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With the sun setting, it was only right for Ose to invite you to sit right beside him. The rose... was the same color of blood.
A small gift for @agent-057 that I made out of boredom! Though I might practice more on the lighting... Hehe~
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hakkenshi-of-wisdom · 2 years
" Oh, Tanetomo Dear~"
Eh? Just who was-
Ah, of course. Tokyo's golden gun carrying spy. Ose.
" Wouldn't you say it's been far too long since we've done a job together?"
" Well, I've the perfect fix for that little issue, if you're interested in spending a little time together that is~"
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"Fufu, Now this is a side of you I don't get to see often, vying for attention like a little child, it is quite adorable"
Tanetomo giggles as he watches @agent-057 enter his office apparently having avoided all detection from the guards and security systems
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"But as you already know I am quite busy and find myself with little time to spare"
Tanetomo lets the silence hang for a moment before giggling again
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"Ah, but I tease, I just enjoy watching that face you make whenever I say I can't go out with you"
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"Even thought we both know I would never turn down an offer to spend time with you my darling Ose"
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
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SUBJECT: characters most relevant to the lore, be it by importance, how they've shaped and affected the world, or by their relation to ignis. tw: frequent mentions of drugs / narcotics, implied transphobia, implied rape, mentions of body dysmorphia, super long post.
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given name lucius. codename derived from his true name. the horseman of conquest and pestilence, he is the one that had given birth to the organization known as 'gonchiye.' translated from russian to mean 'hunting dogs,' it is advertised as a supernatural police force of sorts, meant to upkeep the law and balance in the society of non-humans. the truth is much more ominous than this noble goal lucius presents it to the public with.
the gonchiye was built upon the remains of an ancient pit fighter ring, where humans would imprison supernatural beings through the use of binding magic and make them fight for their entertainment. as time consumes all, lucius had eventually only found a sole survivor of it all— and decided to use this one as a test vessel for a new plague he was developing for the inevitable apocalypse, that would be brought for once the time was nigh; lucius is the second oldest of the horsemen, and even though he rode first, he leaves leadership of the group to the eldest, death. he rides upon a white horse, going by the name glory, and his weapons of choice are a bow and arrows.
the truth beyond this organization is that it is the horseman's way of preserving world balance. each of the four horsemen has their own way of going about it, and while some are more questionable than others... in the end, it is for the greater good of the world. or so they say. many, especially mortals, have any sort of understanding to actually comprehend this divine task. for lucius, this means eliminating targets that, in his opinion, endanger this delicate balance, as well as constantly improving. this could mean many things— be it in regards to biological or technological advancements. one could very easily classify the nephilim as a mad scientist, and they wouldn't be wrong.
lucius has an odd quirk in that he never uses abbreviations, verb conjugations, or contractions. his manner of speech is very proper, if not outright snobby. he is by no means a coward, but he is the type to make others do his bidding for him; it's the very reason why he utilizes the hundred of agents ( there are no more than a hundred active agents at any given time ) within the gonchiye to carry out tasks for him. tasks that are masterfully masked so that the true ambition behind them isn't discovered. generally speaking, there is but a handful of people within the organization aware of the truth, and all of those are under tight scrutiny— to the point of being collared with a collar infused with a special serum meant to make these beasts docile and easily compliant with his wishes. it isn't humane.
ignis is one such agent. once, he dared even to call lucius a friend. the two were rather close, due to them being of similiar ages. ignis is also one of the few people able to actually keep up against lucius in a fight. and they did fight. unfortunately, lucius possesses light magic, which is incredibly effective against an infernal like the hellhound— it has left him with an ugly scar across his chest. their friendship ended and relations became tense after ignis' failure with mission 298: to dispatch stormbringer.
with ignis' continual failures to deliver after that incident, he's set an execution order on him.
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given name kalisha. codename derived from the italian accademia dei lincei, named after the lynx whose keen eye is neccessary for scientific research. kalisha is a nekomata of spanish and japanese origins, and was one of the very first members of the gonchiye. unlike most members who had joined voluntarily under the impression that they'd do some good in the world, to the lynx, it was offered as means of vengeance. kalisha harbors a deep hatred for humans from the times hunters had taken her husband and son, and she's never gotten over the loss. due to her then-violent tendencies, she was also one of the first agents to be collared.
the drug worked well, far too well perhaps, as not long after, her aggressive demeanor had mellowed out. a side-effect of this was the very prominent deepening of her voice, leaving it husky and nearly sounding like a chain smoker. once under control, she's been retired from field missions and was instead tasked with helping with the research— something that had allowed her quite the deep insight into the truth of just what lucius was aiming for. with her mind numbed like so, however, she did not have the willpower to do anything about it, other than simply play along.
