hasibbipu-blog · 4 years
I have to required a friend
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
Yoga for Mothers:
Yoga and the soon-to-be-mother
There’s all this hype about Yoga that I didn’t fully understand before – what’s all this clamor about Yoga for pregnancy?? What’s the big deal? You have a big belly, retch half the time, have a sudden liking for pickle and have to wear your husband’s clothing….you need Yoga to help you deal with all that?
But of course, I only began the understand the benefits of Yoga as a mother when I started going for the classes, read about them in books, magazines and websites. This amazing method can help mothers regain their physical strength and sends them into a journey of self-discovery and improvement.
Instead of helping you deal with others, in Yoga, everything starts from within. Therefore, to solve a problem, you have to go inside.
And inside a mother, it’s always a battle zone…and it’s tumultuous half the time. Pizza or no pizza? Sex or no sex tonight? What kind of mother will I be? Will I sprain my own child’s fingers when I try to put his/her clothes on?
With the kind of bizarre thinking (and hormones) going on inside our mind and our body, mothers often have a difficulty finding peace. Your doctor will tell you time and time again that although nutrition is important, finding peace, quiet and calm in yourself and in your life is just important for an expectant mother.
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Yoga for the regular mother
Considering the fact that Yoga can help bring calm into calamity, it’s obviously a good choice for you to try out Yoga if you’re thinking of starting an exercise program. Better yet, join a gym…which is what I did.
I used to scoff at people who join gyms and judging from the loud dance music, I remember thinking to myself… “Yikes…gym is just a sorry excuse for a disco. Instead of serving peanuts, they serve fruit mixes. Instead of alcohol, they serve bottled water. But everyone’s trying to get into a social thing in the gym. It’s a social club!”
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
10 health benefits of daily yoga practice
Just 15 minutes of yoga a day can change your brain chemistry and improve your mood. 
1. Improve flexibility, strength, and posture:
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2. Better all-round fitness:
When thinking of improving your fitness, most of us think of huffing and puffing away at the gym. But weights are not the only way to work out. Yoga gives you all that a gym can, but in a peaceful, safe and more holistic way. It combines aspects of cardio, functional and strength training all in one. What more could you ask for? The best part about this workout is that it can be done at your own pace, in your own home.
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3. Weight loss:
You don't have to practice Hot Yoga or be able to bend double in a yoga pose to lose weight. An everyday gentle yoga practice will fuel the metabolic system and will help burn fat, leading to weight loss. Daily yoga can also help restore the hormonal balance in your body, which can normalise your body weight.
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4. Increase your energy
Just a few minutes of yoga every day will provide that much-needed energy boost in our busy lives and will keep us fresh for longer. Yoga, with its unique synergy of body and breath work, is perfect when your reserves are running low.
Daily yoga practice will awaken the main energy centres (called chakras) in our body. Great poses for extra energy are those that extend the spine, such as the tree pose, allowing energy to circulate throughout the whole body, and poses that open the chest, like the cobra pose, encouraging the intake of more breath.
5. Reduce stress
Many work places now offer lunch-time yoga sessions because it's been shown that yoga is an amazing stress buster. Any yoga practice, even a short daily one, should be made up of three elements; poses, breathing and meditation. Studies have shown that those people who regularly practice all three elements are better able to regulate their heart-rate variability (HRV). This generally means that their heart rate is lower, giving body the ability to respond to stress in a more flexible way.
6. Breathe better
Breathing deeply and calmly is an essential part of every yoga practice. Yogic breathing techniques (called pranayama) focus on trying to slow down the breath and on breathing fully from the pit of your stomach to the top of your lungs.
These methods will make you feel more relaxed and balanced and will help you face the day with confidence and calm. They also have some great side benefits including increased lung capacity and more tidal volume (the total amount of air your lungs can hold at any one time). You can adopt these techniques whenever needed in daily life. They can help you stay calm in emergency situations, think clearer in stressful situations and they can help reduce pain.
7. Be happier
Adding a few yoga poses to your daily routine can make you an emotionally stronger and happier person. A recent study has shown that practicing regular yoga and meditation results in higher serotonin levels (the happiness hormone).
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8. Become more mindful
Yoga and mindfulness go hand-in-hand. When practicing yoga, you will shift your awareness to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that accompany a given pose. That awareness will bring the mind back to the present moment – the main aim of mindfulness - where it can stay happy and focused.
