hogwartswnw · 5 years
Witch Weekly // 26/11/19
Heyyy demons, it's me, ya boi
Jkjk it's Queen, and I'm coming at y'all with a hella late Tumblr post!
Character Name: Mandi Walker
Your Character's House: Gryffindor
Other Characters Involved: @Gwen [ Mme. Roe | D. Raegis ], @Zinc [Pref. Scarlett Királyno], @Fenix [Pref. Skyler Sage/Orien], @Minhee Hyeseong, @Kara [James Collins], @Glory [Sturgis Keen], and @Stal [Wolfgang Fritz] (forgive me if I missed anybody)
Channel: #quidditch-pitch
Timeline: 11-16-19
Summary: The Gryffindor quidditch team had a practice, and well, Mandi got hit twice by a bludger (looking at you stal) and was forced to sit down, and while the unofficial captain replaced Mandi's position, she got hit with a bludger by Stal again and went unconscious. Same went for Minhee but only she was conscious (only a bit tho)
IRP Public Knowledge: Anybody who passed by the pitch during that time.
Sounds like Gryffindor's having a bit of a rough time, and so appear to be a few other people!
'...Flora had recently broken up with her ex, leaving her with, understandably, a lot of emotional weight and guilt as she was the one to break it off. She had been feeling down for quite a while, and eventually, a number of her friends began to notice. A few of them asked, and with a few others, she spoke on her own voilition. She told the tale of her unhappy relationship and how terrible she felt for breaking it off, and the empathy she still felt for her ex, and all of her other pitiful and saddening emotional ventings. The breakup is now in the minds of a few of her friends, and their opinions don’t exactly differ...'
'...Minhee found she couldn't sleep, so visited the owlery for a change. Normally she'd find a quiet place to draw or read, but she'd decide it was a good idea to walk somewhere else other than the astronomy tower.
Upon walking in, an owl fluttered its way over to her, a neatly folded envelope in its beak. The letter was from her father, regarding a minor car incident that involved her mother. Both scared, worried and absolutely refusing to believe the reality, she ran out of the owlery to escape it...'
Well, that was an emotional trip. Anyway guys, that's this week's late ass Witch Weekly, and I hope you guys enjoy what's left of it! Catch ya later!
-Queen 👑
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
What’s new? 18/11/19
It’s ya girl Polka, bringing you this month’s news about our Hogwarts RP server!
On Sunday November 10th, our server turned one year old! It’s been an amazing journey and we’d like to thank everyone, all 1800+ members, for helping us make it this far! You guys built an amazing community of Potterheads with us.
For our unsorted kids: while you’re waiting to have your student profile approved, you can now pass the time by RPing your character’s trainride to Hogwarts!
We added roles to let your fellow roleplayers know whether or not you’re open to IRP relationships. Is your character looking for a special someone? Pick up the role and let your RP partners know 😉
Applications for Student Aide are open: your character can help out some of the NPCs as groundskeeper’s assistant or helper of the caretaker.
Special role for Hogwarts Alumni: when your character graduates, you can continue RPing as them in the Wizarding part of London.
We’ve reworked our Partnerships category: some of our members represent both cool RP servers as well as social servers to casually hang out in -- check them out for a chance to make new friends!
We added a permanent suggestion box channel, where you can add questions and issues for staff to discuss in public VCs called Town Hall Meetings. 
You can join our server here --  and as always, send us an owl shoot us an ask or DM if you have any questions.
Have a magical week~
- Polka 🌸
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Week of 11-3-19/ WW Feature
>.> <.< What’s that smell? ..just our latest tea for the week of the 3rd of november, brought to you by none other than Zinc! . * + TEA + * . #1: Yikes, that’s not supposed to happen
Character Name: Scarlett Királynő 
Your character House: Gryffindor
Other Characters Involved: @Classy (Capt. Gavin L | Gloria) , @Ae Incendium , @Gwen [ Mme. Roe | D. Raegis ]
Channel: #g-common-room 
Timeline: during the tampered uniform turning into onesies halloweek event
Summary: Scarlett was preparing to go out and meet her boyfriendo Azure when she wore her uniform and it warped into... a chewbacca costume. A onesie that sadly didn't provide any holes for her to see, or ventilation. As she is panicking inside the fur costume, trying to find her wand (but not break it), she is confronted by SO. MANY. OBSTACLES. She stumbles around the dorms, falls off the stairs, trips on her own fur, spills an ink bottle over her fur, and finally, her voice comes out as chewbacca noises. The other Gryffindor students, Gavin, Ae and later on, Romany, see the situation. Gavin tried to help and tried to find solutions to identify who was inside the costume, while Ae was being straight up incomprehensible with her speech, which frustrated Gavin even more. Ae tried to suggest ways to take off the suit, where Romany came in to say that it doesn't come off. That's when the counter-spell was cast, and the chewbacca costume came off to reveal the house's very own prefect.
IRP Public Knowledge: Anyone in the common room at the time, (which should just be gale, ae and romany) would know, however I would expect the funny embarrassing encounter to be spread to the rest of the Gryffindor house.
#2: That’s some good jealousTEA
Character Name: Jeremy Wakins
Your character House: Gryffindor
Other Characters involved: @Lissa [Cara Sallowsight] @Hoodie Channel: #black-lake & #recreation-room
Timeline: Before and during the masquerade ball.
Summary: Curious about the art of divination, Jeremy requested his friend Cara give him a tea reading. The two went to the black lake to avoid any crowds of students or potential eavesdroppers. After a very positive reading, telling of good fortune, Jeremy happily went on his way. Little did the two know, but Jeremy’s significant other Philli had been watching their rendezvous. Later on, Jeremy was confronted by a random ‘boy’ about his time with Cara, this ‘boy’ turned out to be Philli in disguise, who was blinded by jealousy, causing a small altercation between the two.
IRP Public Knowledge: Anyone who would have near the black lake at the time would have seen what looks like a small picnic between Jeremy and Cara. Anyone in the recreation room during the masquerade ball would have seen or heard Jeremy being confronted by Philli.