that has changed once she was introduced to project talonshot. while their interactions were limited for the sake of conditioning naoto into a cold-hearted killer, she did end up doting on him and treating him like her own son. it could never be the same, and not just for the boy being different, but also due to the strict security within the gonchiye walls, she could never be as open with her affection as she could hope for. nevertheless? it gave her some hope and determination in perservering in these conditions.
ignis considers her his closest friend. both of them were early members, though she's never told him the truth about lucius and the things she's learned until much, much later. she believed she was protecting him this way. they had interest in each other at one point and had tried dating, but things never quite worked out, and so they simply stayed on friendly terms. she is someone ignis can talk about just anything, and he knows she has his back, while he has hers. they had numerously teased each other for their tastes in partners, especially once she'd learned that ignis had taken naoto as his lover and mate, but the truth was, she was very happy for them both; and would entrust her son to no one else.
kalisha eventually meets the current warlord of the red oni tribe and decides to stay with them ( or rather, they had rather forcibly kidnapped her from the gonchiye. she didn't resist or complain ) and become their queen as they became lovers and partners.
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≥ FILE 094: NIHIL_
given name noctis. codename derived from his umbrakinesis and the ability to create black holes. about 500 years younger than his half-brother, he harbors immense jealousy towards ignis and has set out along with his cousin, eryx, to earth to seek him out and hopefully drag him back to their home in the underworld. was it selfish? certainly. did that stop them? no. noctis used to be rather clingy towards his older brother as a child, so seeing him run away from home like so was incredibly traumatizing; he practically idolized the hound.
contrary to his half-brother, who is the result of a hellhound and an erinye, noctis is a pureblooded erinye. he is rather apathetic and laughs at the misfortune of others. he is mean, but not neccessarily evil. his magic can be destructive and he can be rather ruthless in a fight. such talents had earned him the position of a saboteur; but not without a collar.
noctis is a trans man, but lucius knew that he possesses female biology, and took advantage of it. his genes were forcibly used in the creation of project talonslash, which has left the erinye with deep mental scars. he'd never felt insecure about his body until that very moment that someone abused it like so. as a result, he's come to loathe talon, even if the boy himself hadn't done anything wrong. long since losing ignis again after his exodus from the gonchiye did he not want to stay anymore, but getting out was never easy. this, though? this was the last straw.
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given name sirius. codename derived from his title, 'the sun of the underworld.' sirius is the current hound of hades, something of a king of the hellhounds, inhering the title of cerberus that goes with it. such tradition is something ignis is aware of, therefore his bitterness about lucius choosing to designate the codename cerberus to him within the gonchiye.
sirius had an affair with tisiphone, an affair from which his ( currently ) only son was born. a bastard perhaps, but he still wished for him to take up the mantle of cerberus once it was time. unfortunately, tisiphone didn't agree with this; she wanted the child for herself, or at least, to have him make whatever choices he wished to later in life. fiercely protective, she hid herself and baby ignis within erebus, the shadowy pocket dimension of the underworld, only accessible to the erinyes and a few others. ignis did take after this fiery desire to be independent, maybe a bit too much, and yet, he felt like his mother was smothering him; not allowing him to leave erebus until... until what? he didn't know, and she never gave him the answer. eventually, he heard the call of hades; a call every hellhound must answer. one that only they hear, and cannot resist. under the influence of the call, he managed to break free of erebus.
that was the first time he and sirius met, some three hundred years since ignis' birth. perhaps a bit too enthusiastic to meet his son, sirius was quick to introduce ignis to just about everything that was to be expected out of him— once, they might have even ended up on good terms. but feeling that his father, too, wished to force his dreams and ideals onto him, ignis came to resent his father more than he did his mother. he swore to never become the next cerberus, or have anything to do with sirius at all. he avoided him like the plague.
sirius is an outgoing, charismatic, yet arrogant individual. he and ignis are quite alike, in both looks and personality, much to his dismay. nowadays, sirius realizes he might've been a little too pushy with ignis, and he regrets it greatly, as he would have loved to be on good terms with his son... he still hopes for as much, even if the rational part of him knows that will likely never happen.
another custom for the hound of hades is to take up two mates, so as to represent the other two heads of cerberus. sirius, dutiful as he is, eventually enters an arranged mateship with xolotl and tiangou, two guardian hellhounds from different cultures, later accepting the names of sol and luna, the sun and moon to sirius' star. this mateship is especially important in these trying times, where the guardian breed is near its extinction— sol is expected to carry the pups of both luna and sirius. this polyamory is yet another parallel between father and son, but ignis remains unaware of this so far.
