#kurohana mai
harunokijournal · 3 months
BokuMono tapi Vocaloid Evil Series AU (bagian Daughter & Servant of Evil)
Kana as Rin, Setsuna as Len, Tsukioka as Meiko, Mai as Miku, Tsubomi as Kaito.
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Some Young Heroes Characters
Akari Akirakami/Divina: The technical "second child" of the hero Phoenix Knight (Lancelot Akirakami) and his civilian wife Karai. She's younger than her twin Keiko by five minutes. While she may look like the good girl of the two with her wavy black hair, bright orange yellow eyes, and overall "good girl" dress sense, she's actually quite the problem child with her habit of pranking others and a small bit of pyromania.
Akari's Quirk is called Flare and it allows her to convert her body heat into fire. Thanks to training, she is also able to engulf her body in flames without burning herself and can make illusions out of fire.
Jason Shingenchi/Supercharge: One of the twin children of Turbocharge (Russell Shingenchi) & Powerplug (Susanna "Suzy" Lawson Shingenchi) and younger twin of Marjorie Shingenchi. He's a wild guy like his dad, and a bit of a Beverly Hills brat too XD. Currently, he's a high schooler in the states but is eyeing a future in heroics.
His Quirk, Speed Boost, allows him to use his vitality to slow the consumption but increase his speed. The more he uses, the faster he goes. With a bit more training, he could even move at the speed of light.
Reimi Ankokugai: Reimi is (one of) the goth princess of the story and boy does she carry herself as such. With wavy black hair that reaches her shoulders, earthy brown eyes, and tanned skin with a penchant for dark and dramatic makeup, she has caught the eyes of all the punks, goths, and emos of her school. This sets her apart from her more colorful sister Kurohana.
Ghosts, her Quirk, allows Reimi to transform the small ghosts that float around her into larger, more terrifying ones. She can even combine them to form one supreme ghost.
Mariel Shingenchi/Speedgear: The only child and daughter of Hypercharge (Alex Shingenchi) and Remoti (June Rimokan Shingenchi). Surprisingly, she's the oldest of all the Shingenchi kids with her being born shortly before my canon. As of now, she's in both high school and college at the same time (dual enrollment type beat).
Her power is called High Gear and it allows her to remotely switch herself into a "high gear" mode, allowing her to move at high speeds without completely depleting her energy and making her resistant to g force.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @elflynns-horde-of-stuff
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sanriosratz · 2 years
cousinly love! </3
Kurohana: Met a dumbass today. Awful.
Kagekao: You looked in a mirror?
Kurohana: someday you will have to answer for your actions and god may not be so merciful.
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukihana Kagura Cast Presentation: Shikkoku (Six Gravity)
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We’re going further into the pamphlet~. I’ll be doing Tsukiuta and SQ while Ryota will be working on Alive, Vazzrock and infinit0. All the profiles will be posted here, one at a time so stay tuned.
Also, prepare your hearts because Aoi’s transformation is just 🔥🔥
Many thanks to Ryota again for assisting me and helping with the proofreading! Please don’t repost/repost/retranslate my translations.
Nation: the affiliated country’s name Flower name: the name as a dancer Dance technique: the name of each person’s characteristic dance Dance props: the name of the tool used while dancing (there are cases when none are used)
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Mutsuki Hajime
“Dance proudly! Shikkoku!”
Nation: Shikkoku ※chief
Flower name: Shigen no Ou (Former Purple King)
Dance technique: Kuninotokotachi no Kami
Dance props: Folding fan / Inscription: [Shigen] (Foundation for everything)
Among all families from ‘Shikkoku’, the oldest and strongest nation, ‘Mutsuki’ is considered the heart and the pride of the country, and he is the heir of this lineage.
His dance, which conquered quite a number of gods, is without a doubt divine work. Just one, unnoticeable look and a slight fingertip movement can hold many meanings and that seems to have a great effect on the gods.
It is believed that it’s not a dance dedicated to god, but rather a ‘god’s dance’, as it causes miracles every time. Because of that, he’s rarely seen dancing.
He gives off the feeling of a normal young man, hates formalities, hides his lineage origins and travels the world as Shikkoku’s warrior rather than dancer (he’s a guard that acts in the name of justice, not for loss and gain)
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Yayoi Haru
“Do you wish to see Shikkoku’s dance, the dance that conquered all the colours?”
Nation: Shikkoku 
Flower name: Oborodukiyo (Moonlit night)
Dance technique: Getsuga (Moon fang)
Dance props: Long sword / Inscription: [Harutsugedori] (Bush warbler)
This man is the lord of the ‘Yayoi’ household, one of the five families that supported the core lineage, ‘Mutsuki’, throughout Shikkoku’s long history. 
