hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
Part II
The next day, Harry looked out of his dormitory window at the surprisingly, almost cloudless sky. Harry had one hour of free time before dinner that came rarely in his busy sixth year schedule and he wanted to take advantage of it. He gathered his broomstick and sweatshirt and headed down to the Quidditch pitch.
Harry wondered vaguely on his way there if Malfoy would be down at the pitch again today, but he waved the thought away. Why should he be worried if Malfoy was there? Why should he care? But a little part deep inside of Harry was still worrying.
As he got nearer and nearer the pitch he saw a small figure flying around. When Harry approached the stadium the figure wizzed by and he saw a flash of white blonde hair. Again, he could hear laughing. Laughing so cheerful that Harry wanted to join in too. He looked up and thought, screw it. So what if Malfoy should be my enemy? I can change that. All sense seemed to fly away like a little snitch that could not be caught.
Harry swung his leg over the Firebolt and kicked off from the ground. The wind whistled in Harry’s ears as he climbed higher and higher. Malfoy hadn’t seemed to notice him yet, but Harry didn’t care. He simply forgot. He forgot about Dumbledore. He forgot about Voldemort. He forgot about being back for dinner. He forgot about everyone and everything. And he forgot about being enemies with Draco Malfoy.
He accelerated on his broom and laughed as well. It felt so good, to be released from the world. He looked around the sky checking for Malfoy. He was on the other end of the pitch and was stopped, watching Harry intently. His hair whipped his face in the wind but he didn’t move. The animated smile was wiped off of his face and his blank eyes simply stared. Harry raised a tentative hand in hello. Malfoy just sat there, still looking. He seemed almost deflated like the happy bubble inside of him was popped. Harry suddenly felt a big wave of guilt wash over him, and his smile also faded. He didn’t mean to have that bubble popped. Harry didn’t know what he had done wrong. Malfoy suddenly swept to the ground, picked up his broom, and started jogging back to the castle. And he started remembering. He remembered Dumbledore. He remembered Voldemort. He remembered being back for dinner. He remembered everyone and everything. And he remembered that Draco Malfoy was supposed to be his enemy.
Harry stared, bewildered, after him, his head filling steadily with doubts and worries and anxiety. A heavy weight seemed to settle on his shoulders that Harry hadn’t noticed until now. He checked his watch. There was still forty five minutes until dinner so Harry decided to stay outside. As he flew half-heartedly around the pitch he thought about Malfoy and how he had acted. Was it him? Or was it just their past? Was it Harry? Or did Draco just want to be alone? That must be it. Said a little voice in Harry’s mind. So he discarded his thoughts on Malfoy for the time being.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
The Ministry has Fallen
Chapter 9
Wand in hand, Hermione sat, shivering slightly from the wind, just outside of the tent flap. She was so happy that she had found Harry, but where were the others? Where was Ron? Were they all safe? Or were some of them in Azkaban? She pushed the questions into the back of her mind. She couldn’t think of that right now. She had to be focused on the task at hand: protecting the camp.
Hermione glanced wearily about, not daring close her eyes for more than a second if she would succumb to sleep. Her small fire flickered in front of her, and her eyelids started to droop. One part of her brain was telling her, “Stay awake!! You don’t want your camp to be invaded just because you were sleeping!” While the other part said, “You put all of the precautions in place. Your fine. Take a little nap! By all means… it won’t hurt you.” The more and more she tried to ignore the fact that she was tired the more and more tantalizing it seemed to become. Soon, she was dozing off with the logical part of her brain muffled by that of the stupid part.
Hermione had the weirdest dream she had ever had. A book was dancing with her wand in a clearing of the forest, while Harry played the piano. She watched them peacefully for a few minutes until she decided to go find the rest of her friends. Outside of the door she found Ron’s dead body. Next to him was Ginny. Next to her was George. And next to him—her mum and dad. Hermione woke with a start.
Breathing heavily, she lifted herself up from the ground. It was still the middle of the night by the looks of the sky, and her watch told her it was three in the morning. How could she have let herself fall asleep like that! Hermione looked around, and then slipped inside the tent. She could hear Harry’s snores from the other room and went to wake him up. He was sweaty and tangled in his bed sheets. Evidently he was having another bad dream.
“Harry! Harry!!” She shook his shoulder, trying to wake him. “Harry, wake up! It’s your turn for duty!” He jolted upright, almost hitting Hermione in the nose with his forehead.
“W-What?? What happened? Are you alright? Where’s my wand?”
“Harry, calm down. It was just a dream. It’s your turn for duty. Put on some shoes and get out there. You might want to bring a jumper. It’s chilly.”
