hackerholland · 1 year
does anyone remember that insider about tom in asia?
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hackerholland · 1 year
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Really thrilled to tell you this!! Mexico, Argentina and Brazil: We are bringing The Eras Tour to you this year! Sweet angel princess Sabrina Carpenter will be joining us on all of the shows! Visit taylorswift.com/tour for more information on your registrations, pre-sales and on-sales.  
LOTS more international dates to come soon, promise!”
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hackerholland · 2 years
pairing: ghost!peter parker x reader
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On your third day in your new apartment building, you had gone down to the lobby to find out where your mailbox was. You opened it up and found nothing but flyers and bills. As you shuffled through the mail, you felt someone staring at you. You looked up and saw the palest boy you had ever seen. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a few days, or maybe a few weeks. You jumped in surprise as he continued to stare at you.
“Jesus. You scared me.” You said as you put your hand over your pounding heart. The boy hoped down off the ledge and walked over to you.
“Sorry.” He said with a shy smile. “Are you the new tenant?”
“Yeah. My mom and I just moved in.” You answered as you watched him curiously. The way he moved was something like a glide, as if his feet never touched the floor at all.
“Yeah? What floor?” He asked as he circled around you.
“7th floor. What about you?”
“Is it just you and your mom?” He asked instead of answering your question.
“Yeah. It’s just us.” You said, confused as to why he avoided that question. Peter took the mail out of your hands and started to riffle through it. You thought it was strange, but you let him do it.
“Y/n? That’s your name?” He asked as he held up a letter addressed to you.
“Yeah. That’s me.” You said quietly.
“It’s pretty.” He said with a soft smile.
“Oh.” You blinked in surprise. “Thank you.”
He nodded and put the letter back in the pile before handing your mail back to you. You took it from him without ever taking your eyes off of him.
“What’s your name?” You asked when he didn’t offer the information up voluntarily.
“Peter.” He told you as he held your gaze.
“How long have you lived here, Peter?”
“Many, many years.” He said with a sad smile.
“Yeah? Were you around when that fire happened back in 2013? The landlord told us about it when we were touring the building.” You asked him. Peter got a far off look in his eyes and gulped as he looked down at the ground.
“Yeah.” He said quietly. “Yeah, I was around.”
“Well the place looks really nice now. They did a nice job on the rebuild.”
“I liked it better before.” Peter shrugged. “It had more character.”
“Yeah. I saw the pictures. It looked really nice.” You agreed, sensing that he wasn’t a fan of the new building.
“It was. It was beautiful.” He said as he looked over at the walls. You could see a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he was reminiscing what his home used to look like. You looked at the wall that he was looking at for a minute before turning back to him.
“Hey, what floor did you say you lived on again?” You asked, but he was gone. You frowned and looked around but didn’t see him anywhere. You wondered how he could’ve gotten away from you that fast without making a single noise but decided he probably just had quiet steps.
A few days later, you saw him again. You had just come back from your local community college to get your class scheduled for the upcoming fall semester. As you walked through the lobby, Peter appeared out of nowhere, wearing the same clothes he had been wearing the last time you saw him.
“Oh. Peter. There you are.” You greeted him. You had hoped to see him again after the first encounter, hoping to make a friend in your new building.
“What’s that?” He asked as he took the paper out of your hands.
“It’s my class schedule. For college.” You said as you watched him read down your list. He didn’t really seem to respect boundaries, but you didn’t really care.
“Pre calculus. Biology 2. Applied chemistry. Why are you taking all of these?” Peter wondered as he looked up at you.
“Because I’m on the pre med track. I’m gonna be a nurse.”
“Yeah?” He smiled a little. “Why not a doctor?”
“Nursing is more hands on.” You shrugged. “It’s a direct collaboration with the patients. I’m not really interested in research and curing diseases. I’d rather be helping people directly.”
“Wow. That’s really cool.” Peter smiled softly and handed you your schedule back.
“Thanks.” You returned the smile and kept walking.
“Pre med, huh? You must be really smart.” Peter said as he walked beside you.
“I guess so.” You shrugged. “Are you in school?”
“I went to Midtown tech.” He replied without looking at you.
“The high school? What about college? Are you in school now?”
“No. I’m not.”
“Oh. Well that’s okay. Lots of people take a year to figure things out.”
“Yeah.” Peter said quietly, sounding like he was lost in his own thoughts. You both got to the elevator and he stepped in front of you.
“Have you ever seen a dead body?” He asked, taking you by surprise.
“Oh my God. What?” You laughed nervously.
“We’ll you’re a nursing student, right? Have you ever seen a dead body?”
“Oh, um, no. Not yet. We don’t get to work on cadavers until med school.” You told him as you stepped into the elevator. He got in too but you noticed that he didn’t press any buttons. You started to ride up to your floor in silence until you remembered something.
“Actually, I have.” You told him.
“You have?” Peters eyes lit up.
“My grandma. When I was 7. The wake was open casket.”
“Oh.” Peter nodded, the light in his eyes fading.
“You seem disappointed.” You laughed awkwardly.
“I’m not. And I’m sorry about your grandma. I just meant a dead body as in a victim or something.”
“A victim?” You asked quietly, starting to get creeped out by him.
“Yeah. You know. Like not at a funeral or on a surgical table. But an actual dead body that you weren’t supposed to see.” He explained.
“Oh. Um, yeah. Once.” You nodded and looked away from him, hoping he would drop the strange topic.
“When?” He asked, making you sigh a little.
“When I was 14. We were driving down to florida for a family vacation. We passed by this really bad accident. The driver had flown through the windshield after hitting another car.” You told him. You wanted to leave it there, but the look on Peters face showed that he wanted you to go on.
“I saw him. Right before the paramedics covered him up. I saw the body.” You continued. Peter got a strange look in his eyes, almost like he was happy about what you had told him.
“Yeah? What did it look like?” He asked.
“Do you mind if we don’t talk about that?” You laughed nervously before looking away from Peter. You started at the elevator buttons and wished it would go faster.
“Okay. Sure.” Peter nodded and dropped the subject. You wondered why someone you barely knew would ask something like that and assumed it was one of those situations where someone asks you something just because they want you to ask them back.