As ‘Yayoi’ can speak without reservation even against ‘Mutsuki’ and their position as advisors is strong, they are considered a burden by the latter and the atmosphere between the two families has always been tense, leading them to having rather disadvantageous duties. With that kind of circumstances behind, Haru was somewhat aware that dealing with the current head, Hajime, might turn out to be a difficult task, and his impression remained unchanged right until he met him.
However, the second he saw Hajime’s dance, all his needless anxiety vanished completely. Nowadays, he’s Hajime’s biggest supporter. He looks forward to all his tours around the continent, and sometimes spreads the word about it.
Interview with Mutsuki Hajime (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
If I were to put it simply, it would be "It was easy to do." Whenever I think that there's something more I'd like to try doing or something I'd like to change, Haru would always tell me, "You want to try it, right?"
He'll accompany me until the end. Though his triumphant "I knew it~" face is a bit irritating (laughs). It's still thanks to him that I could challenge a variety of things. Thanks.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Kuroda manju. Since he's black.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
The season of the stage plays is once again here. As we’ve been doing them every year, it feels like it turned into a tradition. I may say that, but with each passing year I also challenged myself to build and bring on a new me rather than maintain the ‘same, old persona’. I would be happy if you could enjoy this.
Interview with Yayoi Haru (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
We’ve been doing our best! I mean that, seriously (laughs)!! 
The last time Hajime and I had to perform a choreography (or more accurately would be to say dance, isn’t it?) with all our might was when we got the duet songs. I was actually in the middle of a lesson when I remembered I had issues at that time as well. That feeling similar to being in a sports club (laughs). It’s so fun I can’t even feel the pain…… but even so, I’ve been doing my best (laughs)!!! 
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Shikkoku glasses.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Traditional costumes ♪ Wo~w. Personally, I like Japanese-styled things, so while I was taking a closer look at everyone’s costumes, I got to imagine a lot of our various scenes ahead of the audience.
Please come to see and play with all these ikemen.
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Uduki Arata
“Shikkoku’s first flower, ready to dance”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Aka Tsubaki (Red Camellia)
Dance technique: Ichino Kurohana (The First Black Flower)
Dance props: Katsugi (T/N: the word means ‘carrier’, but he’s technically carrying a veil) / Inscription: unsigned
He’s a member of the ‘Uduki’ household, one of the five families from Shikkoku. He pretends to be a great support for the lord of the family, his older sister, Yuka, but his acting might not be entirely a lie.
‘Uduki’ is light. Their lineage is in charge of public diplomacy. Although there are some who think he’s not suited for bargaining, reading his facial expressions is a rather difficult task, he’s rarely perturbed by something, his astounding speech and conduct are bewildering, his wild intuition cuts deep into the heart of a matter, etc. And surprisingly, he’s quite capable.
He likes both dancing and singing. He’s actually seen doing that on a regular basis.
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Satsuki Aoi
“Shikkoku’s second flower, ready to dance”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Shiro Tsubaki (White Camellia)
Dance technique: Nino Kurohana (The Second Black Flower)
Dance props: Rabbit mask / Inscription: [Gento] (Moon)
He’s a member of the ‘Satsuki’ household, one of the five families from Shikkoku. The lord of his family is his older brother, Chihiro, whom he supports from the bottom of his heart.
‘Satsuki’ is darkness. Their lineage protects the peace and the harmony of the world, be it by secret intelligence, ambush, or sedition, and supports both the ‘Mutsuki’ and ‘Satsuki’ households from the shadows. Ever since he was a child, he’s been training by himself to become Hajime’s perfect shadow, but the latter treating him like a younger brother and pulling him in the front rather than letting him remain a shadow has confused Aoi quite a bit in the beginning.
He may be quiet, but his handsome appearance is nothing but eye-catching. He himself is not aware of that, and therefore he’s dragged sometimes into disputes without knowing the reason.
Interview with Uduki Arata (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
Normally, when it's just me and Aoi, I'd be the one in charge of moving around without holding anything back. But this time, I use a prop that I put on my head and I move around softly and beautifully.
Having to move so slowly is a bit difficult for me. I'm required to be delicate up until my fingertips, so a lot of times my limbs became so numb…… And the actual results of my training!? Look forward to seeing them.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
The wonder of blackness! Black strawberry milk!
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
In this setting, Aoi and me are playing roles that are exactly the opposite of our usual images. I handle diplomatic things in the light, Aoi operates in the darkness, or so it seems. It also reminded me of how I was in Rabbits Kingdom. I hope that seeing a different side of me makes you excited.