Harry got out of bed, thanked her, then went in the next room for his jumper and shoes. Hermione sighed and started undressing. After she was in her pajamas she brushed her teeth and climbed into bed. Finally, she tried to forget about her nightmares and went back to sleep.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
Part I
“That was a great practice everyone! Especially you Ron! You were much better this time at blocking that left hoop, keep it up!” Harry yelled enthusiastically at the team as they all went in the changing rooms after a long, wet practice. It had started pouring rain in the middle of it and everyone was now soaked to the bone.
After changing into dry clothes, the team went back up to the castle under umbrellas. Ron hesitated at the doorway, “You coming, Harry?”
“No, I’m going to stay back for a little. You go ahead, I’ll be up in a bit.”
“Alright, mate. Just try and make it up sooner then later because I need you to help me with charms.”
“Okay, I’ll be up in 30 minutes.”
“See you.” Ron waved and went off to the castle.
Harry needed a break from the world. Everything was so chaotic, filled with stress, and he could barely find a break. He just wanted to forget. Harry glanced at his Firebolt and picked it up. He then summoned his broom maintenance kit that Hermione had gotten him three years ago for his thirteenth birthday. Merlin, did time pass quickly, Harry thought.
Harry started to take out the broom polish when he heard a loud, “Whoop!” And a laugh from on the pitch. He paused, listening. More laughing. Harry was very curious about who might be on the pitch since it was so late. Harry grabbed his raincoat and walked outside. He squinted up at the cloudy sky, and there, riding his broom, whooping and laughing like a little kid, was Draco Malfoy.
Harry partly hid himself behind the door to the locker room. He was still watching Malfoy. He seemed so relaxed, so carefree. He didn’t even have his coat on! A broad grin was etched on his face and he looked so happy. Harry didn’t know how he could be, but just watching Malfoy riding around the pitch sparked a little flame inside of him.
Harry started to feel himself smile as well. Malfoy’s smile was so contagious Harry forgot himself. He forgot about Voldemort. He forgot about Dumbledore. He forgot about Ron. He forgot about everyone and everything. He even forgot that he was supposed to be enemies with Malfoy. Harry wanted to be up on his broom riding happily like him, then anything else in the world. He was about to go get his broom when Harry froze. He remembered. He remembered who his enemy was. He remembered Ron. He remembered Voldemort and Dumbledore. He remembered everyone and everything. He hastily escaped the pitch and went up to his dormitory.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
Chapter 8
The Ministry has Fallen
Harry had aparated all the way from New York to Hawaii. How it had happened, he had no idea. Some part of his brain told him it was off the grid so, pop! There he was. Makawao Forest, Maui. It was strangely cool in the forest. Kind of like a little oasis to get away from the heat. If Harry hadn’t been on the run from some crazy wizard then he probably would’ve enjoyed himself.
After he took in his surroundings Harry decided he would spend the night there. He started making the same boundaries that Hermione had put up when Hermione, Ron, and him were on the run together. Godric, he missed his friends, but he couldn’t think about that now. He had to get some wood to build a fire and even more wood and some leaves to build a lean-to. He levitated a stack of wood and leaves back to his camp.
“Incendio.” Harry whispered. Harry sat there warming his hands by the fire and after a few moments there was a pop of apparation behind him.Harry sprang to his feet, wand in hand, ready for another fight. But instead of seeing some more Deatheaters, he came eye to eye with his bushy haired, best friend Hermione.
“Harry!!” Hermione squealed and ran up to give him a hug.
“Hermione?” Harry hesitated. “How do I know you’re not a Deatheater?” He held her back by wand-point. “What was the first thing you ever said to me?”
With a straight face she answered, “‘Has either of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville’s lost one.” She said it perfectly in the same childish tone just as Harry remembered it.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “So it is you!” He embraced her and they stood there for several moments before finally pulling apart. “Sorry about that.” Harry chuckled. “I had to make sure—“
“I know.” Hermione cut him off. “It’s totally fine.” Hermione looked over his shoulder. “But your camp certainly is NOT fine.”
Harry followed Hermione’s gaze to his puny lean-to and his little fire. “Hey! It’s all I got!!”
They burst out laughing. Hermione, still trying to catch her breath, said, “Let me help you with that. Unlike some people,” Hermione pulled out her little pouch from her pocket. “I came prepared.”
She reached her arm into the bag and went shoulder deep before she finally extracted her tent. They got to work assembling it and while they were doing so Hermione exchanged her story with Harry about fighting the two Deatheaters. They both climbed into tent and after sitting down, Hermione began fishing out clothes for the both of them.
“I still have all these from last time.” Hermione informed Harry.
“Good thing. I’ve been wearing these clothes for about two weeks straight and have only washed them twice!”
Hermione crinkled her nose. “Yuck.” She said flatly, staring at him.
“Oh, shut up. It isn’t like I’m wanted by literally everyone in the wizarding and muggle world.” Harry said sarcastically.
“Okay, you got me there. Anyway, I’ve told my story… now it’s your turn. What happened while I was away?”
