☀️ Summer Tea ☀️
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You Will Need
☀️ ½ cups berries (Raspberries or Strawberries work best)
☀️ 4 slices of lemon
☀️ 1 teaspoon mint tea
☀️ 4 cups of water, charged by the sun!
To Prepare:
☀️ Bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Add the berries and lemon. Let simmer for 15 minutes.
☀️Turn off water. Add mint, let steep for about 10 minutes.
Drink this tea to help bring the warming energy of the sun into your body. Sip it and think of the warmth of the earth as grain grows and rocks absorb solar heat. Think of warm waters at the edge of the shore and warm breezes that stir the night air. Think of bright golden light and let the energy of the sun burn all the negativity from your mind and body.
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Hey guys!! I designed a few wallpapers a while back so i thought i'd share it with y'all
here are a few previews of the wallpapers (click the link above to find them all). Let me know if you would like some other designs or colours :)))
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I made my first cleansing water today!
I can’t cleanse with smoke due to asthma, so I created a spritz using blessed water, sea salt, lavender, and bay leaves!
I wrote the magickal properties of each ingredient on the bottle too so I wouldn’t forget as I’m still learning! So far I have cleansed my room, and it smells so calming and lovely in here!
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Easy witchcraft
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horror → genres
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So, I actually got really impatient and made it myself. May post the first part soon. So follow me on wattpad if you want to read it!
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Starting a new fanfic following Bucky and Sam, and an unexpected character..... on Wattpad!
It’s bellableulovesyou
So if you want to read it follow me in there. It’s not published yet bc I don’t like the book cover. So, if you’re talented in editing or creating book covers. Please please please message me so we can work something out! I’ll pay you to design the cover. I’ll give u Info about the story and elements I would like included!
I may transfer my other imagined over to Wattpad, but haven’t decided yet!
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Lmao just started my onlyfans should I post the link 😌
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Reblog if you’re dead
Wanna see how many people are dead
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reblog if you’re the worst
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The Moon Phases
- compiled from my personal Grimoire | last updated: 13.07.18 -
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New Moon: It is a time for new beginnings. Cleansing. But it is also a good time for cursing as well as for banishing. Oh, and divination. If you want to do a spell that needs a lot of planning, this is the perfect time for doing so.
Waxing Crescent: The Waxing Crescent is a good time for attraction spells. Attracting friendship, success and luck. It is also a good time for spells regarding growth.
First Quarter: It´s a time of balance. Spells for motivation are perfect in this phase. As well as in the previous phase, it is also a good time for spells that regard growth.
Waxing Gibbous: A good time for health spells and inviting positivity. I like to do cleansing at this point and to perform spells that need some clarity.
Full Moon: At this point the moon is completely illuminated and very powerful. Divination can be done perfectly at this time. Banishing and healing. The Full Moon is the best time to charge things and yourself.
Waning Gibbous: Release and letting go. (un)doing bindings as well as making space for new things. You can organise yourself at this point, divination is a good tool for doing so.
Last Quarter: Banishing. breaking bad habits and doing curses and hexes. It is a good time to perform spells that want to hide something or someone.
Waning Crescent: This is a time for reflection. Good for spells regarding memory and learning, education and career as well as success. Also a good time to research.
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🌕✨ moon water correspondences ✨🌕
taken from one of my favourite pages of my grimoire! 
moon water can be used for blessings, enhancing spells or rituals, for promoting clarity or relaxation, in love magic, wealth/prosperity magic, to increase psychic awareness, and many other purposes! but by harnessing your moon water at different times, you can then incorporate the specific traits of that time/phase/zodiac period into your spell work. 
✨new moon water ✨
the new moon is associated with new beginnings, so use new moon water in spells or rituals focusing on things like new employment, new relationships, or new homes. 
e.g. when moving into a new home, add a couple of tablespoons of new moon water to the water you would normally use to cleanse your house with!