“Have you ever seen a dead body?”
“Yeah. I’ve seen lots.” Peter told you as he looked down at the floor. To your surprise, it didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about that.
“Really? How many?” You asked him as you carefully watched his face.
“I’m not sure actually.” He realized. “I couldn’t count. There were too many.”
“Wow. That sounds horrible. When was this?”
“Remember the building fire we talked about? And how I said I was there?” He asked as he finally looked at you.
“Yeah. So when you say you were there….” You trailed off when you realized what he was implying.
“Oh my God. You were in the building when it happened?” You asked him, your weariness of him immediately turning into sympathy.
“Yeah. I was.” He said with a sad smile.
“Oh my God. Peter, I’m so sorry.” You frowned and reached out to put your hand on his shoulder. His skin was ice cold, so cold that it made you jump a little in surprise.
“It’s not your fault.” Peter shrugged.
“I know. But still. I’m glad they got you out in time.” You said, making him freeze. Peter looked down at the ground and shut his eyes, squeezing them as if he was remembering something he didn’t want to remember.
“I don’t think they did.” He said after a beat of silence. You assumed he meant he had seen to much by the time they rescued him and he was deeply traumatized.
“Oh.” You said quietly as you looked him up and down. Peter noticed you staring and cracked a smile.
“It’s okay. You can ask.”
“Ask what?“
“What you’ve been dying to ask the moment i told you I was in the fire.” He said, making you smile in embarrassment.
“Why don’t you have any scars?” You asked him. He was right. You had been wondering that the entire time.
“I guess I’m just lucky..” He shrugged and looked away from you. You frowned a little and looked at his skin again. It was absolutely perfect. His skin was so pale that it was almost white but you didn’t see a single blemish on it. He looked at though he was made of porcelain, but that didn’t make sense to you if he had been in this horrific fire.
“You are lucky. It would’ve been a shame to ruin that….” You trailed off and gave another embarrassed smile.
“That what?” He wondered.
“That face.” That face you admitted. Peter smiled and pressed a hand to his cheek as if he were blushing, but he wasn’t. His skin remained the exact same color.
“You like my face?” He asked, sounding surprised.
“Yeah. Don’t you?”
“I guess I see it a little differently than you.” He replied with a sad look in his eyes.
“I guess so.” You said as you eyed him curiously, wondering what he saw that you didn’t.
“Would you ever want to hang out?” He asked suddenly, making you smile in surprise.
“Yeah.” You said shyly. “I would.”
“Cool. Can I see you tonight?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Meet me on the roof.” He said as you reached your floor.
“What time?” You asked him as you stepped out of the elevator.
“Anytime. I’ll be there.”
“Okay. Well do you have a number or something that I can text?”
“No number.” He shook his head. “No phone.”
“You don’t have a phone?” You asked in surprise, starting to get creeped out again.
“I have nobody to call.” He shrugged with a teasing smile on his face.
“Oh.” You said and tried to return the smile, but felt too uneasy to do so.
“I’ll see you tonight.” Peter said as the elevator doors began to close.
“Yeah. See you….” You were cut off by the door closing.
“Tonight.” You finished as you watched the elevator go back down. You could’ve sworn that right before the doors closed, Peter wasn’t there. You had been looking right at him but suddenly, he wasn’t there. You felt uneasy about what you had seen, but decided it was probably just a trick of light.
Later that day, you went up to the roof around 4. You took in the view from the rooftop for the first time since you had moved in and smiled a little. You suddenly heard a rustling behind you and turned around.
“Hey.” Peter waved at you when you turned around.
“Jesus. I need to put a bell on you.” You laughed and put a hand over your pounding heart. His way of appearing out of thin air was starting to concern you.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine. But how’d you know I was up here?”
“I told you I’d be here, didn’t I?” He said with a coy smile.
“I know. But we never set a time.”
“We didn’t need to.” Peter shrugged and walked over to the edge of the roof. Peter stared out at the skyline for a minute before he noticed that you were staring at him.
“What?” He asked with a coy smile.
“You’re so…” You shrugged as you trailed off.
“So what?”
“I don’t know. Mysterious.” You laughed shyly.
“I am?” He asked with a devious smile.
“Yeah. You’re always appearing and disappearing. You’re like some kind of…”
“Ghost?” He finished your sentence for you when you trailed off.
“Yeah. Like a ghost.”
“Do you believe in ghosts?” Peter asked you as he folded his arms.
“Yeah. I do, actually.” You admitted.
“Really?” Peter asked, his face lighting up.
“Well, yeah. Remember I told you about my grandma that died?”
“Yeah. I remember.”
“I see her sometimes. Like on line at the grocery store or on a bench as I drive by. Sometimes I go down an isle at a store and she’s standing there. Then I blink and she’s gone.”
“Your grandma Norma?”
“Yeah.” You frowned. “How’d you know?”
“You told me her name.” Peter replied as he looked away from you. He got up on the ledge of the rooftop and started it walk along it, putting both his arms out to balance himself.
“I did?” You asked him. You didn’t remember ever telling him her name, but there was no other way he could know it.
“Yeah. You did.” He answered, still not looking at you.
“Oh. I don’t remember that.” You replied as you watched him curiously. What he was doing was dangerous but he didn’t seem to care as he walked along the edge.
“She really loved you, you know. And she’s really proud of you.” Peter said suddenly as he hopped down from the edge.
“Oh really? Have you talked to her lately?” You laughed awkwardly.
“Maybe.” He said with a sarcastic smile. You returned the smile but felt like it was a strange thing for him to say.
“I miss her. I lot.” You said after a minute. “It’s been a while since she died but that ache never goes away. Sometimes I forget she’s even gone. I imagine she’s still living in her house, going about her day. Praying and taking care of her dogs like she always did.”
You got quiet for a minute and looked out at the skyline. You thought of fragments of moments with her, a supercut of different memories quickly flashing in your mind. You smiled sadly before looking up at the sky.
“Sometimes I can’t believe I can’t pick up the phone and call her.” You said quietly. You kept your eyes on the ground and suddenly felt Peter beside you. He put his hand on your shoulder and his ice cold skin sent shivers down your spine.
