shoe felt as if it had run into something. He looked up at Gavin, but his expression remained unchanged. Michael decided it must have been the table leg.
"Fine, fuckers. Best two out of three then. Our team deserves at least that, since I have to be stuck with this freaking moron." He slammed one of his fists on the table, rattling the screens of the other three players, as if demanding for dominance. 
"Yeah I guess since it is team Mavin against team, er, Reoff, you guys deserve that. Best two outta three then, guys. I'll restart the game." Geoff took a quick sip from the beer bottle beside him and wiped the remaining liquid on his mouth using back of his hand.
"Don't fucking call us-" Michael's booming voice was cut off by surprise; something had brushed across his foot. His eyes flickered over at Gavin who was, judging by his unbearably giddy expression, obviously the one who had done it. The Brit was trying his best to keep his attention directed at the screen, but a small smirk escaped from his mouth. Michael was about ready to get up and punch him in the face, when Geoff slapped his hand gently on the table. 
Michael immediately averted his attention back at the screen. Suddenly the childish remarks between the four of them had come to a complete halt. The room was silent for a moment as the game began. Finally, the first kill was made.
"Yes!" Gavin exclaimed. "Suck on that, you turds!" He wiggled a victory dance in his chair.
"Good, you finally got us one fucking point, Gavin." Michael muttered, though really he was quite pleased. He felt something step lightly on his foot. It was definitely Gavin this time, it had to be. It felt to be about the size of his foot, from what Michael could remember anyway. While still keeping his eyes on the screen, he swiveled in his chair a bit to face the brunette, then slid his foot out from beneath Gavins, he lightly stepped on the other man’s foot in response. Wait-- Were they fucking playing footise? Another kill was made.
"Damn it Gavin..." Ray sighed. "Geoff where the hell are you?"
"I'm in front of you, moron. You just ran out in the open and got killed."
"I was hiding!" The two bickered momentarily, and soon yet another kill was made. Michael felt Gavin's foot once again link around the back of his ankle.
"What the fuck? Gavin was that you that just killed me?" Geoff asked bitterly.
"Hacks! I call hacks!" Ray exclaimed.
Gavin only grinned. "Can't help that I kick ass at this game." 
Michael couldn't argue with that. Three kills in five minutes was pretty impressive.  He pulled his leg away from the other man's lock and blindly stomped on the brunette's foot. Gavin was too quick, however, and managed to pull his leg away just in time. This resulted in a loud thumping noise beneath the table, that rattled all of the screens.
"The hell was that?" Ray asked half heartedly; He was too focused on the game to really care, though. It seemed the question had come from the back of his mind. Michael didn't say anything. Instead he turned and quickly shot Gavin a look of disgust, one in which he returned with a side smile. Gavin's eyes were still glued to the screen.
"Ohhhhh!" The brunette cheered. "And that's a victory for Team Mavin!" His laugh came out half coughing half cheering. Michael’s controller slipped from his hands in surprise. He hadn’t managed a single kill. In fact, no one had, except for Gavin.
"Ah, fuck Gavin. Good game." Geoff sighed his defeat.
"Yeah, good game." Ray murmured. "I still call hacks."
"Nice job, Gav." Michael said quietly, flashing Gavin one of his signature curvy smiles. He linked both of his legs around Gavin’s ankles. "I guess Team Mavin wins."
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Requests ( always accepting !~ )
Hello again everyone~ Though I am working on part two for 'Carnival Date'
Im actually lacking on prompts.
Please feel free to request anything in my Ask box if you've got any ideas
ANYTHING AT ALL IN MIND, I'll try to work with it
I'm in the mood for some quick short stories
angst , fluff, horror maybe, anything cute
please request in the ask box
even if your idea doesn't fit any of the categories above, just request anyway! I'll get to it eventually ~
Thanks guys, the Mavin community is so sweet
I love you guys ;u;
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Carnival Date
Length: Part 1 of 2. Still a rather short story, but I thought it'd be easier to read if it was spread it into two parts 
Rated: PG-13. Only rated for language (as it probably always will be. I mean, it's Michael after all) 
Summary: Michael takes Gavin out to the carnival, aka their 'first date'. But the entire time, Michael finds it quite hard to accept the fact that he's, well, in love with a man. While poor Gav just wants to hold Michael's hand and be with him and have just a lovely, romantic time. ( Idea requested by an awesome person with amazing ideas *o* )
Texas weather was killer, of course, being as it was summer time. And the fact that the air conditioner at the office had broken down a few days prior wasn't helping the cause very much either. The two men sat side by side, slumped over at each of their desks. Both of them were monotonously clicking away at their computers, only occasionally averting their hand away to wipe away the sweat rolling down their foreheads. Every once a while Gavin would look over to Michael, and feel a little smile tug at the corners of his mouth, then turn his head back towards his computer and resume working. Michael noticed whenever he did this, but he didn't bother to say anything.