✨waxing moon water ✨
the waxing moon is the period in which the moon is growing in size, so use waxing moon water as a way to grow the strength of your spells. waxing moon water is also beneficial in spells to promote growth (of abilities, skill, or knowledge). the power of the waxing moon also increases the potency of fertility spells, wealth, luck, business and relationship spells  
✨full moon water ✨
the full moon is the point at which the moon is at its peak, so use full moon water for spells that require an extra push of energy. also use full moon water in spells to promote strength, love, protection, health, or use in spells to strengthen spiritual gifts and achieve your dreams 
✨waning moon water ✨
the waning moon is the period in which the moon is decreasing in size, so use waning moon water for all magic intended to remove things from your life; banishing spells to rid yourself of bad habits, toxic relationships, lingering diseases, weight loss, stress, addictions and negativity 
✨dark moon water ✨
when justice is required and is not obtainable outside of your spell work, casting in the dark of the moon and adding dark moon water will help with any crosses, hexes or binding spells
✨super moon water ✨
think of full moon water x1000000…… when you need an EXTRA BIG KICK OF ENERGY for your spells, this guy has you covered 
✨lunar eclipse moon water ✨
the lunar eclipse signifies change, so when drastic change is required, the addition of lunar eclipse water draws on the phenomenal change shown during an eclipse, as the moon cycles through all of its stages in a single instance
✨zodiac* moon water ✨
full moon water also takes on the energies of the zodiac sign the full moon is in. here’s a brief rundown of those properties and/or what they can be used for:
1) full moon water in aries = couragous, positive energy; charging tools 2) full moon water in taurus = stable, earth, fertile energy 3) full moon water in gemini = positive charge, overcoming obstacles 4) full moon water in cancer = loving, maternal, protective energies 5) full moon water in leo = lucky, creative, successful energy; arts, politics 6) full moon water in virgo = practical energy; facilitates planning 7) full moon water in libra = persuasive, balancing energies; legal matters 8) full moon water in scorpio = psychic, spiritual, banishing energy  9) full moon water in sagittarius = transforming, spiritual energy; meditation 10) full moon water in capricorn = careers, politics, attaining material goods 11) full moon water in aquarius = innovative, inventive energies 12) full moon water in pisces = dreamy, psychic energy; astral projection
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🛡 Warding 🛡
Disclaimer: This is all based on my research, path, opinion & experiences! Intro: I really was holding out on doing this post because it’s such a big, important topic to cover and I really don’t want to mess it up or get anything wrong. This post needs to be done though, people have asked if I have such a post and an anon suggested it. So finally, here it is.  - What Is Warding? Warding is a type of magick, it is the act of creating an energetic barrier around you, your home, an object, ect. They can be temporary or permanent, although typically they are cast with the long term in mind. They can banish or turn away whatever you choose. Warding is an excellent skill to have because it can keep you, and even others safe and with practice you can do it anytime with just about whatever you have on hand.  When Should I Ward? Whenever you want an energetic barrier around you, most people consistently ward their home, themselves or their place of practice. Some people even ward their space every time they prepare for a spell. It should be done consistently in any area you want protected, but exactly where and how often is entirely up to the practitioner.  What Should I Do Before? Cleanse, a ward is a barrier of energy and in the same way that it keeps things out it also keeps things in. You don’t want to trap anything inside of it. Cleanse yourself before you ward yourself. Cleanse your space before you ward your space!  Tips Before You Ward- Phrasing Keep the phrasing in mind! You don’t want to keep anything out that you want in, or let something in that you want out. If you’re chanting or using sigils ect keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out both in your methods and in your mind. Covering everything Make sure to cover everything, a ward is useless if there’s a weakness in it or if the ceiling & floor aren’t probably covered. Be super thorough!  Layering Your Wards One small little wimpy barrier? Ha, the spirits say as they scramble into your home to wreak havoc! You need to layer your wards, don’t just use one method one time, there’s no such thing as too much warding.  