#takigawa furuya
harunokijournal · 5 months
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Lowkey ngeship Hiruga-Akari (trope childhood friends to lovers my beloved) 😔☝
Sama ngeship Reza-Asa (forbidden love karena beda server hiks)
Kalo yg canon ada:
Akira/Mai (happy ending—they finally married then had two children)
Furuya/Kana (sad ending remarksnya mati satu zannen na *dipukul*)
Tsukioka/Setsuna (happy ending remarksnya dulu rival tau2 pas gede ketemu lagi langsung nikah) wwwww
[ tweet ]
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ikuuikuya · 2 years
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yongjae37 · 2 years
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Stickers I made for the Ace Daiya Zine
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jollyrolls · 10 months
@miyukifest . For today's trope found family we have-
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Miyuki with his classmates and teammates. His brothers - they have been through it all together and are a solid team
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And his rival/friend. They both quietly acknowledge each other's prowess and mastery
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His amazing and cool senpais who taught him so much and gave him a goal to look forward to
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His juniors who revere him - whether they admit it or not.
and then, his favourite pitchers-
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They both have repeatedly said that Miyuki was the reason they chose seidou and their batteries are a treat to watch!!
I wanted to add Rei Chan and Coach too but could not remember the episode numbers where they have scenes together and so we get just this much
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briology · 1 year
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-> Father with the most humor. Loves making their children laugh. Whenever their child is sad, all they have to do is make a funny face, do a little dance with them, or even make a funny drawing, and that child is no longer feeling sad. Also, those types of dads that say "ya momma" to their kid (like that ain't his wife...) Truly one of the best kinds of father to have.
(kuramochi, SAWAMURA, kanemaru, narumiya, carlos, sanada, ryosuke)
-> Father with the scariest face, but the purest heart. These fathers may LOOK terrifying, but these men are gentle with their kids. The faces that they have may look like they are able to murder someone (they could) but they are like the neighborhood dads. They have their house open to everybody, as long as they respect it. They do have a bad side tho. So just watch it and there will be ZERO problems!
(TANBA, TETSUYA, kataoka, okumura, raichi)
-> Father that is scared, but loving. So scared to be a father. Now don't get me wrong, they LOVE their child/children. But the thought of not being good enough for them leaves them wondering if they are cut out for this. Yet, all of those worries wash away when their child/children are clingy towards them. Their child absolutely adores their father so damn much. They have the best bond with their children, a bond that will always be cherished
(MIYUKI, chris, furuya, haruichi, jun)
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© 2023 briology
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jiamiuxin · 1 year
daiya no ace anime reflection/review
im at a point in my life where i have a lot of free time at the end of the day and i find myself filling that slot with anime.
for the past two weeks, ace of the diamond has taken up a big portion of my mind as i found myself falling in love with the team and its players.
about a month ago was when i started a roll on watching sports anime. i caught up on haikyuu, binged blue lock and ao ashi, and finally spent another good chunk of time on free!!. ace of the diamond was no new title to me, yet for some reason i kept it on the back burner. i dont know why; whether it was the art style, the then-seemingly long list of episodes, or the fact that it was baseball. maybe it was all of them. when i burned myself out trying to find another anime, i finally settled on giving DnA a chance.
today, as i have finished all 176 episodes (no OVAs yet!) i confidently say it's one of my top, if not the top, anime ive seen so far.
i noted a few things as i progressed through the series: strong points, cons, favorite characters, and a few personal thoughts.
i will start off with the cons head on. daiya's is, i guess i could say, notorious? for its "annoying, loud, benchwarmer" MC. one genuine complaint i do have is the lack of animation quality in the third season. there were many still shots with voice overs, though i felt a little more satisfied with the animation towards the end. also, to a smaller extent, the anime is not as complete as the manga.
anyway, i think the slow burn is actually a strong point, as many others point out. indeed, it is the very low lows that make the highs so high. don't get me wrong, i love a stupidly powerful MC, such as mob psycho 100 or OPM, but the realism gives DnA its charm and relatability. when others say "season 1 is bad, season 2 is good, season 3 is amazing," they are not lying.
