gore1er · 9 months
What will the last bsd episode be like (prediction)
This episode may be separated from the manga but I don't think it's a novel.
The episode is called "goodbye in twilight" twilight is maybe referring to the ada and "goodbye" is maybe referring to 'goodbye ada' or 'goodbye strength' because according to Wikipedia Twilight may symbolize "losing strength and approaching it's end" all the ada members right now seem to be dying or losing strength in their fights for example ranpo, atsushi, fukuzawa, and dazai. Plus other members that will be killed because of the 'nuke'? I think
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The part where it says "the end is approaching" may mean the end of the bsd world because of fukuchi and everything going on. The title may symbolize 'goodbye hope'. Covers lore we don't know about like beast?The next episode will probably focus on the ada members but maybe not even the present time...maybe we're getting an episode similar to beast. Some people said that an animator at bones said that the next episode is a must watch for bsd fans so what if the next episode I'm unsure tbh there isn't enough chapters for bones to cover maybe they'll cover incoming chapters but I feel that would be weird? Anyway I'm probably gonna add more to this thread if I think of anything please take note this is just assumptions by me.
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gore1er · 11 months
Why dazai is alive
To start off
In this panel we can only see 3 gun shots on the wall. The gunshot to the brain never reached the wall which is odd.
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Dazai was still able to talk while having a gunshot to his brain which shouldn't be possible because everything stops when your brain stops and that includes speech. The trauma to the brain wouldn't allow speech.
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If dazai got shot the blood wouldn't be spilling out like any other wound.
Here's the difference between what would happen if dazai got shot and what actually happened:
What happened What should happen
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This is where stuff gets difficult (I'm probably going to have a hard time trying explain please bare with me. I'm not a doctor so I don't understand this that well or even at all)
Dazai got shot around the shoulders and from what I can see there aren't any important organs there but still dazai is bleeding out and he can still die from that.
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Anyway THIS IS WHAT I HAD TROUBLE ON I can't tell where dazai got shot here because it's either his small intestine, large intestine, or some random skin. Google states that the small intestine is less important then the large intestine. If dazai got shot in the large intestine he almost has no chance of living especially dazai's other injuries (maybe). If dazai was shot in the small intestine (unlikely) dazai would have a chance of living. It's hard to tell where dazai got shot because of the way dazai is sitting.
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What I think happened:
Dazai was really close to Chuuya because Chuuya had the gun to dazai's head. when chuuya was holding the gun I believe he used his ability because there isn't any other way dazai lives if only chuuya controls the bullet (please try to understand what I'm talking about!!)
These panels feel like foreshadowing.
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-Dazai looked like he didn't give a fuck
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gore1er · 1 year
why ranpoe should be canon
1.how they met
I'd like to go over the fact that poe tried to kill ranpo and it sounds evil if think about it in that way but poe spent years, 6 years to kill ranpo and ranpo accepted the challenge. Poe had ranpo in his mind for years on end (and i just find that odly romantic for some reason. ) Poe also felt something from ranpo when they FIRST FIRST MET when ranpo beat him and (to be honest i think poe is very confident in his abilities ) but for ranpo it was different. Poe was determined to get is so called "revenge"
. Poe kind of betrayed the guild for personal reasons like ranpo. After the whole charade with ranpo and yosano getting stuck into the book ranpo states that poes book actually was a challenge. I feel ranpos character is supposed to be built on his not real ability and his response to that fact and for someone to almost beat him is very interesting and important.
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2.way of work/ trust
(This reason is more of a personal opinion on ranpoe.) I find it sweet that poe puts ranpo first. Poe feels as if ranpo depends on him and the fact ranpo trusts poe is very sweet think of it as (soukoku a little bit dazai trusts chuuya and chuuya trusts dazai) i think poe's and ranpo's relationship is similar. (if soukoku was healthy)
poe also thinks of himself as being important for ranpo for his detective work and as a friend. I mean its basically a love confession to ranpo to work together.
Poe has a hard time saying no to ranpo because he feels like he needs to challenge ranpo. Or make him happy!
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Random stuff i noticed :
poe sometimes calls ranpo " my dear ranpo" i mean come on?
who calls their rival "dear" and also cheers on thier rival?
something else id like to point is that poe wouldn't know what he'd do with his life if ranpo dies.
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Extra stuff/ my opinion:
So basically why I didn't really add anything Abt RANPO is because it's kinda difficult to talk Abt ranpo without babying him and Poe too I think I made Poe sound very innocent even though his not because he was planning for 6 years to kill ranpo? Which isn't anything to take as light hearted (I'm sorry)
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gore1er · 1 year
Analysis on Dazais personality/ manga spoilers ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
1. Who is dazai?
Dazais personality is some what confusing even though we know a lot about him we never get to see what goes threw his mind so putting your place in his shoes isn't important because he thinks differently then others for example dazai states in dead apple that to get rid of boredom just do nothing. We don't know if he was lying but probably not.
we know dazai had a tragic past and believed he wasn't human and lied to himself. When others told him his not human just like how chuuya lashed out at dazai in the manga and light novel of dead apple that dazai wasn't human.
Dazai mentally dehumanized himself to get use to everything at the port mafia because if he just didn't himself as human then it wouldn't be that bad to hurt others. When dazai met oda, oda knew dazai was shitty and mentioned it a few times I'm sure dazai didn't understand since he dehumanized himself to the point when oda asked dazai to move to the good side and help others even dazai didn't know if it was the right thing.
(deep down I'm sure dazai knew he was shitty)
What does this mean?
It's means dazai is pure and innocent although he did many wrong things doesn't take away the fact dazai is mentally innocent and just does things to create a bigger picture.