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given name shinjou. codename derived from his ability to control lightning. this kitsune was the unfortunate patient zero as the sole survivor of the earlier-mentioned beast pit fight business. he was unaware of this predicament until much, much later, that this sickness had started to show itself. at first, it was simple nausea, then it turned into something akin to tuberculosis, and eventually, his very body had started to change.
shinjou is incredibly technically skilled, something of a mad scientist himself to rival lucius, but where lucius seeks the biological, shinjou is more interested in the mechanical. while being the head of a yakuza group called 'the order of the lotus,' in honor of his deceased father, he also owns a cybernetics company that specializes in highly advanced body implants and prosthetics. his twin brother had once lost an entire arm in a fight with a red oni ( this same oni had later also targeted shinjou and took his eye, leaving the fox blind in one eye ), and he was more than eager to provide for his brother with the technology he's developed. later in life he even attempts to build an adroid from scratch.
besides technology, shinjou is also a skilled sniper and hacker, on top of being a very influential person in kyoto— and slowly, all of japan, though for all the wrong reasons. the order had become feared, and its influence had even changed the widely-accepted meaning and symbolism of the lotus flower— where it once was a symbol of purity and rebirth, it is now something to be feared. shinjou experienced many hardships in his life, starting since childhood where he was exiled from the kitsune clan he lived in, for being born a twin, as twins were considered a bad omen. only one of the brothers was allowed to stay, and shinjou wasn't it— he never harbored any ill will against his parents or his brother for making that choice, however, only the clan elders. the twins were separated for most of their life before reuniting.
it only went downhill from there. getting caught and imprisoned within the fighting ring, which then cost his father's life, then getting used as a guinea pig, and even once he'd gotten out of all of that? he was adopted by a yakuza oyabun, who then taught him all that shinjou currently knows in regards to that kind of life. once the man had passed and shinjou took over, he renamed the group to honor his late father, and made it to be the most fearsome group kyoto had to ever deal with. all the misfortunes and abuse led to shinjou closing off his heart to love; and that was where ignis came into play, who'd, despite his own hardships, managed to stay soft and tender.
ignis was originally deployed as a long-time infiltrator agent into the order of the lotus, as per lucius' orders to learn all that there was, and then take him out before the plague had time to spread. this had gone on for twelve years, during which the hound, expectably so if you know anything about him, had developed romantic feelings for shinjou. he failed at pulling the trigger at the end, but shinjou still learned about the truth behind ignis' presence within the order— he was incredibly hurt by his betrayal, given just how much loyalty means to the fox. so much, that he insists every members gets a lotus tattoo ( hand for regular members, the neck for high ranked members ) to show their loyalty. and that's exactly what ignis did, and the fact that he bore the mark of the lotus and still stabbed him in the back like so? was something that broke the fox. one might have thought there was still some hope for salvation for him, but since then, he'd become unreasonably cold and cruel. he was letting no one close to him, ever again. even if later he'd found someone whom he calls a mate, a woman called abigail medusa, even with her the relationship is incredibly unstable and full of vitriol.
however, he still had to thank ignis. thank him for this opportunity to actually learn about the gonchiye, lucius, and the truth behind his undiagnosable illness. this meant war.
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no given name. or? 'talonslash,' eventually simply referred to as 'talon' by his fellow agents for simplicity's sake ( despite lucius' disdain ) was purposefully left nameless upon his creation. project talonslash was meant to be the successor to project talonshot, which was, after ignis' influence and tampering, deemed a failure. the codename itself was derived from the mother project talon, plus a contrasting word to the original shot, as the birds were specialized as snipers.
talon is a very particular kind of a genetic experiment, as his dna consists of that of a tengu, falcon, and an erinye. noctis, to be specific. it was an ugly memory. this was made so that they could force his body into becoming resistant to physical stress, as that was deemed as one of talonshot's greatest weaknesses. they couldn't possibly make a durable bird assassin if they wanted him to remain swift and agile, and so, they went with the route that would make talon's body dissolve into shadows whenever exposed to immense physical trauma. therefore, it is incredibly difficult to actually wound him— if you manage to catch him in the first place. he struggles to actually control this side of himself, and everytime he is forced to dissolve like so, it leaves him feeling besides himself, in a nearly dissociative-like state.
his purpose, much like his predecestor's, is to be a living weapon. cold and heartless when taking the lives of his targets, and highly efficent at doing so. he is incredibly skilled with firearms as well as small hand weapons, such as knives. he also had extensive close quarters combat training, and while he excelled at it, it remains not his forte. talon much more prefers to pick his enemies off one by one from a safe distance, unseen. besides that, being agile as he is, usually leads to a more hit-and-run technique of fighting, plus he never properly learned how to handle and counter blows, due to how his body reacts to such assault. but given just what a dreadful feeling having to turn into a shadow leaves him in, he prefers to simply avoid getting hit altogether if he can help it.