Interview with Satsuki Aoi (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
I get to dance with a mask on my face, but as my visual field is much more narrow, I bumped so, so many times into Arata when we were dancing together during rehearsals (smiles bitterly).
I didn’t sleep one night because of anxiety thinking I might do that during the real thing.
However, with the help of various people I’ve been clearing all the challenges one by one, so here we are now, the performance is right ahead of us! I’ll dance until the very end and leave no regrets behind! 
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Hot springs. With so many volcanoes around, some hot springs must have formed too, right?
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Welcome, to the joint stage-play “Tsukihana Kagura”!
I’ll bring you to the “Tsukihana Festival” together with everyone from Tsukipro, all wearing traditional costumes! There’s action, a lot of songs, dances and highlights! Look forward to them!
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Shiwasu Kakeru
“Let’s make these pretty flowers bloom!”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Gokutsuki (December)
Dance technique: Tsukikake (Running with the moon)
Dance props: April ring / Inscription: [Kinshi] (Golden Kite)
He’s the lord of the ‘Shiwasu’ household, one of the five families from ‘Shikkoku’. Back when he was 5 years old, his father, and at the same time previous lord, suddenly retired, his mysterious last words being “I will become the Kagura King!”. Because of that, his term of office is the longest among all the current lords. 
As a result of being thrown into society’s rough waves early on, he’s a very reliable young man.
He joins Hajime in every journey around the world, and since Hajime’s not aware of some societal notions, Kakeru’s able to support him perfectly.
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Kisaragi Koi
“Man! The costumes and dances are beautiful no matter what country~!”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Kunshiran (Clivia)
Dance technique: Getsuren (Love for the moon)
Dance props: Spear / Inscription: [Baren] (Lotus Blade)
This young man is the next lord of the ‘Kisaragi’ household, one of the five families from ‘Shikkoku’. He is Kakeru’s childhood friend and often joins Hajime in his journeys.
He has a network of friends that surpasses national borders. He’s a pretty well-known face, so he ends up being saved or saving people a lot.
He goes around and helps people in need, and sometimes, he loves asking them “Do you know who this person (Hajime) is~?!”
Although he calls himself a warrior in training, he’s already qualified enough to be one. The reason why he can’t see that is because compared to others, his goal (Hajime) is too high.
Interview with Shiwasu Kakeru (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
In our dance choreography there’s this moment when I throw my bouquet to Koi and he’s supposed to catch it, but during our rehearsals both of us were turning right before that moment and the flowers landed majestically on the floor. Ye~p, this is bad!
Both of us have been working overtime, practicing over and over again!
Koi~! Let’s work until every shot is perfect!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Dam, dam, daaam ♪
Black oden.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Please vote! Thank you for voting Shikkoku fairly. We’re in your care.
Interview with Kisaragi Koi (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
This is not a (modern) dance, it's (traditional) dancing! …...And so, I don’t really have a say in this matter. I could even say I bid farewell to my liberties, huh.
I did think it would be something fresh, but difficult, too (laughs). Since in this story the costumes are traditional, I practiced putting on a yukata. Whenever the sleeves flutter and hit my face, all I could think was how much I want to make that look graceful instead (・ㅂ・)9!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Making you fall in love (・ω<)☆
Shikkoku chocolate
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Here’s one of the charms of the joint stage plays! The fact that people who don’t know us will get to see us, too! Nice to meet you, everyone! All those of you who have favourites in other units! Please remember Six Gravity and Procellarum even after you go back home ☆
If you like my work and you want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee by clicking right [here]. I also started taking commissions, more details are right [here]. Thank you~
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96percentdone · 5 years
The Moonlit Prince and the Lying Thief (Part 2)
Am I late? Yeah. Sorry about that kids I’ve been very busy today! But it’s a day 2 entry anyway for @oumasaiweek, and my tangled AU continues on strong! I think you’ll like the update.
As always, if you want to read the whole thing, you can find it on my blog. I tag them all v3 Tangled AU. I hope you enjoy!
Underneath the all-encompassing darkness of the night, three shadowy figures traverse the bumpy rooftop shingles adorning the palace roof. The figures in the back, a pair of siblings with flowing black hair and matching green clothes, slide and stumble ever so slightly as they trail behind the short man in the front. They do not complain, for they know he would only stop to mock them. ‘Nishishi~ You agreed to this job and yet you can’t handle some roof parkour!’ Instead they whisper amongst themselves, brother and sister, about their plans once the crown is safe from the grasp of the kingdom.
