helloiamcrow 1 year
The People Love Me
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helloiamcrow 1 year
"What's all the ruckus?"
Voice from under tree. Look down.
Angry cat.
Hate cats.
"What are you little morsels up to?"
Call back. Not that it's any cat's business, but using smartphone, look for tiny human who lose stuffed rabbit. Jackdaw and Parakeets friends help.
"A tiny human? Do you know where they are?"
Heading to high-street, say.
Cat smile. "You're in luck. I think I may have seen a very upset looking tiny human on the high street a few minutes ago!"
Jump! Flap! Flap with joy!
Cat give directions to shop where tiny human seen. Thank, and jackdaw friend and I lift off.
Getting close now!
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Land to rest at fork in road before crossroad. Not far from high street now. *beep beep* "Huehuehue!" Odd sound. Look around, jackdaw friend and I see parakeet in tree! Bit outside usual territory, parakeets usually stay in parks. Parakeet pecking at large rectangle. See humans play with lots of times. Smart-phone they call it. If so smart, maybe can help us find tiny human? Ask Parakeet if will lend smartphone? Him laugh, "Huehuehue!" Hops off smartphone, beckons to use. Peck. Peck. Pe- MUSIC! Parakeet and jackdaw friend startled, fly to next branch. Almost join them. Feel strangely bold now.
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helloiamcrow 1 year
K'aalright, rested now, time to fly on! Need to hurry if going to get stuffed rabbit to tiny human on time.
Still a bit far to go to reach high street.
"Kragh! Wait up friend!"
Flapping sound, look. Another jackdaw land by me. Older, but seems friendly. Ask what wants.
"Look a bit frazzled, friend. I help?"
Ponder. Could use a bit of help. Nod, and pass stuffed rabbit. he can carry for now.
"Will come with you a bit. Where headed?"
High street, say.
"I know where! Come, we fly together!"
New friend on journey. Nice feeling.
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helloiamcrow 1 year
K'whats this? Words scratched in dirt by roadside. Looks like clawmarks of a rook.
"Friend rat being chased by stray cats, last seen near streetlamp on corner of 12th and Main Street. Can someone help?"
12th and Main not far from high street, may have to stop by to help afterwards.
Wings a bit tired though, time to get hopping!
Gwaaah! Ground still slippery from rain earlier, slipped right on my tailfeathers!
Having a rough time of it, time to stop and take a preen break...
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Away me fly! Up street past shopping centre, but ripped feathers causing trouble a bit.
Caught in head wind. Better slow down a bit.
Ka-hmmmm, feeling a bit peckish.
Search around, but nothing good. Looks like going hungry today...
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Try to take off, but wing hurt!
Wing feathers caught between planks of bin. Tug and tug, no good. No humans notice, and no other birds around. No help coming.
Kaahhh... no choice.
A few missing wingfeathers later, finally free. Try to preen feathers back into place, but no luck. Might make flying a bit tricky...
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Reach corner of street. See something.
K'ah, something shiny! Long, black, button on top, glass tip. I press...
Kawwoww! Tip light up red, little red dot on other side of street! Powerful, very useful for signal other birds?
Ugh, focus Artie! Shiny very nice, but gotta stay focused on task at hand. Tiny human counting on me.
Leave shiny tucked under bin. Maybe come back for another time, when not already carrying stuffed rabbit and photo. More important.
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Am hopping down road past shopping centre, bird flies down in front of me. Elder, ol' jackdaw, many grey feathers. Much respect.
Asks if I can help with something. Apparently local window cleaner sad about something. Other birds notice. Suggests bring window cleaner nice twig. Everybirdy like nice twigs. Says will give me old wallet if do this for him.
K'hmm, tempting offer, but have to say no. Sad window cleaner is issue for sure, but focused on returning stuffed rabbit to tiny human. Ol' Jackdaw understand, fly away, other birds will help.
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Legs stop next to bench. Kaww! Human suddenly stoops down, scares me tailfeathers off!
Human stare at me. Grizzled old human, dark skin, short beard, big belly. Hat. Badge on jacket have same shape as picture on buses. Him bus driver?
"Hello there little guy! You okay?"
Am not sure about human. Some humans nice but not always. Some kick, some throw things. But him not throw. Not kick. Him holding umbrella.
"C'mon little guy, let's get you somewhere nicer."
Steps aside, holding umbrella above. I step out from under bench. Am not wet, am dry! Umbrella keep rain off. Human is helping me?
Human walks along path by road. Hop alongside human. Other humans look, laugh. Bus driver human not laugh, but smile. Him head into shopping centre. Know better than to follow. Humans not want bird in shopping centre. Human wave back.
Am thinking him new favourite human.
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Ka-kaaaagh! Rain! Can't travel in rain, not on cold day like today. Photo might get ruined!
Small bench by road, might be dry under there!
Under bench. Human legs walking past, trying to find shelter. Shake water off feathers. Too cold to fly right now. Not good, can't see bus anymore. Will have to travel to high street, hope for best. Might see tiny human if hurry.
K'ah well. At least tummy full of bread.
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helloiamcrow 1 year
See something...oh, old photo on ground. Hear from old crows about these. Used to be very popular with humans. Nowadays mostly keep photos on phones. But sometimes see humans with funny cameras that spit out photos.
Human in picture looks...familiar...
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Am hungry. Need food before big journey. Land by road between park and shopping centre. Always good food around here. Hop around a bit until...yes! Ka Kaww! Bread crust! Sandwich shop in this side of shopping centre, Always good scraps.
Mmm, good day today, crust from granary roll!
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Another morning in city park. Bright crisp dry day, but very cold too. Stretch wings out, ready to start day. Open beak to sing in the morning...
"Ka kaw, ka k...oh!"
Tiny human with big humans at little sign by road. "BUS STOP" says sign. Bus come by, humans get on, but tiny human drop something. Soft toy shaped like bunny. Big humans and tiny human not notice. Won't end well for sure.
Bus goes off. Sign on front say "High Street". Maybe can follow bus, give toy back. Make tiny human happy, get shinies!
Open wings. Flap a bit to test winds. Not too heavy winds, flying easy. Let's go!
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helloiamcrow 1 year
Hello! I am Artie, a Jackdaw. Am only young fledgling, but already good at finding way around and making friends. I live in big city, Nest in Park, in big tree by pond. Many humans.
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