What Are Some Ways That I Can Ward? Now we’ll get right down to the methods you can use to ward yourself and your space! Remember that warding is important and needs to be effective, don’t try anything that you don’t have experience with for warding. At first, focus on the stuff you know. If you like sigils, use sigils at first and slowly work your way into using other more complex methods or methods that solely rely on your abilities. Circle Casting You cast a circle by summoning the four elements to protect & energize what is in the circle.  - Here’s my post about circles & how to cast them  Chanting/Speaking Come up with a protective chant you can use to ward your space. This chant could be someone else’s or your own as long as you feel it’s effective. Speak it aloud and visualize a layer of energy protecting your space.  Incense Burn a protective incense in the space you’d like to ward and visualize a barrier protecting your space. Athame Draw out the line of your ward with your athame, visualize the wall appearing, covering everything with a thick layer of energy.  Spraying Spray a mix of blessed/magickal waters and or herbs with protective properties in the space you want to ward.  Sigils Create a sigil using your favorite method with the intent to “ward” or “protect/protection.” Then charge and activate it as a layer of protection! Here’s my post on sigils if you’re interested in that: - Sigil Post Jar Spells You could mix up a jar spell for warding, set it in your house and forget it as a layer of warding.  - My protective jar spell post Anointment Anoint the doorways of your space, you could also anoint the ceiling, floor, walls, corners, honestly go for it.  Salt Sprinkle salt all around the edge of your home or space. Make sure to sprinkle salt on the INSIDE of your harm as salt can harm plants & wildlife if used outside. If you’d like to make a barrier on the outside of your home, you can use dried & crushed eggshells in place of salt. - Post on how to make eggshell powder here -  Hag stones Hag stones are stones with holes in them that have been corroded into the stone because of rushing water. It is believed rushing water is protective & cleansing so if you wear a stone that sat in it long enough to have parts corroded away, that the stone will maintain and keep those properties with it. It’s a great way to personally ward yourself, and an excuse to go out in nature.  They look like this! 
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Energy Manipulation If you’ve got a knack for manipulating energy, you can create a barrier through work and visualization that surrounds yourself or your space. This isn’t recommended for beginners though! Links: - Horse Warding Charm By @anothersusurrus - House Warding Spritz Mixture By @seleneblackwell Both of these are great if you’re looking for specific spells, types of magick, correspondences, sigils, ect! - Protection Magic Masterpost Part 1 By @auricwitch - Protection Magic Masterpost Part 2 By @auricwitch Personal Wards Also remember not just to ward your space but yourself, if you layer your home with wards, what happens when you leave? Exactly. Keep yourself safe too! Circle casting & hag stones are great methods I mentioned above that are good for personal warding.  Can I Ward Specific Things And Not Others? Absolutely! I mentioned this in the phrasing section of this post, keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out when you’re warding. I like words like “negative” or “harmful” or “with ill intent” because they don’t necessarily keep out the Fae or positive/neutral spirits but it does keep out anything that wants to harm you in general. Just think about it ahead of time, find wording or a phrase you like and keep that in mind as you ward.  What If I Live With People? If you’re out of the broom closet, explain to your family/roommates what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and make sure they’re cool with it and are aware of what’s going on. If you’re not out of the broom closet, you may have to resort to only warding yourself/your room, & that’s okay!  I hope this helps someone or teaches them something new! Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖
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| 100+ Grimoire Prompts/Ideas |
To see any updates to this post, click [here]. I’ll likely update it. 
Disclaimer No single witch knows about all these things or has answers to all these prompts. This is just a reference list. Don’t get overwhelmed and focus on what interests you and relates to your path when making a grimoire or book of shadows. 
The Essentials:
Does your grimoire have an index for organization? Make one! 
Write about the history of witches, the occult, Paganism, ect. 
What is witchcraft?
What is intent? What is your will? How do they work? 
What types of spells are there?
What are some methods for spells? 
What types of witches are there? 
What is cleansing? Why is it important? How is it done? 