The man in front, the elusive Doukeshi, is aware of his partners’ unpreparedness, but it doesn’t concern him. If he could do this job alone, he would have, but robbing the King and Queen is not a task for only one man, as skilled as he may be. He was not involving his family in this. Should this last quest go wrong, it is better for them to remain where they are, safe. Beneath the venetian harlequin mask, cool violet eyes narrow at the faint specks of blue on the horizon. The sun is rising, and with the sun he’s doomed to fail, but he smirks. He’s always liked a challenge.
Over the bridge, and through the woods, Shuuichi lies in his warm bed, reading a worn-out novel by the flickering light of the lantern. He should be sleeping—there’s still time before sunrise, but he woke up early, and he’s almost through with the book, so he’ll finish it before he sees his aunt off in the morning. The tower is an easy place to leave, so long as you have the patience to plow through the pages. With a faint smile, he turns the page.
There’s a knock on the entrance to his room. Looking up he’s greeted by the tired and wrinkled face of Tsumugi. “You’re up so early, Shuuichi,” she says, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.
He slides the familiar red bookmark in place, and closes the book. “Good morning, Aunt Tsumugi. I could say the same to you.”
“Yes well, I have a few more errands than usual to run today, so I thought it would be best of me to get a head start.” She laughs, and cards her fingers through the feet of his long silver hair by the foot of the bed, pulling it gently into her lap. There’s the faintest hint of wrinkles behind her tired blue eyes.
“Do you need me to sing before you go?”
“If you would, dear.”
“Okay.” Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes and sings. “Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine.” As he sings, white light travels from the roots of his hair down the long silver strands. “Heal what has been hurt. Change the fates’ design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine.” The wrinkles dissipate from her hands and face. “What once was mine.”
When the song ends, the light fades from his hair, and Tsumugi leans forth, pressing a light kiss to the top of his head. “Thank you.” Rising from her seat, the hair in her lap falls back to the bed. “I should head out. I’ll be back in a few hours, okay? Oh—” She stops herself at the entranceway. “Do you need anything? Although keep in mind your birthday is tomorrow.”
Ah yes, Shuuichi’s birthday, the day his aunt took him in after his parents’ passing, or so he’s told. “Actually,” he starts, but the rest of the sentence is caught deep in his throat. There is something he wants, something he’s wanted for as long as he can remember, but he doesn’t know how to ask. Can he ask? He’s not allowed to leave the tower, and yet—“For my birthday, I wanted to…”
“You wanted to…?” But she already can sense the answer.
“I was hoping to see those floating lights,” Shuuichi finishes, weakly, casting a nervous glance at his aunt.
“Oh? The stars?” And though she phrases it as a question, there’s an implicit ‘we’ve discussed this before.’
“I really don’t think they are.” Shuuichi gets up, running his hands along the numerous books lining the many bookcases in his room, before pulling out an astronomy book. He flips to the maps in the back—it’s easier to read than the other book’s maps—and shows it to her. “There are no stars like that. Not in any of the books you’ve given me.” And he has at least seven devoted to stars.
“Yes, well, we did talk about this didn’t we?” Tsumugi sighs, long and exhausted, and gently closes the old leathery book in his hands. “You’re just plain unsafe outside. I wouldn’t feel comfortable risking it.” She could use several excuses—he’ll trip over his hair, there’s plenty of unknown disease, that the world is selfish and wicked—but she’ll stick with her best bet. “Besides, I don’t think you’ll be able to handle it. If anyone tried to kidnap or hurt you, you wouldn’t be able to take a stand for yourself. You’re quite fragile, dear. And very easy to scare.”
He deflates, shoulders sagging as his eyes drop to stare at the floor. Despite taking him in for purely selfish reasons, her heart twinges a little whenever sadness overtakes those eyes. But it isn’t enough to change her mind. She will never let him leave. Running a hand through silky silver hair, she cups his cheek, and he looks up at her. “Think about what you want while I’m out, okay? I’ll go as far as I must to make it up to you.” Of course, she won’t go too far, but they both know he won’t ask that of her.
He nods, the smallest suggestion of a smile gracing his lips. A sign she can leave at ease. Together they head to the living room window, and he rings his hair around the hook, preparing to lower her down. “Take care. I love you.”
“I love you too~ You can sleep in some more, but make sure to clean up before I return, okay?” As soon as she’s made it to the grass clearing safely, Shuuichi heads back to his book, losing himself in an ongoing adventure.
Like all of his adventures, the trickiest part for Doukeshi is not getting caught. He doesn’t make a single sound as the siblings lower him from the skylight in the roof, merely observing his surroundings. Only a single guard is on duty in the enormous and vacant room, standing before the podium that holds the prince’s unused crown, and humming a small tune. The relaxed security is exactly what makes this the prime time to strike.