#3: Gale is popular with the lady part 1
Character Name: Gale Landgrave
Your Character House: Ravenclaw
Other Characters Involved: Pandora Raywood @Skylee [Prof. Trukias/Pandora R]
Channel: #samhain-ballroom
Timeline: The night of the Masquerade event
Summary: The Masquerade event was a fun time for Gale. Even though he had shared his time at past events with Flora. Tonight was a night to just dance with people regardless of who they were since everyone was wearing their masks. Gale danced with a younger student before encountering Pandora. She bumped into him while she was walking. He acted like the kind gentlemen he was and asked her to dance with a friendly kiss on the cheek. They danced the night away while Gale was just having a fun time being a bit of a flirt and just showing her a good time. A couple twirls and platonic kisses later. They were at the end of their night. They had made a deal to each reveal who they were at the end. Once they did, the just laughed off the events of the night as they agreed they both had a good time with each other.
IRP Public Knowledge: Anyone who saw them in the ballroom when they were dancing together
#4: Gale is popular with the ladies part 2
Character Name: Mei Everglade
Your Character House: Hufflepuff
Other Characters Involved: Gale ( @Classy (Capt. Gavin L | Gloria) ) & Wallace ( @(Mazatl) Marsa Chávez/W. Miller )
Channel: #fourth-floor-corridor
Timeline: Around 2 days after the Masquerade.
Summary: A few days after the Masquerade ball, Mei forgot that she had left her mask in the Hufflepuff common room, only to find it missing. She looked around the school and eventually found it in the hands of Wallace. He was asking people around about who's mask it could be. He eventually bumped into Gale, the one who danced with Mei during the masquerade! She hid and eavesdropped on their conversation, Wallace asking for clues and Gale describing her that night, even her time with Raolf, Gale's younger brother. Eventually, she is found by the pair in the trophy room and she confesses everything about what happened that night. Afterwards, Gale offered her another dance for the fun of it, and she accepted. They danced across the corridor, with a small crowd of students watching them, and by the end of it, Mei made a name for herself: The Crow of the Masquerade.
IRP Public Knowledge: Anyone who's been hanging around the 4th floor corridors should have seen them dancing.
#5: Gale is just flat out popular part infinity
Character Name: Kaithlin Lyander
Your Character House: Hufflepuff
Other Characters Involved: Gale @Classy2  (Raolf L | Gale) Channel: #astronomy-tower
Timeline: 2 days ago
Summary: Kaithlin goes to the astronomy tower (like always) to read her favorite book and watch the stars. She isn't alone for very long, because Gale comes to join her with his guitar. When Gale just tried to complement her by saying that her eyes shine bright like the stars, she gets annoyed, because she feels like he is flirting with her. After she calms down a little bit, the two start to talk and get to know each other a little better. Kaithlin realizes that complement, was just how he was, and it was nothing personal or flirty. When Gale decides to leave, he suddenly takes her hand and kisses it. After that, he immediately leaves, leaving Kaithlin slightly flustered. Kaithlin thinks that Gale is a nice boy, but she needs to get used to the way he acts, because she doesn't know anyone who did that before. 
IRP Public Knowledge: Only Kaithlin and Gale were there.
. * + * .
Looks like Gale was super busy this week! Wonder what happened ahaha.  If you’re interested in seeing more, please join our RP server where we pull our examples from! See you in class!
- Zinc 🦊
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
WW Post // Week of 10-28-19
Happy Halloween everyone! It’s Arb- here today to bring you some of that pumpkin-spicy tea for Halloween! Without further ado- let’s get to it!
1. ‘Tis the season for Quidditch (fiNALLY)
Character Name: Virgil Etter  Your Character House: Ravenclaw  Other Characters Involved: May Appleblossom ( @Capt. May Appleblossom ) Adam Farley ( @Adam Farlay [Michael] )  Tsukiko ( @Nemo [Prof. Fujimura/Tsukiko W.] )  Elliot Ashby ( @Elliott Ashby [They/He] )  Hugo Moore ( @Mason [Hugo Moore/Carson A. H.] )  Hellion Towers ( @[Wolfy] Hellion T )  Channel: #quidditch-pitch  === Timeline: Sunday/Monday Summary: First quidditch practice of the term, and May (Our lovely captain) decided to hold a mini match. Virgil, Adam and Tsukiko on one team, with Hellion, Elliot and Hugo on the other, with May refereeing. The match started normally, but Elliot's talent as a beater came into play, and throughout the match Virgil got hit not once, not twice, but at least three times with a bludger. Safe to say he has some bruises. Hellion, Elliot and Hugo won the match, two to zero. It has now been assumed that Virgil is either the bludger punching bag of the team, the bludgers have been hexed to go after him, or have had a gaydar installed. 
IRP Public Knowledge: Everyone on the team that was on the pitch that day would have witnessed this, and anyone in the stands or around the pitch at that time would have had the opportunity to notice.  ===
2. Unlikely Reunion?
3. A Shank has appeared!
Thanks for reading our issue this week! As always, if you’d like to see more, go ahead and join our server! It’d be much appreciated! Until then, see you next time for the next issue of-
~ Witch Weekly ~
- Arb
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Witch Weekly // 29/10/19
Good afternoon, guys, gals and non-binary pals! I’m Queen, coming back at you this October with more Witch Weekly posts! While we don’t yet have any spoOoky posts for your Halloween enjoyment, I have some fluff, weirdness and whump for you to experience! Let’s get into it! ________________________________________________________________
Character Name: Gale Landgrave 
Your Character House: Ravenclaw 
Other Characters involved: Flora Denaiu 
Channel: EoT and SoT feast channels, holiday server, and room of requirement.
Timeline: End or Term feast up till now.