“You don’t have to call her. You can just speak. She can hear you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right. Sorry to dump all this on you. I totally did not expect to say all of that.” You laughed in embarrassment and scratched your neck.
“It’s okay. What else do you remember about her?” Peter asked, making you crack a smile at the thought of her.
“She used to call me her little-“
“Princess?” Peter finished your sentence for you, making you look at him in surprise.
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“Lucky guess.” He smiled shyly and stepped closer to you. You both looked out at the city skyline and stood in comfortable silence for a minute. You felt the urge to rest your head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“I miss her.”
“She misses you.” He replied. You smiled at the sentiment for a moment and then came back to reality. You barely knew this guy and yet there you were, leaning on him and talking about something you didn’t even bring up around your friends. You felt self conscious all of the sudden and lifted your head off his shoulder.
“So what do you do since you’re not in school?” You asked to change the subject.
“Oh, lots of things. And nothing at all.” Peter said with a coy smile. You looked at him for a minute before smiling and shaking your head.
“What?” He wondered.
“There you go again. Being a little mystery.”
“Fine. What do you want to know?”
“Everything. Tell me everything about you.”
“Well, I’m an only child. My parents are dead. I like math and science. And I’m a Leo.” Peter replied, making you laugh a little.
“Well that’s all very interesting, but I want to know the deep stuff. I want to know about you.” You said as you poked the center of his chest.
“You do?” He asked hopefully.
“Yeah. I do.” You said as you took a step closer to him. Your chests were touching now and you were looking up into his eyes.
“Okay.” His eyes softened. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”
You spent the next few hours on the roof, just talking and looking up at the sky. You spoke about whatever silly thing came to your mind and listened to the stories each other told. You made a comment at one point about the sun setting soon and Peter got quiet for a minute. The date ended shortly after that and Peter walked you back down to your apartment.
“I had fun tonight. We should do this again sometime.” You said as you leaned against your door.
“Yeah. We should.” Peter said with a soft smile. You looked at each other for a minute and you thought he was going to lean in and kiss you. You gave him a small soft that told him he could kiss you if he wanted to. Peter started to lean in, then stepped back.
“Goodnight, Y/n.” He said instead, looking apologetic as he said it.
“Night, Peter.” You said, feeling a little disappointed. Peter gave you one last look before walking away. You thought the goodbye was a little strange but chalked it up to him being nervous and let it go.
When you were getting changed into your pajamas that night, you heard a rustling behind you. You slipped your shirt over your head and turned around, but saw nothing. When you turned around again, Peter was there. You jumped back in surprise before looking around your room.
“Peter? How did you get in-“
“Sorry I didn’t kiss you before.” He said as he cupped your face in his hands and pulled you close to him. You gasped a little before looking into his eyes.
“It’s okay. You’re here now.” You said before leaning in to kiss him. Peter kissed you back as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You both moved backwards and fell onto your bed. Peters ice cold skin was flush against your warm body as you made out in your bed. This wasn’t something you were used to, but you decided to go along with it. You made out with Peter for a while before cuddling in your bed. You rested your head on his chest and felt his cold skin against your cheek. What you didn’t feel was a heartbeat. You thought it was a little weird but didn’t think too much about it as you started to drift off. You fell asleep just as the sun set below the horizon. When you woke up the next morning, you reached your hand out but felt nothing. Your eyes opened and you frowned when you saw that your bed was empty. You sat up and felt a little betrayed that Peter had just left without a goodbye. You don’t know what you expected from a boy you just met, but it wasn’t this. Things had gone really well on the date so to wake up to him gone hurt your feelings. You decided not to let it ruin your day and got up to get dressed. After eating some breakfast, you went down to the lobby to get your mail. When you were leaving the mailbox, Peter appeared at your side.
“Anything good?” He asked as he took the mail out of your hands.
“Dude, what the hell happened to you last night? I woke up and you were gone.” You said as you angrily folded your arms.
“I know. I’m sorry. I had to go.” He said, and he genuinely sounded apologetic.
“You should’ve woken me up and told me you were leaving.” You grumbled as you took your mail back from him.
“I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so peaceful.” Peter replied as he followed you down the hallway.
“I thought you were gonna stay. You gave me the impression that you would stay.” You stated as you kept walking. Peter ran ahead of you and took a step in front of you.
“I wanted to stay. I really wanted to stay. I swear. But I couldn’t. I had to get home.” Peter said with desperation in his eyes.
“Yeah? Where’s that? What floor?” You asked him, determined to get an answer this time.
“You want to know something? You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known.” Peter said as he cupped your face with one of his hands.
“Peter.” You rolled your eyes and swatted his hand away.
“I liked being with you last night. I liked all of it.” Peter said I’m a soft voice as he cupped your chin between his fingers. Your eyes softened and you felt your anger towards him dissipate.
“So did I.” You admitted. Peter smiled softly before leaning in to kiss you again.
“Can I see you again tonight?” He asked when he pulled away.
“Okay.” You sighed happily, content now that j had kissed you again.
“Are you busy now?” He asked with a coy smile.
“No. I’m not.” You said as your heart started to race.
“Then we could see each again right now.” He said before pecking at your lips again.
“Do you want to go to my place or yours?” You asked when he pulled away.
“Yours.” He said, almost immediately.
“Okay.” You nodded and pulled him towards the elevator. Within a few minutes, you were making out in your room again. You lost track of time as you got tangled up in your sheets with him. You felt his ice cold hands up and down your body as you kissed him.
“This is so not like me.” You sighed against his lips.
“What’s not like you?” He asked with a smile.
“Making out with a boy I barely know.”
“I happen to think this is an excellent way to get to know someone.” Peter smirked.
“I have to agree.” You laughed happily and pulled him down again. You made out for a little longer before resting your head on his chest.
“Are you gonna stay this time?” You asked as you looked up at him.
“I’ll stay as long as I can.”
“Promise?” You asked him.