despite his lack of identity and the ease at which he kills, he is a surprisingly bubbly and carefree character, if not a bit silly. naturally, he was allowed very little socializing and given even less affection while growing up, and while that had turned talonshot into the apathetic man that he is today, it seemed to have the very opposite effect on talonslash, leaving him childish and very eager to please. the primary person he seeks validation from is talonshot, whom he considers his older brother, even if their actual relation between them is a lot more complex. too bad he hadn't seen him for the majority of his life— only heard about him in stories, constantly compared to, and told just what kind of image he needed to live up to, and then subsequently surpass.
eventually, he was given the name hayato by none other than his brother upon finally meeting. as it is rather new to him, sometimes he still struggles to actually react to it should someone call him that— while he will always, without fail, respond to talon.
talon himself isn't incredibly important to ignis, rather he is important to his husband, naoto, and the one originally dubbed 'project talonshot.' their meeting and further interaction together was important for the development of them both; helping to find themselves among the scraps that the gonchiye had left them in.
honorable mentions, aka characters not played by me ( but @hellhunted ), but still very important:
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given name eryx. codename derived from the mythological brother of cerberus, which was the designation assigned to ignis, due to the brother-like relation between the two. eryx joined the gonchiye together with noctis, hence their numbers following one another's. lucius was quite eager to have another hellhound at his disposal thanks to their unique ability of phasewalking.
eryx is a very... airheaded individual. a lot of things go over his head, but his heart is in the right place. he never truly saw the gonchiye for what it was; he and noctis only joined it as means of getting ignis back. eryx was collared nearly right from the start as precautionary measure, as lucius did not want to take any possible risks, having witnessed what troubles the elder hound could, and had, caused him.
ignis was something of an older brother to eryx while they were growing up together in the underworld. but where ignis ached to escape it, eryx wished to remain home. in his selfish desire for as much, ignis had abandoned the younger hound without a word on numerous ocassions. he feels great guilt about this all, but it just never seems like a good time to actually stop and tell him— and his cowardice prevents him from actually ever seeking him out and properly apologize. what kindship they had, is slowly dying out.
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given name naoto. codename derived from the mother project talon, plus the word shot to signify his specialization as a sniper. talonshot was lucius' first attempt at dna splicing to create a perfect being with the exact kind of traits he desired. it was... mostly a success. naoto was intelligent and effective, and excelled at everything they put him to, which really mostly just involved assassinations with no feelings attached— something he noticed a lot of his agents often struggled with. to separate their duty from their emotions. ignis especially. but what was especially important and unique about naoto? was that, since he was just the first prototype at this kind of bioengineering for the future, he was also made disposable. 'talonshot' had an expiration date.
talonshot's purpose was to take care of the most important mission lucius had once entrusted ignis with— nowadays he really wonders just why he'd ever trusted that sap with something like this —to take out stormbringer. not only was naoto then succumbed to years of intense training to make sure he was ready for that encounter, his blood was also, since birth, infused with the antibody to the horseman's plague. he was meant to contain the plague, to get rid of the first specimen who wasn't meant to escape, before it started to spread prematurely, before the world was ready for the apocalypse. a clean state for the world was neccessary, but the time had to be right.
however, ignis was still the only person who had the most experience with stormbringer and as such, he was assigned as naoto's handler once he was out of initial basic care and training. they were still sent out on numerous other missions in gonchiye's name, but the long-term goal was to make sure that talonshot knew how to properly employ all that he'd learned against his main target.
you cannot teach new tricks to an old dog though, so long story short, the two ended up falling in love. it was true that at first, ignis despised naoto and all that he was meant to represent, but more importantly— he despised just how all the higher-ups were treating him. like he wasn't a living, breathing being. it took years upon years to make naoto believe that that was who he was; his true name, and not 'talonshot.' ignis strongly believed that he could be an efficent killer if that was who he wished to be, but he didn't need to completely forego his identity for it— and so, the many years of secret relationship were also a lot about helping naoto discover who he was behind all the guns and bullets.
they eventually made it to japan again, fully determined to see talonshot's mission to completion, only for the kitsune to prove a much deadlier foe than either of them had anticipated. ignis' direct orders were to not interfere, to let naoto handle it himself. but once he saw his boyfriend, his mate, nearly on death's door? he didn't hesitate. he'd saved him, paid a heavy price for it as he'd transformed into his true form to do so, and in the end, he still left the fox to live. his mate was alive, but he'd effectivelly ruined all he was working to achieve. enough said that naoto was furious at him— and so was lucius, which eventually led to him marking ignis as a traitor, and a kill order was issued on the hound.
naoto eventually forgave ignis, in fact, he'd eventually even proposed to the hound— the first man to ever do so, no less —and once he was chased out of the gonchiye, he followed after him. they've been on the run ever since, trying for some measure of a normal life, only to be crossed by the more loyal gonchiye agents on a handful of ocassions— until they met rashida and her resistance.