Carefully, he picks up the sparkling silver crown, and pockets it in his leather satchel. The guard doesn’t seem to notice. In and out, super simple. But he doesn’t think that’s quite so fun, now is it? “Never heard that song before, what’s it called?” With his free hand he cups his cheek, feigning curiosity.
“Oh, it’s called You—” But the oblivious guard stops himself. Why is anyone talking to him at this hour? He jumps up, whirling around and jostling the hat on his head that doesn’t quite fit over the spikes of purple hair, only to see the masked thief gleefully waving at him as he ascends towards the ceiling. “You come back here with that crown!”
Back on the roof, Doukeshi laughs, undoing the harness with ease, and the sun slowly rises behind him. “Lady, gentleman, I think it’s time we go.” The alarm bell rings loud and clear, and they take off towards the outskirts of town.
The bell can only mean one thing, and judging by the expression on Kaito’s face as he rushed into the guards�� quarters, it means the crown was stolen. As everyone dashes out the front gate, following the thieving trio, Maki finds herself being stopped. “Hey who said you were going?” Kaito asks.
Maki sighs, tying back her long hair so it fits neatly under her bright red hat. “They said all guards must go, so I’m going.” Even in an emergency, it seems Kaito has the time to harass her.
“Yeah, but you’re not a guard. You’re still in training.”
“Are you really planning on keeping me in training when the king has been robbed?” She gets on her horse Kurohana, and charges off through the town to the woods. There are bigger problems at hand, like that pesky thief whose been assailing the citizens of kingdoms across the globe, having finally made his way here.
She’s not left alone for long, however, as another galloping set of hooves can be heard trailing close behind her. “Yeah, but we’re not supposed to let rookies go on dangerous missions!” Kaito calls out from behind her.
“And if it were up to you, Momota, I would be a rookie for the rest of my life.” She keeps her eyes on the approaching forest, jostling the reigns. At the gesture, Kurohana speeds ahead, quickly catching up with the other guards. From behind her Kaito shouts something about how they’ll talk about this when everyone gets back, but she doesn’t care. This is her chance to prove herself. And then he’ll have to accept her position. She’ll make him.
The guards are their heels, easy to spot in the distance, as the thieving trio dashes through the woods. Doukeshi makes a quick left, and the sibling duo chases after. They don’t have too long until the guards catch up, and he knows it. “So, what exactly is the plan here?” The older sibling, Ayaka, asks, ushering her brother to hurry up. Korekiyo quits glancing behind them and catches up, but it’s clear the nerves didn’t leave him.
“Just follow me for a bit! We need to lose them for real,” Doukeshi replies, scanning the maple trees for a familiar mark—there it is. The gash he cut a day in advance. He makes a hard turn to the right, trading the small remains of a forest path for grass and ivy and dirt.
“What about the rendezvous point?” She demands. Ah yes, that. The thing that they decided on when they agreed to do this mission with him. The place they were planning to ambush him with a paid off team, take the crown, and run.
“Maybe we shouldn’t—”
“Leave the negotiating to me, little brother,” Ayaka says, edge in her tone, and that’s all it takes to silence Korekiyo once more.
“Well you can go that way,” Doukeshi says. They can all hear the sound of horses and men getting louder. “If you want to get caught, that is.” Oh, he knows all about their plan. What kind of thief is stupid enough to trust his fellow thief? Especially when he’s the most wanted thief in the land, and there’s a sizeable bounty on his head if he’s turned in. He’s ripe for betrayal, and he knows it.
The small cliffside approaches. It’s time for his counter-plan. “Now, if you want to throw them off for long enough to get to safety, I’m going to need you two to help me up. Then I’ll help you up, easy peasy, we escape, sell this for a lot of cash, and you and I part ways never to speak of this again!”
Ayaka doesn’t say anything, just holds out her gloved hand. She’s not stupid enough to let him just run off with the reward. With a dramatic sigh, Doukeshi hands the satchel over, but to Korekiyo. “Think this looks better on him,” he snickers. Korekiyo seems vaguely amused behind the mask, but Ayaka merely glares.
Still, they form a makeshift lattice to scale the minor cliff, with only the grumbling from Ayaka. The last thing she wanted to do today was be the ladder for a childish thief. She grunts when he steps badly on her shoulder, but eventually Doukeshi makes it to the top. “Now help us up.”
But Doukeshi wears a smarmy grin, and winks behind his mask. In his hands is the satchel, that he knicked from Korekiyo on the way up. “Nishishi~ I’d love to, but can’t,” he says, and leaves them behind for the woods.
The endless sea of trees outside Shuuichi’s window looks the same as it ever does, with the wind lightly tousling the leaves. Even as he cleans the windowsill for the seventh time that morning, he wonders what it would be like to walk beneath them, instead of just staring, wishing for a reality that is not meant to be his.
