For me, personally, my band comes first. Of course I love my kids, you know, everyone does but to me, my band is my life. I could live without my family but not my band, because without Green Day...there is no without Green Day in my mind.
Billie Joe Armstrong (Kerrang November 2000)
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I could never live in Los Angeles or move into the [Hollywood] Hills. I grew up in the East Bay. That's where I'm from and that's what I'm used to. I think it's got a lot to offer.
Billie Joe Armstrong (Gimme Something Better: The Profound, Progressive, and Occasionally Pointless History of Bay Area Punk from Dead Kennedys to Green Day, Sept/2009)
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I personally got 86'd after the fact. I think about three years later, Aaron (Cometbus) said, I went to a meeting and you're not 86'd anymore.
Billie Joe Armstrong on how he personally was allowed back into Gilman thanks to Aaron Cometbus who opposed his ban from the outset (Gimme Something Better: The Profound, Progressive, and Occasionally Pointless History of Bay Area Punk from Dead Kennedys to Green Day, Sept/ 2009)
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It's more like coming to grips with yourself rather than finding someone to load them on top of. It's more if you're gay, if you're hetro, if you're um macho if you're asexual, if you're stupid, if you're powerless you know it varies really I mean, I dunno, I'm not really looking for anyone to dump anything on. I'd just rather dump it on myself.
Billie Joe Armstrong (Interview at Lowlands Festival, Holland August 1995)
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The worst thing he could possibly do is turn around and become a Republican fucking accountant or something you know? Or else a hippie.
Billie Joe Armstrong on son Joseph Armstrong (Much Music interview 1995)
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If some complete genius comes up to me and hassles me over what I do with my life and the fact that I make music you know and he doesn't want to have an intelligent conversation about it well you know then you just avoid that individual.
Mike Dirnt (Much Music interview 1995)
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I think everybody should get married. Boys and girls. Girls and boys. Boys and boys! Girls and girls! Shouldn't we all be entitled to a family? Civil rights baby it's civil rights. It doesn't get any better here in Berkeley I'll tell you that.
Billie Joe Armstrong (Live at Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA, April 16th 2013)
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Hey this aint no fucking football field ok? Jesus christ! People are trying to have a good time and what are you gonna do fucking bash your fucking brains into them? Come on! I aint saying nothing to get no fucking applause either but just chill out and have a good time and be considerate to everybody else that's all I'm saying.
Billie Joe Armstrong speaking to the violent fans in the pit (August 1991, Little Rock, Arkansas)
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"I think the only people that should have a responsibility for singing about social issues or politics or anything like that are the ones that aren't full of shit about it you know? Or the ones that aren't preaching. You know, I mean if you are going to write a political song it's gotta come from the same place as where you write a love song. You know it can't just be some empty rhetoric and a bunch of finger pointing, you have to have yourself involved in it. So it's like when I have a song like 'Don't wanna be an American idiot', I'm talking about myself and what's going on in my country at the same time, how do I fit into it and how do I feel alienated from it at the same time. So it's self-depricating but it's also trying to empower yourself."
Billie Joe Armstrong (Time interview with Rebecca Keegan)
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"I can't go there. That's my last drink. Which is good - it's documented. Anytime I feel like drinking, I can think about it"聽
Billie Joe Armstrong on never drinking again (Rolling Stone, The Road Back From Hell pg. 40 issue 1178 March 2013)
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"When kids used to come to our shows, they used to come like a community, to hang out and be part of a punk atmosphere, now it's more like 'Alright, motherfucker...entertain my fucking ass right now.'"
Billie Joe Armstrong (Nobody Likes You by Marc Spitz 2006)
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It's so nice to be a hermaphrodite. Equal love for everyone right?! Equal marriage for everyone right?!
Billie Joe Armstrong (Live in Illinois 03/28/13 during King For A Day)
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It's about West Oakland, living in a warehouse with a lot of people, a bunch of artists and musicians, punks and whatever just lived all up and down. Bums and junkies and thugs and gang members and stuff that just lived in that area. It's no place you want to walk around at night, but it's a neat warehouse where you can play basketball and stuff.
Billie Joe Armstrong on the song Welcome to Paradise(Kerrang August 3rd 2013)
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I remember practicing Basket Case in Billie's mom's living room, and I remember him writing the lyrics and flipping things around, such as, 'I went to a whore, he said my life's a bore.' I thought that was great; it takes people aback.
Mike Dirnt (Kerrang August 24th 2013)
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"Wall of hugs!!"
Billie Joe Armstrong to the audience (Live at Reading Festival 2013 during Longview)
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"It's kind of about being in New York and the title was nicked from a James Dean poster where he's walking through New York City with his overcoat on. It's about feeling alone and trying to take power from it, I guess."
Billie Joe Armstong on the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Kerrang June 2005)
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"We have fun onstage. I'm not going to be this fucking melodramatic Smashing Pumpkins moron."
Billie Joe Armstrong (Kerrang January 1996)
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