#housamo ask blog
Can we please get some lovely headcanons for our dog Shinobi Tadatomo, pretty please 🥺?
Happy pride month yall have some of your gay shit specially provided by me
Tadatomo absolutely loves showing off, despite being a ninja that's supposed to be discrete he'll act really cool and suave to impress you
Tadatomo is all about loyalty and its really obvious since the guy is just absolutely obsessed with you, you can break his cool front with the slightest bit of affection and he'd just fall for you, sometimes literally.
tadatomo can and will work extra just so he can afford you something you'd want if you tell him you want something he'll be like "Okay" and just go get it for you he especially loves seeing your reaction if its a surprise gift
his fur is very very very warm. the guy is like made of fire so if it's a cold night you can snuggle up really close to him, tadatomo is your human(therian?) comforter. and he has absolutely no qualms about this, he loves snuggling up to you as much as you do to him.
he lets you do whatever you want to him too, not mentioning the more intense stuff you can use the man like a stress toy, just pat him or squeeze him, he'll enjoy it.
tadatomo is a lot more subtle in public just a look or holding hands when it comes to pda but when its private you can praise him as much as you want and he'll melt into your hands
tadatomo is very protective of you, as is with many of the hakkenshi when he's out and has the time he'll call you up just to check on you, if you don't respond for any reason he gets very concerned very quick.
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toyosu-academy · 11 months
We’re… back?
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“Hehe, did you miss us you little scamps? We’ve been caught up in a few things but the waves have calmed and we’re back!”
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“Ain’t that right Dagon-?!”
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“Eh? What’s with the getup? Halloween past already.”
“Where… am I?”
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I had a dream of you Wakan. You didn’t have a face tho
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"Is that so? did anything else happen in that dream? dreams can have messages for you from deep withing your subconscious in my world dreams can also have prophetic meanings, I know of someone far more experienced than me on that though"
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"That also sounded a bit scary, so I could hug you if you think you'd need that!"
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Account introduction: Welcome To The Broadcast
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My name is Konai Demia, and the man Infront of the camera is Miyoko, gotten transported from my earth to another. one filled with mystical creatures, beings, and others. Right now I'm tagging alongside Miyoko into seeing how I can return home and maybe help him with lost memories Currently, there are 3 characters that you could ask:                                    Miyoko (MC1), Konai (OC), Smoky God. With even more coming soon
Keep in mind they are a mix of cannon and my headcanon for now!     
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
" Oh, Tanetomo Dear~"
Eh? Just who was-
Ah, of course. Tokyo's golden gun carrying spy. Ose.
" Wouldn't you say it's been far too long since we've done a job together?"
" Well, I've the perfect fix for that little issue, if you're interested in spending a little time together that is~"
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"Fufu, Now this is a side of you I don't get to see often, vying for attention like a little child, it is quite adorable"
Tanetomo giggles as he watches @agent-057 enter his office apparently having avoided all detection from the guards and security systems
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"But as you already know I am quite busy and find myself with little time to spare"
Tanetomo lets the silence hang for a moment before giggling again
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"Ah, but I tease, I just enjoy watching that face you make whenever I say I can't go out with you"
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"Even thought we both know I would never turn down an offer to spend time with you my darling Ose"
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farmbears · 3 days
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"The time has come. You have all done well and deserve compensation." Chernobog speaks out to everyone gathered after hours.
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"Putting on a show is always a pleasure! And munching on Volos' veggies on break is always a treat, literally."
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"Most of what I brought are classified as fruits, but I'm happy to hear you say that, nonetheless. I'm glad the dishes that used my crops sold so well."
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"My dear friend, Andvari, has bestowed upon me the honor of giving you all your due paychecks," he says while holding a group of envelopes.
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"Hell, yeah! Payday!"
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"It is nice to see you so happy, friend."
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Chernobog walks around, handing everyone their payments. Volos, Kimun, Goemon, Ashigara... before returning to where he once stood.
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"Yo! You forgot Yasu and Barg!"
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"I have not forgotten, Ashigara. Yasuyori's was nullified with all he spent on you for your birthday surprise. Barguest's is due, but my last pen ran its course with its ink; it will take a short time before I can give him what is due."
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"That checks out..."
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"I figured already. My payments never come in on time when I do work." "Send me an email when you have it ready, Chernobog. I'll come to grab it myself; sending mail to me takes months."