What is charging? Why is it important? How is it done? 
What is grounding? Why is it important? How is it done? 
What is shielding & warding? Why is it important? How is it done? 
What are circles? Why are they important? How is it done? 
What is visualization? Why is it important? How is it done? 
What methods are there for divination? How can it be used?
What is consecration? How do you consecrate tools? 
Write about energy, energy work basics, how is energy used? 
What methods of meditation are there? Have any favorites?  
Write about any tips for meditation you know of! 
Other Useful Stuff:
Make a list of terms commonly used in reference to witchcraft
How to write your own spells 
How to make moon water
How to make sigils 
How to dress candles
The wheel of the year. What is it? How do you celebrate it? 
Make a pendulum board
Write the entire Theban Alphabet 
Taglocks. What are they? How do you use them?
The Correspondences of:
The Elements 
The directions - North, South, East, & West 
Moon phases 
Zodiac signs 
Times of day 
Tarot cards 
Herbs & Spices 
Other plants 
Essential Oils 
Seashells & other things from the sea 
Crystals & Metals 
Gods & goddesses 
List pantheons/deities 
Basic spirit work 
How to protect yourself from spirits
How to bind and banish spirits if something goes wrong 
Fae etiquette 
Types of Fae
List ways to communicate with deities/spirits/Fae 
Information on constructs, servitors, tulpas, ect.
Your Path:
Page of tips/reminders
List practices, topics, deities/spirits of interest
How did you discover witchcraft?
What kind of witch are you, if any labels apply besides witch? 
Why do you do witchcraft?
What inspires your practice?
Is your practice based on any certain culture, religion, ect?
Is witchcraft spiritual for you? How so? Are you Pagan, Wiccan, ect? 
What is special about your practice? Do you have any unique methods, ideas, systems? 
How do you believe magic works?
What has being a witch taught you? 
Do you have any rules for your path? What are they? Why do you have them? 
Write about your goals relating to witchcraft. 
Do you have any familiars, deities or spirits you work with? Write about them. 
Are there many witches, occultists, Pagans, ect that inspire you? Who? What about them is inspiring? 
Make a correspondence page for you. Your natal chart, birth tarot card, numerology, elements or signature ingredients you connect to, ect. 
Draw a chart of symbols you use in your practice. This could be alchemical symbols, sigils, runes, ect. 
Offering ideas for your deities/spirits
Plants you have and how to care for them 
Do you have any witchy drawings or doodles? Add them! Make some! 
Write about folklore, especially personally significant or local folklore
Write about any myths or folk tales you like 
Write about local animals, plants, in your area
Make lists of:
Witchy recipes, crafts, projects, ect that you wanna do
Tarot spreads you like
Other spreads you like, oracle, runes, ect
A section or separate book for readings/spells/rituals you do
Witchy places you like, that be it woods, cemeteries, shops, ect
A witchy wishlist, tools, ingredients, ect that you want
Witchy books you have and witchy books you want 
Random topics:
Astral projection
Crystal grids
Dream interpretation
Sacred geometry
Tarot cards
Oracle cards 
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My book of shadows is coming along nicely so far
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Building a Magical Home
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One of my favorite quotes about the magic of homemaking comes from Cory Hutcheson, host of the New World Witchery podcast. He says, “Home is a transformational act. It is the thing you do to turn a space into a space… that is full of ritual and significance and meaning. So there is sort of this ongoing relationship you have with the space that makes it a home.”
The act of creating a home, of making a space your own, is inherently magical. But if you want to make your space feel a little more witchy, here are some ideas to get you started.
Charms and Talismans
Making your own magical objects can be a powerful way to bring magic into your space. The best thing about making your own charms is that you can make them look however you want, so it’s easy to disguise them as ordinary household objects. You can make a charm for any intention by combining objects based on their magical correspondences.
I’ve talked about protective charms in previous posts, so I’m not gonna spend a lot of time on it here. The simplest protective charm is keeping a large piece of iron under your bed to keep away nightmares, evil spirits, and negative energy. You could also make your own protection charm, like a witch bottle.