“I promise.” He nodded. Since your mom was out at work, Peter hung out in your apartment for the rest of you day. You knew it was moving a little fast, but you didn’t care. You felt a connection with Peter that you had never felt with anyone else. He was easy to talk to and made you feel like you were the most interesting girl in the world. Days turned to weeks of Peter spending all day in your apartment. You would spend the days making out in your bed and watching movies together while cuddled up on the couch. Whenever you suggested that you go out on a date somewhere, Peter had some excuse as to why he couldn’t go. You thought it was strange, but liked him too much to see it as a red flag. Something else you found strange was Peters living situation. You had made a few attempts to ask him where he lived, but he always changed the subject. Nearly a month into your relationship, you still didn’t know what floor he lived on. It started to eat away at you so when you were lying on his chest one day in your bed, you decided to talk to him about it.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked as you looked up at him.
“Yeah. Anything.”
“How come you never take me to your place?”
“What do you mean?” Peter played dumb.
“I mean, we always hang out in my room. Or my apartment or the roof. You never want to go anywhere outside of this building. And I’ve still never been to your apartment. I don’t even know what floor it’s on. Don’t you think that’s a little weird?”
“I just like it here.” Peter shrugged. “I like it in your room.”
“Can you at least tell me what apartment you live in?”
“Why?” Peter asked as he sat up. He got out of your head and pulled his shirt on, his indifference pissing you off.
“Because we’ve been seeing each other everyday for weeks now and I still don’t know where you live. Is there a reason you won’t tell me?” You asked as you got out of your bed as well. Peter opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it as he avoided eye contact. You felt your heart drop when you realized what was happened.
“Oh my God. Do you….do you not live here?” You asked as you took a step away from him.
“I can explain.” He said quickly, sending a jolt of fear down your body.
“Holy shit. You don’t live here, do you? You’re not a tenant of this building.” You asked as you backed as far away from him as possible.
“Technically no.” He admitted. You covered your mouth with your hand and felt your knees shake with fear.
“But I used to be!” He quickly assured you. “I lived on the 13th floor before the fire.”
“And then what? You moved out but continued to stalk the place?” You shouted at him. You started to move towards the door but Peter stopped you.
“I can explain. Please, please just let me explain.” Peter pleaded as he held you in place.
“Explain what? How you’ve been lying to me this entire time? How you show up in my room at night unannounced and say it’s from climbing through the fire escape? How you’ve basically been stalking me and waiting in places that you know I’ll show up in? I knew there was something off about you. I should’ve trusted my gut.” You said as you tried to get out the door again.
“Please, just calm down. I’ll tell you everything. Just calm down.” Peter begged you.
“Are you stalking me?” You whispered, hoping that you wouldn’t get the answer you felt you would.
“No. I…” He trailed off as he looked into your eyes, not knowing how to explain himself.
“I’m haunting you.” He said after a beat of silence.
“I’m haunting this whole building actually. And I have been. Ever since the fire.”
“What? Haunting? What are you talking about?” You asked him. Peter opened his mouth to explain, but the setting sun caught his attention. He sighed before looking at you apologetically.
“I have to go.” He told you.
“You’re kidding. You have to be joking.“
“I’m so sorry. I don’t have a choice. Just Google my name, okay? I’ll come see you tomorrow.” Peter kissed your cheek and moved towards your door.
“You’re leaving?” You asked angrily.
“I’ll be back. As soon as the sun rises, I’ll be back.” Peter promised you. You opened your mouth to say more but he was already gone. You sighed a little and had a million questions swirling around your brain as you pulled out your laptop.
“Peter Parker.” You said to yourself as you typed his name into Google. The first thing that came up took the breath out of your lungs.
“Peter Parker obituary?” You whispered and clicked on the link. You started to read through the obituary, each line more shocking then the last. The fire had started in the middle of the night on the third floor. By the time Peters floor had been reached by the firefighters, there was no one left to evacuate. You scrolled through photos of the deceased and came across a photo of Peter. He was a much warmer color and dressed in the same black t shirt he was always in. It dawned on you that it was probably a pajama shirt and what he had been wearing when he died.
“Oh my God.” You whispered and put your hand over your mouth. You quickly shut your laptop and sat back in your seat. Nothing made sense to you anymore, but at the same time, it all made sense. He said he didn’t technically live here and he might’ve been telling the truth.
You suddenly felt like someone was staring at you. You looked up just as Peter appeared in your bedroom.
“Hey.” He said with a shy wave.
“Hey.” You said back and looked him up and down. He was in the same shirt he always wore and just as pale as usual.
“Did you….” He trailed off and looked over at your laptop.
“Yeah. I did.” You said as you got out of your bed.
“What did you find?” He gulped nervously as you walked towards him. You stopped a few feet in front of him and folded your arms.
“I found out you died.” You stated. A mixture of fear and relief washed over Peter and he carefully watched your face for your reaction.
“Yeah. I did.” He admitted.
“I don’t understand. Why did I find an obituary saying you died in 2013 along with the rest of your family?“
“Because I did. I was on the 13th floor. And my apartment was all the way at the end of the hall. By the time the firemen got to us, we were already gone.” Peter explained, confirming what you had read online.
“That’s what you meant when you say they didn’t pull you out in time.” You realized as you recalled one of your first conversations in the elevator.
“Yeah. That’s what I meant.”
“I still don’t understand how you don’t have any scars.”
“I do. I can just control what I look like.” Peter said as he nervously played with the hem of his shirt.
“Can I…can I see?“ You asked softly. Peter gulped before shaking his head.
“You don’t want to see. Trust me.”
“But I do.” You said as you gently put your hand on his face. Peter looked into your eyes and put his hand on top of yours. He closed his eyes and seemed to become transparent for a moment. When he became solid again, he looked different. His thick brown curls became fried tufts of hair that sparsely covered his head. His pale skin became all different shades of reds, pinks, and browns and you could feel the texture of it beneath your hand. You noticed that the hand that had been covering yours no longer had any fingers on it. You looked away from his hand and back into Peters eyes before giving him a soft smile.
“Are you scared?” He asked in a quiet voice.
“No. Not of you.” You shook your head and put your other hand on his face. Peter was surprised that you didn’t flinch or look away, but to you, he looked just as beautiful as he always did.
“So what does this mean? What are you? Are you all in my head?” You asked quietly, scared for the answer.
“No. I’m real. I’m just dead.” Peter said with a short laugh.