“Nothing that exciting, I just got recognized in New York City, almost got captured by snatchers, and just managed to escape them.”
“Well you’ve had it rough.”
“I was fine!” Harry tried reassuring her with a wave of his hand.
“I beg to differ. You were living on the streets.”
“Who told you that?”
“Well, look at your face and it’ll answer your question!” Harry subconsciously rubbed his beard. “You look like you haven’t shaven or eaten a good meal in the past week.”
“Hey! That’s a little rude.”
“Well it’s the truth!” They both burst out laughing again. “Alright.” Hermione sat up straight in her chair again. “I think we should get ready for bed. It’s almost sun down.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Harry finally sighed. “Wait.” Harry paused. Shouldn’t someone take watch or something?”
“Oh yeah! You’re right. How about I take first watch you take second watch? You need some good rest.”
Harry gasped. A bad thought had just occurred to him. “Hermione…?” Harry asked tentatively
“Oh no. What is it?” She sounded like she didn’t want to hear what it was.
“If you could apparate into my perimeters then couldn’t other people too?”
Hermione gasped, jumped out of her seat, ran to the door of the tent, and yelled behind her, “I’m going to go set it up! How could I have been so stupid!”
She muttered something else under her breath as she left the tent. Something that sounded a lot like, “Or he had just told me whenever I arrived…”
He put his pajamas on uneasily, always keeping his wand in his hand and his ears open for Hermione’s screams. As Harry was brushing his teeth with a set that Hermione had also brought in her pouch, Hermione came bustling in, looking short tempered.
“Harry, why couldn’t you have told me sooner!” She smacked him on the arm and scolded him further. “We could have been caught!! This is the last time I’m letting you put up the boundaries. I’ll wake you up in a few hours.” Hermione rolled her eyes and walked back out of the tent.
Harry climbed into bed and thought about someone that he hadn’t thought about in a long time. Draco Malfoy. Where was he? Was he safe? Did Voldemort get him? Was he on the run too? Harry caught himself. Why was he thinking about his worst enemy? His school rival. You could even call him his nemesis! But maybe Draco wasn’t as bad as Harry had thought him out to be. He did save Harry from being killed by Voldemort, and he gave him wands so that he and his friends could escape somewhat safely from the manor. Maybe Draco and Harry could be more then enemies? Ex-enemies? Even friends? As Harry thought more and more about this he fell into an uneasy sleep full of nightmares.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
The Ministry Has Fallen
Chapter 7
Woah. Ginny stumbled against a rock wall and held her head. That was crazy. She looked around to make sure nobody had noticed her. Apparently, in Nafplio, Greece, the time is 7:00 am instead of 10:00 pm. Apparating through time zones is not her thing, never was, never will be. She had to keep moving though. The other crazy thing was that she had just bombed Salazar Opera House. There were several important people from the ministry there, and that was perfect, but now there were some pretty bad people chasing after her. As she started walking down the beautiful street, she straightened her leather jacket. She looked around and saw a 20 year old man riding a motorcycle. Jackpot.
“Excuse me, sir?” She said in her most innocent voice. “Could you please help me? My purse just got stolen! It was that guy over there!”
“Of course!” The man has fallen into the trap. As he ran over to the guy she had pointed at, Ginny hopped on his motorcycle and fled the scene. Ginny swerved in between traffic and sped through red lights. Once she could see the waterfront, Ginny knew she had gone far enough. She dropped the motorcycle off and headed toward a cute little inn. The lady at the front desk was nice enough, and come she paid and came to the hotel room, she flopped down on the bed in exhaustion.
She went over the last week in her mind and it was so crazy it tired her out even more. On Monday she had helped Harry and Ron moving muggleborns, on Tuesday she had assisted Luna trying to get out of being arrested, on Wednesday she had found out all of her friends, including her, were wanted for more than 34,000 galleons. Then, on Thursday she had broken up with Harry because, ultimately, she was bisexual, and, to her surprise, so was Harry. They had ended on a good note but it was still a little overwhelming. She hadn’t even been able to admit it to her siblings or parents yet, but now she had told her ex. And today was Friday. What the fuck.
Ginny stood up, walked over to the bathroom, started the shower, got in, and just cried. How pathetic, she thought. How could Ginerva Weasley be crying right now. But, all girls need a cry every now and then. So she let go, and after a few minutes of that she finished up, brushed her teeth, and went to bed. What a messed up world this is.
After she woke up the next morning, she got dressed, brushed her teeth, and left the inn. The sooner she could find out where her friends were the better. Since no one had come for her that night she figured she was safe here for at least today and maybe tomorrow. She walked around and soon enough found an ATM. After she exchanged her English muggle money for Euros, she went jnto a coffee shop and ordered a nice black coffee.
“Excuse me,” she asked the barista, “but do you know what time it is?”