Summary: Ever since middle of Last term. Gale and Flora had both been stocked up on work and classes. Not being able to see each other for a long time was taking its toll on both of them. Especially Gale- he was starting to think that since they weren't officially together anymore, that she had forgot about him and moved on. They had talked about a date but Flora never showed nor contacted him. This only deepened his belief that she had forgotten about him. Fortunately he had also asked her to the EoT feast the last time they had seen each other. He had gone looking for her at the feast. To his happiness, she did indeed show. They spent an amazing night together. Full of sweet words and loving things. She had even popped a gift upon him. A ring to symbolize their relationship, how they are together forever. Yes, I know it's cheesy and all, but it's cute. Gale had offered to take her home over the holidays to meet his parents. She obliged and went home with him and spent time with him and his family for the holidays. Plenty of cuddles and kisses later, their holiday was over and it was time to go back to school. They had spent another magical night at the SoT festivities together. Now they are a happy couple and everything is back on track .
IRP Public Knowledge: Anyone who saw them being all love dovey. They were at each other's side the whole time. ________________________________________________________________
Thanks for the fluff, Classy! Now, onto little peeks of what else I promised you! ________________________________________________________________
Summary: Kaithlin is happy to be back at Hogwarts and is about to spend some time at her favourite place and read a book. Sadly, soon when she's in the astronomy tower, her plans get ruined by Shank, who scares her half to death by sneaking up on her, knocking her down and then picking her up again, yelling: "I GOT THE SACRIFICE!" 
Kaithlin is scared out of her mind by what he did, but managed to get herself free. After a very weird and awkward conversation with the boy, Kaithlin finds out he isn't that bad, just really strange. Once Shank leaves, Kaithlin is still confused, but she decides to let it go and read her book, since that is what she came for. 
Summary: First quidditch practice of the term, and May (Our lovely Ravenclaw captain) decided to hold a mini match. Virgil, Adam and Tsukiko on one team, with Hellion, Elliot and Hugo on the other, with May refereeing. The match started normally, but Elliot's talent as a beater came into play, and throughout the match Virgil got hit not once, not twice, but at least three times with a bludger. 
Safe to say he has some bruises. Hellion, Elliot and Hugo won the match, two to zero. It has now been assumed that Virgil is either the bludger punching bag of the team, the bludgers have been hexed to go after him, or have had a gaydar installed.  ________________________________________________________________ Yes, that last one was me, I couldn’t help myself. XD But anyway, that’s it for this week! I’ll catch you next time, everyone! Stay tuned, and stay spOoOoky~! -Queen 👑 Permanent Server Link: https://discord.gg/6Z7Yrht
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
What’s new? 21/10/19
It’s your friendly neighborhood Polka, bringing you this month’s news about our Hogwarts RP server. And what a month it’s been!
A Holiday server for you guys to RP your character’s time at home is up and running! 
More RP channels have been added: the counselor’s and professor’s offices, a student lounge as well as a recreation room to play games in, the artsy alcove (for all the artists, musicians and dancers), castle-terraces and many more...
There will be an Apparition Seminar for our 6th and 7th years every Saturday at 7pm EST.
Just like you can post a photo of your character in the yearbook, you can now share a playlist for them in the Hogwarts Stereo channel!
For our GMT kids, there is now Auxiliary Transfiguration: Saturdays at 2 PM (EST) | 6 PM (GMT)
Snakes as pets are no longer limited to Parselmouths only! If you want a snake, you can now have one (so long as it is within our server restrictions).
Applications have been opened for not only faculty characters, but also Hogwarts ghosts!
And this is just a glimpse of what’s been happening this month. Go check it out for yourself if you want, and as always, send us an owl drop an ask or DM if you have any questions.
- Polka 🌸
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Week of 10-6-19/ WW Feature
Woah woah woah! What’s this? Another Witch Weekly Update? Dang, you’re right! It’s Zinc, back again with sum lovely tea to spill all over your newly ironed tablecloths. Let’s see what people have been up to this week! . * + TEA + * . #1: The Grande Loss of Points Character Name: Mandi Walker Other Characters Involved: Romany, Jakob Roswin, Matthias, Prof. Morningstar, Michael, Pref. Maria, and a small role of Drayen K. Channel: #quidditch-pitch Timeline: After Stagecraft Troupe ended Summary: Jakob, Romany, and Matthias decided to go to the quidditch pitch to mingle, only when Romany finds out that they've smuggled more of the enchanted cupcakes. Mandi decided to join in, but doesn't realize what's about to happen next. Michael spots the cupcakes and casts a spell on Matthias, and Prefect Maria comes in. She casts the leg-locker curse on Jakob, and then Mandi runs to Prof. Morningstar's office to inform him about what has happened. When he arrives, well, shit happens and Gryffindor loses points TmT IRP Public Knowledge: The people above that were mentioned and anybody who might have been passing by the field. #2: Unexpected Sleepover Character Name: Katie Birch Other Characters Involved: Maria Fox, Shank  Channel: #h-common-room Timeline: The IRP Weekend Summary: So on a Saturday, Maria and Shank were in the courtyard, having one of their 160th argument, while it was absolutely raining cats and dogs. Katie however was just making her way to the common room as it was absolutely freezing! She had somehow stumbled up the courtyard and saw the two arguing.. well more like Maria telling Shank off whatever he had done. Katie decided she should somehow break it up so she stepped in, also getting lashed by the raining cats and dogs(not literally by the way gee) she had somehow miraculously convinced the two to come with her to the common room. Maria had somehow wondered off as Katie dragged Shank with her towards the common room, thet had a few cookies and hot chocolate and also towels while going to sit down at the beanbags. Maria had then arrived as soon as they sat down, Maria had suddenly had a moment of cryness, which Katie had attempted to help but just made things worse, so she stayed quiet and listened to Shanks surprisingly, words of wisdom. After this, the rain had tired the tree of them out, and they all had fallen asleep in the Hufflepuff common room. A real sleepover :3 IRP Public Knowledge: At the time, no one was really there, as it was just the three of them. #3: Our Nostalgic Memories Character Name: Tatiana Alexin Other Characters Involved: Augustine Deveraux  Channel: #village Timeline: Hogsmeade weekend. After their picnic date. Summary: During the rain, Ana and August ended up in the same shack that they visited after meeting for the first time. It brought nostalgic memories to the two who just recently started officially dating.  