Practicing mindfulness has lasting physical and psychological benefits that are very much in line with the benefits of yoga. You will feel more calm and relaxed, and less stressed and anxious. You will experience higher levels of energy and enthusiasm and more self-confidence and self-acceptance.
9. Improve concentration and think clearer
Yoga poses and meditation require you to concentrate on your breathing. This process of observing your breath calms your mind and makes you more mentally relaxed. As a result of this mental stability, you'll able to recollect and retain more information. Meditating for just a few minutes in the morning can result in better concentration throughout the day.
10. Live longer
As you now know, everyday yoga will help you increase your level of fitness, regulate your heart rate, reduce your stress levels and make you a happier person. All those elements may add valuable years to your life.
It's also known that yoga decreases the risk of heart disease, and it reduces the pace of your breathing which has been directly linked to a longer lifespan. Recent studies have shown that the meditation element of yoga might help delay the process of ageing by protecting the telomeres (caps) at the end of our chromosomes, too.
What more excuses do you need to hit the mat?
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
What is depression?
While we all feel sad, moody or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings intensely, for long periods of time (weeks, months or even years) and sometimes without any apparent reason. Depression is more than just a low mood – it's a serious condition that affects your physical and mental health.
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Signs and symptoms
You may be depressed if, for more than two weeks, you've felt sad, down or miserable most of the time, or have lost interest or pleasure in usual activities, and have also experienced several of the signs and symptoms across at least three of the categories below.
It’s important to remember that we all experience some of these symptoms from time to time, and it may not necessarily mean you're depressed. Equally, not everyone who is experiencing depression will have all of these symptoms.
not going out anymore
not getting things done at work/school
withdrawing from close family and friends
relying on alcohol and sedatives
not doing usual enjoyable activities
unable to concentrate
lacking in confidence
'I’m a failure.'
'It’s my fault.'
'Nothing good ever happens to me.'
'I’m worthless.'
'Life’s not worth living.'
'People would be better off without me.'
tired all the time
sick and run down
headaches and muscle pains
churning gut
sleep problems
loss or change of appetite
significant weight loss or gain
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If you think that you or someone you know may be experiencing depression, completing our checklist is a quick, easy and confidential way to give you more insight. The checklist won't provide a diagnosis – for that you'll need to see a health professional – but it can help to guide you and provide a better understanding of how you're feeling.
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
What are the Types of Yoga?
These are some of the most popular forms of Yoga today which are currently practiced by a number of people all over the world. Traditionally, there are 6 different Types of Yoga that are practiced around the world, but 7 if you include the new form, Bikram, which has been widely commercialized and is extremely popular.
Lyengar Yoga
Power Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Bikram Yoga
Laughter Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Many people choose to combine yoga with other methods of exercise in order to enjoy a full-body workout. Here is a quick overview of the most well liked of Yoga types to help you get started. So let’s go into more detail about each type of yoga and what it involves:
Read about: Different Types of Yoga Poses That Burn the Many Calories
Iyengar Yoga
These types of yoga are solely focused on the alignment and precise movements. Yoga props such as blocks and straps are usually used as part of this type of yoga for those beginners who are not as flexible as the experts as to compensate for injuries.
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Power Yoga
This is a western interpretation of Yoga and is based on Ashtanga Yoga. A Power Yoga class may not necessarily stick to the exact sequence of poses like Ashtanga Yoga does, but it does involve practicing a series of poses without stopping and starting.
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Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga has long been considered the most practiced type of Yoga performed in the United States. It is the style that is most recommended to beginners. It is generally a very gentle practice of smooth and calculated poses. It helps get your body into the right balance and alignment. Hatha also helps relieve stress and high blood pressure.
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Ashtanga Yoga
Astanga yoga is a very physically challenging type of yoga, and provides good training for strength, flexibility and endurance. Astanga yoga consists of a series of yoga exercises performed in a flow without a break in between. In Astanga Yoga, the breathing must be coordinated with the movements as in Vinyasa Yoga.
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Bikram Yoga
From the improvement of muscular strength to a significant weight loss, Bikram yoga is a comprehensive fitness workout that aims to enhance the muscular system as well as the cardiovascular system. Founded by Bikram Choudhury, this system makes use of the 95-104 degree temperature, an intense heated environment for a faster and more efficient way of body detoxification.