The barista looked down at her watch. “It’s 10:32” she said with a smile.
“Thank you! Have a nice day.” Ginny was astounded at how nice the people in Greece were.
“You too!” The barista called after her.
Well that was a nice start to the day, thought Ginny. The sun was shining, she had her coffee, and no one was chasing after her, for the moment. She went down to the water front and looked around and the beautiful water.
“Wow.” She said in astonishment. The water was breathtaking. It was so clear you could see the bottom and the the sand was white as snow.
“Amazing isn’t it?” Said a familiar voice.
As Ginny turned around she was filled with joy.
“Ronald!!!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms around her big brother.
“Woah!” He said chuckling. “Be careful with that coffee, I think u spilled some down my shirt!”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Well hello to you too.” But she kept holding onto him. Finally, Ron embraced her too and they just stood there. It could have been seconds, minutes, hours, or days, but all that mattered was that’s she had her big brother back.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
be kind. be ridiculously, radically, endlessly kind. be a part of someone’s good day. send nice thoughts, send positive vibes, send support and love and well wishes. be kind. so often we wish for tomorrow to be a good day when we are at our lowest. some sort of sign that it gets better. be a part of that better day for someone. the world does not magically decide that it will be softer on you today, tomorrow, the next day. and sometimes it starts with a message from someone else, maybe a little bit of inner strength to pull yourself up and take a shower, maybe a bit of sunlight makes the day better. but it’s these small things, these soft things that make a day better. so be kind. don’t ever think about being anything other than kind. be a part of someone’s good day because you don’t know how desperate they might be for it. 
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
😕 it’s march 😕
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
The Ministry has Fallen
Chapter 6
Pop! Luna landed right in the middle of a busy street. As she scrambled to get out of the way of a car passing by she quickly grabbed her stomach. If there was one thing Luna hated it was apparition. Every time she did she felt sick and almost always threw up, but she couldn’t now because she was in the middle of the sidewalk with people waking all around her. Oh, and another thing—she was extremely claustrophobic. Well that’s great, Luna thought, now I’m sick and hyperventilating. She had to find a way out of here. Luna made her way up the street and found herself at a very busy roundabout. She took in her surroundings so she could at least see where she had apparated to. Wherever Luna was it was green, colorful, and very busy. Behind her a patch of beautiful trees gazed down at her and there was a humongous building right in front of her, with a light blue roof. Now that she thought about it, the place did seem vaguely  familiar from her childhood. She looked at the street sign above her head and realized that it was Romanian. She had somehow apparated from England all the way to Bucharest, Romania, the capital city that her mom had once taken her when she was six.
As Luna made her way across the street, all of her memories seemed to flow back to her. The signs, the buildings, the trees. It was as though nothing had changed, but she knew that everything had changed. As she continued to walk, not quite knowing where her destination would be, she caught sight of a man and a little girl, that had to be around six years old, appear out of nowhereďżźďżź. The little girl was trembling and the man was enveloping her with his arms, holding the girl close to his chest. As Luna watched, he set down the little girl, looked her in the eye, nodded, and then walk away with the little gurl holding onto his hand tightly. That man looked way too familiar to be a stranger. First of all, the guy just APPARATED. Second of all, she was 99% sure he had went to Hogwarts. And third of all, he had a wand in his back pocket, which was only something one person that Luna knew did. And if she was correct then Luna was in for a big treat. She quickly ďżź pursued the man, waking, speed waking, jogging, then full on running to catch up with him. As Luna weaves in and out of several people it was getting harder, and harder to keep an eye on the man and the girl. Soon enough, the man came to a stop right outside a small inn. Luna followed them inside and took a seat in the lobby. As the man was talking to the ďżźreceptionist Luna noticed that he was fluent in Romanian, which was quite odd if this was the persons he thought it was. Sure enough, as the man turned his head to talk to the little girl, it was Neville Longbottom. Luna was so happy she could have shrieked. She bounced out of her chair, dusted herself off, and began making her way over to the couple.
“Hello, Neville!” Luna said cheerfully. Neville just about jumped out of his skin and all in one move shoved the girl behind him in a protective stance, bumped his head on the counter, and stumbled right into Luna.
“Oh my gosh! Neville, are you okay?” Luna asked kindly while helping Neville back up on his feet.
“I-I’m fine.” Neville assured her. “Is that really you? Gee, I thought I wasn’t going to see anyone else for a really long time. I was so worried about everyone and—“ Neville pauses to take a breath.
“It’s alright Neville. How about you introduce me to this little one?” Luna smiled at the small child cowering behind Neville and waved at her. He turned around and went on one knee to talk to the little girl before getting back up.
Turning to face Luna, he laughed. “She is a bit shy. Her name is Fiona. I rescued her from a couple of death eaters. Her parents are muggles, but she’s already showing some signs of accidental magic, so the death eaters went after her and and her family. Her mum and dad were found dead right before I got to the house a few blocks away so I took her under my wing and apparated us to the first place that popped into my mind.”
