gremnaghi ยท 13 days
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been working on this a lot lately
world building is so fun y'all qwq
i wanted qaiyeul to look similar to korean at first glance, but different the longer you look at it. i don't want people to look at it and think "That's a fictional language", i want people to look at it and think "Which country is this from?"
i have to redo the lore sheet for the language since the letters used to look different @~@
apologies for the lack of context, im kinda stupid n still figuring all this stuff out
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gremnaghi ยท 13 days
check out my normal cow
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gremnaghi ยท 17 days
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dum boys
quick lil thing for friends :D
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gremnaghi ยท 18 days
i want that ramble about your spec bio creatures so bad theyre such neat lil dudes
i have some quick facts about all 3 so far! i'll post that novel below ^^
a few notes -
I am TOTALLY up for criticism on this project. It's my first serious spec bio thingy and I am still very green to the subject lol
The planet they inhabit is called Ieyora (eye-yore-uh) IV. It's the fourth planet from the sun in its solar system, and the flora is autumn-coloured all year around, which is why the animals have yellow, orange, and red camouflage.
Ieyora IV has quite a bit of volcanic activity. Animals living in arctic environments sometimes use heat vents formed in mountain ranges to keep their eggs warm during nesting seasons.
I call the extra limbs palps, like on a spider. Some are fully functional like on the Soffbeast, and some are mostly vestigial or nearly undetectable like on the Ieyotitan and Ieyorapteryx. No Ieyoran animal has more than 6 limbs.
All three species I've worked the most on are all related by a common ancestor, they're like cousins.
The planet doesn't have a resident dominant species, such as humans on Earth.
Species Quick Facts
- Semi aquatic (akin to an otter)
- Especially strong lower body
- Peculiar beak-like mouth (similar to a pufferfish)
- Palps no longer visible
- Strong climbers
- Forelimbs similar to those of a raccoon or rodent
- Webbed toes, except for "thumb"
- Reproductive and maturation system similar to that of a frog, needs water in order to lay eggs and has a fully aquatic first few weeks of life
- Adults as large as a whitetail deer
- Patterning appears to vary due to location of the ecosystem they inhabit (camouflage)
- Found in sparsely forested temperate/cold regions
- Highly social, docile creatures
- Waterproof feathers, similar method to that of a duck
- Nostrils and ears close comparably to a seal when diving or staying underwater for long periods of time
- Can spend approximately 2 hours submerged
- Feathers thicker on upper body and back than lower body
- Rears up on back legs when sprinting
- Feathers on the back of its head act similarly to a cockatiel
- Produces a wide range of clicking noises with its beak and tongue, sometimes also screeching, among many other sounds
- Fully terrestrial
- Males have a toucan-like pattern on their snout
- Found in mountain ranges and arctic regions
- Builds nests out of its own fur and plant matter, using sticky saliva to ensure structural integrity
- Lives in same sex pairs, only mixing if closely related or during mating season
- Short yet thick feathering
- Beak similar to Ieyorapteryx
- Technically omnivorous in their youth, sometimes digging for roots
- Fairly territorial
- Bonded pairs show high amounts of physical affection for one another, grooming and playful behaviour is often observed
- Males show perceived homosexual behaviour to ensure loyalty to each other and often act as wingmen
- Pursuit predators
- Females tend to be more aggressive
- Produces squeaking, mewing, and a low rumbling sound in their throat, referred to as "trilling", sometimes strong enough to shake the ground
- Observed quietly purring to themselves
- Makes an ear-shattering hissing/shrieking noise when threatened
- Scrapes the ground with scent glands on their palps to mark their territory
- Also have scent glands under their chin
- Extremely hygienic animals
- Split tongue to aid in tracking
- Small ridge on back for temperature regulation
- Padded back feet
Soffbeast (Sophbeast)
"Soffbeast" is an affectionate name for these creatures, being a play on softbeast. The "t" is dropped because their fur is so soft, the letter makes too harsh of a sound to describe it. The first part of their original common name, Sophbeast, was the surname of the scientist who first studied them.
- Second largest Ieyoran carnivore
- Lives in arctic and tundra regions
- Produces low throat vibration noises and growls
- Horrifyingly loud shriek
- Notable sexual dimorphism
- Tunnels underground to make a safe den for their offspring
- Scent glands under chin and on palps
- Mate for life
- Very, very quick on their feet
- Seasonal migration
- Often completely silent
- Padded feet
- Dozens of specialized teeth within their beaks for tearing flesh and grinding bones
- Completely terrestrial
- Known to stash food in their dens
- Territory can overlap with Ieyotitans, causing some tension
- Crazy strong jaws
- Tail is used for self defense and most likely temperature regulation
- Uncommonly observed in the wild, though assumed to be of low concern
- Sometimes utilizes heat vents for a warm spot to nap or build a den near
i have a bit more, tryna spread out the info dumps though lol
looking to post more art soon >:D
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gremnaghi ยท 25 days
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birthday void cat!!
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gremnaghi ยท 26 days
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some WIPs because i haven't been able to stick to anything recently - please ignore the goofy ass anatomy ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ im trying my best
tysm for the support recently, especially on the spec bio stuff!! >:D it's so fkin cool getting to share things i love with people like this
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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i dunno how much traction this'll gain, but here are some species from a speculative evolutionary planet thingy im working on for fun - VERy dino inspired
i have a good amount of info on these guys and the way they live, but i'll hold off on that whole ramble lmao
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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i do be sketching
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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something awesome happening btw
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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some 2022 drawings i still enjoy :ะท
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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my pet mold spore
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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centaur design that i never finished hdbajjf
this may be cringe but genuinely thank you guys so much for the notes & reblogs, it makes me kick my feet up in the air and giggle โ™ก
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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(rare instance of rendering)
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
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seeing my old art on here is wild
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gremnaghi ยท 1 month
i forgot i had an account here lmao
telegram stickers i made :D
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