DnA's charm not only lies in its realism, but also its character development and character interactions. brotherhood, leadership, and teamwork are all themes throughout the anime. the way the third years cared for their juniors and the way the juniors fought to elongate their seniors' summers was beautiful, heart-wrenching, and gut-punching to me, a recent college graduate. these types of moments are not uncommon in sports anime, but something about DnA's execution made it so much more..emotional? relatable? whether it was due to convenient timing or the fact that the sheer amount of episodes made me feel like they were actually my own friends, i just felt so much more compelled when watching daiya.
on the topic of my personal emotions, as i said, the themes of graduating/retiring really hit home for me. but that made daiya all the more special to me. both personal relatability and just watching everyone's hard work made it so easy to sympathize with their determination. maybe it was the countless scenes of them heaving and gasping for air; or the scenes where TJ made their frustrations so visible and vulnerable. as a watcher, i did not see myself rooting for some characters in a show; normally, i'd take a normal stance with the expectations that the "of course, the MC team will win." i saw myself rooting for my friends. in addition, knowing TJ, we can never be too sure on how seido's games will actually go. everything comes down to the realism. it's daiya's realism that made me feel their passion, made them so relatable, and made it feel like they were actually at high stakes. i truly, rarely never cry when watching an anime. besides assassination classroom, no other anime has made me so emotional. not only that, but daiya made me cry several times. the amount of immersion is insane.
to no surprise, my favorite character is miyuki. he was the know-it-all. he was essentially the rock of seido with his calls. i often found myself wondering how strong seido would be without miyuki. no disrespect to ono; as he proved, and as kataoka also believes, ono is also reliable. but miyuki was just built different bro. anyway, i appreciated his character for not only baseball iq, but his rapid maturity into the captain role, and his flexibility with his juniors. i found his personality very admirable and his logical approach to situations both relatable and reliable. other characters i particularly were fond of were chris and kuramochi. if okumura had more screen time, i could also see him climbing up my list. as someone who had no prior baseball knowledge, daiya/seido as a whole, but particularly chris and miyuki, gave me a newfound respect for and fundmental understanding of baseball.
i think one last thing i wanted to note was that i really don't read manga. but for daiya, im definitely gonna pick up the manga now. i have never done this before for an anime, even others i really liked--hxh, haikyuu, one punch man, etc. i just never felt compelled to read the story further beyond the anime. but for daiya, this is something im willing to do. i just love it that much.
if you are having second thoughts or are debating on watching DnA, def watch it if you do not mind slow burn and can take a realistic approach. on the other hand, i do not recommend if you want to see an OP MC.
i am truly a nobody, especially not a professional anime critic LMFAO but i just wanted to vent my thoughts of daiya somewhere :) these are just my personal opinions
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unrelatabledude · 2 years
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I wanted to compile all my Daiya Demon slayer au stuff in one go...
This au meant absurdly much to me and I drew... so much for it... 
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Field Trips & Chaos- Crossover chpt.8
Return to File - SPN File - DNA File - BSD File
Recovery date: January 3rd, 2021
Description: The Winchesters are contacted by a very tired Japanese government official, trying to deal with a very troublesome case. Meanwhile, a coincidental schedule lands some high schoolers in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will everyone survive?
Notes: This entry has been translated for viewing facility, all bold writing is Japanese.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Word count: 1 483
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As the footsteps behind the door grew louder, a slight panic fell over the adults. Nine civilians, nine children to protect. Even if they escaped with no physical injuries, they would have to watch them kill the vampires rather violently. Not to mention the potential that their coach was dead or turned.
“Go, now,” Kunikida hissed.
The door began to open, and the Winchesters moved to hold it shut.
“Go!” Kunikida raised his voice and waved for them to leave.
Their eyes widened, before they started running back the way they came. How far had they come from the access point? Nori stumbled, having been pushed closer to the tracks as they’d unconsciously drifted apart, and had barely been caught by Jun. Everyone bumped into each other as they ran.
A loud crash came from behind them, followed by a bit of yelling.
“Shit,” both Winchesters yelled, as the door was kicked down.
They stumbled back, and Sam tripped as the door caught his foot.
Kunikida and Dazai, who had positioned themselves with machetes by the door, both swung at the first thing that came out. Unfortunately, their estimate of where the head would be was oof and the machetes became lodged in the vampire's chest. However, the brief hesitation allowed the brothers to get back up and draw their own machetes.
Dean cut down the giant vampire, and the two detectives pulled theirs out as he fell.
“Looks like they ran,” Kunikida said between pants.
“Hey, the kids are gone,” Sam said.
Kunikida opened his mouth to say that he’d just said that, before realization dawned on him and he closed his mouth.