Ana found a music box that played a medley of sweet music. Remembering that they missed a few school dances, they started to do a slow dance while the music played to make up for it.  Eventually, Ana gave August an awkward kiss while admitting that she didn't know how to do it right, prompting the boy to "teach" her. IRP Public Knowledge: No one else was there but the two of them. #4: That’s Great, But... Character Name: Kaithlin Lyander Other Characters Involved: Christian Winterbourne, Prof. Trowell Channel: #class-corridors , #muggle-studies-class Timeline: A few weeks ago, during and after muggle studies Summary: Kaithlin and Christian were in muggle studies together, after not having seen each other for a while. Because Christian knows Kaithlin is often annoyed with him, he sends her a note, asking if she's still mad at him. Sadly, before Kaithlin can even get the note, it is snatched out of Christian's hand by the professor, causing Gryfindor to loose points. Luckily, nothing else happens and Kaithlin tells Christian to wait after class. After class, Kaithin asks what it all was about and Christian gives her the same question. Kaithlin admits that she is happy that Christian finally confessed his feelings for Art, but that was not the thing that was bothering her. What really was bothering her, was the fact that Christian never let her brother get something done on his own. She tries her best to explain to Christian, that Arthur needs to be able to stand on his own feet, because what would would happen if Christian was gratuated? Arthur would still be at hogwarts, and he wouldn't have him around. Instead of understanding her point, Christian gets annoyed with her and walks away, telling her she can take care of her brother, since she always seems to know best. IRP Public Knowledge: Only Christian and Kaithlin were there. Maybe people passing by might have heard them arguing, but no one knows the real issue. . * + * . And that brings us to the end of this week’s juiciest tea. If you’re interested in seeing more, please join our RP server where we pull our examples from! See you in class! https://discordapp.com/invite/ZeZ7TG7 - Zinc 🦊
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
WW Post // Week of 9/30/19
Hey guys! It's Arb here, and I'm bringing you the spicy tea for this week! Stay tuned for this week's Witch Weekly!
1. Cupcake Trouble? (Submitted by Byx)
@WW Readers
Character Name: Mandi Walker @Byx [Mandi W./ Himari D.]
Your Character House: Gryffindor Gryffie
Other Characters Involved: Romany F., Jakob R., Matthias A., Prof. Morningstar, Michael S., Pref. Maria F., and a small role of Drayen K.
Channel: #quidditch-pitch
Timeline: After Stagecraft Troupe ended
Summary: Jakob, Romany, and Matthias decided to go to the quidditch pitch to mingle, only when Romany finds out that they've smuggled more of the enchanted cupcakes. Mandi decideds to join in, but doesn't realize what's about to happen next. Michael spots the cupcakes and casts a spell on Matthias, and Prefect Maria comes in. She casts the leg-locker curse on Jakob, and then Mandi runs to Prof. Morningstar's office to inform him about what has happened. When he arrives, well, shit happens and Gryffindor loses points.
IRP Public Knowledge: The people above that were mentioned and anybody who might have been passing by the field.
In other news...
2. Music Theory Teacher suddenly disappears?
3. Trouble with a Seer?
4. Samoan Drama?
Thanks for seeing this week's issue of Witch Weekly! If you're interested in seeing more, please join our RP server where we pull our examples from!
Until then, we'll see you next week at:
~ Witch Weekly ! ~
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Week Of 29/9/19 /// WW Post
What with events, dances and wholesome romance, we've got a fair bit to get through today, so let's get into it!
Officially Dating and a Secret Past~!
(Submitted by Jules!)
Character Name: Tatiana 'Ana' Alexin
Character House: Slytherin
Other Characters Involved: Augustine Deveraux
Channel: #entrance-hall #village #madam-puddifoots
Timeline: This happened during the Hogsmeade weekend, not long after the incident where Ana sprained her ankle.
At last, they finally had their "date." Though it was more of a way for Ana to return the favors that she owed Augustine, it proved to be enjoyable for the both of them after finally acknowledging their attraction for one another. The "date" started awkwardly for Ana, who never went on dates before and had no idea how to act around the more experienced Augustine. They originally planned to have coffee at Madam Puddifoots but after seeing the bright pink decorations, both decided to just buy the drinks and cakes and enjoy them elsewhere in a picnic of sorts.
While enjoying their snacks, they started to get to know more about each other. Awkward questions were asked: What did Augustine want from her? Were they considered dating? Who was he (as a person)? Eventually, these questions led to the boy finally asking Ana if she wanted to be his girlfriend, a role which she shyly accepted. Giving him her trust, she opened up about her sad past, something which she never did before. It led her to tears and to Augustine trying to comfort her.
Halfway through, Augustine mentioned his missing silver box, the one that he was anxiously looking for at the dungeons that fateful day. From his description, Ana confessed to finding it at the underground chamber. Unfortunately, she forgot that she still had it in her bag and accidentally dropped the box, causing the contents (pieces of torn and burnt muggle photos) to spill on the picnic blanket. Augustine, seeing that Ana, a Pureblood, wasn't repulsed by the muggle objects, finally revealed his half-blood background and showed her his muggle mother's patched picture. Seeing a rare side of him, Ana was moved and felt even more connected with Augustine.
Ana was about to ask for more questions but Augustine teasingly suggested a "Truth or Dare" to make it more fun. Before they could start the game though, it suddenly rained heavily, which ended their picnic and had them scrambling for shelter.
IRP Public Knowledge: They held hands as they walked from the Great Hall to Hogsmeade village and Madam Puddifoots. Anyone who were present in those locations could've seen them.
WHEW! That was a long one, but onto the next post!
A wholesome reunion~!
(Submitted by Classy!)
Character Name: Gale Landgrave
Your Character House: Ravenclaw!!
Other Characters Involved: Flora Deniau-
Channel: #empty-classroom
Timeline: Over the weekend
Summary: Gale was quite sad after their breakup and so was flora. He found her in the classroom and decided to try and talk things over to see how she was feeling. Turns out she missed him as much as he missed her. One thing lead to another and they were practically emitting happiness. As they continued to have wholesome Funtime together. Words, kisses, and hugs were exchanged. Finally to cap it all off. Gale asked flora out on a date! They planned on meeting at the room of requirement to Gale’s delight. He finally gets to spend some quality time with his special girl once again! Let’s see how it goes! High pitched girl squeal!
