hofeprime · 8 months
"Kingism" is now forever ingrained in my personal dictionary. It's kinda hilarious how a Stephen King novel can be so calculated only for the jaded detective to suddenly say "Do the guap guap on my glizzy sexual style. Make me feel skibidi."
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google help me
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hofeprime · 10 months
Indeed. Women.
I feel like you guys might appreciate this screencap I took out of my favorite (in an ironic fashion) musical: Cindy, Cendrillon 2002.
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hofeprime · 10 months
So it turns out that Jack Daniels isn't actually a bourbon, nor does anything about its sale label it as such. We just decided to say that it is for no apparent reason other than "It isn't a rye whiskey".
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hofeprime · 1 year
Just because I know she’ll like it @owls-den
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hofeprime · 1 year
If that isn’t the statement ever
“Writing- the profession in which you stare at a computer screen, stare out the window, type a few words, then curse repeatedly.” ― Drew Goodman
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hofeprime · 1 year
My productivity levels are some of the most inconsistent things on this plane of existence. Like, I finally got around to finishing a full-length play, but only after completing two more one-acts and starting two others. Oh, and I still have a musical to write, so I should get onto that. And there��s also this random novel that I’m in the second draft phase for and haven’t touched in at least a month.
I hate selective productivity fr
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hofeprime · 1 year
They nailed it. No question about it.
Just rediscovered potentially the funniest thing I’ve written in recent memory
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hofeprime · 1 year
I used to be so big on killing characters off, but nowadays I don’t really find myself doing it as much. A lot of my stories that I write now tend to be perfectly fine without character death. Sure, there’ll be some mention of death (like this one idea of three men in a bunker mourning the death of their war buddy), but that doesn’t mean that a character will die throughout the course of the work.
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hofeprime · 1 year
Any mixologists wanna tell me the funniest story about how they came up with a cocktail?
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hofeprime · 1 year
It never fails to impress me when a show makes a character a grumpy bastard but does it in a way that makes him seem less like a grumpy old man and more a neurodivergent who would really just be better off moving out of the city. 
This is from the episode "attack of the 50 foot sister" :
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And this is the character's commentary from that episode :
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I think Doofenshmirtz has hypersensitivity. ( And I headcanon that he uses some kind of inator on his ears to regulate sounds )
Also this is the character's commentary from the episode "Flop Starz" :
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He also has light-sensitivity
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hofeprime · 1 year
Nah these kids on VRChat are annoying I’m gonna wait until their bedtime to get back on
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hofeprime · 2 years
traits turned sour
honest - insensitive
persuasive - manipulative
caring - overprotective
confidence - arrogance
fearless - cocky
loyalty - an excuse
devotion - obsession
agreeable - lazy
perfectionism - insatisfaction
reserved - aloof
cautious - skeptical
self loved - selfish
available - distractible
emotional - dramatic
humble - attention-seeking
diligent - imposing
dutiful - submissive
assertive - bossy
strategic - calculated
truthful - cruel
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hofeprime · 2 years
The Writer’s Lament
I think the scariest thing as a writer who, although having a Tumblr account, does not frequent this site is the possibility of them being discovered by Tumblr. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but y’all terrify me. 
I live in fear of the day when you all read Kuni no Senso and start calling Kadaina your blorbo. I’m kept awake at night by the possibility of Kunshu being entered in a Tumblr sexyman contest. I have to call upon every divine being that humanity has ever contemplated the existence of to give me the strength when the day finally arrives that somebody calls Shirei the fandom bicycle.
Your ability to create new terms for things both impresses me and baffles me. How the hell am I supposed to keep up with all of this? You could call my character a scringledoppler or something and I’d have no choice but to accept it as a legitimate term. 
This is before we get into the tags. Somehow, some fucking way, every single post that ends up in my feed ends up being structured along the following scheme:
(post by X, reposted by Y)
(a metric fuckton of tags that nobody will likely ever use again in the place of a comment)
How far along the path of fandom-brain must I traverse before I can comprehend why this is done? What societal anguishes must I endure to think to do this sort of thing? How high on escapism must I be to fixate so much on fiction (sometimes not even that) to escape from my horrible reality? Is this just my neurodivergence clashing with everybody else’s? The world may never know. 
tl;dr Tumblr fandoms scare me a little bit
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hofeprime · 2 years
All the more reason to love Kurt Vonnegut.
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hofeprime · 2 years
I really should get out more on Tumblr...
Favorite Time of the Year: This is tough. On one hand, I’m basically allergic to the outdoors (and walnuts), but at the same time I hate the cold, thus eliminating all four seasons. I guess Spring because that’s when my birthday is...?
Comfort Food: It really depends on the day, but ramen is pretty much my go-to meal when I’m cooking for myself. If it’s just a snack, I’m probably going to go for one of those Bavarian Long Johns with maple frosting. That’s the good stuff. 
Do you collect something?: I have a rock collection that I mainly used as a 4-H project that I could just rehash every year, as well as a Pokémon card collection (unfortunately my heart remains with the X&Y cards so it’s halted kinda). I was considering collecting guitars for a while, but then I realized how expensive that hobby is. One of my prouder collections is a bunch of music scores [don’t worry, most of them are either my own work or in the public domain I promise I’m not a pirate please trust me]. 