“Everyone okay?” Sam asked.
“Yup, let’s go.” Dazai nodded towards the door, and Kunikida and Sam picked up their flashlights.
The minute the light passed the now empty doorway, they were charged. They didn’t even have time to fight back, they were pinned to the group in second. Sam fell back and hit his head on the track. His vision went black for a second before he began to struggle against the vamp trying to rip his throat out.
The other three weren’t fairing much better, Dazai was trying to kick his attacker off while Kunikida tried to grab at a pre-prepared page. Dean, who’d been distracted by his brother flying towards the track, was struggling to regain control.
They were all helpless when another vampire ran out of the room towards where the kids had run.
“Dazai! What do we do?!” Kunikida yelled. 
“I don’t kno-”
The head of the vampire above him flew off to the side and the body slumped into Dazai. Everyone froze in surprise, before the Winchesters and Kunikida took control back and grabbed at their weapons. Meanwhile, their savior ran off towards the last vampire.
“Where the hell did we come in?” Kuramochi yelled.
“I swear it wasn’t this far before,” Tanba responded from somewhere in the group.
All of a sudden, Sawamura screamed and everyone stopped and turned to find him being grabbed by a young man with dagger-like teeth. He was smiling as he pulled Sawamura in, and opened his mouth. Ice cold fear ran through everyone’s bodies, and there were tears forming in Sawamura’s eyes. Everyone was far too scared to speak.
Suddenly, the monster was shoved forward and he let go of sawamura before being tackled to the side into the tracks.
As their shock and fear subsided, the third years pulled everyone together and stepped back so they were against the wall. It was too dark, and they were moving too fast, to really see much. But it was clear one of them, the one on top, was bashing the other's head into the track.
They all looked away, and some even covered their ears to try and cover the squishing sound now coming from the fight.
“Hey! Are you kids all right?” The man who’d told them to run earlier, called. He was shining his flashlight at them, and without hesitation they ran towards him.
They hadn’t noticed the sounds and movement from the tracks stopped.
“The-Someone-” Everyone was speaking over each other in a panic, pointing towards the track.
Dean, who’d followed Kunikida while Dazai helped Sam up and to a doctor, pointed his phone light to where the boys were pointing.
There, sitting over a body, was Kataoka Tesshin. His breath was heavy, as to be expected from the rather violent beating he’d just given, and he wasn’t looking at them.
Dean shifted his grip on his machete, and Kunikda moved in front of the boys slightly.
“Coach?” Tetsu called.
He raised his hand.
“Don-Don’t come closer. I can’t hurt you boys.” He didn’t turn around, still staring down the tunnel.
“Ask him if he’s been turned and if he’s eaten anyone,” Dean whispered to Kunikida.
“Did you ingest any of your captors blood?” Kunikida asked, and the kids gave him looks of disgust and confusion.
Kataoka let out a dry laugh, and Kunikida took that as a yes.
“Have you had any human blood since then?”
“Does it matter?”
“We can turn you back.” Kataoka turned to look at him. “But only if you haven’t drunk any human blood.”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Kunikida!” Dazai called from the empty platform, waving.
Kunikida frowned. “Why’s the platform empty? Where’s Mr. Winchester?”
“I figured the less people around the better, so I had the president have the police clear this platform out. I also had him send Yosano to take Sam, she says he has a bit of a concussion but he’ll live.”
“Where’s Sam?”
“Our doctor has him, don’t worry.” Dazai smiled and waved at Dean. “Who’s the big guy?”
“Kataoka Tesshin, the missing coach. He says there are more people, some turned and some not, back where we were. I’m going to get them, are you coming?”
Kunikida made sure Dean was okay with the small group before him and Dazai made their way back to the track.
“By the way,” Dazai said, stopping, “Dean!”
“Their teacher is waiting with the police on the next platform up. Just a heads up!”
“When they get back everyone one of you is getting a call home,” Kazuyoshi said for the hundredth time since the rest of the team had caved and told him where the others were. “And I guarantee the coach is going to give you some form of punishment as well.”
“I think a hundred laps would be a fair start.”
They all turned to the escalator to find Kataoka leaning against someone, with the rest of the team behind them.
They all ran forward without really thinking, and awkwardly shuffled back again so everyone could get off the escalator. 
“Hey! Can we get a doctor?” Dean called out to no one in particular.
Yosano, the agency’s doctor, came over from an ambulance where Dean could see a few paramedics helping his brother.