"My GOD it is fuckin' hot." Michael suddenly proclaimed, dragging a moist hand across his glimmering forehead. "Christ." It had to have been the fifth time he said this in the past hour. 
"Maybe it’s because of that afro, you little sheep." Gavin joked, turning around in his chair to face Michael. "My little Mi-cool sheep." He ran his fingers through the man's hair, unraveling each little curl with his fingers. Gavin smiled at the way they immediately sprung back into place when he retracted his arm.
What the hell did that delusional Brit think he was doing? Michael thought. Running his hands through his hair? He wasn’t his damn pet, for gods sake.
"God, stop it Gavin, it’s too hot!” Michael quickly swatted his hand away. “And piss off about my fro. I happen to like it.” His cutsey lips curved into a small frown as he quickly ran his hands through his hair to repair the damage Gavin had caused to its shape. He seemed to be irritated, but really it had felt kind of good. He didn’t mind having Gavin’s long, slender fingers slide across his scalp like that. But they were two guys, for christs sake, that’s not what guys did with one antoher. And they were still at work, someone could’ve easily walked in and fired their asses right then and there.
Actually, Michael highly doubted it. He remembered most of the Rooster Teeth crew had already taken the day off and gone home early. Back to their nice, air conditioned homes, where you were actually able to breathe without having to hyperventilate in this hotter than hell weather.
“I like it too, Michael.” Gavin replied almost mockingly. “It’s cute.”
Hints of pink rose up in Michael’s cheeks, and it wasn’t because of the heat either. Cute? Did that prick seriously just call him cute? And was he actually… blushing?
“Gavin, shut, UP!” He used his foot to roll Gavin’s chair further away from him. “God you’re annoying.”
“What’s wrong Michael? You usually like it when I do that.” Gavin didn’t bother to scoot back to his desk. Instead he leaned back in his chair and cocked his head at Michael with a teasingly smug look on his face.
“Just shut up. It’s too hot. I don’t like anything right now, especially not you.” He scowled.
Gavin smiled and tilted his head to one side. “Alright, alright Michael, I’ll stop. Jeez. Someone’s a bit grouchy today.” He used his legs to drag himself back across the room. Michael sighed. It seemed he was too tired to keep this act up. The heat was simply draining him of all rageful feelings.
"So anyway,” He said, a bit more calm, “you wanna go tonight?" He flashed Gavin a small smile. His only true gesture of affection.
"To what?" Gavin asked. Though, something in his voice told Michael he already knew what he was talking about.
"The carnival, dumbass. Ray's been talkin' about it all fuckin' week." Though his words harsh, the soft expression remained on his face.
"I'd absolutely love to go with you Michael!" Gavin replied giddily. He rose to his feet and pulled the man into a tight embrace. “Thank you for inviting me. I was actually beginning to think you were never going to ask.”
"Stop with that shit, Gavin. God, don’t have to make such a big deal." Michael huffed. “And what did I just say about touching me? Do you ever listen to anything I say?” He pressed the palm of his hand against Gavin’s chest and roughly pushed him away, causing him to stagger back a few feet. Gavin’s arms slipped off of Michael’s neck and he hit his back against the door, causing a loud thudding noise.
After he managed to steady his legs from the little stumble, he mumbled, “Sorry Michael, I forgot.” An uncomfortable feeling slowly welled up inside of him.
