hoenn-tv-official · 24 days
//Hi there, everyone. Its me, BackSet. Due to a variety of factors, I've decided I'm gonna take a hiatus. Hopefully, when I come back I'll be well rested and ready for some roleplay. See you all soon, don't burn down the community while I'm gone.
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hoenn-tv-official · 9 months
//Heads up, mod's decided to go by she/her pronouns now. Gonna reblog this on all my blogs (so, uh, it's probably best if nobody else reblogs this so that you don't accidentally get mistaken for one of mine) so as many people as possible see it.
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hoenn-tv-official · 9 months
Reblog if your Pokemon IRL character is an Adult!
//A lot of the pokeblogs here on Rotomblr are younger trainers, which is cool, but it's also nice to see some older characters as well!
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
It's worth more than you! I tell the truth! All you peddle are lies and propaganda!
If you're wondering why there's been a drop in quality recently you can blame your beloved Champions. They slashed out budget so we can't bring you as high quality news.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
Don't kid yourself, you've always had shit quality.
If you're wondering why there's been a drop in quality recently you can blame your beloved Champions. They slashed out budget so we can't bring you as high quality news.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
really funny when people give so much depth to a character with like 2 seconds of screen time. that guy is BONES. canonically. but go on i guess. not like i can stop you
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
Fuck it this is a food blog now.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
Violence on Route 104
by Becky Battlesmith
Citizens of Petalburg City are no strangers to the sight of Pokemon Battling on nearby routes. The town does house a Pokemon League Gym, after all, and is an important stop on the Journey of any trainer taking on the Hoenn Gym Challenge. As such, when two currently unidentified trainers, a woman with blue and red hair and a 12 year old boy with a full sleeve tattoo, were spotted battling on Route 104 it came as no surprise to anybody.
What did come as a surprise was when the battle devolved into a physical altercation between the trainers after the boy used a rock to shatter one of the woman’s Pokeballs. A passing local quickly called the Police on the two trainers who were separated and arrested. The two are now being detained at the Petalburg Police Department until the matter is sorted. When reached out to for more details the PBPD declined to comment. More information to come as the story unfolds.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
The higher ups also have no idea how to change the password of this blog and they can't fire me without ratings plumeting so I can kinda say whatever I want here.
just found out castelia city's sewers are open to the public, why the furret would anyone want to go in there
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
I have no control over what HTV publishes no matter how much I desperately wish I did.
God I miss reporting. Stupid legal fees and hospital bills.
just found out castelia city's sewers are open to the public, why the furret would anyone want to go in there
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
just found out castelia city's sewers are open to the public, why the furret would anyone want to go in there
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
Why you... fine!
So, Malva the bitch finally has an account here. Surprised it took this long. The internet is perfect for you, since all you ever do is lie.
Oh do come off Anon, Gabrielle, I know this is you.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
So what if it is! Does it make anything I said less true! And don't call me Gabrielle!
Gabby... maybe we shouldn't do this on a work account.
So, Malva the bitch finally has an account here. Surprised it took this long. The internet is perfect for you, since all you ever do is lie.
Oh do come off Anon, Gabrielle, I know this is you.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
Oh, so she has a blog now...
This is about my new blog. Follow it.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
i've got a scoop for you
Alright, I'm listening. But it better be something good. I am not a woman who likes to have her time wasted.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
Until the court makes a ruling I both am and am not guilty of felony trespassing.
Fortunately, I was never caught and I'm not going to court so we'll never know.
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
(@wingsofachampion) What's a tabloid? -Tropius
You don't wanna know.
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