honourablemisteryoda ¡ 7 years
I will never forget that :D
@nuckelavee forgot to mention that I was killed in the middle of first of two 5(?)-hour sessions. I wasn’t sure if I should come to the next one or is that just that for me :)
Anyways – that ended up being probably the BEST role-playing experience I’ve had in my life and it probably was the single best RPG scenario I’ve played...
What does happen if you die in DnD? Do you just… stop coming to the sessions?
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 8 years
The end justifies the memes.
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 8 years
Me: ...yeah, he looks like Snoop Doggy-Dog!
A friend: Snoop Dobby?
My imagination (in Dobby's voice): Harry Peezzle, mah nizzle, must not go back to Hogwizzle. Fo shizzle!
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 8 years
In a world, I’m reliably told, that’s going to the dogs, the real mischief, the real punk rock rebellion, is a snarling, ‘fuck you’ positivity and optimism. Violent optimism in the face of all evidence to the contrary is the Alpha form of outrage these days. It really freaks people out.
Grant Morrison (via tophercompensating)
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 8 years
"I am tired of your shit, Francis"
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 8 years
You know you’ve had a good workout, when sneezing the morning after makes your stomach muscles kill you.
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
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It doesn’t get more succinct than that. 
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
Why isn’t using sign language more common in society? like??? Not even just communicating within deaf communities but for everybody to use with anybody?
I feel like this should be standard learning material for those working in loud workplaces or with machinery, or maybe idk for talking underwater or when someone else can’t hear you at a concert. Or what about when somebody is having a panic attack and can’t talk, or just isn’t all that comfortable with voicing their feelings?
Why isn’t nonverbal communication more integrated into our society? Cause it should be.
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
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srsly tho this is absolutely a thing that dudes do all the f***ing time
like where if he knows a girl doesn’t necessarily want to give him a hug, he will trap her in this position in front of witnesses where she has 2 options- both of which are undesirable for her, while simultaneously desirable for him
if she doesn’t want to hug him, whatever she does, it will suck for her.
she can 1. say nah and be the fucking asshole in front of other ppl or 2. forsake her corporeal boundaries and allow unwanted intimate contact
it’s a f***ing trap
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
At least once a day
Me: I am going to have some fun time on the Internet!!!
the Internet: *throws a bunch of random bad news and/or hate speech comments and/or people being stupid and/or something similarily pleasant right in my face
Me: Yeah... nope.
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
Commentary for non-Polish speakers: #polskiekomentarzezaglady (pol. Polish death comments – name refers to the “Polish death camps” controversy) shows the hateful comments of Polish people (mostly about Muslim immigrants in Europe) combined with historical pictures of Nazi officers and soldiers. The same people that were outraged by the term “Polish death camps”. This campaign aims to show people how today’s situation resembles the way the people were poisoned with hatred towards Jewish people before the WWII that ultimately led to the Holocaust and annihilation of over 6 million people, mainly in death camps and during mass executions.
Similar comparison was made by Timothy Snyder in his Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning. He claims, that we have already passed a mental border of dehumanisation of the ‘other’ and are in a position where we can’t go back anymore and that some major tragedy is bound to happen. A tragedy like Holocaust, but with this time with Muslims being victims of islamophobia, stereotypical thinking, racism, nationalism and hatred. Are we doomed to repeat the history?
Think about it. The #polskiekomentarzezaglady campaign (as controversial as it is for disclosing names and faces of the people commenting) are devised to make you think. Can we still do that? Can we sit back and think for a minute? Can we stop and go back or are we indeed doomed to repeat the tragedy of 20th-century genocides (not only Holocaust, but also Rwanda, Jugoslavia, Kambodja and many many others...)? Think. Hatred is born of fear and fear is born of ignorance. Think.
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
Commentary for non-Polish speakers: #polskiekomentarzezaglady (pol. Polish death comments – name refers to the “Polish death camps” controversy) shows the hateful comments of Polish people (mostly about Muslim immigrants in Europe) combined with historical pictures of Nazi officers and soldiers. The same people that were outraged by the term “Polish death camps”. This campaign aims to show people how today’s situation resembles the way the people were poisoned with hatred towards Jewish people before the WWII that ultimately led to the Holocaust and annihilation of over 6 million people, mainly in death camps and during mass executions.
Similar comparison was made by Timothy Snyder in his Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning. He claims, that we have already passed a mental border of dehumanisation of the ‘other’ and are in a position where we can’t go back anymore and that some major tragedy is bound to happen. A tragedy like Holocaust, but with this time with Muslims being victims of islamophobia, stereotypical thinking, racism, nationalism and hatred. Are we doomed to repeat the history?
Think about it. The #polskiekomentarzezaglady campaign (as controversial as it is for disclosing names and faces of the people commenting) are devised to make you think. Can we still do that? Can we sit back and think for a minute? Can we stop and go back or are we indeed doomed to repeat the tragedy of 20th-century genocides (not only Holocaust, but also Rwanda, Jugoslavia, Kambodja and many many others...)? Think. Hatred is born of fear and fear is born of ignorance. Think.
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
Thomas Sanders does a damn good job
Seen this today:
"Thomas Sanders: love all you guys gals and non binary pals
me:!!!!! that's me!!! I'm a non binary!!!! non binary!!!!!!!!!!!!"
My thoughts:
SOOO important.
I myself identify binarily. But I still believe, that EVERY SINGLE PERSON on Earth deserves to be happy being who their are. If we don't try to achiebe global happiness of everyone, we shan't call ourselves 'humans'.
"Human – that sounds proud!" Russian poet, Maxim Gorki, has written. We need to start trying and living up to the name
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
Pacific Rim AU
I’m sure someone has already proposed that, but - dude…
Pacific Rim AU with Finn and Jake. Jaeger name: Adventure Time Guys are 100% drift compatible and are virtually unstoppable. But sometimes Jake’s fears surface…
Or they tap into the Vault.
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honourablemisteryoda ¡ 9 years
Let’s not forget to acknowledge Alexandre Dumas this Black History Month
The writer of two of the most well known stories worldwide, The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo was a black man. 
That’s excellence.
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