Michael’s eyebrows furrowed. He hadn’t thrust him that hard; at least not enough to slam against the door like that. Why were his legs acting so weak all of a sudden? Sure they were thin but they should’ve been strong enough to support his equally as thin body. At least the stupid guy didn’t seem to be hurt; not physically anyway. Michael felt the slightest sense of guilt climbing up the back of his spine as Gavin pushed himself back up off the door and sit himself back down.
"Anyway, I'll let the other fellas know then. Who should we ask?" Michael quickly fumbled to pull the phone from his pocket. “D’you think Jack would wanna come?--”
He felt a small smile tug at the corners of his mouth when the background of his phone popped up. A photo depicting him and Gavin making silly faces after recording a rage quit video together smiled back at him on the screen. Even if it sometimes it seemed as if Michael absolutely loathed the crap out of Gavin, it was all for show. Michael could never really get angry with someone as lovely as Gavin. Who could? He was always so considerate, so charming, and not to mention so irresistibly handsome. Yes, Gavin was handsome.
"Err, no. Michael,” Gavin interrupted his reminiscing, “I'd rather him not come with us..." He spoke in almost in a murmur.
"What, why?" Michael stopped looking at his phone and shifted his attention up at Gavin. "I mean, I know he’s an ass and all, but he's still-"
"No Michael, actually, that's not what I meant.”
Michael raised an eyebrow, “Then what do you-“
“I don't want anyone else to go. I want it to be just us two together at the carnival, Michael. Just us." He began scratching embarrassedly at his left elbow, and kept his head low, as if hoping to hide his face from Michaels. His bit his lips in a half smile, waiting in anticipation for Michael’s response.
Michael leaned back in his chair and placed the phone onto his desk. He crossed his arms into a curious stance and stared at Gavin. "What are you talking about? Why would you want it to be just us?"
"Well," It took a little while for the brunette to collect his thoughts. He tousled his hair a bit and rubbed absentmindedly at his beard. Finally after all his fiddling, and fidgeting, he replied, "We haven't had our first real date yet..." He mumbled. “I thought this would be it.”
"What?" Michael stopped for a moment to soak in what he'd just heard. Date? Why would Gavin say that? "What the hell do you mean by 'date', Gavin?" Guys did not go on dates together. 
The Brit sighed a little. He knew he couldn’t expect to get too much emotion from Michael, especially about something he knew the ginger was extra touchy about. "You know, since… we are dating.” Gavin smiled again. He liked saying the word ‘dating’. He liked the way it bounced off his tongue, especially since he was talking about Michael.
"When the hell did I agree to something like that!" Michael suddenly exclaimed. "And stop throwing around words like that so lightly. There are other people in the office still, you know. The walls are thin, Gavin. People can fuckin’ hear us." It was ironic that he out of all people would be the one saying this, but he couldn’t help it. He was unbearably paranoid.
"I know they can.  I can hear you yelling and screaming from the moment I get to work every day." Gavin snickered. He had this little way of laughing that was between a chuckle and a snort, and for whatever reason, Michael found it to be so contagious. But, not wanting to expose his feelings to Gavin, he forced himself not to smile. With all his might, he managed to maintain the fake scowl on his face.
"Shut up!" He yelled abstractly, in place for a lack of a better response. He deceitfully scratched at his neck, hoping to look at least somewhat irritable. “And, where in the hell did you get that bogus idea?”
"Well," Gavin lowered his voice before he continued. "We are… Dating, aren't we Michael? I mean, we've slept together so many times, I just assum-"
"Stop. Gavin." Michael quickly cupped his clamy hand around Gavin's mouth and cut him off. "Let's not talk about this right now actually." He exhaled heavily, and lowered his hands back down to his side. How could Gavin just say something like that so out in the open? Wasn’t that idiot concerned at all at the fact that people were around? Geez, ­­­­Gavin could piss off Michael in ways he didn’t even know possible. But he couldn’t stand to be actually angry at him. How could he? Gavin’s laugh was just, just fuckin’ adorable is what it was. Yelling at him now would be like kicking a puppy. Michael frowned and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Gavin's eyes widened as he sat there and stared at Michael with a dazed look in his eyes. "What?" Michael snapped. “What the hell’s with that look?”