IRP Knowledge: Gale hasn’t told anyone, idk about Flora. Anyone who might’ve walked past might’ve seen them because they were all over each other most of the time.
Same Classy, same. Who doesn't love wholesome romance? Onto the next one!
Bittersweet Advice~!
(Submitted by Miriam!)
Character Name: Kaithlin Lyander
Your Character House: Hufflepuff
Other Characters Involved: Christian W., Art Huntington
Channel: #black-lake, #aux-comc-class, #first-floor-corridors
Timeline: A few weeks before the break until this weekend.
Summary: In her third year, Kaithlin met Art and became friends with him. She already knew Christian, though she didn't like him too much, but she soon found out that the two were dating. Kaithlin realized that Art had his doubts about their relationship, because Christian never told him what he realy felt. Kaithlin decided to confront Christian about it, because she had been in the same situation as Art and it had ended bad for her. She told Christian to tell Art what he felt for once, before it would be too late. That happened before the summerbreak and eventhough Christian had told her he would do it, she realizes he hadn't done it after the summer break. But, eventually Art told her Christian confessed about his feelings. Though Kaithlin has some conflict with Christian herself, she is very happy to hear he finally did what she advised him to do.
IRP Public Knowledge: The only ones who know about this whole thing are Kaithlin, Art and Christian.
There's a lot of romance in the server, isn't there folks? Whelp, onwards and upwards!
New Experiences~!
(Submitted by Madi!)
Character Name: Axel Durnhollow
Your Character House: Ravenclaw
Other Characters Involved: Lucien A.
Channel: #r-dancing-hall #the-clock-tower
Timeline: Started this Monday
Summary: Axel was nervous about going to the Ravenclaw dance and was discouraged because she didn't have a date. However, she ran into Lucien and they had a conversation. Well, it was more of a shouting match, but she asked him to go with her, so it was a success. Axel was SUPER excited to go to the dance, and while she wasn't so excited about Lucien, he turned out to be nice. He showed her how to dance and she enjoyed the new experience. Although they're technically still there, that'll probably be all of it.
IRP Public Knowledge: Really just anyone who saw them at the dance or in the clock tower.
Finally, something non-romantic! There's friendships here too, everyone! XD
Level Up~!
(Submitted by Lizhi!)
Character Name: Jasmine Ze Liau
Your Character House: Ravenclaw
Channel: #greenhouses
Timeline: Since the beginning of the term
Summary: Jasmine is training to be an animagus! She began the Mandrake Leaf Cycle at the beginning of the term, and had it in from full moon to full moon. She has begun her partial transformations, and is currently on Level 2 I believe.
IRP Public Knowledge: Nobody knows, unless a roommate of Jasmine found a Mandrake Leaf in the trash.
Hold on tight, Jasmine! You've only got a little longer to go before you can transform!
An Awkward Encounter~!
(Submitted by Madi!)
Character Name: Axel Durnhollow
Your Character House: Ravenclaw
Other Characters Involved: Alex Lévêque
Channel: #tapestry-corridor
Timeline: Saturday, 9/21
Summary: Axel was pacing and reading her book when she tripped. She fell to the ground and felt extremely embarrassed, but was very thankful that the hallway had been empty. As turned out, it wasn’t empty, and instead, someone had been sitting in the corner reading. They sat and had a conversation about books and Metamorphagi (yes that’s a word). Eventually, the conversation lulled and there was an awkward silence. Axel quickly made her leave, hoping to avoid anything too weird.
IRP Knowledge: They weren’t too hidden, so really anyone trying to listen would hear them.
Whew, that was awkward! Onto a breath of fresh air, everyone!
Wholesome Quidditch Romance~!
(Submitted by LunaMoonie!)
Character Name: Lena Wolfbane
Your Character House: Ravenclaw
Other Characters Involved: Gavin Landgrave
Channel: #quidditch-pitch #astronomy-tower
Timeline: During the weekend
Summary: Gavin and Lena found each other in the astronomy tower, where Gavin wrapped his arms around her and held her. Lena suggested flying in their broomsticks for a bit, so he swooped her up and carried Lena to the quidditch pitch. They shared a broom, which Gavin flew first. In the excitement, they both stood up on the broom, Lena doing more effortlessly than Gavin. They switched sides so now Lena was flying the broom, and did some loops in the air, hoping not to drop Gavin (luckily she didn’t). Once they’d stopped looping and were just floating mid-air, Gavin started saying sweet things to Lena. She decided to trick him a little, and pretended she didn’t feel the same way he felt. Seeing Gavin hurt though made her feel ashamed, as she flew the broom back to the ground. Once the broom was back in its place, Gavin and Lena decided to forget that little trick and exchanged kisses, sweet words (mostly by Gavin) and holding her in his arms. Now Lena is asleep in his arms, in some minutes of wholesomeness.
IRP Knowledge: Anyone who was passing by who might’ve saw them being together flying or just being wholesome.
Even they admit they're being wholesome!
Wholesome Cowards~!
(Submitted by Miriam!)
Character Name: Arthur Jones
Your Character House: Gryfindor
Other Characters Involved: Minhee Hyeseong
Channel: #courtyard , #g-common-room, #astronomy-tower, #training-grounds
Timeline: A few weeks until today
Summary: At the week of the picknick event, Arthur found Minhee together with Kaithlin. They went down to the training grounds, where he ate some of the food. After blurting out to Minhee that she was cute, he quickly left the fields, because he was ashamed. A few days later, Minhee found him and she ended up confessing her feelings to him. Now, they have been dating for a few weeks, both, feeling happier then they have ever felt and finally not feeling alone anymore.
IRP Public Knowledge: Kaithlin was there at the picknick when he blurted out that Minhee was cute. But she doesn't know about the fact that they are now dating. The only one who does know about the dating for sure is Christian. But anyone who has seen the two of them together, might suspect they are dating, because they are sometimes kissing in public.