Luna gasped. “That’s so sad!” Luna clasped her hands over her mouth and looked at the child with sympathy. The child looked so lost and scared she just wanted to cuddle the little one until she wasn’t anymore. “Does she know what she is yet? Does she know about her parents? Where are you going to take her?”
“She isn’t quite at the age to understand yet, but I’m going tot talk to her once she warms up a little more to me.”
Luna sighed, “Yes, I thought as much.”
“Yeah, only six and lost both of her parents on the same day. I wish there was more I could do to help, but—“ Neville was interrupted by the receptionist.
“Here is your room key, your room number 4.”
“Thanks.” Neville turned back to Luna. “ Of you want you can share a room with us. There is plenty of room. I’m also pretty sure there is a pull out couch along with a twin, and full.”
“Oh, no thanks. I’ll just get my own room. Besides we can talk I’m the morning over coffee. I’m sure your exhausted and need a good nights rest.”
“Alright, then, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Neville questioned, sounding very hopeful.
“Sure! I think there is a coffee shop near here that we can go and get breakfast at with this little cutie.” Luna smiled down fondly at the girl. “How does 10:00 am sound?”
“Brilliant! See you then!”
“Bye!” Luna was very excited for tomorrow and had almost instantly went to sleep once she had gotten her room key.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
How the fuck do actors and actresses spend a year kissing a person for a tv show and then never catch feelings?? Or how do they kiss over and over again on movie set and just be okay with it?? This is the one reason I would not be good at acting for a romance scene.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
The Ministry Has Fallen
Chapter 5
Pop! Draco landed in the middle of a crowded street and stumbled into an alleyway. Draco was out of breath, having just apparated away from his father about five times.
Well, not his father anymore, he thought. He put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He quickly straightened up and looked around. The city was beautiful, old time-y, and grand. Wizarding Avignon, France. Draco cast a quick notice-me-not charm on himself and pulled his tie a little looser. The place was beautiful during the night, but Draco couldn’t waste any time dilly-dallying. He had to get somewhere safe, somewhere hidden. He looked around and noticed he had apparated right next to the water.
Good, he thought, I only have to walk a few blocks to get to the Pailes des Papes. Draco knew from a history of magic class that it used to be a fortress and palace that was the seat of Christianity during the 14th century. That was in sixth year. Two years ago. It was hard to believe that Hogwarts had only been about 1 year ago. It seemed like Draco was all grown up instead of just 18 years old. Sometimes he wished he was still an innocent little 12 year old and his only worry was stupid Potter with his stupid scar and stupid face.
Come to think of it, the only reason Draco was on the run was because of him! Potter had this huge underground operation going on. He was moving muggleborns to safe houses until they reached a series of ships that would be taking them to Canada where they would be farthest away from all this rubbish. After the war at Hogwarts, Draco knew that he couldn’t live his life like that anymore so he turned to Potter and set something up with him. Draco would be a spy for the good guys and relay messages to Potter through animagi. The animagi were people from the order that they could trust. They were little foxes that would come into Draco’s garden every night and he would talk to them. Draco’s father had become suspicious and started keeping a very close eye on Draco and the foxes. One night, after Draco went inside after his usual chat with the foxes, his father followed them to the secret underground tunnel now used for muggleborn transportation. His father went back to the house and questioned Draco about it. He even used veritaserum on his own son to get him to talk. It was a terrible experience and he even threatened to bring The Dark Lord into it. Draco confessed to telling the foxes information and that they were animagi under the influence of veritiserum. His father disowned him for betraying the family and The Dark Lord. Draco ran out of the front door with his father close on his tail. He apparated until he had gotten to Avignon. Draco was now a fugitive.
Draco started on his way through the old houses until he was at the humongous front doors of the Palace of the Popes. He looked up and could see two turrets towering over him. Draco superstitiously cast an alohamora charm on the locked from doors and slipped inside. He cast a lumos and followed the beam of light down the corridors. Draco had once been here with his family on a Summer trip when he was seven. Draco was amazed with himself for even remembering the place. Draco wanted to get to the Pope’s old bedroom and finally get a nice, long shower and a good nights rest. Draco took a right, then a left, then another left and after looking around for a little while, he finally found the room.
Trying not to make it squeak, he slowly opened the doors. He tiptoed into the bedroom and closed the door. Then, he cast nox and extinguished his lighted wand tip. Next, he flipped on the light switch and made his way through the room to make sure everything was in order. He slipped off his shoes and unbuttoned his suit jacket. Draco sat down with a soft thump on the bed and took a steadying deep breath. Draco looked around and realized that there wasn’t a clock anywhere, so he cast a quick tempest charm and saw that the time was—Merlin’s beard!—it was already 11:00! Time had really flown by.
