herfiles · 5 years
i have been in this situation one too many times that i would like to admit in all honesty, and it fucking sucks! it’s like i’m playing a game and i haven’t even been told what the rules are yet, and it just cuts deep. my first relationship ever, we fell in love like normal right? well half way through the relationship i just ended up being the only one even in love and it just felt like a “what did i do wrong?” kind of situation for awhile, what was worse is that i kinda just let it go on for more than it should have. i knew for months that he had fallen out of love with me but i still stayed in this relationship because i thought it was my fault and i was searching and looking at myself for any possible reasoning that may have caused this to have happened. what killed me....was that when i finally realized that it wasn’t my fault and i had wasted time looking at myself as if i was the issue when the issue was just a plain fact. he didn’t love me like he used to, and there wasn’t much to change that fact. 
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Stella - All Time Low
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herfiles · 5 years
Gratitude: recognize the good in your life.
(via motivated-mindset)
definitely want to keep this in mind as i continue to grow into the woman i want to be in 2020 
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herfiles · 5 years
2020 Dream Board
Here is my 2020 dream board!
1. Hobbies
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i am a dancer and it is sadly my last year dancing for my high school competitive dance team so hopefully my college has a dance team, when i visited i did not hear of one but hopefully there is, if not i can always do it on my own time :)
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i LOVE photography and i hope to buy my own camera some time so i can continue taking pictures with an actual nice camera and post those photos here to share :D
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i have been writing poetry and stories since 7th grade which was a long ass time ago (2014 to be exact) and i have been slacking, i admit i’ve been slacking on my writing but i hope to re-continue some of written works and possibly start new one’s. 
2. My YouTube Channel and Personal Blog
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so i want to start an official yt channel and actually post videos and do stuff, so i’ll be getting around to doing that, i’ve already created a business email and everything so im excited. yt’s always been a really nice past time and its great platform (to an extent) for content creators soooo hopefully i get around to making my first video soon!
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so as you can see i’ve started my own personal blog so i can check this off my 2020 dream board but i’ve always wanted something kinda like this where i can post,share my personal life (not 2 personal tho) feelings, opinions with other people who don’t necessarily know me personally and i can hear what they think and you get the point so this is gonna be fun.
3. Body Goals
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so it’s been my goal for awhile, and i’m sure it’s been everyone’s new years resolution at least once to “lose weight” i’ve been on a weight loss journey since 2013, and i’ve been through many ups and downs along the way including two eating disorders (which i am currently in recovery for) growing up i’ve always been on what people now call the “thicker” side, so i want to slim out my waist and stomach and get my booty a little more firmer ig. My waist has slimmed out due to my e.d’s  but i wanna do this in a more healthy way. 
4. Luxury Items
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i have always been a big fan of Coco Chanel, she is such an inspirational woman and i’ve watched so many documentaries about her and i just love her, so i want to buy some chanel products, especially for my birthday. i want to buy a pair of chanel stud earrings for my 18th birthday (with my own money) and possibly invest in a chanel bag and/or the chanel #5 perfume.
5. Piercings
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i want to get more ear piercings lmaoo XD that’s it for this one
6. Closet
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now that i’m moving away from the nest and going into college very soon, i will be donating a lot of my clothes that i dont want anymore to a goodwill maybe, and that means starting up a new closet, so i am currently browsing and looking around for clothes that are more of my style or really a style that’s more personalized. 
7. Tattoos
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i’ve been thinking and planning my first tattoo for two years, now that sounds fucking ridiculous...because it is lmaoo XD but i’ve been changing my idea of what i want my first tattoo to be and where i want it and what ink color i wanted it to be but i finally know what i want and where i want to put it so now its all about going in for a consultation with an artist that does best with im looking for and seeing what we can come up with and then actually getting it done.
8. Hair Goals
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i’ve been cutting my hair a lot recently so i want to start growing my hair back out now and leaving it long lmaoo, wish me good luck with this one
9. Personal Library
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i love to read, so i now want to build a more personalized library of classic books and all of my favorites. maybe i’ll make a whole couple of posts of what’s in it or what’s to come
10. Concerts
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there is more than a couple people that i would love to see in concert, so if those certain people do go on tour or hold concerts anywhere near me i def want to go to them, but in general i love going to concerts and willing to go to any concert really with some friends :D
11. Electronics 
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i knew that you knew this was gonna be on here at some point lmao, well here it is, i want to buy a new phone for myself (also with my own money) and get a pair of air pods and a new laptop for college, simple as that ig. but very expensive so wish my bank account luck!
12. Travel
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yes of course this is also on the dream board like the million other girls who make these lmaoooo, but its true i really want to travel and im planning for a trip to toronto, canada possibly, maybe a trip to harry potter world OR disneyland XD don’t make fun of me for these pls 
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