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Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga is said to have the power to reduce stress, improve immune system function, increase positivity, alleviate depression, reduce high blood pressure, improve digestive system, regulate hormone levels, balance blood sugar levels in diabetics, and the list can go on and on. The positive physical effects of yoga on the body are the opposite of the negative physical effects caused by stress.
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Kundalini Yoga
This type is designed for the people who are at advanced levels. Here, high levels of mental, spiritual, and physical coordination are required. To attain the coordination, advanced postures and breathing techniques are put in place. Since this is an advanced type, it’s not offered in many yoga classes; therefore, if you want to practice it you need to look for special Yoga Classes offering it.
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work, and it is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Most people have back pain at least once.
Fortunately, you can take measures to prevent or relieve most back pain episodes. If prevention fails, simple home treatment and proper body mechanics often will heal your back within a few weeks and keep it functional. Surgery is rarely needed to treat back pain.
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Signs and symptoms of back pain can include:
·         Muscle ache
·         Shooting or stabbing pain
·         Pain that radiates down your leg
·         Pain that worsens with bending, lifting, standing or walking
·         Pain that improves with reclining
When to see a doctor
Most back pain gradually improves with home treatment and self-care, usually within a few weeks. If yours doesn't improve in that time, see your doctor.
In rare cases, back pain can signal a serious medical problem. Seek immediate care if your back pain:
·         Causes new bowel or bladder problems
·         Is accompanied by fever
·         Follows a fall, blow to your back or other injury
Contact a doctor if your back pain:
·         Is severe and doesn't improve with rest
·         Spreads down one or both legs, especially if the pain extends below the knee
·         Causes weakness, numbness or tingling in one or both legs
·         Is accompanied by unexplained weight loss
Also, see your doctor if you start having back pain for the first time after age 50, or if you have a history of cancer, osteoporosis, steroid use, or excessive drug or alcohol use.
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
Yoga Knowing
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People are talking about meditation these days and almost everywhere you go there is good news about it. It cures this and it helps with that so why not give it a try?
It seems that the whole world is trying it and so you have to wonder what are the reasons why. 3 good reasons are that it helps with calming thoughts, breathing easily and just improving your life. It might also be the best way for finding peace.
So then we have to wonder: just what is meditation?
What is Meditation?
Meditation is an ancient practice, used for years to calm the mind. It is usually explained peacefully so just about anyone can understand and practice it.
With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. When so much builds up there is really a call to meditate. Meditation offers us a chance to relax, turn within and find the peace that we have inside us. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to meditate.
Recommended Good Meditations
The best meditation is often the most basic one. An example of this is the breath meditation, where you simply watch your breath as it calms down. This method is taught and practiced since ancient times and still works as good now as it did then.
It is easy to start this, it is a sure fire method for calming the breath and mind. A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation can really be a game changer and help put you on the right path.
Dealing with Thoughts
Thoughts may come up during meditation but it doesn’t mean self defeat. There are methods for dealing with thoughts and we see that many meditators practice meditation for a long time and always love it.
Meditation can help us understand our mind, since afterall it is our mind. We can learn our own thoughts, even how we think, and can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from unhappy to happy.
One of the greatest things about meditation is that it is doable. It’s possible to meditate, calm our mind and find peace to a measure that we can call rewarding. Many meditators claim that it gets better as you progress at it!
The Goal of Meditation
The main goal of meditation is peace, to get a clear, calm mind.
In Buddhism the goal of meditation is liberation of the mind, freedom from attachment to things it cannot control. This includes things like external circumstances or strong internal emotions.
The liberated or “enlightened” practitioner no longer follows desires or clings to experiences, but instead maintains a calm mind and sense of inner harmony.
In meditation you’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings, but learning to observe them without judgment. Eventually, you can start to better understand them, to be on top of them.
It takes time to get comfortable with your mind. There might be the possibility of setbacks along the way but that’s part of meditating. It’s best to keep practicing.
The Types of Meditation
Meditation deals with the mind so you can guess that there are many ways to do it. Some of the methods practiced today are very old yet they are still very good ways to practice.
Concentration Meditation – This type of meditation is all about focusing your concentration, usually on a fixed object. It helps a lot to focus and can prevent all those random wandering thoughts. Good examples of objects used are a spot on the wall (often a black spot on a white wall), a candle flame (mostly near the wick) or a mountain.
