Yes, Cecelia and Charlene have excellent taste, and it’s no surprise that our birthday guests have excellent taste as well, the combination is well..breathtaking, wouldn’t you agree?
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Bon, pretty drinks with umbrellas and prettier girls dressed only in lace underwear dancing. That’s how I remember Vixen from my last visit. I’m definitely curious to see what they’ve in store for tonight.
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Vivienne smiled, caring with her a black box, wrapped carefully with a white bow. Inside was a diamond necklace, and a diamond bracelet.  She smiled warmly, nodding her head. “That is so kind, my dear. You look absolutely stunning, and I hope my taste will serve you well.” She held out the box, “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
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I know I speak for the three of us when I say a big thank you for all showing up tonight. There’s no point celebrating a birthday if the people who matter aren’t around to do it with you. I mean, I’m not saying we can’t party on our own, because we definitely can…but you guys brings gifts, so…
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…I think I’m kidding.
Everyone make sure to enjoy their night, okay? The first round is on me!
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Vivienne’s dogs: Sarge and Delta. Both are military trained, and highly intelligent. Vivienne has been in contact with their former owners, and has offered both retired veterans places on her personal security team. Of course she has, she’d never want to separate pups from their owners.
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Cool Mom: A Vivienne Hathaway moodboard.
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Vivienne nodded. She understood. Of course she understood. Charlie and Cece were likely freaking out. Vivienne was calm, but she was concerned. “You need time away from the club, regardless of what’s happening, pacing around the place won’t give you new details, darling.” She sighed some, and got up, moving to guide Charlie into a chair.
“Tea. Drink it.” She instructed, nodding to the warm cup of tea. “And stay the night. It’s been too long since you’ve slept here. You’re taking a break.” She commanded, not considering no to be an option.
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To say that Charlene was stressed and borderline pissed off was laughably the biggest understatement to how she felt at the moment.  She found herself aimlessly driving around Anderson Island, trying to let off steam, but driving with idiots on the road only made her angrier.  So now she was at her mother’s house, hoping to let off steam, or maybe even sit in silence.
Seeing the forced smile, Charlie let out an unamused smile, settling into a seat near the window.  “I don’t know…I needed to get away from the club I guess,” she said, looking at the sparkling city lights below.  “I’ve lived there for the past month trying to figure out what to do.”
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Vivienne’s brow arched at his use of her first name. Any other time she’d have a snarky remark about his manners, or lack thereof. Today her face was unreadable. She nodded, pushing her chair back and rose. She took her purse from the hook, and glanced at him. “I don’t suppose you were involved with this accident, were you Gregory?” She asked, already putting blame on him. Vivienne was the lioness, her cubs weren’t injured without repercussion, and if Greg was responsible, she’d make sure he paid dearly for it.
“Perhaps Theresa didn’t answer your calls because she has better company to speak to.” She added, an offhand remark. She walked, heels clicking against the floor as she nodded for Greg to follow her. “Marcelo, have the car pulled around for me, and I want you to contact Theresa, and Everett. If he’s busy, Theresa is fine. I want four of you to stay at the hospital, am I clear? If anything happens to my grandchild, your job will be the least of your concern.” She threatened, walking quickly, not caring if Greg was keeping up or not.
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“Vivienne. Listen, there’s something I need to tell you. There’s been an accident. Honor, she’s in the hospital. I tried dialing her mother but I couldn’t reach anyone so I thought I’d come here.”
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Vivienne rubbed her temples. The Vixens were being killed off, she was concerned for her daughters sake, and for the girls if she were being honest. Not only that but she had her sons to worry about, and god knew what was going on with her grandchildren. Her headache with Launceston seemed to be growing by the day, though business was going well, her children had enough problems for all of them. She flipped through the paperwork she’d been pouring over, growing more and more irritated with the idiocy on every page. Was no one capable of answering a few simple questions? 
She glanced up, forcing what could pass as a polite smile. “Is there something I can help you with? I sincerely hope you haven’t come all the way over here without a sincere reason?”
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“I’m beginning to wonder if my children have forgotten where I live. Busy or not, I miss those little ducklings, perhaps they ought to come home every once in a while.” 
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New bodyguards were just one of the many pluses of the deal Vivienne had made. She was elated. There was nothing better than securing a good deal, especially one of this size and importance. She had missed home, but business meant getting your hands dirty from time to time. She’d washed her hands clean now, and was ready for Launceston. 