What should he ask for, if not the lights? He could always go for new books, but his shelves are near to bursting, and there’s no more room in the tower to add any more. Maybe a book about the lights? But just thinking of that reminds him of what he isn’t allowed to see. It wouldn’t be the same to have a book explain away such a tangible mystery for him.
Exhaling, he sits on the window sill, feet dangling over the edge of the balcony. If he wanted to, he could wrap his hair around the hook, lower himself to the ground, and make a break for it. His aunt would never know. Except she would, as soon as she got back. He can’t leave. His life begins and ends here. “Or I guess, it doesn’t begin at all.”
Maybe he’ll just read one of the books again. It’s better than staring out at the forest lost in his dreams.
The woods are easy to get lost in, an endless expanse of verdant trees, all of them far too similar unless one is familiar with the land. Luckily, Maki knows the forest pretty well, unconcerned about anything except catching her prey when she split from the group. There’s a telltale sign of boots tracking in the mud, and she knows she’s on that thief’s tail. “Faster,” she says, and Kurohana speeds ahead. She’ll catch him. She has to.
But the footprints suddenly stop. Where did he go? If she judges solely by their absence, he must be here, but she can’t see him. There’s nothing but dirt and trees.
Clang. A small rock hits her chestplate from above, and high in the branches she sees a silhouette. Doukeshi. “Looking for me?” She growls, refusing to deign him with a response. He thinks that kind of petty behavior is a little adorable, in a pathetic way. “You really gonna leave such a sweet horse? What if I steal it?”
Maki shakes her head, petting Kurohana for a moment after dismounting. “She wouldn’t go with you if you did. I’ve trained her better than that.”
“Boooring. I wanted a horse too.” Doukeshi watches her from a far up branch. She’s pretty good at climbing, finding all the same footholds he did, and grabbing all the right branches. He didn’t expect her to be so fast with that armor, but if anything, that works out better for him. An impulsive guard is easy to trick. “But y’know I don’t have the crown anymore.”
At that she stops, gazing up at him with skeptical red eyes. “It’s true I don’t!” As he says that, he opens up the satchel, revealing that it’s empty. “I mean you could capture me, but you’d still be missing the most valuable item. My partners double-crossed me.”
Maki thinks it over for a minute, but continues climbing. “Capturing you is enough.” She’s just about to reach him.
Doukeshi laughs, loud and obnoxious, revealing the crown he stuffed under his jacket. “That’s a good call Guard-chan.” Just before she can snatch him, he takes the crown, stuffs it back in the bag, and tosses it so it snags onto a nearby tree branch. “I hope you’ve got monkey instincts then~”
He swings himself onto the nearby tree, grabs the satchel, and drops to the floor, leaving the guard still stuck in a tree behind him. There’s only so much she can handle in that armor. Clever as he is, he didn’t buy himself that much time, so he needs somewhere to hide and fast. Bolting through the undergrowth—he’s glad grass doesn’t leave tracks—he scans the nearby area, desperate to find something, anything. But there’s trees, trees, a rock, more trees, an ivy covered cave, trees—that’s it!
The dewey leaves brush past his skin as he runs through the vines, skidding to a stop in the cave. Holding his breath, he presses himself against the cave wall. She’s here. Against the vines is the silhouette of a person on a horse. ‘Go away, go away, go away’ he pleads silently, to himself. He’s almost free. A minute passes, and then she’s gone. Exhale. Relief floods his body.
Now, where is he? No longer in a rush, he wanders from the small cave to a grassy plain. And at the center of it all is—“whoa!”—a tower. It looms large over the field, even rivaling the height of some of the nearby trees. Who would hide a tower away in a place like this? But with the moss growing up the side of some of the stones, maybe it’s abandoned. It’s a good place to hide out for a while.
Fumbling around for the stakes in his pocket, he starts to climb.
There’s more noise coming from outside the tower than usual, Shuuichi thinks. It can’t be Tsumugi; she would just call for him. So, why does it sound like someone’s outside? And grunting? Leaving the book abandoned on the bed, he slips down the stairs into the main room, grabbing the frying pan from the cooking cabinet on the way past.
If someone’s coming for him, if someone’s found him—he needs to defend himself. But can he do it? Tsumugi is right; he’s totally unprepared for this! He’s never done this before! Is he even strong enough? What if he can’t knock them out? Or there’s too many to knock out? Or both? Oh he’s so screwed if he doesn’t do this right—
A man in a mask climbs over the windowsill. This is it. He doesn’t seem to see Shuuichi, because the first thing he does is peer into his bag. “Good. We’re safe.”