As Draco got ready for bed, he thought through his day. How could this get any weirder?
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 2 years
I agree with everything said on this post
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 3 years
Panic Attacks
A few days before the match against Ravenclaw, Harry found himself walking down to dinner alone from the common room, Ron having rushed off into a nearby bathroom to throw up yet again, and Hermione having dashed off to see Professor Vector about a mistake she thought she might have made in her last Arithmancy essay. More out of habit then anything, Harry made his usual detour along the seventh-floor corridor, checking the Mauraders Map as he went. For a moment he could not find Malfoy anywhere and assumed he must indeed be inside the Room of Requirement again, but then he saw Malfoy’s tiny, labeled dot standing in a boys bathroom on the floor below, accompanied, not by Crabbe or Goyle, but by Moaning Myrtle.
Harry stopped in his tracks. He had just realized something that hadn’t even occurred to him. Harry had been so obsessed over Malfoy that he had begun to have a crush on him. Harry was so over this that he decided, hey, if I can just get this over with then maybe he will just hate me for liking him instead of hate me for not being his friend. So instead of going right down for dinner he took a stop at the boys bathroom. Outside the bathroom, he pressed his ear against the door just to make sure Moaning Myrtle wasn’t in an off mood before just waltzing right in. He couldn’t hear anything. He pushed the door open to find Draco Malfoy standing with his back to the door, his hands clutching either side of the sink, his white-blond head bowed.
“Don’t,” crooned Moaning Myrtle’s voice from one of the cubicles. “Don’t… tell me what’s wrong… I can help you….”
“No one can help me,” said Draco. His whole body was shaking. “I can’t do it…. I can’t…. It won’t work… and unless I do it soon… he says he’ll kill me….”
And Harry realized, with a shock so huge it seemed to root him to the spot, that Malfoy was crying — actually crying — tears streaming down his pale face into the grimy basin. Then, Malfoy collapsed. Harry swept up and knelt down right beside, him holding his head so that it wouldn’t hit the hard ground. Myrtle gasped, then went down the toilet with a huge splash.
“Malfoy,” Harry gasped in horror. Draco was still shuttering on the ground, now kind of leaning into Harry. He sat Draco up and they clung to each other. Since Draco was in full break down mode Harry wasn’t sure if he even knew what he was doing. “Shhhhh…” Harry whispered soothingly into Malfoy’s ear while rocking back and forth. “Everything will be okay, everything will be just fine. Just breath… in… and out.” Harry had had plenty of panic attacks and knew exactly how Draco was feeling.
As Draco’s breathing started to normalize he whispered in a shaky voice, “Everything is not going to be okay. He is going to kill me if I don’t do it…”
“Do what?”
“If I don’t kill Dumbledore then You-Know-Who will kill me and my family…”
As Harry absorbed this information he just nodded his head. “Your safe here, you know. I can get you and your family a safe hide out where no one knows where you are except me and Dumbledore.”
Draco shuttered again. “Okay.” He sat up straighter and sat back against the wall. Harry followed suit while Draco rubbed his face dry with the back of his hand. “I’m sorry. I should have—“
“It’s fine. I get panic attacks too.” Harry soothed while placing his hand hesitantly on the back of Draco’s. Draco looked at Harry’s hand and then at his face.
“Thank you.” Draco turned his hand over and gave Harry’s a little squeeze.
“You’re welcome.”
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 3 years
The Ministry Has Fallen
Chapter 4
“In here!” Neville urgently whispered to a little girl while hurrying her into a small closet. Neville turned off all the lights, closed the shades, and then cast a quick notice me not on the wares the little girl was hiding in. Then, he climbed up into the attic. Bang! Bang! Bang! Neville didn’t have much time—
“Open up! Ministry officials!!” A woman’s voice shouted at the door. The worst part is that Neville recognized her voice. It was the Carrow sister. Ugh how Neville hated her, making him do cruiciatus curses on first years. It made him shake with anger. Neville could hear the little girl whimpering from the other room. He cast a muffliato charm on the closet door since he could see it from the attic door. “I’m gonna give you till the count of ten to open this door or we WILL break it down!” The Carrow sister sounded impatient and angry. Murmuring and then— CRASH!! The door came down and Neville could hear footsteps downstairs. It sounded like there were about five people in the house. Neville knew exactly why they were here. He had been helping muggleborn children and adults get out of the continent and to America by Ron’s underground business. The little girl that he had in the house now was 6 years old and there was only one more safehouse before she would be on the underground with people who weren’t being hunted by the Ministry and Deatheaters. More whispering… creaking footsteps coming up the stairs. Nevilles heart was racing. What if they found him, or worse, the child. He kept quiet and waited.