Okay everyone, I think that's everything for my first week!
Thanks for sticking around and being patient with me!
I also might do server themed shitposts since that's what I'm probably known for at this point skdksndjs
Have a good day, ladies, lords and non-binary royalty!
Love ya!
Queen 👑
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Greetings, ladies, lords and non-binary royalty!
Hiya, I'm your new tea-spiller Queen!
I'm here to help out with Witch Weekly on the fourth week on every month, the week after our dear Polka posts! I also control an NPC and a second year Ravenclaw on the server, so feel free to drop by Ravenclaw Tower to say hi!
Love ya!
Queen 👑
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
What’s new? // 9-23-19
This month’s updates to our Hogwarts roleplay server:
Student Aides is a new role to take on for students who’d like to assist the Mediwizard staff. Applications open next weekend, and Student Aides positions for other faculty areas (like Hogwarts Librarians) are in the works.
Speaking of Mediwizards, we are in need of one! Take a look at the responsibilities and if you’re up for it, make a profile for your Mediwizard character and shoot us an application.
Attending classes and going to club meetings as well as Quidditch practice will automatically earn you 10 points for your house now! (If you’re late for class, don’t worry, you will still earn 5 😉)
We’ve added two new Hogwarts subjects: Magical Theory, where you'll learn about wands, magical strength and different aspects of curses, and the Apparition Seminar for our sixth and seventh years who want to master the art of apparition!
For those who’ve had trouble attending classes because of timezones, we’ve added Auxiliary Potions and Auxiliary Care of Magical Creatures! They take place at a more GMT friendly time so you won’t miss any of your favorite subjects.
You can join our server here. And as always, if there’s anything you’d like to know beforehand, shoot us an ask or DM.
Have a magical day!
- Polka 🌸
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
I’m your new mod Polka, and I solemnly swear I am up to no good...
More specifically, I’ll let you guys know about the new updates on our Discord roleplay server Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, like new classes, upcoming IRP events or some fun channels we added to the server!
As always, feel free to drop an owl ask or DM us if you have any questions. Have a magical day!
- Polka 🌸
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Week of 8-18-19 // WW Post
Hey y’all! This week’s tea was a little bland, so please post in the witch weekly channel whenever new tea surfaces! However, we have just enough for everyone to share. Let’s get to it!
1. Skinny Dipping at the Lake 
(Submitted by Madi)
Character Name: Professor Dextrus
Character House: :Ravenclaw:
Other Characters Involved: Jasmine Ze Liãu
Channel: #black-lake
Timeline: August 15
Summary: Professor Dextrus was enjoying the last few moments of a student-less Hogwarts when she came upon a student. In the lake. Skinny dipping! She was horrified and absolutely furious at first, but she suddenly felt against getting the girl in trouble. She never asked her name, but instead sat down with her legs in the lake. After a few moments, she saw the look on the girl’s panicked face and quickly took her leave.
IRP Knowledge: Jasmine was careful about no one else seeing her, so really it should just be Dextrus and Jasmine.
2. Family Drama?
(Submitted by Miriam)
Character Name: Kaithlin Lyander
Your Character House: Hufflepuff
Other Characters Involved: Kaithlin's mother
Channel: Holiday server, #kl-Backyard
Timeline: In the summer vacation
Summary: Kaithlin has told her mother about Arthur. After her mother told her that she didn't know that there was another sibling, Kaithlin believes that they would have taken him too, if they'd known. But when she asked, her mother told her she doesn't know, because two is hard to take care of. Kaithlin is hurt by this comment and is angry with her mother, because they would have given him the same life he had now, if they would have known about the fact that he was her brother.*
IRP Public Knowledge: No one was there to see it. Only Kaithlin knows.
3. Blooming Romance?
(Submitted by Ynnub)
Character Name: Johannes Sandelin
Your Character House: Slytherin
Other Characters Involved: Delfina Horne
Channel: #hogwarts-ballroom #victory-ballroom #ballroom-balcony #first-floor-corridors #entrance-hall #dh-kitchen #js-living-room #the-leaky-cauldron #cobblestone-streets #flourish-and-blotts ice cream parlor thing #descending-staircase #the-dining-area #buffet-table #enchanted-ballroom #dungeons
Timeline: It started around the 10/08
Summary: Delfina and Johannes met up at the End of Term feast, and decided that since they already knew each others and were good friends, they would spend their time together. They had a nice day overall, until they heard about the results of the House Cup, a tie between Ravenclaw and Slytherin ! In the end, the two were pretty surprised but happy with the results. Especially Johannes, this way he didn't have to face a Delfina disappointed with losing, or nagging him forever for winning. They decided that since they already spent their whole day together, they might as well go to the victory ball, which was announced by Headmaster Valor, together too. Pretty practical since the school required a date from the opposite house.
They there too spent a good time, this time avoiding any dancing as they were already really tired and last time they danced didn't go too well. When the time to go back to their respective dorms came, Johannes decided to accompany the Ravenclaw back to as close as he could get from the Ravenclaw tower. After a bit of awkward silence between the two, as neither wanted to get away from the other, Delfina impulsively kissed Johannes. The Slytherin, taken by surprise froze, which in turn caused Delfina to think he didn't appreciate it, and to run off back to her dorms. Fate made it so they bumped into each others at the entrance hall when both leaving for the break, and after seeing how tense and awkward the situation was, Johannes decided he should confess to Delfina, go all or nothing. But before he could get out what he wanted to say, they were interrupted by a dumb Gryffindor, and Johannes never did quite get to finish.
After being completely clueless on what to do for a good few days, he finally decided to call Delfina, and arrange their meeting over the holidays at Diagon Alley, like they originally prepared before the whole kissing mess. They met at Diagon Alley, Delfina meeting Johannes' father and Johannes meeting Delfina's nanny, and went to buy their supplies. After quite a bit of tension, at flourish and botts when Johannes' father had the wit to let the kids some alone times as they were pretty clearly a tense mess, they cleared up what happened and made clear that they were still best friends.