And then Shuuichi whacks him over the head with a frying pan, and Doukeshi is knocked right out.
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harunokijournal · 5 months
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Lowkey ngeship Hiruga-Akari (trope childhood friends to lovers my beloved) 😔☝
Sama ngeship Reza-Asa (forbidden love karena beda server hiks)
Kalo yg canon ada:
Akira/Mai (happy ending—they finally married then had two children)
Furuya/Kana (sad ending remarksnya mati satu zannen na *dipukul*)
Tsukioka/Setsuna (happy ending remarksnya dulu rival tau2 pas gede ketemu lagi langsung nikah) wwwww
[ tweet ]
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harunokijournal · 10 months
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Tbh blum ada yg nikah di timeline yg skarang—but buat yg udah fix bakal nikah:
AkiraMai punya anak dua (cewe-cowo, age gapnya 5 taun)
TsukiSetsu childfree (soalnya sama2 sibuk hhh)
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harunokijournal · 1 year
AU di mana suatu waktu, Mai dan Saya terbangun dalam suatu ruangan asing.
Ruangan itu bakal mengabulkan masing-masing satu permintaan dari siapapun yang memohon. Sekilas kedengaran konyol, tapi entah mengapa mereka berdua jadi kayak, "Well, why don't we give it a try?" Jadilah mereka berdua sama-sama memanjatkan permohonan.
Rupa-rupanya di sana mereka berdua punya permohonan yang mirip: Mai ingin Yuuka kembali hidup, dan Saya ingin Amagi tetap hidup. Setelah mereka memanjatkan permohonan itu tau2 semuanya jadi gelap, tapi begitu bangun, keduanya udah ada di kamar masing-masing.
Awalnya dipikir yang barusan itu cuman mimpi. Namun tahu-tahu saja pagi itu Mai mendapati seorang gadis SMA dalam apartemennya, sementara Saya mendapati satu orang lain dalam lingkar pertemanannya yang seharusnya cuman bertiga (dia-Harusei-Minami). Gadis yang Mai temukan ternyata adalah Yuuka yang sudah SMA, lalu orang lain yang tahu-tahu saja Saya dapati ada di kelas adalah Amagi. Keduanya hidup, sama seperti permohonan yang mereka katakan dalam ruangan asing itu. Kurohana Yuuka menjadi utaite seperti impiannya dan bersekolah di satu akademi khusus perempuan di Bunkyou, juga Amagi Hakushuu tetap hidup dan bersekolah di SMA Hakuyama bersama Saya dan teman2nya.
Mai yang ngehubungin Saya duluan, lalu bertanya apa dia di sana juga melihat seseorang yang dia pinta untuk kembali hidup. Saya menjawab iya, setelah dirinya memimpikan dia dan Mai dalam ruangn asing. Akhirnya Mai akhirnya ikut cerita, kalau dia juga sempet ngira itu mimpi, tapi Yuuka yang ada di depan dia terlihat begitu nyata. Saya juga merasa sama—sempat mengira itu mimpi, tapi Amagi di sebelah dia lagi ketawa gara-gara lawakannya Harusei.
Jadi, keduanya putuskan buat menjalani hari seperti biasa sambil pelan-pelan beradaptasi dengan kehadiran mereka yang seharusnya sudah mati.
Itu sampai Yuuka dan Amagi mendadak bersikap mencurigakan.
Pokoknya mencurigakan banget. Yuuka memperhatikan Akira tiap Mai ketemu sama dia. Amagi suka memperhatikan si kembar kalau dia dan Saya ketemu mereka di sekolah. Dua2nya dengan tatapan aneh, yang mana suatu hari, seolah-olah tengah dikendalikan, keduanya berkata,
"Raizael-san orang yang baik, ya~ Kalau dia menggantikanku mati, menurut Nee-san bagaimana?"
"Saya-kun penasaran, nggak, kalau satu di antara Setsuna-chan atau Kana-chan mati menggantikanku, bagaimana reaksi yang satunya?"
Sejak saat itu keduanya sadar kalau memang ini semua nggak beres. Dari awal emang ngga ada yang beres (bagaimana bisa orang yang sudah mati kembali hidup hanya berbekal permohonan manusia biasa?).
Sampai akhirnya, mereka mengetahui, bahwa ada harga buat setiap permintaan yang dipanjatkan.
"Pilih, Nee-san~ Nee-san memilih Raizael-san, atau diri Nee-san sendiri?"
"Setsuna-chan, Kana-chan, atau kamu, Saya-kun? Menurutmu lebih baik yang mana?"