Mindfulness Meditation –This method is popular and rightfully so. It is a practical method and helps lead you to the formality that is beneficial in meditation.
Mindfulness is basically about ‘being in the now’ or being present. When the meditator is attentive, he proceeds to witness thoughts in a non-judgemental way, trying not to get caught up in the content of them.
It is highly recommended to try to steer clear of the pairs of opposites (duality.)
Breathing Meditation –This third method we present may indeed be the best method. It is a tried and true way to calm the breath simply by observing it.
This is a peaceful approach and is handy since we always have the breath with us. Just watching the inhale, and then the exhale, both followed by a short pause, can be a way to enter into the calm we have within. It is famously said that when the breath calms, then the mind calms too. This offers a great gateway to meditation.
Obstacles to Meditation?
Many people put off meditation saying that they just don’t have time for it. It’s good to make time since meditation helps us calm down and get centered.
It can be said that meditation actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. It is the best tool for diving within to discover the world inside you.
Recommended Practice
When you include meditation in your day most people like to use it to start the day. A morning meditation can really start your day off good and can make the difference between a ho hum day and a great day.
Regular practice is highly recommended since spotty meditation approach would yield spotty results. A regular routine, like once or twice a day, as opposed to sporadic, is the best.
Seeking a Meditation Teacher
Getting your meditation off to a good start and keeping tuned and regular may seem like a challenge to some so you might want to think about getting a teacher.
It’s extremely difficult for a beginner to sit for hours and think of nothing or have an “empty mind” but a teacher can cut through that and lead you to a sound approach which gets you off on the right path.
Also recommended are meditation books. There are great books by great teachers which so many use for furthering their practice.
Sometimes we could say that meditation is a simple technique which allows the body to experience a profound state of rest while the mind becomes quiet and alert.
Just the thought of meditating can get you interested and with so many benefits you really want to jump right in and do meditation now.
There are teachers to encourage you, books with instruction and good meditation methods so there is really nothing missing in the meditation world of offerings.
And since the benefits just keep getting better with continued practice you can step right up and join the seasoned meditators!
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
Breathing is important to us, maybe the most important thing and it is a fact that we begin and end our lives with a breath. In yoga the breath is prana and we use pranayama to manage and control the breathing.
Pranayama are yogic breathing exercises we use to clear and enhance prana flow and presence in the body. With pranayama we can learn how to tap into this life force energy. Some high yogis say pranayama is the most important part of the yoga practice since with it we can clear up the physical and emotional obstacles in our body to free the breath and boost overall body functioning.
What Pranayama Does
Everything we do, all the actions we take, thinking and breathing, all affect the flow of prana. It is the universal energy that runs through us and everything around us. So when we do pranayama exercises, to manage and control the breath, we are working on increasing the flow and quality of the prana that is present in us.
With pranayama the controlled breathing helps us with both the rhythm of performing yoga poses and also relaxing the mind for meditation. This way we see where pranayama translates as “extension of the prana”.
The Benefits of Pranayama
Pranayama is a great aid to the yoga practice and good breathing really proves to be a game changer in how we feel and perform.
It helps to:
·         strengthen the breathing
·         expand prana capacity
·         increase energy flow
·         balance energy quality
·         relaxing the body
·         energizing the body
·         healing the body
Pranayama is for cleansing, ridding the rubbish and for charging up. Our breathing is improved, our bodies function better and we clear and calm the mind. Basically pranayama helps everything fall into place in our system.
The Four Main Stages of Pranayama
Pranayama uses the breath to direct and expand the flow of prana in our bodies. There are four main stages of pranayama and they make up the cycle of breathing that we do all the time:
Puraka (inhalation) Abhyantara kumbhaka (the pause after inhalation) Rechaka (exhalation) Bahya Kumbhaka (the pause after exhalation)
All four of these stages are important to the breathing cycle and the very important one is Rechaka (exhalation) where with each exhale we throw out the toxins from the body and prepare for a bright new inhalation.
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
I have to required good friend. are any one??????
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
Elton John - Sacrifice  Evergreen Song
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
What is Yoga?
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
Health is wealth.Try to much much love...
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hasibbipu-blog · 5 years
Health is wealth
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