But, after they met once again at the Start of Term dance, were they had a really good time once again, and danced almost correctly for the first time, Delfina decided that this time she would be the one to accompany Johannes as close as she could to his dorms. They stopped in the dungeon, and after a bit of hesitation on Johannes side, he decided to kiss her. What a joy when he realized she kissed him back, and when she told him that she loved him too after he confessed ! After a bit more time snuggling with Delfina, Johannes had to go back to his dorms to sleep for the night. Well, if he could sleep with all the excitement he felt.
IRP Knowledge: People definitively have seen Johannes and Delfina get closer and spend their times at the Start of Term and End of Term feasts together, but they were completely alone for both kiss.
That's it for this week! Tune in for next time on:
-Witch Weekly-
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Week of 8-11-19 // WW Post
Hey guys! Thes (Arb) here with the juicy tea! Firstly, we would like to announce that both Ravenclaw and Slytherin won the House Cup! Congratulations to them! Both of the houses put in major effort and we appreciate it!
In other news, the End of Term feast was mostly uneventful. But, here are some things from the last week that weren’t! == 1. Student-Teacher Tension? == (Submitted by Lyx) Character Name: Rowan Scrivener  
Your Character House: Ravenclaw 
Other Characters Involved: Professor Frost (Wolfy)
Channel: #dada-class
Timeline: August 9  ==
Summary: So Professor Frost called Rowan to his office because her grades hadn’t been the best recently. He cut quickly to the chase and suggested she quit Quidditch to focus on her studies, which Rowan obviously found incredulous. She blatantly refused to do so, and stormed out of the classroom, seething with fury.  
IRP Public Knowledge: Just the two of them, unless you happened to have been walking past the classroom and decided to stop and listen. == 2. And I- oop? === (Submitted by Sweet) Character Name: Scarlett Ferox @sweetfangirl 
Your Character House: Ravenclaw 
Other Characters Involved: Stefan Müller, Kaithlin Lyander
Channel: #astronomy-tower #black-lake
Timeline: August 5th 
Summary: Scarlett was looking to read in peace, so she found a spot on the astronomy tower where she could be alone with her (rather disturbing) book and thoughts. Unlucky for her, Stefan also found his way to the top of the tower and decided the best way to strike up conversation with her was to ask if she was the girl he was supposed to be meeting for his blind date. The following conversation was an uncomfortable one on her end, and she was almost tempted to leave. Unfortunately, Scarlett is stubborn as hell and stayed to give him a piece of her mind which just made her feel even more creeped out. Stefan eventually left, asking her to wait for him, and Scarlett went down to the black lake. Not only did Stefan find her there, but also Kaithlin, the Hufflepuff who just wanted to be friends with her. Kaithlin and Stefan traded a few insults before Kaithlin stormed off, while Scarlett just got more and more enraged by Stefan. Finally, she snapped, slapping him and punching him in the balls. A few more snarky comments and several more hits followed before she eventually left. 
IRP Knowledge: No one would have known what went on in the astronomy tower, but anyone passing the black lake would have seen that argument unfold.
== 3. Snake infestation? === (Submitted by May)
Character Name: Flora May Appleblossom 
Character House: Ravenclaw 
Other Characters Involved: Luna Xylander
Channel: #study-hall
Timeline: Aug 7th 
Summary: May was doing her Herbology homework in the Study hall. She looked around and noticed a Slytherin girl with coloured hair and a snake around her neck. Luna noticed May staring and confronted her. May tried to compliment Luna on her hair colour, but it turned into a large argument between the two. Luna would take digs at Ravenclaw and May would defend. This happened repeatedly. Finally, May made a dig at Slytherin for the first time and that was the final straw for Luna. Luna told May not to judge people and to keep her head n her books. Luna then walked off feeling good about the argument and carrying on with her day. May was distraught and felt completely unlike herself. May came to the conclusion that Luna was a hypocrite and tried to get on with her work, but couldn't focus so she left. 
IRP Knowledge: Anyone at the Study hall
== And that’s this week’s tea! Follow us for more, and go to the links in our bio to join the server- and possibly make it on one of these posts! Until then, that’s it for: -Witch Weekly-
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Best owner :D
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hogwarts is my home~ (Made for my server <3)
> the last one is specifically designed to work with iOS and have the castle above the toolbar on an iPhone
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Week of 8-4-19 // WW Feature
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, but today we’ve got some major tea to spill! So, without further ado, let’s get into it!
1. No-No Square
~Submitted by Ynnub~
Character Name: Johannes Sandelin @Ynnub [Capt. Johannes Sandelin] Your Character House: :Slytherin: Other Characters Involved: Marinette C. @Yssy {Marinette C./Hugo G.} Channel: #the-trophy-room Do you want to be posted on Tumblr? :yes~1: Timeline: Started like what ? An hour ago maybe
Summary: Johannes met an Hufflepuff 1st year when going into the trophy room to lurk on the Quidditch trophies. After a bit of an awkward moment where she seemed like she was uncomfortable with him, and made a remark about his stuttering, Johannes decided he should probably go. Alas the Hufflepuff, Marinette, decided it was a good idea to grab his arm. Sudden physical contact from someone he barely knew at all ? That's a big no no for Johannes. Almost having a panic attack, he ran away from the room, to god knows where.
IRP Public Knowledge: Some peoples may have seen Johannes run through the corridors, but since he was bolting, only those who knew him at least a bit could determine it was the Slytherin Captain.
2. Too Much to Drink?
~Submitted by Isaac~
Character Name: Alexander James House: Slytherin Other characters involved: Shank Lawson, Pref. Maria Fox Channel: #faculty-wine-bar Do you want to be posted on Tumblr?: :yes~1: Timeline: Aug 5
Summary: Alexander James saw Shank and Maria in the faculty Wine Bar in celebration of the new Headmaster and Head of House. He walked over to them, trying to decipher why they were there and why Shank was dressed so awfully. He didn't hear Shank ask about Valor's panties, though he didn't say anything when it happened out of a leaden tongue. Valor was furious (and maybe slightly drunk) and took 50 points away from Shank for disrespect, 50 points from Maria for encouraging it, and 50 points from Alexander by association, though he didn't have much to do with it at all. Alexander went back to the common room and argued slightly with an unbothered Maria and Shank, though he never raised his voice. He blames himself equally as the others for losing so many points and feels awful about it all.