“He’s fine,” Dean told her, “well mostly. Nothing you shouldn’t be able to handle.”
She laughed, and helped Dean easy kataoka onto his feet and towards the ambulance.
Finally being able to stand up straight, Dean stretched back. His relaxation was cut off by a sudden yell.
“I have never, in my life, seen such a stupid idea. You were all incredibly lucky today, but that luck ends now! As soon as I get you all sat down I am calling the school, and they will be calling all of your parents. Not to mention-”
The team could see the police officers roping off the area quietly chuckling as Kazuyoshi continued to scold them.
“You nine need to thank those detectives and apologize to them before we leave. But… I am glad you're all safe.”
“We’re sorry!” The team said, bowing.
Meanwhile, Dean had taken a seat with his brother in the back of the ambulance.
“So, when do we leave?”
“Actually, apparently our payment is being able to take a vacation here for a week.”
“This week?”
“No, next year.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Hey! It was a valid question… How are you feeling?”
“Like I hit my head on a train track.”
“Yosano-sensei! Mr. Winchester! We have a few people on the other level who need treatment,” Kunikida called.
“We’re sorry for any trouble we caused you!” The Seidou team said, bowing to the agency and Winchesters.
They were currently on their way to the train station, hopefully for the last time, and had stopped by the agency to say thank you. The Winchesters were there to write their reports for Ango.
“If you ever consider doing something like that again,” Kunikida started, pushing up his glasses, “I sincerely suggest you go to the doctor to get your head checked.”
“Thank you, again,” Kataoka said, bowing to the Winchesters.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s what we do.”
“Bye!” They called as they left.
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julbeans13 · 1 year
Talk to me about your Daiya no Ace head cannons and fantasies ⚾
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daiyanerd · 2 years
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subtleanime · 2 years
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Seido sweatshirt anime merch shirts, sweaters and hoodies. merch anime shirt baseball shirt shirt anime gift Satoru Chris Yuu baseball team high etsy.com/listing/1399178266/seido-sweatshirt-highschool-baseball
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harunokijournal · 1 year
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TakiKana: Bookstore date, library date, cafe date
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koushuwu · 9 months
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it’s the festive season. it’s time for joy, love, and presents! so let’s open up the gift bag and see what’s in store.
i’ve met and connected with a lot of wonderful people through tumblr, that i would love to show my appreciation for somehow. therefore i decided to make gifts for as many of these lovely people as possible. originally i started with the lovely people of the house of daiya server, but since expanded to embrace as many of these special people as time would allow.
to keep it short:
for each person i’ve made a little gift in the form of gifs/mangacaps/the likes.
each gift is based of a favorite character. for the HOD members, i picked based on the favorites stated in your introduction, while also trying to avoid duplicates. for the rest, i went by memory or simply asked.
each gift has a little piece of lyrics attached, which either reminds me of you, the way i picture the way you love, or “simply just” serves as me, wanting to show you my love and affection for you, the friends i’ve made along the way.
the gifts will be posted over three days leading up to christmas eve, as there are quite a few, and i don't want to clog the dash too much.
now, let’s dive into the gift bag!
gift list (links and specifics will be added as they're posted):
» furuya satoru for @chibishae34 » gojo satoru for @ushiwhacka » harada masatoshi for @tyga-lily » hongou masamune for @prettyiwa » isashiki jun for @poursomesunaonme » kominato haruichi for @miyukiissofine » kuramochi youichi for @icythot-bakubitch » midoriya izuku for @vampgloss » miyuki kazuya for @ceenthesis » miyuki kazuya for @rorronoa » noé archiviste for @mx-sinisters » sanada shunpei for @giogama08 » sawamura eijun for @apparently-artless » suehiro tetchou for @feitanporter » takigawa chris yuu for @heroesfan101 » todoroki raichi for @haikyooot » tsukishima kei for @peskyfirefly » yuki masashi for @auslanderka » yuki tetsuya for @no1frogfan
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kazuyummy · 1 year
"i'll take you to my favourite café!" he suggests - so where will he end up taking you and what will you be doing?