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given name rashida. codename derived from the goddess that she was a priestess of in her human life. the first human ignis had ever come into contact upon earth; and also his first ( and, romantically enough, also last ) lover and mate. she was the one to teach him about humanity with a hands-on approach, she was the one to teach him the first human language ( ancient egyptian ) and how to live like a human. due to an injury acquired from his less-than-graceful escape from the underworld, ignis was stuck in his demon form for a good while before recovering, making that a little troublesome; the locals had come to believe that he was an avatar of anubis coming to bless them. once discovered a fraud, both him and rashida were chased out of the temple.
since rashida had shown him her own home, ignis suggested they visit greece; his home on the mortal plane. it was there, closer to the magic of the gods, that he managed to mend the damaged mortal seal and take on a proper human guise. they'd been separated on numerous accounts, oftentimes by means outside either of their's powers, and yet each time, they found their way back to one another. one time she'd died, not long after ignis was recalled back to the underworld against his own will upon hearing the call of hades once again ( as it was louder within greece— for that reason, he now avoids the country ), as many mortal human would, which was something ignis should have expected... and he did, and yet? he couldn't accept it. especially because it wasn't death by natural means. he came to beg persephone to have her resurrected— such a selfish wish of a selfish lover, not at all caring about the consequences it might have had on her. the goddess told him as much, but he wouldn't take no for an answer; eventually tasked to find her soul that had passed on so that she could protect it personally for the times to come, while the spring deity worked with the egyptian goddess serqet to help restore the woman's body.
it... proved problematic, naturally. suddenly inhabiting a soulless vessel, turned into a demon like so, and all for the canine's selfishness and inability to let go. he was warned, but he was willing to face it head on, and was given another hundred years together with her— to help her learn about herself, her new body, her new demonic abilities. it was rough, as the reborn demoness despised herself for being this way, that ignis had done this to her... it took a long time of learning and self-reflection for rashida to accept both herself and him, before... ignis was called back once again, now that his hundred years were up. not that he was willing to stay, but another escape proved more problematic than the last, far too much to actually still be able to find his lover where he'd unwillingly left her on earth. since then? he hasn't seen her again... not for another two thousand years.
due to her own traumas of being reincarnated and forcibly turned into a demon ( and therefore stripped of her soul ) found the drive to fight against the gonchiye and the horsemen, to protect the humanity. even if she didn't possess her own anymore, she still holds humans dear to her heart, and simply couldn't accept what the horseman was doing. she, and many others outside the system, had discovered the truth, and a lot of it was thanks to all the wrenches ignis and naoto had thrown into lucius' plans. an alliance between mortals and immortals was formed, and came to known as the resistance against the coming apocalypse; though more importantly, against all the inhume methods the horseman of conquest is employing to upkeep his precious balance. lucius still insists these puny beings cannot understand the neccessity and importance of a world reset, and so, these two factions are now at war.
these were the two thousand years that had passed, until she's met ignis again— though this time, now a married man. it hurt her heart, certainly, as did the hound's, given just how awful and guilty he felt for all the pain and trouble he put rashida through. nevertheless, she offered the two of them shelter from the gonchiye, after having learned that they were hunted by them— and not long after, even naoto had started to warm up to the demoness. they're all now happily together in a polyamorous marriage.
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given name persephone. codename derived from her sovereign status to match with her husband, hades, the 'emperor.' persephone was something of an anchor to ignis while he was chained in the underworld. she provided him with light, both literally and figuratively, and with stories of earth— one might even blame her for the yearning he's come to feel for it. he's even come to develop a crush on her but of course, such feelings were not reciprocated. nevertheless, she was the one to bless him with the mortal seal upon his shoulder, that allowed him to appear human and walk freely on earth.
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curio-queries · 9 months
I wasn't part of the Fandom when most of these episodes were newly released. I have watched entire series many times though and would like to share some thoughts about each one (especially as we have current event context). so while we wait for the return of a regular BTS episodic show, I'd like to do another RUNthrough of Run BTS (see what I did there?)
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Here are the items I plan to discuss with each episode. I'd like to invite anyone who's up for it to rewatch and share your thoughts as well, especially if you have any fun facts relevant to what was happening at the same time as the original airing.
Production: How successful the episode is as a variety show, including but not limited to: exposition, editing, set design, utilization of locations.
Endearment: How successful it is in showcasing the charms of BTS and making the audience want to engage in more of their content.
Winner/Loser: many episodes have an ultimate winner/loser. I will absolutely spoil this so please watch first if you haven't.
Best Cheater: BTS has the best cheaters! Who do I personally think was the best one in each episode? (This is all in good fun and not actually malicious).
Member Moments: a moment or quote from each member that stands out to me each episode.
Overall Rank: my personal rank of the episode on a scale of 1-5 of how much I enjoyed it, including the Production and Endearment notes above.