IRP Public Knowledge: Anyone at the party would have seen him lose points, the Slytherin house knows he lost 50 points, and anyone who was in the Common Room would've seen him rather upset on the couch and talking with Maria.
3. Professorship? More like Professor SHIP!
~Submitted by Lizhi~
YOUR Character Name: Lise Hadlee Your Character House: Ravenclaw Other Characters Involved: Professor Deacair and Sir Ferens
Channel: #faculty-wine-bar Do you want to be posted on Tumblr? :yes~1: Timeline: Happened 8.5.19
The TEA: Professor Deacair and Sir Ferens are most likely dating, as Sir Ferens were showing obvious PDA, including a peck on the cheek from Sir Ferens. They're very cute together.
And that's the tea for this week! Be sure to join our server and follow our Tumblr for next week's tea!
~ Witch Weekly ~
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hogwartswnw · 5 years
Week of 6-30-19 // WW Feature
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while- I've been busy with some other stuff lately. But we've got some big news for you all today!
1. Great Hall? Great fiasco.
~Submitted by Lake!~
Character Name:Sol Wilde@Lakeiyes
Your Character House:Gryffindor
Other Characters Involved:@Emily ✨ @Isaac {Pref. Alexander James} @Aranel @CynicalVids @Lily {Pref. Sapp Orb|Gal Nova} @[Arb] Lucas C. | Prof. Afermata @Alexander's Bitch
Channel:#kitchens #great-hall
Do you want to be posted on Tumblr?yes
Timeline: Late July 1st
Summary: Stefan snuck down into the kitchens and poisoned the bread and stew with Veritaserum (truth serum). When the students started to eat that food sure enough, chaos was arriving. People could only tell the truth, leading to varied encounters. Sol walked in on a few students arguing, which they continued to do while Sol studied them. Until a Lucas came and told them to shut up. Sol was now thrown into this heated moment. Insults about everything flew. She got called meek which she will dwell on later, and it all escalated really fast. Sol got Donetm and was on her way out, but was interrupted when Lucas casted a curse on Maria. Then the Headmaster came.
Everyone was in a bad mood when he came, and after he drunk the potion hell broke loose. Sol may also have helped Alexander have an identity crisis. Anyways everyone started shouting, and insisted on figuring out who this Isaac was. Sol started calmly scream at the Headmaster to stop screaming which turned into Sol/MISSPREFECTIFORGOTYOURNAME screaming polite and calling everyone sirs, until she got an identity crisis. Reid started slamming tables during it all, and there were a lot of plates getting smashed.
When Reid tried to leave to fetch Valor (who all had an opinion on) he didn’t come far as Alexander slammed a table and challenged him to a duel in that, with Sol/Sun Child as announcer and witness. Reid won, as he managed to break?the?Slytherin table? It was quickly fixed, and they continued talking about family and other things.
IRP Public Knowledge: There was a chaos in the great hall that day, and anyone who was there or were passing would've seen something at least.
2. More Great Shenanigans
~Submitted by Polka~
Character Name: Christian Winterbourne (@Polka [Megan A./Christian W.])
Your Character House: Gryffindor
Other Characters Involved: @Art Huntington, @Miriam [Arthur Jones]
Channel: #great-hall
Do you want to be posted on Tumblr? yes
Timeline: July 2nd, lunchtime
Summary: Not knowing about the Veritaserum debacle, Christian went to have lunch with Arthur. He noticed something was off when he found it increasingly hard to stay polite during a discussion with his friend. When their arguing turned more serious, some compromising statements slipped his mouth, like how he feels that Arthur isn't grateful enough for his help or the fact that despite not being out to anyone, he already thinks of Art as his boyfriend. Art unexpectedly joined the awkward scene and, unaware of the truth serum situation, asked Christian what he thought his boggart would be -- a question the Gryffindor had managed to dodge until that point. Still under the influence of Veritaserum, he was forced to tell the truth and fled the scene immediately after. Now that his best kept secrets have been revealed, he's terrified to face any of his fellow students -- let alone Arthur or Art -- ever again.
IRP Public Knowledge: Whoever might have been sitting at the Gryffindor table at the time could have heard... Although with the overall commotion going on in the Great Hall that day, it could have been drowned out by the fighting of other students just as well.
3. Friends or Enemies?
~Submitted by Aurora~
Character Name: Christian Winterbourne (@Polka [Megan A./Christian W.])
Your Character House: Gryffindor
Other Characters Involved: @Art Huntington, @Miriam [Arthur Jones]
Channel: #great-hall
Do you want to be posted on Tumblr? yes
Timeline: July 2nd, lunchtime
Summary: Not knowing about the Veritaserum debacle, Christian went to have lunch with Arthur. He noticed something was off when he found it increasingly hard to stay polite during a discussion with his friend. When their arguing turned more serious, some compromising statements slipped his mouth, like how he feels that Arthur isn't grateful enough for his help or the fact that despite not being out to anyone, he already thinks of Art as his boyfriend. Art unexpectedly joined the awkward scene and, unaware of the truth serum situation, asked Christian what he thought his boggart would be -- a question the Gryffindor had managed to dodge until that point. Still under the influence of Veritaserum, he was forced to tell the truth and fled the scene immediately after. Now that his best kept secrets have been revealed, he's terrified to face any of his fellow students -- let alone Arthur or Art -- ever again.
IRP Public Knowledge: Whoever might have been sitting at the Gryffindor table at the time could have heard... Although with the overall commotion going on in the Great Hall that day, it could have been drowned out by the fighting of other students just as well.
That's the spicy tea for the week! Don't forget to follow us for next week's issue of-
~ Witch Weekly! ~
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