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modern café ✣ people watching
"no, he's definitely the type to join a crypto pyramid scheme." you drawl, the man beside you snickering at your comment. "like, the kind to have 'sigma grindset' in his bio unironically, right?" the two of your burst into laughter, and you continue, "it was the vest for me, i think. nobody else wears those kinds in the summer except for matching old couples." the waitress passes by your table at the window, placing down your drinks and pastries as you give her a sweet thanks. the chocolate is practically melting off your fresh croissant, making you drool. "here, try my drink. it's a taro latté." your date pushes the purple concoction toward you, which you gladly take. "y'know, it's really easy talking to you. interesting, too." you muse, watching for his reaction. it's a small nod and a breathy laugh - he's shyer about compliments than you expected - but the crinkle in his eyes shows he must appreciate it. hours pass in the blink of an eye, talking about anything and everything so effortlessly - so much that by the time it's over, you're both already planning your second date.
these observant, analytical baseball players will enjoy an unusual but easy-going date where they get to find out more about you.
➤ miyuki kazuya, watanabe hisashi, kominato ryosuke, takigawa chris yu
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themed café ✣ taking cute pictures
"did you see this latté art? it's so good!" you stare in awe at the details of your favourite cartoon character painted onto the drink in front of you. your date's parfait looks quite tasty too, and he feeds you some of it off his spoon. he even treats you to some merch from the shop, including matching plushies and a keychain, absolutely spoiling you before signalling the mascot over and an employee to take a picture of you. after some cute (and some silly) shots, he thanks the staff and fiddles with his phone. "there!" he beams proudly, setting one of the pictures as his new lock screen. "aw, you're almost as adorable as our big, plushy friend in the middle there!" you give him a quick kiss on the cheek, to wish he blushes - now that's something you'd want to get on camera.
for these adorable, sometimes-hyperactive guys, a themed café is the perfect place to spark conversation, eat yummy food, and enjoy an upbeat atmosphere.
➤ narumiya mei, todoroki raichi, umemiya seiichi, sawamura eijun
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french café ✣ pastry tasting
"i'm not sure about asparagus macarons, but the lemon chiffon ones do sound tasty..." you tilt your head at the menu as the boy across from you watches intently at your every gesture. the way your cheek squishes on your hand when you lean on it, the upturn of your eyebrow, the small pout of indecision that makes its way to your face... "cute..." he muses, only aware that he's accidentally said that out loud after you a giggle escapes you. he turns as red as the strawberries on the fraisier sitting in front of you, murmuring out an apology. "nothing to apologize for. that's really sweet of you," you wink, bringing a finger to flick his nose at the pun. though he's still a bit embarrassed, you've loosened him up enough to get a small smile out of him. "now, how about these pistachio and orange éclairs?" "order whatever you want..." he hums contentedly, "it's my treat, after all."
a simple date but with a fun twist for some of the more classic, romantic men in the bunch that love to spoil you.
➤ isashiki jun, shirakawa katsuyuki, furuya satoru, yuki tetsuya
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beach café ✣ brunch & drinks
"so - mimosas or sangria this morning?" you ask - the menu features a selection of typical drinks but infused with fruits you've never heard of, their entrées similar. "what about, like, when they put alcohol in coffee? kind of need my caffeine this morning..." he ponders. not a bad idea, but with the fresh sea breeze flooding your senses, you feel the need to opt for something tropical. when you've finally made your decisions and later receive platters abundant with colour and tantalizing smells, you inquire, "so? what are these plans you've got for us the rest of the day that you're so excited to tell me about?" "i was thinking of checking the boardwalk out. there's an area for dogs along the path that we can see, and maybe check out the little market at the end. if you want to, of course." you agree eagerly, noting the sparkle in his eyes as he describes your day to come - and with him and his handsome smile by your side, you know it's sure to be a fun one.
something a bit more unique and adventurous for this fun-loving group - driving out to a beach for good eats and going for a nice boardwalk stroll and splashing in the water afterwards.
➤ sanada shunpei, kamiya carlos toshiki, amahisa kosei, kuramochi yoichi
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off-the-wall café ✣ study date
someone walking down a car-free cobblestone road covered by the shade of blooming trees might see you and your date sipping italian sodas if they looked through the window of a hidden, cozy café with ivy on its walls. books, paper, and your laptop are spread out in front of you - but something catches your eye instead as you chew on the end of your pen. "y'know, those board games over there are tempting me." your date shoots you a shy smile, "i was thinking that too. nothing wrong with a small break, right?" a "small break" turns into an afternoon of both competition and cooperation in the array of games you play, getting lost in each others' company. his face goes red after an accidental brush of your hand during a particularly intense game of connect four - how adorable. by the time the sun is setting, you've both accepted that no more work is getting done today. after all, who'd want to study instead of having fun with the amazing guy in front of you?
a thoughtful and quaint date for the more quiet and reserved boys of daiya - a low-pressure date where you can still have fun and get to know each other.