You can create a “happy home” charm to bring peace, harmony, and happiness into your home. This charm could include herbs like basil, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, and/or bay leaves, as well as other items that you associate with peace and good fortune, like lucky coins, crystals, or black cat fur. Write your desires for a harmonious and happy home on a piece of paper, fold it up, and add it to the charm. You could store these items in a green bag, bury them in your backyard (in this case, make sure you’re only using biodegradable plant matter — leave out the coins and crystals), or place it inside a household object like a lamp or an end table.
If you suffer from insomnia or other sleep issues, try making a dream charm to help you sleep well and have sweet dreams. To make a simple dream charm, fill a blue or purple bag with lavender, chamomile, peppermint, and any other objects that you associate with peace, restfulness, and sleep. If you want to have lucid dreams or receive psychic messages in your dreams, include a bit of mugwort. Place the charm in your pillow or under your mattress. (I personally swear by this one, as it’s helped a lot with my insomnia.)
Charms are great for homemaking magic because you’re actually creating a magical object, which can then become a permanent fixture of the space.
Magical Decor
You can use magical items to decorate your home to bring certain qualities into that space.
Hanging or displaying a broom is said to bring good fortune, protection from evil, and good hospitality. Cauldrons are used to represent the Goddess, rebirth, and raw potential. Horseshoes hung above door frames bring safety and luck to all who cross under them, and keep unwanted guests away. If you can get them legally and ethically, animal bones, teeth, claws, and feathers can represent the spirit and energy of that animal. You can also put up images of spiritual and occult symbols — I have an image of the Sun tarot card hanging in my bedroom to promote positivity and growth.
If you need to be a little more subtle with your witchy decorations, working with the magic of color is a great way to do that. Gathering a lot of items of a single color in one room changes the energy of that room. Here’s a quick guide to give you some ideas:
Yellow is associated with divination, mental clarity, the element of air, success, communication, and inspiration.
Purple is associated with divine power, spiritual awareness, mystery, astral travel, magic, and authority.
Blue is associated with healing, psychic abilities, the element of water, peace, truth, and patience.
Red is associated with protection, the fire element, sex, power, vitality, and love.
Orange is associated with ambition, creativity, breaking through blockages, and career success.
Pink is associated with romantic love, friendship, self love, compassion, and emotional well-being.
Green is associated with nature, herbalism, the earth element, money, wealth, prosperity, and luck.
Brown is associated with grounding, animal magic, stability, and balance.
White is associated with purification, cleansing, the full moon, new beginnings, healing, and spiritual growth.
Black is associated with protection, truth, outer space, banishing, and transition.
Decorating your home with colors that are meaningful to you can create a powerful magical space. You may also have your own color associations (for example, yellow is a very “happy” color for me), so feel free to incorporate those into your decor as well!
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Growing Magical Houseplants
Most witches feel a very deep connection to nature and draw power from the natural world, but we can’t all live in a cottage in the heart of the forest. Even if you live in a tiny apartment in the city, you can still bring nature into your space by keeping houseplants. Many popular houseplants have magical uses, and many popular magic herbs can be grown inside. Here are a few to get you started.
Aloe. This is one of my favorite plants. Aloe brings luck and protection, especially protection on an energetic/spiritual level. I like to keep aloe in my bedroom to protect me while I sleep, as well as to bring luck and inspiration while I’m working at my desk.
Basil. Basil is very popular in money spells, and will attract prosperity and luck to your home. However, it also has protective properties — both spiritual protection and protection from bugs, since basil is a natural insect repellent! Basil can also be used in love spells, and is just generally a good plant to have around for good vibes.
African Violet. This flowering plant attracts positive spiritual energy into your space. It has associations with the moon and the water element, and is very good for promoting spirituality and psychic power.