“But if you’re dead, then how come I can see you? Are you some kind of ghost?”
“Boo.” Peter said with a smile that told you he wasn’t happy he made that joke either. You laughed a little before letting your hands fall on his chest.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It’s kinda hard to meet someone new and say “hey. I’m Peter. I’m dead. Wanna hook up?”. I don’t think so. You would’ve run every time you saw me.” Peter said as he looked into your eyes.
“It’s okay. I’m glad I know now. And I have to admit, I’m kinda excited to have a ghost boyfriend.”
“Are you really?” Peter asked hopefully.
“Yeah, I am. I can’t turn back now. I’m haunted.”
“But I can’t stay out past the sunset. That’s why I always have to leave you. You’ll be lonely at night.” Peter said with sad eyes.
“I’ll be asleep at night.” You cracked a smile. “But as long as I get to see you during the day, I’ll be okay.”
“Are you sure? Are you sure you want to do this?” Peter asked as he tilted your face up. To answer him, you leaned in and kissed him. Peter smiled into the kiss and pulled you closer to his body.
“I’m sure.” You whispered against his lips. “Haunt me.”
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@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
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@maybemona @alexxcorona113
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hackerholland · 2 years
all roads lead to; tom holland
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story summary: when your long time boyfriend breaks up with you and leaves you to find himself in Italy because you’re not spontaneous enough, you follow him to prove him wrong. Along the way you meet Tom , who recently went through a breakup himself, and might help you believe hate at first sight exists. Your trip trying to find your ex in small italian towns will become a desperate call for help, trying to help your new enemy get his relationship back by fake dating, sharing beds, getting lost and finding romance in dubious spots; all while falling in love with the country and the romance of it. Will your trip help you find your ex, yourself, your Romeo and Juliet story or finally lead you to Rome?
tom holland x reader
tropes: enemies to lovers, fake dating, only one bed, road-trip, love triangle (or square), very rom com, idiots to lovers, oops-we-kissed, italian cliches from Hollywood, getaway car kinda thing
read: prologue| chapter one
wanna be tagged?
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hackerholland · 2 years
whats a pillow princess
i don’t have the heart to explain
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hackerholland · 2 years
Better Left Unsaid
Pairing: Deaf!Peter Parker x Reader
Requested by @peterspeaches
Synopsis: you ask Peter to tutor you in sign language 
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Peter looked up when he felt someone bump into his table in the library, finding you standing there with a sheepish look on your face. You steadied the wobbling table with your hand and smiled nervously at him, giving him a small wave to greet him. Peter felt his face flush all the way to the tips of his ears at the unexpected encounter, forcing himself to wave back before he came off as weird. You seemed to relax at his greeting and sat down, fishing in your bag for a piece of paper. You slid the paper across the table for Peter, who looked up at you in confusion. You nodded, as if you give him permission, and he opened it.
“You’re Peter right?” Was written in blue ink in your handwritten. Peter looked up at you and nodded eagerly, pleasantly surprised you knew his name.
“Um.” You bit your lip and hesitantly looked down at your hands before showing him what you’d been practicing.
“Hi. My name is Y/n. I have a question.” You slowly and a little poorly signed to Peter. His eyes lit up when he realizes you were signing to him, something no one in the school had ever done. He chuckled a little at the determined look on your face and smiled in approval.
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hackerholland · 2 years
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hackerholland · 2 years
fools rush in - chapter three
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catch up: series masterlist
pairing: tom!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: now that you've agreed to be peter's fake girlfriend, the two of you now have to get to know each other - maybe peter isn't as bad as you thought
warnings: none
words: 1.6k
a/n: it's been almost TWO YEARS (😲) since I updated, but mamma mia, here we go again lol. in all honesty, I'm very excited to continue this series because my idea for it came for the end, and I can't wait to eventually write that scene!! please enjoy and let me know what you think - have a fabulous day!!
The ding of the register, steam escaping from espresso machines, and a constant hum of New Yorkers bustling in and out is what created the warm atmosphere you loved so much about Jitters. It always was your go to coffee shop when you needed to calm your nerves, helping slightly as you drummed your fingers against the table waiting to hear from Peter. Every few seconds you glanced between the door and your phone, hoping to finally see your newly acquired, fake boyfriend.
When your phone finally buzzed, you felt a smile tug, instinctually, at your lips over the thought of finally getting word form Peter. What you found, however, quickly caused that smile to morph into a scowl of disgust. Your hands shook slightly as you fought the urge to toss your phone across the room.
Baby, I’m so sorry. Let me make it up to you.
The text was from your ex-boyfriend who had cheated on you for two months before you found out, and now tried to grovel at your feet because his ass had been dumped by the other girl. Your grip tightened on your phone as you held it up at eye level ready to send a text before you decided against it, deleted his message, and then set your phone down with an exaggerated sigh.
“Everything alright?” a voice asked, and you looked up in shock.
Peter stood in front of you, awkwardly, as though he wasn’t sure if it was alright for him to sit down. “Yeah, it’s just – never mind.” you told him and motioned to the chair across from you.
“Actually, I was gonna grab a coffee first. Do you want one?” he asked.
“I don’t like coffee.” you snapped and immediately felt guilty. It wasn’t Peter’s fault your ex was such an asshole. “I like tea.” you offered, gentler. “I guess that’s something two people in a relationship should know about each other.”
Peter nodded and returned a few minutes later with two steaming beverages that he set on the table before taking the seat across from you. “One tea for you, and one coffee with two creams and four sugars for me.”
“Alright,” you began. “we have five days to pretend like we’re one of those lovey-dovey couples, so I’ve made flashcards.” you said, highlighting your point by pulling a thick stack of notecards from your bag and placing them on the table between you and Peter.
Ignoring Peter’s comment, you began to separate them into two piles and pulled out a pen as well. “This pile is mine that I’ve finished,” you indicated, pointing towards one half of the stack. “and you can fill these ones out about you.” you instructed.
“Do you really think we need flashcards?” Peter asked, flipping through them hesitantly.
“Well what do you suggest?” you asked defensively, arms crossed across your chest.