"I love you Michael." Gavin smiled. A warm feeling spread across Michael's chest as he heard Gavin say those four words. His smile looked so sweet, as if he genuinely meant what he had said. Hah, as if. As if anyone could love Michael. Especially not someone like Gavin. Someone as wonderful, and beautiful, as Gavin Free. His eyebrows crinkled at just the thought. Beautiful? No, Gavin was definitely not beautiful. Not in any way.
"Shut up Gavin." He stuttered. What the hell was he thinking? Gavin? Charming? Wonderful? Surely it was the heat that was causing his brain to think of all these far fetched adjectives that nowhere nearly described Gavin. Yes, it must have been the heat. Michael was not interested in men. All those things he had…done with Gavin, they were different. They felt different. Michael was in no way against gays, but he was sure, he was most certainly straight. Completely and utterly…Straight.
Michael pressed his lips tightly together and exhaled out through his nose. He hated when his feelings got like this. He hated to be confused, all jumbled up inside, as if someone had gone and shoved a taffy machine inside his guts. "Okay fine.” He shook his head at the mindless rambling going on inside his head, “If you want it to be just us, I won't let the guys know. I'll pick you up at six, alright? You better fucking be ready. I'm not waiting around for you."  
Gavin nodded understandingly, his smile stretching even more, his eyes sparkling and his charm level rising. Oh god. It was the heat, Michael kept telling himself. It was the heat that was doing this to Michael’s heart, it had to be.
Gavin stood up from his chair and hovered over the ginger for a moment. “What do you want-“But before Michael could finish spitting out his half hearted insult, the brunette had gone in and kissed Michael right on the side of his face, where his blush seemed to be most rosy. “Gavin-…” He tried to grumble; but his voice eventually faded into a low moan. This time he didn’t seem so angry, and he didn’t bother to shove the man away either. Instead he just sat there and let the Brit press his warm lips against his own bare cheek. There was a sweet popping sound when he finally released his lips. “G-get out,” Michael finally stuttered, “I don’t want to see you any more than I have to in one day.” Instead of threatening, his voice sounded rather like he was trying to lie to someone who already knew he was lying.
Gavin loved the way Michael pretended to be angry, when it was clear that he wasn’t. He loved the way his voice would slowly soften as he tried to yell something hurtful, but just couldn’t finish his sentence without stuttering or mumbling it. As they came to know each other over the years, Gavin began to notice these little things about Michael that no one else seemed to. And as time went by, he had even grown to love them, more and more each day. “I’ll see you tonight then, love.” The door closed shut.
“Ughh…” Michael groaned. He leaned his elbows on the desk and buried his face in his hands. “What the fuck is this feeling…” He coughed dryly under his breath.
But unfortunately for him, he knew all too well what this feeling was. In fact, he had known it since the day that stupid, pompous-ass Brit had agreed to work for the company. Since the day they filmed their first video together, they had gotten along so well, even though they were nothing but strangers. He had known it since the first time their lips met, by the way his stomach lurched up inside of him and his heart felt as if it would burst. He never wanted Gavin to leave him, He wanted to keep him by his side forever if he could. This was clear, it was freaking fact that he loved being with that stupid Brit. It was such an uncontrollable feeling to keep inside. But he forced it down, like he always did when he was around Gavin. He was afraid to admit what this feeling was, even to himself, even as clear as it was, he could never bring himself to accept it.
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goodlucklove-mavin · 12 years
Length: One shot
Rated: M? It's got a little touching but mostly just cutesy fluffy Gavin and Michael time. Oh and of course a little--er , lot of swearing from Michael.
Summary: The boys are playing video games together, with one in the others lap. Gavin decides needs a way to distract Michael so he can win.
"Damn it Gavin, you prick." Michael scowled. He could feel the pelvis bone of his partner digging into the surface his own thighs as Gavin squealed with laughter. "Stop moving around so much, you're hurting my legs."
"Oh, I'm sorry Michael. Do you want to switch then?" The brunette slid from Michael's lap and brushed himself off. "Come on, get up." Michael groaned and began rubbing his legs in efforts to get rid of the numbing sensation. He hadn't even noticed that his legs had fallen asleep until Gavin had stood up.
"What do you mean by 'let's switch'?" Michael asked. 