Bonus Content: Many episodes have bonus content on weverse and I'll give some general thoughts on the content. This will NOT be a transcript on the content itself. If I happen to know any fun facts related to the episode, I'll share here but I don't anticipate much since I wasn't in the Fandom during original airings. if you know any, please share!
I love a good spreadsheet so we'll have some interesting metadata to analyze after this series. Let's get it!
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Source for original air dates as well as some extra info that I couldn't glean from just watching the content. I will be using the episode numbering per YouTube rather than Wikipedia though.
Post Links:
001: Open
002: The Greatest Man
003: Theme Park
004: 30 Second Mission
005: 100 Seconds Sports Day
006-1: Confession part 1
006-2: Confession part 2
007: Silmido part 1 Survival
008: Silmido part 2 Find the Flag
009: Silmido part 3 Bungee
010: Silmido part 4 Spy?!?
011: Back to School
012: Cops
013: The Spy Who Returned part 1
014: The Spy Who Returned part 2
015: The Spy Who Returned part 3
016: Snow Park Winter Olympics
017: Arcade Olympics part 1
018 Arcade Olympics part 2
019: Strike
020: Korean Food War
The analytics: Episodes 1-20
021: Board Game Competition
022: Hangawi Festival
023: Pet Friends
024: BTS vs Zombies
025: Game King
026: Secret Agent
027: Welcome to your First MT part 1
028: Welcome to your First MT part 2
029: A Billboard Hot 100 Promise; Be Each Other's Stylist
030: The Variety Show of Memories part 1
031: The Variety Show of Memories part 2
032: Take Care of Santa
033: BTS and Manito part 1
034: BTS and Manito part 2
035: Kimchi Battle
036: Kimchi Wars
037: BTS Marble Returns
038: Spin BTS
039: BTS Golden Bell part 1
040: Lunar New Year Special: Only Good Things
The analytics: Episodes 21-40
041: BTS Golden Bell part 2
042: Sports Challenge
043: Satisfaction of the Five Senses pt.1
044: Satisfaction of the Five Senses pt.2
045: BTS Cafe
046: BTS Workshop
047: Protect the BTS Village pt.1
048: Protect the BTS Village pt.2
049: Eve of Episode 50 Festival pt.1
050: Eve of Episode 50 Festival pt.2 | 50th Episode Special pt.1
051: 50th Episode Special pt.2
052: BTS Escape
053: BTS Outing pt.1
054: BTS Outing pt.2
055: BTS Outing pt.3
056: BTS Outing pt.4
057: BTS Chef pt.1
058: BTS Chef pt.2
059: Run BTS in Hotel pt.1
060: Run BTS in Hotel pt.2
The analytics: Episodes 41-60
061: BTS Sauna pt.1
062: BTS Sauna pt.2
063: BTS School Returns pt.1
064: BTS School Returns pt.2
065: BTS School Returns pt.3
066: BTS in a Manga Cafe pt.1
067: BTS in a Manga Cafe pt.2
068: Heart Pang
069: BTS in Toronto pt.1
070: BTS in Toronto pt.2
071: BTS in Toronto pt.3
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Title: Choose Your Own Adventure
Pairing/Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Major Character Death
Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Recreational Drug Use, Profanity
Summary: Richie and Eddie get to spend eternity together. A post-canon fix-it (of sorts).
Title: faraway look
Pairing/Characters: Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon
Rating Teen | T
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply
Canon-typical grief and memory fuckery
Summary: In 2006, Bill remembers Georgie. Which means that he remembers Derry, thirteen years too early.
Title: Normal People Scare Me
Pairing/Characters: Stanley Uris/Bill Denbrough Eddie Kaspbrack/Richie Tozier Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Violence, Major Character Death, Dubious Consent
Child murder, miscarriages, child loss, alcoholism, hate speech and crimes, animal death and suicide
Summary: It’s a stenbrough fic (surprise surprise) and it’s loosely based off the concept of AHS’s Murder House. Bill and his new wife (Susan Brown; his first agent and it’s her bc his wife needs to be a bad person in this fic and I didn’t want to do that to Audra) move into a new home after a devastating miscarriage. That home is the house on Nielbolt, Bill figures some fresh air in a small town would be good for them, maybe also help their failing marriage.
Anyways guess what? The home already has residents. All of the Loser’s and some fun other cameos. Robert Gray is a just a ghost and he was just a human but his death (and what he did) was the catalyst for turning the home into a purgatory for everyone that would die there in later years.
The fic shows Bill and his blossoming friendship turned romance with Stan but they’re really just one of the many stories in this fic. Each of the Loser’s deaths are told- along with some of the cameos- and I’m really proud of the ideas I have for them. Richie’s is probably my favorite bc it adds to his ghost character. Spoiler: it has a lot to do with a pumpkin head. There’s also some side stories featuring their struggles of being stuck in this house.
It's a haunted house story with common themes of child murder/infant death and people making shitty decisions and there's a splash of romance but the main romance is kinda dubious.