Peter couldn’t help the small smile that was on his lips over your behavior; it was just the way you were in class. Focus, determined, and highly logical. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate your effort, but this wasn’t some experiment or a final the two of you were studying for. If this was going to look real to Tony and the rest of the Avengers, it needed to be as organic as possible.
“We could just talk.” Peter offered shrugging his shoulders.
Running your hand across your face, you nodded reluctantly. “So, what’s your favorite color?” you asked, not sure where to start.
“Wow.” Peter said, trying to stifle a laugh.
“What?” you asked, indignantly. “Isn’t this what you want? To “talk” to get to know each other.” you pushed, feeling close to backing out on the deal and storming away.
At your words, Peter ceased laughing, appreciating the fact that you were at least trying things the way he had suggested. “You’re right, and I’m sorry.” he apologized. “And my favorite is color is red. What about you?”
“y/f/c” you responded quietly, almost embarrassed that you weren’t better at getting to know a person.
Slowly, over the course of the afternoon, you and Peter began to open up to the other and got a steady flow of conversation going. Of course, nothing was overly deep – just the basics. Favorite this and that, where you had grown up, who was in your family. A few drinks later, Peter suggested that the two of you take a walk around the local park.
Walking around the park, you were extremely conscious of how close your hand was to Peter’s, but you couldn’t help but admire his smile as he took in everything around him. It wasn’t often that you saw Peter outside of the classroom but watching as he cooed over little kids and asked to pet strangers’ dogs was a nice change of pace. Perhaps, in a different universe, the two of you could be close friends.
“So, you're close with your aunt?” you asked, wanting to know more about the women that Peter had praised highly back in the café.
Another smile crossed his features, as though he was incapable of feeling any other way. “Yeah, Aunt May’s the best.” he gushed. “She’s done so much fun me, and after losing my parents and my Uncle Ben, it’s really just been us against the world.” he explained, voice growing softer and more reflective.
There was a pang of your heart at the thought of how much sadness Peter had experienced at such a young age, but somehow he had found the strength to preserve. “She sounds amazing, Peter. She must be if she raised someone as great as you.” you told him, honestly.
Peter was taken aback by your compliment, nodding his head in thanks. A moment of silence washed over the two of you, but instead of feeling awkward and unwelcomed, it felt oddly natural. The spell didn’t last long, though, as Peter quickly spotted an ice cream stand a little ways away. “Come on! Let me buy you an ice cream before you have to go.” Peter offered.
“Oh no, you really don’t have to do that, Peter.” you tried to tell him, but it fell on deaf ears, seeing that Peter was already halfway to his destination.
“I know I didn’t have to – I wanted to.” Peter told you, handing you your sweet treat. “I’ll walk you to your subway station.” he said like a true gentleman, gesturing for you to lead the way.
As you stood on the platform, waiting for your train, you found yourself rocking on the ball of your heels, unsure how to end the day. It had been much more pleasant than you had expected. Maybe this whole fake relationship ordeal wouldn’t be as hard as you thought. Before you could say anything that was on your mind, Peter had already swooped in, and you felt a soft, warm pair of lips brush against your cheek.
“I’ll, uh, see you soon, y/n.” Peter blurted out, quickly scurrying away, leaving you with a dopey grin, gently touching the spot his lips had touched your cheek.
Two days later, Peter walked into Professor Shelby’s class early and saw you in your normal seat, with no one else around you. He pulled something out of his backpack as he walked towards you and sat down with a smile. Before you could question why he was there, Peter set a stack of completed notecards in front of you. “Maybe these flashcards are kinda useful.” he admitted.
A smile graced your features as you held the notecards in your hand, and your heart fluttered at the sweet gesture. “I’m glad you could see reason.” you teased.
“I mean now I know that you grew up in y/h/t with your family and that that your favorite musical artist is y/f/a.” he rattled off, quite proudly, proving that he had spent all last night studying.
As the rest of the class began to fill in, Peter stayed where he was and the two of you continue to talk. Even when your friends came to sit by you, Peter stayed, and you only offer them a quick hello. The entire class stared at the two of you very confused as to why you weren’t at each other’s throats to be the one to answer the question correctly. The only one to not be phased was Professor Shelby who observed the whole situation with a knowing smirk.
After class, Peter stayed by your side and the two of you began walking out in the commons together. “Ready for tonight?” Peter asked, his own nerves already starting to kick in.
“I think so.” you squeaked, nervously. Though your nerves were completely justified, seeing that in just a few short hours you would be meeting the Avengers. “I just have to go home and finish getting ready.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be great!” Peter reassured you, bumping his shoulder playfully against yours. “Oh wait, I almost forgot.” he said, pulling your attention back in. “Give me your phone.”
Sighing, Peter held out his hand. “Just give it to me. Please?”
Unlocking your phone, you handed it over to Peter, curiously watching what he was doing. Brows furrowed, you watched as Peter raised the phone up, offering a goofy grin as he took a picture of himself. Before you could question what on Earth he was doing, your phone had been returned to your hand. Tapping on your screen, a new lock screen picture appeared, and you grinned when you saw it was the one Peter had just taken. Leave it to Peter to think of every last little detail.
“Your turn.” Peter called, pulling his own phone out of his back pocket.
In shock, you held your hands up to your face to try and block his frame for a good picture, but Peter smiled and captured the moment anyway. Doing the same thing, he made the newly taken picture his own lockscreen background. Peter looked at the picture and grinned, trying to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat seeing you so vulnerable, yet relaxed. That didn’t mean anything, right?
taglist: @peppamultifanimagines @asonofpeter @levylovegood @wtf-ziver @rebeccaprewett
(if you don't want to be tagged anymore, just let me know!)
