hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
“This is my territory now! No one else can trespass!”
" Well...maybe you can trespass a little"
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- Everyone's favorite bad driving, soul stealing, food Loving feline!
- Suggestive asks are welcomed, but nothing flat out nsfw.
- Writer goes by Sam. She/her. He/him.
-Not much else to say. Have a fun time loving or bullying your local Yaoguai.
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Account introduction: Welcome to the Academy!
Ahoy, this is an ask account where you can talk to our favorite sea dwellers and professors along with some other staff! But remember there’s some guidelines to remember, least ye be swept by Ran’s powerful waves.
-Keep rping to a minimum. I’m not the most experienced in rping nor do I have much of an interest so please don’t expect me to continuously go along with whatever storyline you have. EDIT: Character banter is fine btw!
-Manage your thirst! I find these guys hot as the next guy but I prefer to not read your paragraph of the things you want them to do to you, find my fanfic blog instead when my requests are open.
-If you have any questions please send them to my main blog which will be in my bio
Characters you can talk to!
-Ahab (when sober)
Be on the lookout for special guests!
(Please note the MC here goes by she/her pronouns and the name “Nanashi”)
Have fun sailors!
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
" Oh, Tanetomo Dear~"
Eh? Just who was-
Ah, of course. Tokyo's golden gun carrying spy. Ose.
" Wouldn't you say it's been far too long since we've done a job together?"
" Well, I've the perfect fix for that little issue, if you're interested in spending a little time together that is~"
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"Fufu, Now this is a side of you I don't get to see often, vying for attention like a little child, it is quite adorable"
Tanetomo giggles as he watches @agent-057 enter his office apparently having avoided all detection from the guards and security systems
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"But as you already know I am quite busy and find myself with little time to spare"
Tanetomo lets the silence hang for a moment before giggling again
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"Ah, but I tease, I just enjoy watching that face you make whenever I say I can't go out with you"
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"Even thought we both know I would never turn down an offer to spend time with you my darling Ose"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Tane, does it bother you that a child (i.e., Teda) is above you in your status here in the Warmongers?
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"As far as I am concerned I only answer to Lord Yoritomo and while I am not particularly fond of Teda, I care not for the position he holds, after all there can only be one winner of the game, alliances such as this one are only temporary"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Jacob black is more of a meme dog than he is a hot dog tbh and if you can't accept that then go ahead and murder me in the most brutalist way.
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"Now why would I do that? as I have said before we are all entitled to have our own personal opinions, even if they are completely wrong, you are in your right to think what you want"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Hello tanetomo.what do you feel/think about yoshito?
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"Yoshito is certainly the most tragic of the dog warriors and that is saying quite a lot all things considered"
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"Do not deceive yourself however, I have no pity for him and would not doubt to remove him if I thought him living was too much of a hindrance to my plans or those of my master"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
*sighs sadly* Tanetomo, I like your clothes and you a lot but however I couldn't understand whether if your gender is male or female. Because to me I think you appear more as a female than a male.
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"I fail to see how that represents an issue, in fact, people having trouble distinguishing my sex by just appearance alone is my objective, it is a deliberate decision"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Tanetomo, I have to admit you look very nice and pretty. I also admit that I love the dog warriors including you, Moritaka, Shino, Yasuyori, Masanori and Tadamoto. One more thing do you like boys or girls more?
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"Fufu, of course you like my appearance, that would be only logical"
"Though I suppose that a thank you is in order, I do take a lot of time ensuring that my looks are as immaculate as possible and it is nice to know others appreciate the effort I put into it"
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"And as for your question, I do not have any preference towards one or the other as long as they are capable of captivating me and of course that they are aware of how lucky they are to have me"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Have a taco *throws a taco at Tigre*
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Hombre Tigre catches the taco in his mouth and starts munching on it
His mouth was still full as he thanked you
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"Have you no sense of decorum at all?"
"And you better not leave any crumb around my office"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
In The Clinic...
"Hm? Someone left my laptop on..."
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"What's this? 'Tumblr'? I don't remember logging in here... Oh well..."
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With his huge fingers, he started typing onto the keyboard of the laptop. It's his personal laptop he uses in his clinic to take note of his patients as well as the medicines he consumes so he would remember which is which.