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greedisland-devs · 2 years
Is it possible to take an NPC out of the game? I have fallen quite enamored with a lovely lady from Aiai
Unfortunately the only NPCs you can take out of the game (given that you beat it) are as follows:
Fickle Genie (015)
The fairy king from Fairy King's Advice (016)
The imp from Imp's Wink (018)
Gold Dust Girl (046)
Sleeping Girl (047)
Aromatherapy Girl (048)
Miniature Mermaid (049)
Miniature Dragon (050)
The agent from Hideout Realtor (057)
Panda Maid (099)
Your lady in AiAi is likely not an NPC spawned from one of these cards and therefore cannot be taken out of the game.
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confusionffected · 5 months
Four in front. Four on back page
Project Garden
Photo Album
001. Profile Picture. Subject
002. Photo of PG Business Card
003. PG Office Door
004. Subject’s Home
005. Park
006. Library
007. Workplace
008. Corner Store
009. Gym
010. College
011. Doctor’s Office
012. Church
013. Bank
014. Bed Room
015. Bathroom
016. Kitchen
017. Sitting Room
018. The Computer
019. The Truck
020. Bookshelf
021. The Street
022. Drive Thru
023. Theater
024. TV
025. Closet
026. Mail Box
027. Refrigerator
028. Grocery Store
029. Book Store
030. Thrift Store
031. Video Camera
032. Personal Phone
033. Participant Ring
034. Letter 1 from PG
035. Project Garden Handbook
036. PG 1st Package: Outside
037. PG 1st Package: Puzzle Box
038. Puzzle Box Opened: Key
039. Key put in a plastic bag
040. Plastic Bag put in drawer
041. Letter 2 from PG
042. Journal
043. Duffle Bag
044. PG 2nd Package: Outside
045. PG 2nd Package: T-Shirt
046. Pic of Sub. in shirt in public
047. Subject meets Field Agent
048. FA gives Sub Present
049. Present: Gas Mask
050. Subject wearing Gas Mask
051. Closet - Full
052. Closet - Half Full
053. Full Open Duffle Bag
054. Closed Duffle Bag
055. Sub. meets with FA again
056. Duffle Bag Switch
057. Closet – Half full with G. Bags
058. Subject meets the Specialist
059. Specialist brings crate to Sub.
060. Crate in Sub. home
061. Sub open crate.
062. Sub put item together. ½
063. Sub goes for a drive
064. Sub gets a Happy Meal
065. HM extra: in black bag
066. Blk Bag: Black Discs
067. Black discs in eyes of G Mask
068. The Crib from the Crate
069. Sissy’s 1st diaper
070. Sissy’s 1st bottle
071. Sissy’s 1st wetting
072. Sissy’s 1st messing
073. Sissy’s 1st changing
074. Sissy’s 1st dress
075. Sissy’s 1st onesie
076. Sissy’s 1st pacifier
077. Sissy’s 1st nap
078. Sissy & Stuffty
079. Sissy’s 1st crying
080. Time out
081. Wash Mouth with Soap
082. Baby Shower
083. Feeding Teasing
084. Bath Time
085. Easter Egg Hunt
086. Horsey Ride
087. Beauty Pageant
088. Potty Training
089. 1st day sissy school
090. Writing on the Chalkboard
091. Snack Time
092. Take Temperature
093. Enema
094. Kiddy Pool
095. Bath Time
096. Car Ride
097. Public Changing
098. Oatmeal in diaper
099. Ice in Diaper
100. Pre Used Diaper
101. Wash Mouth with Soap
102. Nasty Milk
103. Scare the Baby
104. Easter Egg Hunt
105. Carried like a princess
106. Taking Medicine
107. Vinegar Binky
108. Straight Jacket
109. Drunk Baby
110. Baby Sitter & Baby
111. Sleep Over
112. Bare Bottom Spanking
113. Hump Toy
114. Rubs
115. Yellow Snack
116. Skipped Changing
117. Doctor Visit
118. Spreader Pants
119. Weighted Clothing
120. All fours on a Leash
121. Eating out of a dog bowl
122. Full Diaper Spanking
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
((Continued from here with @agent-057 [Hati]))
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"I'm glad to hear it." He was worried that Hati might be hesitant, resist it for fear of his own nature. . .but he accepted it for now. Perhaps because it's what he truly wanted in his heart. Of course, it was easier said than done. "When classes start again, it would probably benefit you to resume your usual pathing, yes. You've also nearly been late to a few classes, trying to avoid Gabriel's paths in the halls--it will be better for you either way."
He was teasing, but also probably wasn't wrong. Track member as he may have been, it was always good not to run in the halls. Especially at Daikanyama. . .you never know where there'll be oil in the floor. Not to mention the angels would make a fuss over him running.