“Hello? Anyone home?” This time it was the guy Carrow. Neville knew he was a loose canon and if he got his hands on the child he would show no mercy. He had to do something right? He couldn’t just wait around. He chopped off a snakes head for crying out loud!! He was Neville Longbottom!! Neville jumped down from the attic as quiet as a mouse and as quick as a cat. He krept down the hallway, wand in hand in case he had to fight. He must be in the other room, thought Neville.
Just as he was about to turn the corner a raspy voice behind Neville made him pause. “Slowly, turn around.” Neville did as he was told. “Get on your knees, put your hands on your head, and drop the weapon.” Again, Neville followed orders.
“Who are you?” Neville asked. He wanted to know who he was about to beat the crap out of.
“I am Amycus Carrow, thank you very much. Now, I am want you to slowly turn around. Alecto! I got him!” Neville heard someone stomping up the stairs. Now was the time for his plan.
“Could I quickly just scratch my ankle? It’s really itchy.” He knew the Carrows weren’t very bright so he figured the trick might work. Amycus narrowed his eyes in deep concentration trying to evaluate Neville wishes. He needed to hurry up or else he wouldn’t be able to pull it off.
“I’ll give you five seconds.” Neville slowly placed his hand on his ankle, then, reached back a little further. He snapped up with his wand intact ready for battle. He cart a muffliato n the scene so that he couldn’t call for help. Next, he silently stupefied Allecto who was coming up the stairs. The battle was awesome. There were no noises so you couldn’t tell what the other one was about to do. It was exhilarating, with is adrenaline pumping through his body and only his instincts keeping him alive. Of course, Neville didn’t like the consent of battle, people getting hurt and stuff like that, but a battle like this was just the two of them. Amycus or Neville, which one was it going to be? He looked around him for something to help in the fight and out of the corner of his eye he saw a shimmer of silver. Neville knew it wasn’t the Sword of Gryffindore because that would just be ridiculous. It was a screwdriver. As he dodged an oncoming curse he levitated the screwdriver and made it zoom around the room aiming at Amycus. Finally, it got him in the arm. He silently cried out in shock and pain. As he collapsed, Neville ran for the closet the little girl was in, picked her up, and then apparated to safety.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 3 years
What is rlly weird for me is that there r no fanfics about Molly and Arthur first dates, or Molly and Arther at school together in general. There r also no Lucius Malfoy fics from school that I’ve seen.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 3 years
The Ministry Has Fallen
Chapter 3
Ronald dug his hands deeper into the pockets of his sweatshirt. He had been hiding from the death eaters and aurors for two weeks now. He had seen his face everywhere, from posters on street lamps, to huge billboards on the side of the road. He currently had a 39,000 galleon price tag on his head. It was so cold in Paris that he wished he had brought some more layers from his underground hideout for all of the escapees. He was starving and needed some food stat, so he stealthily walked over to a pastry stand and pulled his hood up over his head so that no one could recognize him. He leaned against a post and waited until there were only a few people there. As the worker started walking to the back Ron quickly slipped two mini baguettes into his sleeve and ran away. As he was running his hood slipped off and oh shit there were wizards and witches starting to point him out. Ron ran as fast as he could as aurors started to chase after him. He didn’t have time to look back as he dove for safety right behind a trap door. It probably wasn’t the best idea to be locked up in a small room, with no where to hide, and about five aurors on the other side of the thin, wooden door. He pulled his wand out and prepared for a fight as he heard footsteps on the other side.
“Is THE Ronald Weasley, blood traitor, Gryffindor, and friend of Harry Potter going to hide from a fight?” The rasp in the old mans voice told him it was Yaxley. One of Voldemort’s right hand men. Ron knew that Yaxley was trying to coax him outside, but Hermione always taught him to be patient and stand his ground. So that’s what he did.
“Come on now,” Yaxley further coaxed, “if you come with us, there will be not harm done to you.”
“Until we bring him to The Dark Lord.” One lady whispered under her breath. His breathing was heavy as he stood there, wand still at the ready, gazing up at the red, weathered trap door.
“Well, if your so stubborn then,” Ron heard the faint pop of someone apparating, the scuffling of feet, and a gasp of breath, as if someone had just been removed of a gag. Ron was shaking, hoping it wasn’t one of his family members, or worse, Hermione.
“Ronald?” A shaky voice whispered. It was his mum. Oh no, he thought, this cannot be happening.
“Mum?” He asked in a suspicious tone. “Is t-that you?” He heard a stifled sob and a yelp of pain. They were abusing her. Ron’s anger was at its boiling point and it wasn’t going to stop there. “NOT MY MOTHER YOU FOOLS!” He shouted as he ran up the stairs and burst out of the trap door. He has taken the enemy by surprise, but it wasn’t going to last long. Ron started firing off curses and jinxes everywhere, being careful not to hit a red head.