It had been quite some time since Vivienne had felt so at peace. There was comfort in months of negotiations being finished, in a deal she was happy with being secured. She’d made the decision not to fly into Launceston International. Instead, she’d gone to an airport a few hours away, deciding to be driven the rest of the way. She’d paid attention, though she had been away from the city.
Her little birds had sang for her, telling her of rather unfortunate news for the airport. She wasn’t in the mood to take risks. She’d had enough adrenaline in making the deal. Her husband would be proud, surely. She’d also taken enough risks in her incident before leaving Launceston for a bit to finish the deal. Risks in making deals were one thing, risks over her life were different. She had her little ducks to keep in a row. It was time to be firmer. She had what she needed, things were falling into place, her children would too.
She sipped her tea, sitting back in the seat as they drove, the familiar sights of Launceston soon coming into view. Her eyes landed on one person in particular and a smile formed on her lips. She hadn’t intended to discuss business so soon back in the city, but she wouldn’t turn it down. Plus, business often mixed with pleasure.
She rolled the window down, the car slowing beside the person. “Would you like to ride, dear?” She offered, her voice more of a command than a request, though the option to decline was made clear by her soft smile. 
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
“Ms. Alliot, forgive me. That was terribly rude, I didn’t realize it was you. Please, sit. Can I get you anything? Tea, water, coffee, wine?” She offered, her eyes sweeping over the woman, checking for her own injures. “I’m quite alright, dear. Thanks to you. Are you alright?”
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I won’t take much of your time. Actually I’ll be rather quick, I just wanted to make sure you were alright, Mrs.Hathaway.
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
“My patience is incredibly limited today, dear. Whatever you need, please come out with it or leave.”
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
Vivienne smiled, watching Honor get comfortable. She nodded, gesturing to the maid. “Would you please get one hot cocoa, a new tea, and some cookies from the kitchen? Thank you, dear.” She instructed, watching the woman go off to get their treats. She sighed, looking at her granddaughter.
“It’s nothing to concern you, darling. Security is merely a safety measure. Needless risks are not wise. Things will return to normal and calm down shortly.” She promised. “Now, you certainly didn’t come to visit because you were aware of increased security, so what can I do for you darling?” She asked.
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Hathamansion || Open to Hathas
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
Vivienne was informed rather quickly that Theresa had arrived, though the poor man sounded a bit distraught. Curious, she’d have to ask Theresa about that. She turned, nodding to her men to step back a bit as Theresa entered the room. A warm smile formed on her lips as she returned the hug to her daughter-in-law. “Start a war? Without you? Never. When the time comes to wage war in this city, you can sleep peacefully knowing I consider you a top rank soldier.” She teased. 
She stepped back, moving to sit on the couch and gestured for Theresa to join her. She nodded, “There is an increase in security. I went to get coffee earlier, I planned to visit Cecelia when there was a drive-by shooting.” She explained, knowing Tess could handle the truth. “I’m fine, as you can clearly see. A woman knocked me to the ground. She was shot, I took her to the hospital though Lord knows if the poor girl stayed. She seemed very reluctant.” She admitted. “Maya Alliot, does that name mean anything to you?” She asked. 
Vivienne raised a brow, “Is that so? Well, I will not take any risks. He will be transferred at the very least, perhaps a lesson in faces would do him well.” She sighed. “I apologize, that should not have happened. You know you are family and you are always welcome in this home.” She added. “Would you like tea, darling? Perhaps coffee, wine? Something to eat?” She offered as she reached over, lifting the steaming cup to her lips for a drink.
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Hathamansion || Open to Hathas
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
Vivienne had been informed the moment Honor arrived at the gate that her granddaughter was there. She moved back to sit on the couch, lifting the tea cup to her lips as she waited, knowing it would take Honor a bit longer to get in the house than usual. It was standard security protocol, but it still had her thinking. She would call Edward when Honor left, he would have his own opinions on security, and she wanted to hear them.
She smiled, seeing Honor enter the room. “Hello darling, everything is alright. There was a minor incident at a coffee shop earlier, I’m fine, but security will be a bit more alert just for a bit.” She explained. “Come, sit with your nan. Would you like tea?” She asked.