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"I thank you and Andvari for this opportunity. I've gained valuable experience and funds to spend on my cubs."
"It has been an honor to work alongside you all."
// End of Event (long overdue, sorry)
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askmacan · 8 months
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// Commission done by @/UWSponge on Twitter.
(Posted with permission.)
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olympusgenius · 26 days
*Laying out expensive blueprints*
pspspspspsps.. heeeeree mr. inventor mannnnn~
*hides pokeball behind back*
Surely you couldn’t pass this up, righttt?
Your plan doesn't work as you wish...mainly because of the way Hephaestus looks at you right now
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"You're underestimating me...you really think I will fall into this trap like in The Roadrunner and The Coyote's cartoons? Bitch please, I noticed the pokeball at your back, my first thesis was about applications of hammerspace at daily life, if you try to catch me with that pokeball, I can hack it from inside to get out...and those blueprints are surely from those questionable DIY projects' websites"
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Bathym’s Met Gala attires!
(Source: @zinpatink_S on Twitter)
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askthebeasttamers · 9 months
Why does Cu Sith have to be cute as a button? I feel like that’s his real power.
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"Aw, thank you! I've been getting that a lot today at my new job! And it leads to nice tips!"
"At this rate, I'll be able to get everyone's gifts for sure!"
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neirumilysor · 1 year
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No way, Shotanori?! can I adopt him?
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"Sure just make sure to give him back later okay?"
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Headcanon? Did you just said headcanons!!!
But yes, that's 😎 could I request some romantic headcanons with Tanetomo
Please and thank you ☺️
Im not as familiar with Tanetomo as i am with Masanori so sorry if some of this is ooc
Tanetomo is a gremlin, in both stature and personality. he can be very cheeky when he's genuinely comfortable with someone and isn't afraid to use those puppy eyes to get what he wants, he's the very definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss. but you can't get mad, not for long at least. he's very much a lovable bastard
he's a dancer, so yeah he'd definitely dance for you. he'd try doing something cheeky too like using his fan to lift your chin up while smirking, and he'll invite you to dance with him to
tanetomo is very demanding needy he'd bother you to lift him up, and carry him, or else he'd end up feigning pettiness until he gets what he wants.
if he's having a rough day or is frustrated he'd get up on your lap and lie there whether you want him there or not he won't be moving even if he falls asleep there, hope you're fine spending the next 12 hours in the same place every now and again
of course yo can get your revenge by scooping him up cuddling him like stuffed toy, even if he's kicks and screams his fist are like pebbles at most so he'd just give up and just get you back alter
tanetomo will try to debate you every now and again, he likes stimulating conversation and the sharing of world views but he also loves dumb people so even if you err and stutter a lot trying to think of a response he'd just be positively amused.
tanetomo is a very observant person, he'll use his cunning to figure out preference in things like gifts and what makes you tick. take what that means how you will.
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toyosu-academy · 2 years
Account introduction: Welcome to the Academy!
Ahoy, this is an ask account where you can talk to our favorite sea dwellers and professors along with some other staff! But remember there’s some guidelines to remember, least ye be swept by Ran’s powerful waves.
-Keep rping to a minimum. I’m not the most experienced in rping nor do I have much of an interest so please don’t expect me to continuously go along with whatever storyline you have. EDIT: Character banter is fine btw!
-Manage your thirst! I find these guys hot as the next guy but I prefer to not read your paragraph of the things you want them to do to you, find my fanfic blog instead when my requests are open.
-If you have any questions please send them to my main blog which will be in my bio
Characters you can talk to!
-Ahab (when sober)
Be on the lookout for special guests!
(Please note the MC here goes by she/her pronouns and the name “Nanashi”)
Have fun sailors!
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What do you mean by keep it down when the puppy spends the night?
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She ruffled your hair in a condescending manner, while smiling at you as though you were a child
"If you don't know what I'm talking about, then it's not my place to tell you. Maybe you should go ask your parents"
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sethofthewind · 11 months
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Spooky halloween~
What asks shall I receive if ye be brave enough~
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
Tane, does it bother you that a child (i.e., Teda) is above you in your status here in the Warmongers?
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"As far as I am concerned I only answer to Lord Yoritomo and while I am not particularly fond of Teda, I care not for the position he holds, after all there can only be one winner of the game, alliances such as this one are only temporary"
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