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hackerholland · 2 years
for nwh peter
when he moves into his new apartment, reader knocks on his door one day and introduces herself
peter deserves a new friend 😭😭
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w/c: 747
warnings: nwh spoilers? but at this point like
a/n: this was sooooo omg thank u for sending it in lovely :,( also y’all bear with me i know i’ve been a little slow lately but i have stuff in the works i promise <3 happy reading
peter grins as he steps inside his apartment, a sense of lightness to him that he hasn’t felt in a long time. he’s arriving home from one of his general education classes.
it’s a small space. it’s a drab one, too. but, it’s his. he’s still settling in, only having moved in just recently. he likes his new neighborhood, and he’s breezing through his new courses. for once, life is simple. that’s the best thing it can be. he does classes during the day and spider-man patrol at night.
what more could he ask for?
a little company, maybe.
to make a long story short, peter broke the multiverse. fixing it required the world to forget him. his identity was erased, as well as the memories his loved ones had of him. he went from being known by all after his identity was revealed to being completely forgotten. needless to say, he’s lonely.
just as peter is getting comfortable, there’s a knock at his door. he shoots up out of his seat, brows knitted together in confusion. he isn’t expecting anyone. he doesn’t even know anyone.
peter cautiously approaches the door and looks through its peephole. he doesn’t recognize who’s on the other side. they raise their fist to knock again when he doesn’t answer, lip pulled between their teeth.
he has a visitor?
peter’s curiosity outweighs his skepticism, so he opens the door.
“hey!” you greet, lowering your fist. “hi. um, didn’t you move in the other day?” you wonder. “uh, yeah. i did. still kinda working on it, actually,” peter swings the door open further to reveal unopened moving boxes. you laugh quietly. “well, we’re neighbors. i thought i’d come by and welcome you, or whatever,” you explain.
“oh, thank you. you didn’t have to do that,” peter shakes his head. “that’s what neighbors are for, right?” you flash him a friendly smile. his gaze softens. “yeah… right,” he agrees, a smile of his own overtaking his features. “it’s nice to meet you. i’m y/n,” you introduce yourself.
you stick out a hand for peter to shake. he does so, his eyes becoming puppy-like the longer they study your face.
“peter,” he murmurs. his smile widens into a full grin. “peter, cool,” you repeat, committing his name to memory. “i guess i’ll leave you to it, then. have a nice night,” you smile once again.
you turn to leave, but peter finds himself wanting you to stay.
so, he asks you to.
“did you wanna come in?” peter jabs a thumb back at his apartment. you raise your brows, surprised by the offer. “i mean, only if you want to. you don’t have to. i just thought-“ he starts to ramble. “i want to, peter. i’ll come in,” you interject with a giggle. “awesome,” peter exhales.
he scrunches his nose to suppress another smile, moving aside to let you in. you look around while he closes up the door. you chuckle to yourself at a star wars lego on his night table, slowly strolling around the apartment. peter watches you from the door.
“sorry about the mess,” he apologizes for the boxes. “no, no. don’t be. gives the place a good ambiance,” you joke. peter breathes out a laugh. “can i get you something to drink? eat?” he wonders. “nah, i’m okay. thanks, though,” you reply, picking up his lego. “good because i don’t have either,” peter mumbles.
“ha, you’re funny. i think we’re gonna get along,” you decide, glancing over at him.
peter beams at you. you put the lego back down and carefully pat its head with your fingertips. he joins you over in his room, sitting on the bed. you turn and face him.
“how’re you liking it here?” you inquire. “it’s nice. nice change of pace,” peter responds. he gazes up at you. “yeah? you need that?” you ask, crossing over to him. “you have no idea,” he says under his breath.
“can i be honest with you, peter?” you question. you stop in front of him. “yeah, sure. go for it,” he meets your eyes. “i’m not sure what it is, but… you seem kinda lonely,” you smile rather sadly. “i was thinking maybe you could use a friend,” you go on. “can i be honest with you?” peter echoes. you nod. “i could,” his lips pull into a grin.
you place a hand on his shoulder, your touch gentle. he leans into it.
“friends?” you check. “friends,” peter confirms.
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hackerholland · 2 years
Confetti Cookies
Into the Rush - Chapter 6
Pairing: Snowboarder! Tom x Reader
A/N: Hi babies I am back from my little break poo, thank you for being patient. I’ve been working on this story a lot so updates should be pretty frequent. I hope you guys enjoy and as always I would love to hear you’re feedback, love you so much! xx
Summary: You and Tom use his forced break for a little bonding time
Series Masterlist
Tom sighed, his lips drawn to a pout while he watched Harrison zip down the mountain. It was his third day watching everyone practice and he was bored out of his mind. He liked cheering for everyone, with the exception of Damien, but it got boring after a while, and he got jealous. He wanted to be out there improving with everyone else. He glanced down at his phone, luckily practice was almost over and Harrison and him would be able to go home soon.
“You know you don’t have to keep coming,” coach hummed.
“I’m supporting everyone,” he shot him a glare, “What else am I supposed to do? Sit on the couch all day? At least I can be on the mountain this way.”
“Well I’m tired of watching you pout Holland,” he bit back, “Why don’t you take this time to develop a new hobby? You could learn to knit.”
“Knitting?” he scoffed, “No thanks, I’m bored enough doing this.”
“Hey, don’t scoff at knitting, it’s relaxing.”
He rolled his eyes and set his head in his hands. Another ten minutes passed before he heard someone shuffling out towards them. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw who it was.
“What are you doing out here bunny?”
She smiled at him, “I came to see you.”
His smile spread ear to ear, “Really? Aren’t you supposed to be working?”
“I got off early,” she explained, taking a seat beside him, “I thought I’d come keep you company for a little bit.”
“How sweet,” he hummed, “How was work?”
“Boring, how was watching?”
“Also boring,” he sighed, “Haz knocked some time off on boardercross though.”
“Oh, cool,” she peaked up the mountain, “You know I’m sure sitting out here in the cold all day isn’t good for your ankle.”
“Well the doctor didn’t tell me to keep it warm.”
“Well what if you were keeping it warm at my house?”
His eyes lit up, “I’m listening.”
“I’ve got the next two days off, I thought maybe you’d want to come hang out with me instead of pouting on the side of a mountain all day.”
“I don’t know, he really likes pouting,” coach butted in.
“Oh shove off,” Tom rolled his eyes, “I’d love to hang out with you bunny. What did you have in mind?”
She shrugged, “I didn’t really plan anything, but I’m sure we can find something fun to do.”
“Definitely,” he smirked, “I guess I can skip a couple of days. You won’t miss me too much, will you coach?”
“I think I’ll make it.”