Antara nyawa orang yang mereka sayang, atau justru nyawa mereka sendiri, untuk menggantikan dua orang yang kembali hidup. Itu harganya.
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harunokijournal · 1 year
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Reo hidup soalnya masih ada Yoshida (kalo Yoshida gaada mungkin dia gamau hidup lagi).
Ai hidup demi neneknya.
Aika hidup demi Ai sama neneknya Ai.
Mai hidup demi Yuuka dan mimpinya.
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harunokijournal · 1 year
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Reo benci semua orang tuanya... (Both biological parents). Also dia kalo ke ayah tirinya lebih ke ga suka aja sih, tapi mungkin ttep bisa dihitung (?)
Aika benci keluarganya, all of them. Benci banget sampe kek kayaknya kalo dia mati dia bakal nyeret mereka semua ke neraka bareng dia.
Mai benci ortunya, benci banget sampe2 dia bener2 ngerencanain pembalasan dendam.
Nora benci orang2 yg dulunya dia pikir "sahabat".
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harunokijournal · 1 year
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Setsuna mau minta maaf ke Kana karena gara2 dia, jadinya Kana yg tertabrak. Dia sayang banget sama Kana dan kalau bisa, Setsuna mau bertukar tempat sama dia, karena dia tau masih banyak yg juga sayang sama Kana.
Saya juga mau minta maaf ke Amagi, karena dia telat menyadari gelagat Amagi yang aga aneh (serta telat datang waktu Amagi ngasih dia kode di atap itu).
Mai mau bilang ke Yuuka kalo dia sayang banget sama adeknya yg itu. Dia sayang Yuuka, sayang banget, yang andai Yuuka masih hidup, dia bakal bawa Yuuka pergi dari rumah mereka selama dia kuliah di Bunkyou.
Takigawa mau bilang ke Kana kalo dia sayang banget sama Kana dan ga bakal menyesali pertemuan mereka.
Tbh ini cocok buat mereka semua sih.
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harunokijournal · 1 year
// mention of suicide
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Amagi mau bundir ... he did it.
Saya sama kayak Amagi tapi ngga jadi.
Reo juga sama (mau bundir) but pernah sekali nyoba malah digagalin Yoshida (ini awal mereka ketemu sebelum masuk SMA). Probably he'll try to do it again in the future? Nobody know.
Mai mau balas dendam ke ortunya (udah terorganisir semua dan akhirnya tercapai).
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harunokijournal · 1 year
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Hania: "Jadi stafnya Tsuburaya~"
Mai: "Balas dendam."
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harunokijournal · 1 year
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Yuuka berkeinginan jadi utaite, dan Mai mau bantu ngewujudin lewat menggambar persona dia (sayangnya tida trkabul yh 😔).
Setsuna mau selamanya hidup bareng Kana (lagi2 ga terkabul /dipukul).
Akira mau menolong orang2 yang punya masalah kayak Saya, makanya dia masuk psikiatri.
Reo's craving for a "home".
Ai pengen bisa ngebahagiain nenek yang udah ngerawat dia.
Osya mau nemuin ortu kandung dia.
Minami mau nggak bisa ngeliat arwah orang mati lagi.
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harunokijournal · 1 year
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Harusei hobi nulis! :O He likes to write, a lot, kadang kalo senggang sampe riset ke perpus demi tulisannya. And of course he enjoy it ☝
Hania suka rewatch serial tokusatsu favoritnya kalo lagi senggang/capek banget. Also dia hobi ngegame, biasanya main Genshin.
Yoshida pada dasarnya menikmati permainan karuta dia sebagai hobi juga, does it count?
Reo hobi jalan2 keluar (ke mana aja asal ga diem doang di kamar kost dia).
Hiruga suka memotret! Itu udah hobi sejak dia dikasih kamera lama ayahnya. Dia enjoy banget sama itu (sampe2 jadi ketua klub fotografi sekolahnya wkwkwk). Dia memotret tiap ada kesempatan, jadi mostly itu kamera dia bawa ke mana2.
Osya sama Nora sama2 gamers! Currently interest mereka yg sama tuh Touken Ranbu... (Iyh dua2nya saniwa "irl" www). Osya kalo iseng suka ngajakin Nora nonton Toumyu juga.
Mai sebenernya masih hobi gambar sampe sekarang. Cuman pas ngegambar dia bisa ngelupain dunia sejenak, ngelupain dendam2 dia, soalnya tiap gambar yang dia inget cuman antara dua hal; komis klien atau Yuuka.
Yuuka hobi nyanyi. Kalo masih hidup mungkin dia tetep hobi nyanyi sampe sekarang.
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harunokijournal · 1 year
Kurohana Mai kidal.
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