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Hathamansion || Open to Hathas
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
Hathamansion || Open to Hathas
Vivienne had taken the woman’s advice in going home. Her security team had insisted on it anyway, and frankly there wasn’t anywhere else she wanted to go at that moment. Maya Alliot. She’d gone over the name in her head a dozen times as she sat in the living room, a blanket over her legs and an untouched cup of tea beside her. The woman had seemed almost angered by Vivienne’s concern, which only brought more concern to the elderly woman. She hadn’t wanted to drop her off in Harlow, simply because it seemed wrong. Why would anyone drop off an injured woman on the side of the road and just hope they actually received the help they needed? Vivienne couldn’t accept that. 
She sighed, sitting back as she made some phone calls. She wasn’t going to call every single one of her children. It wasn’t that big of a deal. She did, however, call Ethan and Cecelia. Security had been increased and placed on high alert. Guards stood in the living room alongside Vivienne, as well as throughout the grounds, and the gates were shut and locked. Vivienne had gone ahead and placed orders to allow only family through the gates.
She stood up, noticing the guards adjust as she did. Maya Alliot. What did she know about Maya Alliot? Nothing. That would have to change. Many things would have to change. Launceston was going to force her hand one way or another. 
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
There was a sense of fear in Vivienne. She knew she was not untouchable. She was not naive, or foolish, enough to believe she was invincible. Yet, all she could think about was how her husband had been shot, how she would be leaving her children behind, fatherless and motherless, and she would not allow it. She refused. 
Vivienne looked at Maya, shaking her head. Her face was filled with what could only be described as motherly concern. This woman had protected her, had risked her own life in the process. This woman was someone’s daughter. She would not be responsible for taking that away from someone. “Drop you off in Harlow? Darling..I am not sure what kind of woman you believe me to be, but absolutely not.” She answered, turning to her driver. “The hospital. Now.” She insisted, again. 
She took a breath, “Maya Alliot..” Vivienne repeated. “Thank you. You did not need to do that, but I am eternally grateful, and I assure you, I will return your kindness with kindness of my own.” She answered. She was trying to remain calm, but it was still a bit overwhelming, after all, it wasn’t every day she was shot at, even in Launceston. There were calls to make, questions to be answered, and they would be, but her first concern was Maya. Perhaps it was because she had lost her own daughter that she felt so strongly about making sure the woman was properly cared for, or perhaps it was because Vivienne was in fact a decent human being. 
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Vous Protéger || Maya & Viv
Everything inside her told her not to stop. It did’t matter that she wasn’t being paid to protect Vivienne Hathaway. Both women had been trapped in the cross fire and Maya had took it upon herself to assure both of them survived. Her feet slapped against the pavement, head snapping back to assure no one behind them. When the door flung open Maya skidded to a stop. Instinct telling her that it could be a trap but Vivienne seemed to know the face on the other end.Maya’s head snapped back assuming that no one was there. She waited until Vivienne was in the car before climbing in herself. Her chest heaved up and down as she fought to catch her breath. How the hell shoots up a cafe? She scuffed softly rolling her eyes. Just another day in Launceston. Her thoughts were pulled away from her own ramblings and focused on Vivienne. Maya knew she hadn’t been hit. She would have seen it. 
Maya registered the questions. The ones directed at Vivinne Hathaway and then the ones directed at herself. She shifted in the leather seat. Green eyes flickering towards the woman she had just saved. She wanted to laugh of all people she was sitting beside Vivienne Hathaway.  “I know.” Her words were short and to the point. Maya’s hand came up and to her left arm. Fingers moved to feel the wound. Entry. No exit. Maya however had been shot enough to know that the damage wasn’t bad. She’d take it out later. When the woman said the word hospital Maya’s eyes shot up. “Jenkin’s No.” Maya wiped her hands on her pants. “Mrs. Hathaway, I’ll be alright.  Its nothing I can’t handle. You can just drop me off in Harlow. I have a friend there. He’ll help me.”
Her wound wasn’t a bid deal. What was however was that she saved Vivienne Hathaway. The woman was damn lucky that Maya was there. Not that she would ever say it outloud. When the women asked her name Maya’s eyemet hers. “Maya..Maya Alliot.”
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hathawayvivienne-blog · 10 years
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Oh dear, you are not off to a good start, Mr. Hennessy. You know full well who I am. Do not waste my time. I’m a very busy woman, and I haven’t got all day. I’m going to keep this simple. What are your intentions with my granddaughter? 
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One and only and may I ask who it is that I’m talking too. 
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