“Stupefy! Protego! Crucio! Expelliarmus!” All of the death eaters shouted at the same time. Ron ducked and most of the spells hit other death eaters, but some curses just created craters in the brick wall behind him. Ron fought with almost everything he had in him. Once it was just Yaxley and him, Ron was covered in sweat, even though the weather was overcast. Yaxley looked quite tired himself. It was only then that Ronald realized his mother was never there. It has been a recording. A trick.
“This isn’t over yet.” Yaxley sneered. He turned and disaparated on the spot leaving Ron alone in the ally with some stupefied people lying on the ground. He recognized a few of them as death eaters and others were people who worked at the Ministry. They were probably put under the imperious curse. One of the unforgivables, thought Ron. He had to go somewhere they would never find him. Somewhere far, far away. He disaparated with a pop and was gone.
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hermionegrangerfan123 ¡ 3 years
Today was the day. Draco was going to tell Harry that he has had a crush on him for the last six months. They were both 19 and it was in the middle of August. Draco and Harry had been working together for almost a year now at a coffee shop in muggle London. It was actually a total coincidence that they ended up working at the same place. At first Draco had hated it. Hanging out with his worst enemy, but then, one day, they started being nice to each other and they had been friends ever since. Draco started to have a crush on Harry when he started realizing how good he looked in his working uniform, how cute those dimples looked every time he showed off his signature smile, and those emerald green eyes shining in the afternoon sunlight. Draco really needed to get all this stuff off his chest or else he was going to loose it. So Draco got up two hours early and started planning his speech. He stood in front of his bathroom mirror until he was almost late for work. He hurriedly apparated to the ally way right next to work, and sprinted in the from door. Harry was standing right behind the cash register and looked slightly alarmed at Draco’s sudden appearance. It was a Tuesday morning so there were only two customers sitting in the back near the pastry displays.
“Hey.” Draco said breathlessly as he approached the counter.
“Wake up late again?” Harry asked teasingly.
“As a matter of fact, Potter, I’m not as lazy as you think.”
“Oh really?” Harry raised a challenging eyebrow at him and Draco blushed. Why was he like this?
“Erm- I was wondering if I could talk to you. In private.” Draco blurted. Oh gosh. Why did he have to sound like that? This was not going at all as planned.
Harry looked surprised. “Sure! Let me just take this person’s order.” As Harry was taking the order of a guy in his mid thirties, Draco started to go over what he would say in his head again. This is how he hopes it to be like:
Draco: Harry, I have something to admit to you.
Harry: Alright, what is it?
Draco: Ever since we became friends I’ve had a huge crush on you, and I have been wanting to tell you for the longest time, but I didn’t have the nerve.
Harry: …
Draco: …
Harry: The truth is that I also have had a huge crush on you for the longest time too.
Draco and Harry: *makes out in the back of store*
I know, thought Draco. It isn’t the most solid plan ever, but it’s going to be what I’m leading on.
“So, what did you want to tell me, Draco?” Harry ran a hand through his hair, and Draco’a knees almost buckled.
“Woah! You ok there?” Harry caught Draco as he almost sunk to the floor.
“Im fine. Im ok. I think I just need some water.” Good going loser. Shut up! I’m gonna do this.
Harry came back two minutes later with a little cup of water from the break room.
“Thanks.” Draco gratefully gulped down the water.
“No problem! But what did you wan to tell me? Something urgent?”
“I guess you could say that… look, I’ve had the biggest crush on you for six months, and I totally get it if you don’t like me like that. I know we are just friends, and that we were completely enemies seven months ago. Just please evolve me a chance.” Draco finished his rant and felt blush sneaking up his neck and into his cheeks.
“Umm—“ Harry spluttered. “I- just give me a minute. I’m going outside for some fresh air and to think.” Oh jeez. Draco had fucked up terribly. I told you that you’d houding have done it! One part Draco’s brain was saying. Shut up! The side of Draco’s brain repeated. He took another girls to go order, and was about to go see if the man in the corner wanted another coffee when Harry came bursting out of the back room and started walking toward Draco. Oh no. Draco thought. Now, right in front of this couple, he was about to be rejected by his long time crush. Instead, the opposite happened. Harry came up to Draco and stopped right in from of him.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Harry panted. And without warning Harry closed the space between them and kissed Draco passionately.
“Harry!” Draco gasped in surprise. Harry pulled back, obviously afraid that he had done something wrong. Then, he noticed the couple sitting right in front of them.
“Uhh- I’m soo sorry. I- we’ll get you two free scones for seeing that.” They just laughed and clapped before congratulating them both. Draco served the scones to the nice couple as they headed out. Harry sat down next to Draco with his favorite coffee. Harry just sat there staring at Draco with his face propped on his hand.
“What?” Draco asked. Quickly touching his upper lip to see if he had any coffee on it.
“Your just so beautiful.” Harry answered dreamily. Draco just laughed and leaned in for another kiss. This was easily the best day he had had in a long time.
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