"Little puppy steps. I'm certain she'll see your efforts--she was treated very differently in Eden, so to be treated just like anyone else here would likely make her day as well. Outside of a concert, of course." She didn’t become an idol to not be loved and admired.
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inuyama-tadatomo · 3 years
" My, oh, my, is that really you, Tadatomo? Been quite some time since I've seen you around. Did a job keep you busier than usual?"
Oddly enough, the spy actually seemed rather happy to see the Ninja. Of course, many know that Ose often hides his deceit behind that charming smile of his.
" You always do take on such interesting jobs. You'll have to tell me about it sometime!"
Acknowledging the spy’s greeting with barely a grunt, the canine therian skips the pleasantries to get to the point.
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"Fishing for information, Ose? You know my rates."
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handbookaddenda · 3 years
If you are asked if you are a deity, even if you strictly speaking might be, and despite what you may have learned from the movie Ghostbusters, you say no.
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ark-barkness · 4 years
Mission Complete
"Bygone days will always burn on in your heart."
"Well, there are a lot of things you can do as an adult. But we're still just cute kids, hehe."
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A mysterious operative who goes by the name of Ose with a powerful rule that can help with his assignments and missions. But this time... he's willing to sell information in exchange for payment.
@agent-057 again, another fanart for Ose! I had to force myself to get into drawing again. I hope you like it!
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zerg-ling · 3 years
Main blog for current ask blogs:
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neirumilysor · 3 years
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Had this conversation in DM with @agent-057 LMAO
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summoner-chan · 3 years
I'm not sure if anyone had recently checked up the School Catalogs in the Housamo wiki but I decided to check it after @agent-057 posted an image of Ose attending Nakano Performing Arts Academy (I'm betting that he's a 3rd year-) and of course, the next school I had to check was Santa School and
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'The scent of children' excuse me WHAT- Are you literally telling me that Reindeers are the dogs of Santa School that are able to sniff out children??? The said information is just-
Funny and unexpected???
Here I thought that the Reindeers would remember the location of houses that have children by heart or the house would emit some sort of glistening light (kinda like a small light show but it's only visible to the Reindeers) but DEFINITELY NOT THE REINDEERS SNIFFING OUT CHILDREN HOW K9 UNITS SNIFF OUT FOR COCAINE-
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Did I saved this post to drafts just to make a meme because I think I'm funny?
Yes I did.
Then again, I also saw something in Tanngrisnir's wiki to get his sprite and I exactly knew what to do with that information
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[The Virgin Tajikarao VS The Chad Tanngrisnir]
This post started as a meme but I've got some big questions to everyone to ponder about-
Of course while I was looking the School Catalogs, I checked up on Ose's wiki to see if there's any significant updates on it. Lo and behold, he DID have an update but it's somewhat minor
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They recently updated his Dislike To Others and I was quite surprised to Tsukuyomi in the list?? I recall him only having dislike towards Azazel because I'm assuming something went down between them
Disliking Tsukuyomi on the other hand is completely out of the picture, both of them aren't from the same world and didn't interacted with each other at all (Though it might be indirect since Ose was there at Kabukicho to cause disarray and Tsukuyomi was clearing out a section of Kabukicho and saved the gang) so I'm just pondering of what it could lead to
Future main quest lore? Event stuff? Don't know but it mind boggles me-
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Another thing would be Tsukuyomi's lines About Someone, 1st line and 4th line confuses me to no end
We do know for a fact that Tetsuya knows about Kirito and is familiar with him because of the 'knife' during Valentine's Extravaganza so if Tsukuyomi IS referring to Kirito in his 1st line, Kirito maybe a key part in future Main Quests. Then again, Tsukuyomi could be referring to MC because of the sword they both have
I recalled that the kid Marchosias's holding was related to the someone (student, teacher or professor?) who was from the Fujimi Academy and was the one who summoned Marchosias to protect him (the child) before passing away (Though Marchosias says that it was the child's late father because the father knew things and he was hunted down for it?)
Again, this could be referring to Ose because of the 'they also kind of smell like the underworld too isn't it?' thought this is highly unlikely because Ose doesn't have a brother (as far as I know of course since they didn't state that the actual Ose had a brother or sibling to begin with)
But there's a slight minor chance that Tsukuyomi might mistaken as the 'Adult' form of Ose to be the brother of Ose's 'Child' form and that the both of them (the brother of the character and the character Tsukuyomi's referring to) smells like the underworld (I'm assuming Gehenna or he's referring to Yomi no Kuni/Takamagahara's underworld?)
Anyways I think I rambled on too much so I'll end it here kaksksksks (things got 0 to 100 real quick-)
Remember kids, The Chad Tanngrisnir is supreme
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wobinofylisse · 3 years
Someone say they crave love and validation? Cause boy do I got a lot of appreciation to hand over.
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