“Anyone can be ordinary. It takes guts to be special.”
From “Resurrection of the Fallen” by Jessamyn Kingley
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“You can make a family out of anything.  It took me a long time to understand that I didn’t have to accept the was things had been mapped out for me.”
from Demon Familiar by Bellora Quinn and Sadie Rose Bermingham
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Your Point of View
“Tell me what happened eight years ago from your point of view.  What happened after I left?”
From Lord of the Privateers by Stephanie Laurens
Can I just say how much I love this line?  The hero (Royd) is actually asking, sincerely, for her view.  He’s not making excuses about anything, he just wants to know what she experienced so he can understand it.  A+ Hero
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“One cannot expect trust if he is not willing to give it.”
From Midnight by Megan Derr
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“Trousers were a powerful weapon of chaos.”
From Romancing the Inventor By Gail Garriger
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Positions of Power
“’Can alphas even be sexually harassed?....I mean I’ve never heard of such a thing.’
‘Buddy, anyone can be sexually harassed.’”
From Second Chance by Aiden Bates
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The Right Words
“There are some experiences in life they can’t invented the right words for.”
From Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas
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What Defines Us
“I am Vincent Night, and Lizzie is a woman. And if you honestly think what someone else might have named me or what Lizzie was born with between her legs defines us, then I am ashamed I ever touched you.”
From Restless Spirits by Jordan L. Hawk
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Choices and Time
“’And it’s ok not to [go further sexually].  You don’t have to hurry this up, and if he’s as good as you say he is, he’ll wait for you.’”
From Nysys by Catherine Lievens (part of the Whitedell Pride Series)
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Being different
“Ye think there’s someaught off aboot yerself, because ye dunnae ken why other lasses act the way they do, and why ye’re the ones who’s in the wrong...Ye’re unique, and I reckon that’s nae an easy thing to be.  And I’m honored ye trust me enough to be with ye.”
From Some Like It Scot by Suzanne Enoch
ken= know
nae =not
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From "You're the Earl that I Want" by Kelly Bowen
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Consent Everytime
“I need a verbal response...Whenever you give yourself to me, or to anyone, you need to make sure it’s consensual.  Do you want to be spanked?”
from Growl by C.A. Taylor
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Fitting the role
“Sometimes a woman doesn’t quite fit in with her expected role.  We do what we can to make our own way, carve out a space for ourselves.”
From When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare
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A Child’s Needs
“The most important things is that the child knows he or she is loved, is wanted, belongs.  It makes the toughest punishment bearable.”
From Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh
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Noun. Verb. Adjective.
“’Biscuits are good,’ Hyacinth said, thrusting a plate in [Penelope’s] direction.
‘Hyacinth,’ Lady Bridgerton said in a vaguely disapproving voice, ‘do try to speak in complete sentences.’
Hyacinth looked at her mother with a surprised expression. ‘Biscuits. Are. Good.’ She cocked her head to the side, ‘Noun. Verb. Adjective.’”
From Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn
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Accepting Yourself
“Until you accept the bad parts of yourself with the good, you’ll always be fighting who you are.  And the more you fight, the more you’ll resent anybody who reminds you of what you once were.”
From Dance of Seduction by Sabrina Jeffries
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hashtagromancenovels · 10 years
Effortless Beauty Required, Opinions Discouraged
“’Everyone assumes my life is easy because I have good looks.  They believe that because men like staring at me, I could not want for anything else.  But while men are writing poems to my earlobe or offering to drink wine from my shoe...they don’t do the one thing I wish they’d do.’
‘Such as?’
‘Letting me have an opinion.  Or giving me an honest hearing when I do say what I think...And I’m expected to be perfect at all times.  I’m judged for it...Of course, if I strive for their good opinions, I am considered difficult or conceited...Oh, no, I must not be conceited, even though all everyone else focuses on is the arrangement of eyes, noes, and mouth on my face.”
(bolding is my addition)
From The Bride Says Maybe by Cathy Maxwell
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