➤ kominato haruichi, hideaki tojo, kawakami norifumi, okumura koshu
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let me know if i missed anyone you want to see next time! love doing these mini-moodboard kind of drabbles. doing multiple characters is something i've seen as well and wanted to experiment with!
images from unsplash or pokemon cafe tokyo official website, dividers by ribboniel and cafekitsune
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
General masterlist of all our works by characters. Links will redirect to posts. This post will constantly update.
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➡ Midoriya Izuku ➡ Bakugou Katsuki  ➡ Todoroki Shouto ➡ Kirishima Eijirou ➡ Hitoshi Shinsou ➡ Amajiki Tamaki ➡ Togata Mirio ➡ Aizawa Shouta ➡ Dabi ➡ Hawks (Takami Keigo)
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➡ Monkey D Luffy ➡ Roronoa Zoro ➡ Vinsmoke Sanji ➡ Trafalgar D Water Law ➡ Portgas D Ace ➡ Sabo ➡ Eustass Kid ➡ Killer ➡ Marco the Phoenix ➡ Red Haired Shanks ➡ Benn Beckman ➡ Dracule Mihawk
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➡ Kamado Tanjiro ➡ Hashibira Inosuke ➡ Agatsuma Zenitsu ➡ Tomioka Giyu ➡ Sabito ➡ Shinazugawa Sanemi ➡ Shinazugawa Genya ➡ Rengoku Kyojuro ➡ Muichiro Tokito
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➡ Hinata Shoyo ➡ Kageyama Tobio ➡ Tsukishima Kei ➡ Yamaguchi Tadashi ➡ Nishinoya Yuu ➡ Sugawara Koushi ➡ Kozume Kenma ➡ Kuroo Tetsurou ➡ Oikawa Tooru ➡ Iwaizumi Hajime ➡ Bokuto Koutarou ➡ Akaashi Keiji ➡ Ushijima Wakatoshi ➡ Satori Tendou ➡ Semi Eita ➡ Shirabu Kenjirou ➡ Goshiki Tsutomu ➡ Miya Atsumu ➡ Miya Osamu
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➡ Sawamura Eijun ➡ Furuya Satoru ➡ Kominato Haruichi ➡ Miyuki Kazuya ➡ Kuramochi Yoichi ➡ Kawakami Norifumi ➡ Yuki Testuya ➡ Isashiki Jun ➡ Kominato Ryosuke ➡ Okumura Koushuu ➡ Takigawa Chris Yuu ➡ Narumiya Mei ➡ Todoroki Raichi ➡ Sanada Shunpei
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aliavarrin · 6 months
Chapters: 17/?
Fandom: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Characters: Sawamura Eijun, Miyuki Kazuya, Kuramochi Youichi, Kominato Haruichi, Furuya Satoru, Yuuki Tetsuya, Takigawa Chris Yuu, Kominato Ryousuke, Kawakami Norifumi, Isashiki Jun, Tanba Kouichirou, Fujiwara Takako, Kataoka Tesshin, Yoshikawa Haruno, Yui Kaoru
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy MMO-Like World, Magic, Swords, Raids, Dungeons, Japan Set in a Medieval-Fantasy World, Classes Decided By Baseball Positions, Gaming Lingo, Friendship, Didn’t plan on making this MiyuSawa, But that is where my brain is taking it, Light Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun, WIP, Not Beta Read
Eijun ducked a neon green glob as it flew toward his face. On immediate contact with the ground, the acid hissed as fumes rose from the slow-spreading puddle. While he may have avoided one, Eijun still had to jump over another spot of toxic ooze. This wasn't anything new, however, as a good portion of the floor now had a rancid layer of acid. The toxic puddles themselves had quickly grown to be a problem with how frequently they were shot out from all orifices of the toads.   The battle initially began nice and organized, per usual. They divided into teams to focus on each toad. Miyuki and Yui made first contact with their designated boss as the whole team began the assault to whittle the damned things down. The melee struggled quite a bit, what with the natural poisonous slime that coated the toad's bumpy flesh, causing any who made direct contact to suffer from their toxin. Eijun spent a good portion of time bouncing around from melee to melee, in an attempt to cleanse them all repeatedly.
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