hangmanpublishing · 1 year
About Hangman Publishing LLC
Hangman Publishing is an indie publishing start-up trying to build a safe space for erotica authors, roleplayers, and artists to chill, chat, advertise, sell and buy kinky stories, novels, art, and comics, among other creative works, and post for commissions and roleplaying. The most important part? Doing so without limiting harmless fictional kinks.
We have ZERO tolerance towards harassment, sexual predators, racism, sexism, heterosexism, homophobia, transphobia, colorism, casteism, classism, pro-genocidal sentiments, bigotry, and discrimination of any kind. We simply recognize that fiction is not the real world, and censorship and condemning people for fiction is worthy of Ron DeSantis, not y'all lovely folks!
I'm the owner of the company, and it's still in its infancy. I'm securing funding, working on building the website and setting it up so I can onboard authors and artists and get them started earning money and build an offshoot forum where all you lovely folks can advertise your wares with less oversight and more ease (including a normal roleplay section).
As I said, this project and idea is still being formulated. I'm looking for grant funding, you know, a lot is coming out of my own pocket, but I really believe writers and artists need a place that's not going to overnight ban half the content it allowed the day before because of outside pressure.
I understand there will be plenty of backlash to this idea in the current cultural climate. I'm willing to weather it. Kink is fun. I've been in the BDSM community for many years, and I know full-well that kink and erotica doesn't have a real reflection on how people treat others, and that I meet just as many awful people outside kink and erotica as inside—more, to be honest.
I'm all for keeping people safe, but the current research doesn't support the idea that allowing safe fantasies of IRL nasty things causes those things to occur, or increase—in fact, all current research shows that allowing things like consensual non-consent in BDSM and fictional non-con is instrumental in keeping the world's historically low rate of sexual assault so low, and censorship has the effect of raising levels of assault, not lowering it.
Anyway, if any Anti is curious and would like to read peer-reviewed research on the subject, they're welcome in my ask box. Don't ever be so sure of your position that you won't seek to understand the other side's points—that's a good philosophy of life in general.
I hope to hear from anybody who's interested, and if there's any above-18 erotica authors out there looking for places and ways to make money off their writing—or even non-erotica authors—as I work to get the site operational, I'm here to offer a helping hand and set you up for success, so you can at least earn some money as a side-hustle! My hope is to grow the site to the point that people make good money on it, and it's a safe, fun place where folks can find the kinks they like, block the kinks they don't, human difference is respected, and we all breathe a little bit easier.
Best of luck,
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hangmanpublishing · 1 year
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The Love Song of St. Sebastian
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hangmanpublishing · 1 year
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In honour of disability pride month, we made a disability Pride Knight! Stay proud! ⚔️🌈
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