Dazai takes the advantage that his in prison right now to save the agency.
At what cost tho?
The cost of oda and dazais friends at the agency. Notice how oda told dazai to save orphans? Well atsushi is an orphan that dazai saved and I bet dazai saved atsushi on almost purpose!
Going back on how dazai is pure from the heart and still a bad person. It's shown some official art dazai is next to lilies. Lilies symbolize purity.
I like this official art a lot because dazai is shown injured next to lilies and it's honestly very very interesting. To be injured is to feel pain or pain is given to you mental or physically and in this official art I think it's supposed to show mental pain and how someone can be pure but still feel sad or depressed. People still can heal which is shown by dazais change overtime for example in the last chapter dazai made a promise to sigma that he would save sigma.
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I also want to mention dazais entrance exam something I noticed is that in a few lines dazai mumbles to himself the anime didn't adapt it that well which is annoying (but it makes sense because when bones animated it atsushi was there too and it just wouldn't work well )
Dazai wasn't really close to anybody in the agency when he just just joined and he only knew Kunikida in the beginning half of the Novel so if course dazai would still act a bit quiet. I wouldn't say he was very very quiet but as I said compared to the dazai we know dazai now dazai definitely grown to a better person and opened up a bit. It was very nice to see Kunikida care for dazai and it shows that dazai has someone at least.
Dazai even mentioned Kunikida in the prison the only reason could be that dazai normally thinks about others he cares about. We don't get to see what dazai is always thinking about so the few only times we saw what dazai was thinking about was in dead apple and in this arc and both of those thoughts were about atsushi
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Dazai cares and is pure I think what people don't understand is that they always think dazai is down right evil which he is but he almost yearns for change for odas last wish. I don't think it's about oda anymore though now it's just about dazai and what he wants for others. Dazai could do nothing and still not be the bad guy he still is helping. Look at how different dazai looks trying to kill fydor dazai is determined to the point his acting like his " old self " to save others ( I still think dazai is still doing this for oda)
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Dazai is a evil man with good intentions right now and in the past he was down right evil because he thought he deserved that type of life style.
(extra stuff)
This was really difficult to write because I don't want to sound like I'm creating headcannons about dazai but at the same time I wanted to explain how dazai is a piece of shit so I couldn't figure out anything but only leave it off on "dazai is an evil man with good intentions" 🥹 I also didn't want to use dazais personality type because it's not reliable (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I also want to compare dazais life to the port mafia and the detective agency (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
But I need to re read the manga and re read the novels to remember everything 🙇‍♀️
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gore1er · 1 year
BSD manga spoilers: ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
Could it be the ada are the villains of the story? I've been seeing this circle around and I just want to put my opinion on it. The ada are technically the "villains" of bsd think of it like this dazai is a bad person but still is on the "good side". That's something that come up in bungo stray dogs repeatedly that you can be a bad person but still win or be a part of the good side or bad example the port mafia. I also see speculation that fydor is the good guy and that's why people believe the ada are the "bad guys" because they're trying to stop fydor? The reasons why this is, is that
-fydor is trying to get rid of all ability users and the everyone in bsd has lived a shit life because of their ability (and that fact is true would this be true for dazai and higuchi? Yes but not really people apparently say that asagirl forgot higuchis ability so using her as an example is pretty irrelevant but what about Dazai? Dazai was said to have a uncommon ability so his life was also shit bc of his ability)
Back to what I was saying if fydor has a reasonable motive for wanting to get rid of all ability users and we know there are other worlds the book created why is it such a big deal to the ada and why does dazai try so hard? Well it's that every BSD character is still human and feel fear no matter what world they are in so they don't want to disappear that's my guess?
And the fact the ada is I
trying to stop fydor l
makes them the villain ( the a answer that right there)
As I said earlier the ada is in the in-between and all of the members have done something wrong. I've only been observing but what's the conclusion why is this so important? Well I think this is slightly important because it really opens the table who could be the real villain with no soul to speak of? You could say Mori but if any character were to fight him it wouldn't really put an extreme impact. Is there a secret character that will become the new master mind and very intelligent that we can't comprehend? Maybe I'm not sure though
Maybe it could be the leader of the clock tower
But maybe she's going to be a future arc unrelated to this one? Im not sure?
So who is the villain
Short answer based on the theories people make and such as probably no one and everyone is in their own selfish circle and no one cares about them they are just them.
(this is only what I think I didn't put much thought and just thought of smth quickly)
This also gives me an idea if fydor were to get rid of every ability would that mean the book would disappear because its an ability or it was made by an ability?
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(sorry for my bad spelling)
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gore1er · 1 year
so does anybody have any thoughts about the last chapter what is it does dazai want to do exactly and what is he leaving to sigma to do? I feel like dazai is one going to meet up with fydor but that wouldn't be logical because these two men just tried drowning each other and I don't see dazai and fydor fighting anytime soon (physical) they fight each other mentally because that's more of their style. I somewhat believe that dazai is going to get chuuya not just because he cares about chuuya I believe his going to get or "save?" Chuuya because his needed for dazais escape somehow even though that logical doesn't make sense and dazai probably only needs himself and sigma. Although the prison dazai is in is for ability users right? There is that small chance that chuuya's ability is needed for something I don't know what it could be because I or no one knows the layout of the prison but it could be possible thats why dazai would "save" chuuya (also it could be that dazai wants to save chuuya just because he cares) that could be possible, but I think chuuya can save himself because chuuya is acting somewhat conscience and not really in his vampire state I don't know that could be and I'm trying to think but I have no clue. Back to what I was saying. I think sigma is going to meet Nikola again just because Nikola has been watching the whole time.
Tell me your thoughts ◉⁠‿⁠◉
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