heleftmelikethis · 6 years
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
Cryin alone in my bedroom
All I can think is about you
How come we never figured it out
We both had the world in our hands
I gave you every piece of me
And you gave me very little of you
You always turned your back
Always turned your back on me
Then, you'd come cryin to me
Hey baby, I'm sorry, I miss you
Please work it out with me
Baby, I'm sorry don't leave me
Baby, come back, don't leave me
We'd have the time of our lives
You'd take me out
You'd show me how to live life to the fullest
Yeah we could take over the world
Take over the world, you and me baby
But then you'd go and pick a fight
I don't even know why you thought that I might
Go on forever fighting you back
We'd break up, you'd leave
I'd call you, you wouldn't answer
I'd tell you I'm done and I wish you the best
But babe
Then, you'd come cryin to me
Hey baby, I'm sorry I miss you
Please come work it out with me
Baby, I'm sorry don't leave me
Baby, come back, don't leave me
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
I think what hurts the most is the fact that you ended things so abruptly. I spent our entire relationship trying to get you to understand how important goodbyes are to me... How every time you ever tried to leave in the middle of the night without telling me it would end with separating because of the conflict it brought. Because of the pain it brought. I've spent my whole life in temporary homes.. Loving temporarily.. Each time with more intensity and passion. And by the time you had me By the time you tried me out I had already been abandoned so many times. You were my anchor .. But you cut me loose, you didn't even bother doing it with care. You treated me as if we didn't just spend a year of our lives together. As if we didn't have the most powerful connection we ever had before. As if it didn't seem like one helluva lifetime... That's when you became a stranger to me. When you started acting like I wasn't the love of your life Like I wasn't your soulmate. So you became a different person, you were no longer my soulmate, either. And then I was nothing but a play thing to you.. Something you could toss around and fuck and manipulate and then call it "sexy" And when I told you it wasn't sexy... I became the bad guy. I hurt your feelings by expressing  my feelings. By voicing the ways in which you hurt me.. I became your worst enemy Your super villain And that's when you died.
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
This one's for you
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
She Waited
Sitting in the classroom
Listening to the rain
Feeling the thunder
She waited
Poised in the front seat
Soothing herself with music
Stoplights slowing her down
She waited
Anxious on the bed
Pets by her side
Netflix keeping her busy
She waited
Until along came a text message
One that would get her hopes up
And then crush them all at once
She waited
Nights of movies and long talks
Intimate exchanges of words
And the most powerful of touches
She waited
Body tremors
Tummy aches
And sleepless nights
She waited
And so much more
He was the one
The one who changed her life
The one who she thought helped her grow
And the one who she wished treated her so
So she waited
Until she realized
What she was waiting for
Was gone
Long before she came around
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
Killer Butterfly
Why do I feel this way when I think about you ?
It’s like there are killer butterflies in my tummy
Trying to find their way out
At first it’s just a flutter or two or three
Innocent and happy thoughts
And then it stirs
As the situation circles in my head
It twirls
It turns
Until I shoo it away with smoke
A remedy that manages to numb the pain
Just for a little while
I climb higher and higher
Searching for relief
Sometimes I’m high enough to forget everything
Sometimes I’m lucid enough to feel everything
There’s not really an in between
Because in between was preoccupied with our relationship
You see, we were in limbo, you and me
Fighting the tide as it brought is in, closer, together
Then out, washing us away
I know your reasons for bringing us out to sea
I felt the ocean mist in every touch
But baby the waves were too strong
I was drowning in search of your love
You kept guiding me to the surface only to then let me slip under again
Sending me back into the waves where I was lost in the first place
I don’t blame you for not knowing what to do
Hell, I hadn’t known what to do with myself for years
But see, that’s where I came in
I was to guide you as you guided me in this crazy world
We were supposed to venture the earth’s terrain
Overcome the tallest of mountains
Swim past our sea of troubles
That was up to you
You saw the possibilities
You knew where I stood
Baby, you were supposed to take my hand
But you decided to let go
You watched me go under
And you helped it pull me down
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
Her footsteps were heavy as she headed for the door
After such a wonderful night, she hoped he would ask her to stay..
Each step she took closer to the door
Closer to the car
A fallen petal...
A hug goodbye
An empty flower
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
She felt empty inside
She could almost feel the cobb webs forming
As she searched for something inside
She looked deeper and deeper
And found her heart broken in pieces
Shattered inside her rib cage
Like she had been pushed
And shoved
And beaten
Slowly withering to bone
Every person that stepped foot in her heart
Left scars and damage beyond repair
So now every person she meets
She’s faced with caution and indecision
She has put her trust in too many
Her unconditional love has been felt by the wrong souls
Aren’t they lucky..
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
She felt the thunder in her chest
The booming from the bass reminding her how her heart felt
Reminding her of the moment she realized it was all over
The second everything changed
Visions of that night flashing vividly in her head
As if it were happening again
And again
And then it happened again..
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
Even when you were sweet, you weren’t sweet enough
A poem from when we still thought we had a chance..
“What Pleasure”
She cracked the door before stepping into the hot shower
Hoping the cat might push it open..
As she washed her hair, lathering soap with her eyes closed
She imagined him noticing the door open..
An invitiation ?
Would he come in to check on her?
And turn that into checking her out?
Would he ask to join her?
Maybe he would come in and rescue her from the silence, from the wounds he created
They would enjoy a wonderful, hot shower...
Hands on each other’s bodies
Fingers running through each other’s hair
She’d be so glad that he had brought her dream back to life...
Thanking him with pleasure
And then, as the water turned cold
She felt her heart reach the same temperature..
As she noticed the door still in place, just as she left it
And him, still where he had been before
-ADaisy...Did I ever have a Donald?
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
I remember those night in your car
The ones where we would sit for hours, losing track of time
Where we would dance with the idea of us actually working out
I’m haunted by your car, now
I’m haunted by you
And that’s just what you wanted, isn’t it ?
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
I can’t even say that I knew you loved me...
Because you were a damn good liar
Each time you did something sweet,
I would make excuses for all the not-so-sweet
“That wasn’t really him doing that”
“He didn’t mean to hurt me”
But then you got too comfortable
You were turned on by me
And not just physical me..
No, not just the one you took advantage of
You were turned on by me
Not just the idea of me
Just the idea of being superior to me
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
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'Silenced Lips' -ADaisyWithNoDonald
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
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heleftmelikethis · 7 years
I felt like you were searching for a reason to break up... I've fought for you for so long. But I've been pushed under the water and brought back up so many times that I can't breathe anymore. It's too difficult. Every time I think I'm in the clear, I try to take a deep, lasting breathe, only to find your hand above my head pushing down again. I don't like the way you make me feel. At times, you make me feel like we can't be defeated. We're unstoppable and invincible. But then you make me feel like nothing. Like a burden. Like I don't matter. I can't handle having a bipolar relationship. I have enough of that to deal with in my own mind.
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