Favorite Drink: In terms of sodas, Dr. Pepper. In terms of warm beverages, hot cocoa. In terms of juices, apple. Milk is also great and sometimes I opt for a ginger ale instead of a Dr. Pepper to feel a bit classier. 
Favorite Song: oh dear God Okay so this is a question that I dread because I like a lot of different songs from a lot of different genres for a lot of different reasons. For a while, my favorite was “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd, but then later on that changed quite a lot as I got more into classical music. I guess I can list off three of my top recommendations as a composer and overall music enjoyer (as in a whole classical piece, an entire musical, and a single song that I like and just pulled out of my rear end).
1. Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” - Antonin Dvorak      I really like Dvorak’s musical style and this piece is his most well-known. Sure, his Cello Concerto is also a great contender, but I feel that there are a few premature cadences that make the piece feel like it ended earlier that it actually does. These cadences are much rarer in the New World Symphony. Not only that, but it is also one of the most prominent influences on my work.
2. Sunday in the Park with George - Stephen Sondheim      If any of you don’t know this about me, now’s as good a time as any to tell you that I fucking love Stephen Sondheim’s musicals. I was introduced to his work through Sweeney Todd because I was like “haha blood guts gore musical” but then I ended up watching it and you can really see the attention to detail and care in his craft. Even so, after listening to and watching so many of his musicals the one that I connect with the most is Sunday in the Park with George. It came during a time of artistic turmoil for Sondheim following the financial failure of Merrily We Roll Along. During this period, Sondheim had contemplated quitting musical theatre, but he stuck along, deciding not to worry about what others think. Every single lyric and word in this musical feels like it comes from what he was as an artist, where he saw himself while writing it, and where he eventually wants to be. James Lapine’s libretto captures this feeling just as well and I wouldn’t be surprised if Lapine had a similar experience. And that’s before we get to the score, but I’ll leave that hyperfixated rant for later. 
3. “Atom Heart Mother Suite” - Pink Floyd      This song is a rather strange choice for a lot of you, I can tell. It’s a twenty-three minute long orchestral suite by a prog-rock band three years before their most successful album. But that’s kinda why I like it so much. “Atom Heart Mother Suite” is a complete package of musical expression. “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” is another high contender, but I ended up opting for AHMS because it’s a single track on the album as opposed to being a book-ender like SOYCD. To drastically oversimplify, I like it when the brass goes bwwwwaaaaaaaghhhhhh
Favorite Fic: A lot of you who know me personally may know that I don’t read a whole lot of fan-fiction. In fact, I’m only really confident with writing BaraRonTai (a fanfiction on WebToons based on Rabbit Saviors, go check it out) because we were able to get the expressed consent of the series’ creator and our work isn’t taken as the canon. I feel uncomfortable trying to force a story onto somebody else’s work, which I worry that I do whenever I write fan-fiction. There are many underlying rules of characters that I worry about potentially breaking, thus losing a lot of the charm that made them work. Because of this, I don’t find myself reading a lot of fan-fiction either. I could just be cheap and put my favorite novel here, The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells, but that feels like a cop-out. So I guess the one that I would say is my favorite fan-fic is BaraRonTai. I know, it’s literally the one I’m writing, but I tend to write a lot more than I read. 
Tagging: Again, I’m not the most active on Tumblr, so the first nine people to reblog this with their response are free to claim the tag. 
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
tagged by: @freshcut-chetney & @zacsfron <33333 mwah!
favorite time of year: autumn, altho it’s been 13 years since i last experienced it lol
comfort food: omelets :))
do you collect something: nothing specific but i do have a lot of trinkets in my room. some i just use for decor, some i turn into jewelry, most are just hidden in a box under my bed lol
favorite drink: man idk four seasons juice ig
favorite song: watch what happens by chris montez
current favorite song: painting the chagall
favorite fic: i either i hyperfixate on fics or don’t read fics for years and sadly its the latter u__u
tagging: @tokyowitchx @agentofkhaose @gayforjodiecomer @potsticker1234 @not-quitenormal @dianasprnce @gotobsessions
@violenceweaned @weedle-testaburger
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hofeprime · 2 years
fuckin uuuuuuuhhh
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You are that one amazing character who everyone seems to forget about. You're smart, funny, kind, and you save the team's ass on multiple occasions, but everyone but your extremely dedicated but small fanbase seem to forget about you, despite the fact you absolutely deserve better.
I guess I’m niche. Wowwee what a surprise who could have ever guessed?
Tagging: I don’t use Tumblr nearly enough to have these connections so the first three people to join in, I guess. That and Owl already tagged Nebel so whoops.
1. FIRST, create a picrew using this maker, and then 2. SECOND take this quiz on how fandom would see you if you were a fictional character.  3 (THIRD) POST YOUR PIC AND YOUR DESCRIPTION IN THE REBLOG!
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Bastard (Good)
You’re a bastard. A wet cat, if you will. And we love you for it. You’re a little shit, but in the good way. You are the baddest babygirl. You killed a man, but you looked good doing it. You flirted with the hero and the enemy. All of Tumblr is madly in love with you. Congrats, I guess?
Tagging EVERYONE but especially @magicaltear, @the-beeses-kneeses, @wafflesrisa, @mykingdomforapen, @marbat, @scientistsinistral, @halberdierminister​!
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hofeprime · 2 years
Might start a trend of reblogging a bunch of Pokemon art pieces with Shinx/Luxio/Luxray in them to satiate my appetite for my all-time favorite Pokemon
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