Gavin smiled sweetly at him. "You can sit on my lap this time Michael. Go on." The male plopped himself down on the leather chair and patted the top of his thighs, as if signalling for Michael to take a seat. Michael stared at him in disbelief wondering how in the world that pile of skin and bones could support his weight. They did look rather welcoming, though, and the pair had never tried this arrangement before. Gavin had always been the one to be coddled by Michael whenever they were together. 
"...Whatever." The ginger finally grumbled, lowering himself down to the chair. Despite his tone of voice, Michael made an extra effort to rest most of his weight on his own legs. Surely Gavin's scrawny legs wouldn't be able to carry someone as large as himself. He didn't want to hurt him.
"What are you doing?" Gavin questioned, raising an eyebrow
"Sit down properly, wont you. What are you afraid of? You've been rougher with me before." He let out a light chuckle and wrapped his arm around his partner's waist, then proceeded to pull him in close. Michael fell into Gavin with an 'umph' and stayed there. "See? I can handle you." He smiled, embracing Michael sweetly. "I like having you close. You're so warm and mushy, like a big teddy bear." Gavin nuzzled his face into Michael's warm, fleshy neck. Michael could feel his cheeks burning up.
"Shut up and let's play the game, Gavin." Michael snapped, though his eyes fluttered with guilty pleasure.
"But you smell so good, Michael. I can't help myself." Gavin murmured seductively into Michael's ear. The brunette traced down Michael's thick arm and gently released the controller out of his hand. It fell to the floor with a thud, but neither boys reacted very much.
"Gavin, for fucks sake, stop it." He growled quietly.
"Do you want me to stop?" Gavin began nibbling on Michael's ears, which were already beginning to redden.
He couldn't take it anymore. Gavin's seductive, English accent alone was enough to make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Hearing the man whisper his name into his ear only made it harder to resist. He felt something in his pants tighten. 
"For gods sake..." He tried his best to sound upset, but his words soon faded into a mumble as he interlocked his fingers between Gavins. He squeezed tightly and said, "We're at work, Gavin. We can't do this now."
"Who says we can't?" Gavin giggled and kissed the back of his neck. "I find it rather kinky." Untangling his fingers from Michaels, Gavin managed to undo the button on his pants and tenderly slid his cold hand down to his crotch. Michael shivered with pleasure as the man slid his hand up and down. 
"Let's hope no one walks in on this, Michael." Gavin said, a smirk tugging at the corners of his stubbled mouth. 
"Yeah..." But Michael's mind was miles away. Gavin always knew how to touch him just right, just enough to make his heart pump and his turn his breathing heavy. As much as he hated to admit it, Gavin was, well, the best thing that had ever happened to him. He was his best friend, his lover, and basically his entire world, aside from beer and games. But even then, the two shared most of their time doing those things together anyway. He loved Gavin, and not only because he knew how to make Michael satisfied, but Michael felt genuinely happy with Gavin. As much as he loved his other co-workers, he always longed to be by Gavin's side. And it was moments like these that made him realize just how special Gavin was to him. 
"Do you want to stop, Michael?" 
"No, don't." Michael moaned. He turned around and straddled Gavin between his legs. He grabbed the brit by the collar and pulled him in for a sweet, warm kiss. Their tongues pulled saliva from one another as Michael went in for another, and another. He groaned with pleasure as Gavin softly pressed his lips against his neck line, and followed all the way down to his shoulders. 
"Michael." Gavin called hazily. But the ginger was too busy nibbling on Gavin's collar to hear. "Michael." He called again.
"I killed you again." 
"...What?" He stopped kissing him and pressed his forehead to Gavins. Their noses touched and Michael shut his eyes.
Gavin giggled with satisfaction.
"I killed you. Take a look." 
Confused, Michael let go of Gavin's shirt and spun himself around. 
"...Gavin, you fucking prick. I hate you." The entire time he had thought Gavin was actually wanting to get it on; he was just trying to distract Michael so he could once again, murder him in Minecraft. The ginger immediately got off the chair and kicked it away with his foot, sending Gavin sliding across the room. He quickly buttoned up his pants and let out a huge sigh. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he screamed, "Get out now! God I hate you."
"But I love you, Michael." Gavin said. He stood up from the chair and made his way over to his pink faced lover. He pecked him gently on the cheek and smiled, then gleefully skipped out of the room and shut the door behind him.
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