hahepic · 9 months
A little rant about episode 11
Just finished watching episode 11, and to be honest I am so, so disappointed. I'm not one to complain openly about something, but right now I feel like it's time to.
Spoilers below, also tw: personal opinion, if you can't take that, please do not read this.
Also I'd like to state that I like bsd. I love bsd, I wouldn't have a blog and a tiktok account dedicated to the series if I didn't - this isn't to hate on the series nor on Asagiri, just my two cents regarding the plot.
I have voiced my concerns to friends and mainly on discord how the current direction of the manga and the plot worries me, and I am beyond stunned that my biggest fear actually came true.
All the 'Fyodor is my comfort character' personal stuff aside, I feel like since the prison break arc started, the quality of the writing and the plot hit an all time low.
From my perspective, we got this huge buildup about Fyodor being this absolutely genius of a character. He is smart, he accounts for every possibility and there is no detail that he could possibly miss.
On the other hand, we have Dazai, who is, well, just as smart and perceptive as Fyodor.
So, we have two very smart characters up against each other, which I get why is challenging from a writing perspective, however (especially) since the intrudction of Time Cat Lady, I feel like the writing went from a carefully and logically built up plot to throwing in deus ex machinas and a looot of explanations afterwards to conveniently give the upper hand to Dazai.
I have no problem with Fyodor dying and Dazai emerging as winner (actually I kind of do because I would've loved to see the Agency or Atsushi or Ranpo take him down, but what else could have possibly happened anyways? Dazai is a fan favourite, we don't kill the money machine), however I have a bone to pick with the execution.
I think I would've loved to see a more carefully constructed plot where I can actually root for characters and actually worry for them. Asagiri pulled way too many 'oh they look dead but oh wait actually this and that happened which the reader wasn't aware of so they're not dead' shenanigas to the point where, in my opinion, as readers we simply just couldn't take any major character 'death' seriously - they'll somehow be resurrected anyways or it's gonna eventually be revealed that they weren't even dead to begin with.
And this was the case with Dazai and Chuuya here as well. To me this feels more like trying to put out a fire because of being cornered and having created characters so smart that they prove to be too difficult to write (at least in a pace fast enough for monthly chapter releases?) than actually putting effort into the plot.
All the 'well actually Chuuya wasn't even a vampire' bullshit to me was just way too fucking convenient. I'm happy that Chuuya is alive and well, but this too just served as a convenient plot point to give Dazai the upper hand while dumbing Fyodor significantly down.
I'm sorry but I didn't interpret Fyodor's character so careless (especially for someone who's very sensitive about his physical health) as to not take the antidote as soon as he got out. I didn't get to know Fyodor who would just fall for that trick Dazai pulled.
I really feel like we missed out a LOT on Fyodor with no backstory or whatsoever provided. His character stayed shallow and empty, and I'm actually really mad at Asagiri about this because he was supposed to be this very dangerous and complex villain but I feel like what we were teased with was just not delivered.
I really hope we get a more refined manga ending or that this will be better executed in the upcoming chapters.
Once again, I'm not mad about Fyodor dying, I'm rather disappointed by the way it was delivered. It feels rushed, it feels empty and it didn't live up to my expectations at all.
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hahepic · 9 months
sigma is so much stronger than me because Unfortunately I would have barked here
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hahepic · 9 months
September 20 forever remembered as the greatest tragedy to ever happen during the month of September for the new JJK chapter and the new BSD episode
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hahepic · 9 months
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I was like 90% sure this was Fukuchi already because of the face scar and the body shape but then i recalled why that mask was so familiar...
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hahepic · 9 months
My thoughts regarding 5:11
Narratively, Dazai should’ve died. Fyodor is the big bad, Dazai is NOT the mc. What the hell was the point of “We need a new generation of Double black.” and “I want you tail Atsushi.” If SKK can just beat ever threat? Dazai cannot keep keikakuing his way forever, this would’ve been the perfect ending for him, as well as Actually build up Fyodor as the ultimate threat of the series.
•As I said in my last post, the way Fyodor died was so stupid! So undignified! They mutilated my babygirl!!! And no way he wouldn’t have seen through CONTACT LENSES and 2$ halloween clip on vampire teeth.
•Fyodor is supposed to be the smartest character!! Even ranpo lost to fyodor! I thought the whole point was that Fyodor was a monster that edged out even ranpo and dazai in smarts!! How does he die from such a stupid plan!!!!!!
•No poe or yosano cameo in the ed I see I see
•So, the guys fukuichi killed are dead? Sigma? Why didn’t we get anything about them? Bring back my beautiful sigma!!
•Gogol should’ve at least got the chance to try to kill fyodor
•Old Man Yaoi
•Bram and Aya have such a great arc, I love bram so much.
•Ranpo being smart!
•not much else
Conclusion: God I fucking hope this is an anime only ending and the manga diverges or I will cry
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hahepic · 9 months
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Everything from chapter 88-100 was genuinely peak bsd. It was so damn good. If you read it without the monthly wait it’s genuinely the best bsd ever gets. 101-103 have made people (rightfully) very very enraged but asagiri can save this
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hahepic · 9 months
It is supreme grade fucking bullshit that FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY was beaten by contact lenses and the little vampire teeth things I used to clip on when I was a kid.
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hahepic · 1 year
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Other examples! Also the magnificent Standard of Ur and the slightly less magnificent Stele of the Vultures
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Sumerian Jewelry…. I’d wear all of this
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hahepic · 1 year
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Sumerian Jewelry…. I’d wear all of this
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hahepic · 1 year
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hahepic · 2 years
I want to get off asagiri’s wild ride
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hahepic · 2 years
/bsd 104 Spoilers/
Fukuchi asked Fukuzawa to come with him on his first deployment? Like a fucking military wife????
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hahepic · 2 years
Reposting this I think its still relevant
No plot
No overarching theme
Just straight distress💯‼️
Brave manga artist DESPISES his readers
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hahepic · 2 years
ok ok I really liked this chapter but i swear getting a short flashback chapter after 2 months would drive most other series fans insane we’re so whipped
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hahepic · 2 years
No bsd this month so i think i will go a a little insane with my posting for a bit soz
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hahepic · 2 years
Bsd lore analysts: “no actually the entire point of the story is redemption whcich can be showcased in d
Asagiri: “what if I tortured and killed this fan favourite character. wouldnt that be fucked up lol”
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hahepic · 2 years
The queen is dead? Im afraid you’re wrong. Yosano is very much alive
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