After all of that, he then clicked the "Post now" button on the bottom right of the screen.
"Hehe, I hope people would notice... Maybe they'll come in for treatment or... for something much bigger."
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Sat inside the shed of the training farm, Barguest and Ashigara wait on Volos, who asked them to wait for him in there.
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"So, do you know what this is about, Barg?"
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"I think Volos has something to tell us, but I don't know anything beyond that."
The shed door opens, and Volos walks inside, though Volos closes the door behind him.
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"You're both here, good."
"What's this about, Volos? And why'd you close the door?"
"Well, I have an announcement to make. In a moment, it won't be just us three cultivating the crops!"
"We're getting more help?"
"That's right. He said he wanted to learn about growing produce, and I'm happy to help them out! This is probably the best way to go about it, too."
"Who is this guy?"
A sword comes down through the door, slicing it in twain. Volos flees to the back of the shed while Ashigara steps forward to see who caused this.
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"Heh, I hope I haven't kept you waiting, 'master of the earth.' "
"When you said you wanted to make some kind of entrance, this isn't what I thought you meant!"
"Wait, this guy is..."
"Yes and no. I am Wen Kamui, the other half of the person that wished to join you."
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"I am Kimun Kamui. It is my wish to learn from Volos and expand my capabilities in giving to others."
"Did you just change colors?"
"There is quite a lot to explain if you'd wish me to; for now, just know that it will be a pleasure working with you."
"That other you looked pretty strong! Could we sumo sometime?"
"I believe Wen may take you up on that offer."
//Say hello to some permanent guests, Kimun and Wen Kamui! That's right, I said permanent; these Kamui ain't going anywhere anytime soon!
//I'd also like to announce that I'll start allowing some more suggestive asks here (keyword: suggestive, please no full NSFW)
//Have a good day!
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
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hello there and welcome to this blog about these musical inclined ladies. the rules here are the same with my other two blogs, please be conscious of your asks, especially the suggestive asks experiment I got going on, any way welcome to the musicpuff girls blog.
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Tane, can you tell us about the hakkenshi from the other two true guilds? I’m dying to know!
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"You will have to excuse me for nor answering your question, given that you don't know anything about them it is in my best interest to not disclose information about the remaining dog warriors , any knowledge I have that somebody else does not will always play in my advantage"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 3 years
"Everyone! I just had a great idea?"
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"What is it, Agyo?"
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"Let's take a selfie for Valentine's Day! It'll be great!"
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"A... selfie? I'm not sure I'm quite knowledgeable about—"
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"Come on, Otohime~ We'll take you through the steps~! Now just smile and—"
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Babalon immediately puts her arms around the two, compressing together.
"Happy Valentine's Daaay!"
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Before Otohime could respond, the camera flashed and took their picture.
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 3 years
I know Tezcatlipoca loves us and all, and I love him too, but could you maybe suggest a plan that doesn't involve breaking into the school. If this keeps up the teachers are going to make my room look like bunker to keep him out.
Also, Hombre, I enjoy your visits too, but I feel like the flashing light and music may have been a bit of a giveaway.
Either way its Valentines so I brought chocolate for everyone, and I need to borrow this, *latches on to Hombre*
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"Don't waste your breath there is no reasoning with those two, it has been addressed by various of our guild mates at this point, they simply ignore any and all complains about it. I even had to handle more than one call from the teachers at Shinjuko Academy because of Tezcatlipoca"
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"Nevertheless I thank you for the chocolates and wish you a happy valentine's say"
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Hombre Tigre scoops you up in his arms
"I don't know what you need me for, but I'm game! I'd do anything for a fan so just tell me what you want to do"
He gives you a small wink after saying that
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 3 years
Other artists are such mediocrities, they can not appreciate the beauty of ugliness.
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"Art is a very subjective theme, everyone's sensibilities differ from one another, when it comes to appreciating art we are all drawn to different expressions, what some might find unsightly could be beautiful to others"
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 3 years
Tigre, I got you a mask. I heard someone's planning to come around and surprise you with cat nip
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"Hah! I'm not some house cat amigo! they would need way too much catnip if they want it to have any effect on me, but still gracias for your concern"
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