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hackerholland · 3 years
Santa Tell Me
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peter parker x fem!reader
Summary: Following a TikTok trend, you dress up for Peter in Christmas wrapping paper…only in wrapping paper ;)
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: Enjoy the horniness that came out of my brain after being sick for a week
Oh, I wanna let him unwrap me, like oh-woo-oh Get on top of him, by that fireplace, oh-woo-oh
The music plays in the background from the video that’s been playing for the past hour as you tape up the bit of the wrapping paper that ripped on your thigh. 
For the millionth time in the past hour, the boyfriend of the girl in the video rips off the girl’s wrapping paper skirt, and you chuckle thinking of how Peter would react when he sees you being his early Christmas gift.
The “skirt” sits in the dip of your hip, highlighting your ass, and falls to the middle of your thighs. The top is so tiny it’s barely keeping your tits inside it. 
You look hot.
Okay, maybe the Frosty the Snowman wrapping paper put a damper on how hot this all was, but as if Peter could resist his naked girlfriend, covered in only wrapping paper. 
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hackerholland · 3 years
MI PAIS MI PAIS 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
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Tom Holland and Leo Messi at the 2021 Ballon D’Or Ceremony + Tom’s and his brothers’ reaction after meeting Messi
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hackerholland · 3 years
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7K notes · View notes
hackerholland · 3 years
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character mb: peter parker 🕷🛹🌃📸
with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat? thanks + cómo está tu hija, eh?
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hackerholland · 3 years
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hackerholland · 3 years
cut me into two.
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synopsis: you can’t help but fall for your boss’ magical charms.  pairing: magician!tom x female!assistant!reader note: i’ve never seen a fic out there w/ this au & i thought it would be interesting to try out….it was SO MUCH fun tbh. i hope you’ll enjoy this, & please do let me know what you think! 💘
✰ this piece of writing is not safe for work. minors do not proceed. 
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❲ call it magic, cut me into two. ❳ — Magic by Coldplay
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hackerholland · 3 years
the day it rained - t. holland
pairing: tom holland x female!reader
prompt: reader and tom have never been on a first date, and they decide to help each other out by being each other’s first.
warnings: i curse but that’s it LOL
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“It’s embarrassing,” Tom said, groaning as he let his back hit his twin-sized bed, the sound coming out of his mouth growing louder when his head hit the wall behind him.
The biggest thing he hated about dorm-life was the child-size bed. He missed his Queen sized bed back at his parents’ house. He even got more privacy in his childhood bedroom. He couldn’t wait until he could either a) find on-campus housing that tuition covered so he wouldn’t have to take out an other loan or b) could go back home and do the ten minute commute. Fuck this school for making it mandatory for freshmen and sophomore students to live in the dorms.
“I don’t think it’s embarrassing,” you mumbled, propping yourself on the edge of Tom’s bed, only letting one leg hang off the bed, as the other one bent onto the bed, your knee grazing his thigh.
“Because it’s socially accepted that girls not having been on a first date yet is appealing for some reason—like every guy wants to be a girls’ first date. Being me, on the other hand, it’s like no one wanted to date me because I was or am a freak. Or a pervert.”
“Drastic jump,” you responded, rolling your eyes. “Also, you could’ve already had your first date. Plenty of people asked you out in high school,” you pointed out, the bitter feeling of jealousy rising like bile in your throat, but you swallowed it down like you’ve done so many years before. “You’re the one who always had an excuse as to why you couldn’t go.”  Your heart has always been grateful for how picky Tom was and still is.
“You know how shy I was back then,” Tom said—both of you knew it was a blatant lie. But, neither of you spoke about it. In truth, Tom wanted to ask you out. He had planned the first date in his head – he wanted to ask you to winter formal the first year you met. But you came down with the flu and Tom decided to stay home. You forbade him from staying home so he didn’t tell you that he had pretended to text you from the dance until years later. You two went to Prom with a group of people and both chickened out dancing with each other because you got too nervous.
The times to ask you out naturally quickly faded away the more you punched his arm and called him buddy.
“So there’s only one thing to do then,” you announce, your voice coming out cool, calm—a total contrast to the way your heart hammered against your chest. You could picture your tombstone now: Killed by her own heart jumping out of her body. Yes, like a cartoon.
“And what’s that?” He asked absently, still rubbing the back of his head.
“We go on a practice date.”
Tom’s head went up fast enough to give him whiplash, and definitely a concussion when he felt his head hit the wall again. His adrenaline from what you’d said was giving him enough of a high for him to ignore the pain pounding against his skull. “You want to go on a date with me?”
You were sure your face was giving you away—you woke up too late to put on make-up today, so you couldn’t blame product for the obvious blush spreading across your face.
“It’d be like a pretend date. Like… a fake date. Just, so we can get the first date out of the way, you rushed out, trying to keep your cool demeanor even though the idea that had been sitting in your head for the past two months since Tom started complaining about never being on a date had started.
“A fake date?” Tom repeated, hoping the disappointment didn’t come through the way he imagined it. He cleared his throat, shrugging his shoulders and nodding to himself, like he actually had to think about it. “Justo get the first date out of the way.”
“Yes, just two friends. Two buddies—helping each other out.” You said, reaching your closed fist out to lightly touch it to Tom’s shoulder the way you always did. Tom stopped out, his hand circling around your fist. Your eyes met his face, seeing a small smile play on his face. He uncurled your fingers, slipping his in between yours.
“Just two buddies helping each other out,” he mimicked you again. You nodded along, your eyes still tracing the smile on his face. The word buddies completely went over your head, even though you were the first one to use it. “Tonight?”
“It’s Tuesday.”
“People go on dates on Tuesdays.”
It was Tom’s turn to flush a light pink. You quickly realized you might’ve been flirting with Tom—TOM. Your Tom. Your best friend, Tom. You dropped his hand, clearing your throat and picking your bag up off the floor as you got up.
“Tonight,” you confirmed, heading toward his door. He frowned, worried he’d scared your off.
“Where are you going?”
“To get ready,” you said, not turning to face him, mortified he’d see the stupidly wide smile on your face. You hoped to whatever power was puppeteering you that he didn’t hear the smile in your voice. You opened the door and then quickly shut it after stepping out and saying a quick “see you later” without waiting for his reply.
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