Rosemary. Rosemary is one of those herbs that every witch should have on hand. It’s so darn versatile, it can be used as a substitute for virtually any other herb, and can be used for almost any intention. Some of the most common magical associations for rosemary include: cleansing, purification, protection, healing, mental activity, and enhancing memory. According to author Deborah J. Martin, there’s an old English saying that, “Where rosemary grows, the woman rules the house.” Like basil, rosemary is a natural insect repellent.
Lavender. Lavender brings peace, love, and gentleness, which makes it a perfect addition to any home. It can be used in spells for cleansing and purification, enhancing psychic abilities, and stress relief. Lavender is also a powerful addition to love spells. Keeping lavender in the bedroom can aid in restful sleep, while lavender in the kitchen will bring harmony to the home.
Sage. Sage is the most talked about cleansing herb, and with good reason. Unfortunately, a lot of the sage bundles you can buy at metaphysical stores are made with white sage (Salvia apiana), which is sacred to Native American peoples and is endangered due to overharvesting. Instead of buying those, why not grow your own garden sage (Salvia officinalis), which has a lot of the same magical properties? Growing sage in your home will purify the space and protect those who live there. Sage also has an association with wisdom and mental prowess.
Hoya. Hoya is a common houseplant that you’ve probably seen even if you don’t know it by name. It has a distinctive appearance with waxy, dark green leaves and clusters of white, star-shaped flowers. Hoya aligns and balances the energy centers within your body, as well as in the surrounding space. It’s associated both with grounding and with spiritual openness, so it can be great for balancing the two.
Peppermint. Peppermint has a variety of magical uses, but my favorite way to use it is for gently opening up blockages and getting things moving. It’s great for cleansing, but is more gentle than rosemary or sage. Place it in any room where you tend to do a lot of healing work, or where you could use some peace and love. Peppermint is also used in dream magic, so growing it in the bedroom may bring on vivid or lucid dreams.
Orchid. Orchids are used in magic for love and lust. Historically, orchid has been used in folk medicine to promote male virility and “Jezebel root,” used in American folk magic to attract wealthy male lovers, is a type of orchid root. If you live with a significant other, try growing an orchid in the bedroom to promote passion in your sex life. Otherwise, grow orchids in your home to promote love or to attract romance.
Catnip. If you have cats, they’ll love this one. Catnip is actually a type of mint, and has strong lunar associations. It’s said to make one more charming and attractive, and is especially useful for attracting women. At the same time, catnip promotes courage and fierceness. It is also, of course, associated with cats and feline deities, so this is definitely a plant you’ll want to keep around if the cat is one of your animal guides.
If you have a yard space that you can turn into an outdoor garden, your magical plant options are limited only by your local ecosystem. Some outdoor plants that have magical uses include roses, sunflowers, rue, lemon balm, and strawberries.
Creating an Altar
Altars are focal points of magical and spiritual energy. Many people, both witches and non-witches, find that having a designated space for their spiritual practice creates a deeper sense of sacredness and purpose.
An altar can serve lots of different purposes. Many witches use their altar as a magical work space to prepare spells, meditate, and do divination. You may choose to dedicate your altar to a deity, your ancestors, or some other spirit(s) you work with. You can also build altars for specific intentions, such as a money altar or a love altar — performing rituals at this altar everyday is a powerful method for manifestation. You altar may be some or all of these things, or it may just be a place to sit and connect with the spiritual.
You can set up an altar on any flat surface, like a shelf or table, or inside a container like a jewelry box. Your setup can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. An altar can be huge and complex, with statues and candles and flowers, or it can be as simple as a tealight and an incense burner. It’s all about what appeals to you.
New World Witchery pocast, “Episode 143 — The Magical Home”
Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
“Candle colors and their meanings” by Michelle Gruben on the Grove and Grotto blog
Green Witchcraft by Paige Vanderbeck
A Green Witch’s Cupboard by Deborah J. Martin
“The Magic of Orchids in Wiccan Love Spells & Rituals” on the Art of the Root blog
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