hemanleonard · 10 months
कैसे एक अच्छे दिन के बाद
इतना अकेलापन
लग सकता हैं?
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hemanleonard · 5 years
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hemanleonard · 5 years
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reblog if you ever felt like this
message me if you need anything also side note subscribe to my youtube channel cause im depressed as shit and it would make me less awful; channel name is Jordan Walsh
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hemanleonard · 5 years
trying on clothes is really hard when you hate yourself. liking someone is really hard when you hate yourself. eating is really hard when you hate yourself. life is really hard when you hate yourself
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hemanleonard · 5 years
Important fact I learned somewhere that has been a serious life safer:
Your own saliva will remove a stain of your own blood.
I learned this in costuming as a tip for in case a male actor gets a bit of blood on his shirt from shaving and MY first thought was ‘what about menstruation blood tho’?
it totally works
if you are a uterus-owner please PLEASE remember this tip! You get a sudden stain on your pants? You got a spot on your fave white undies? You out in public with your friends and you spot and you can’t elegantly bail to change clothes cause you happen to be in fucking disneyland? (seriously it happened to me)
while the blood is still wet literally spit as much saliva as you can on the spot and work it into the fabric with your fingers then dab with toliet paper. This obviously works best with small spots but can lessen the darkness/colour on a larger spot if you do it right. Obvs your clothes will still need to be washed but its a LIFESAFER in tight situations!!! Pass this info along!!!
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hemanleonard · 5 years
Anxiety would be the death of me.
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hemanleonard · 5 years
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Art By IG: @frank.kunert.photography
Oyna kazan ipucu Instagram: @artwoonz
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hemanleonard · 5 years
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Collage Art by Uğur GallenShare
For more: artwoonz.com
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hemanleonard · 5 years
She and he and she he and he she and they.
“She struggled with her sadness, but tried to conceal it, to divide it into smaller and smaller parts and scatter these in places she thought no one would find them.”
— Nicole Krauss
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hemanleonard · 5 years
As a generation, we don’t have motivation, we have coping mechanisms.
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hemanleonard · 5 years
Gentle reminder
It’s okay if you take time to heal yourself and you can’t focus all of your energy on school, work or other things while you’re doing that - please just try your best, and take care of yourself
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hemanleonard · 5 years
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Did you know that modern C sections were invented by African women— centuries before they were standard elsewhere?
Midwives and surgeons living around Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria perfected the procedure hundreds of years ago. When a baby couldn’t be delivered vaginally, these healers sedated the laboring mother using large amounts of banana wine. They tied the mother to the bed for safety, sterilized a knife using heat, and made the incision, acting quickly as a team to prevent excessive blood loss or the accidental cutting of other organs. The combination of sterile, sharp equipment and sedation made the procedure surprisingly calm and comfortable for the mother.
After the baby was delivered, antiseptic tinctures and salves were used to clean the area and stitches were applied. Women rarely developed infections, shock, or excessive blood loss after a cesarean section and the most common problem reported was that it took longer for the mother’s milk to come in (an issue that was solved with friends and relatives who would nurse the baby instead).
In Uganda, C sections were normally performed by a team of male healers, but in Tanzania and DRC, they were typically done by female midwives.
The majority of women and babies survived this, and when questioned about it by European colonists in the mid-1800s, many people in Uganda and Tanzania indicated that the procedure had been performed routinely since time immemorial.
This was at a time when Europeans had only barely started to figure out that they should wash their hands before performing surgery, when nearly half of European and US women died in childbirth, and when nearly 100% of European women died if a C section was performed.
Detailed explanations of Ugandan C-sections were published globally in scholarly journals by the 1880s and helped the rest of the world learn how to save mothers and babies with minimal complications.
So if you’re one of the people who wouldn’t be alive today without a C-section, you have Ugandan surgeons and Tanzanian and Congolese midwives to thank for their contributions to medical science.
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hemanleonard · 6 years
How you need to end your day today:)
Body positivity -how I started to love myself
One thing that truly helped me to feel better about myself was a mindset I want to introduce today. 
Before you read it though I want to say: really think about it before you try it. It might not be good for everyone, especially not if you suffer with mental illness, eating disorder or your self-body-image is so bad it’s unheatlhy. This is something that helped me personally, but I am no expert and I don’t want to hurt you.
I want you to look into a mirror and brace yourself because this will be very unpleasant for a while. I want you to look at each part of your body you hate and say why do you hate it.
Go through every single one.
Now start over but to each reason why, add the word “but”.
I hate my legs because they’re really big and short, but…
Now work with that sentence starter. Finish the sentence with something nice about the body part. Something you like.
I hate my eyes because they’re really small, but they’re green and that’s my favourite colour.
Do this with every body part you mentioned before. 
When you’re done, it’s time for the third round. Now I want you to erase the first part, erase the “hate”. It is time to focus on love.
Go over your body one more time and say things you love about it. Write them down and read them again and again and again. Transform the hate into love with these sentences.
I have green eyes, they’re my favourite colour.
I have big legs, they’re very strong.
I have a larger tummy, it’s so soft.
I have large shoulders, I’m intimidating.
I’m short, I’m tiny, cute, bite-sized.
Please love everything about yourself, because there’s so much to love.
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hemanleonard · 6 years
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hemanleonard · 6 years
“YOU ARE SO BLESSED If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who won’t survive the week… If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 20 million people around the world… If you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than almost three billion people in the world… If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world… If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy… If your parents are still married and alive, you are very rare, especially in todays society. If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not… If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them or even touch them on the shoulder, you are blessed because you can offer God’s healing touch… If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read anything at all…”
— Unknown (via naturaekos)
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hemanleonard · 6 years
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“This photograph is my proof. There was that afternoon, when things were still good between us, and she embraced me, and we were so happy. It did happen. She did love me. Look for yourself.” This is my proof, Duane Michals, 1974
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hemanleonard · 6 years
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