hoodhollow · 3 years
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I wrote a short piece for @eternalfairytaleszine which is open for preorders until November 25. Grab your copy at eternalfairytaleszine.bigcartel.com
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hoodhollow · 3 years
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At long last, Eternal Fairytales is on Pre-Sale!  This zine is digital PDF and is inspired by Ever After High! All the money goes to this cause:  One of our mods was currently impacted by Hurricane Ida, this is their comment and explanation for how the money is going to be used, “Hello guys! This may come to a surprise to many but recently, my family and I have been struck by hurricane Ida, as well as our town. Our car recently broke down so getting important goodies is hard right now. We need money for basic necessities right now, which is food and toilet paper amongst other things. Our town had our power cut off and we recently got it back but most of us have jobs (or school) that rely on online work and our service here is very limited for the time being. The money will be donated to not only my family, but other families in town who need basic necessities to keep them afloat. Thanks so much for the support.“ This pre-sale is from October 25th to November 25th and is $10 USD! 
Thank you to all our contributors and mods for working so hard on this, here is the link to pre-order: https://eternalfairytaleszine.bigcartel.com/ @zine-scene @zineapps @zinefeed @zinecenter @fandomzines @fanzinewatch 
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hoodhollow · 4 years
You’d think seven cats, none of them black, might turn out to be good luck or whatever. That’s a thing, right?
It isn’t. It really, really, isn’t.
3400 words. Takes place the winter break following Listen to Our Hearts, but can be read on its own.
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hoodhollow · 4 years
Toil and Trouble [Hogwarts AU]
Rating: G
Characters: Raven, Apple
“Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in?”
Raven didn’t even look up from the mortar and pestle. “Pass me the acromantula venom, please.”
“Ignoring curfew, breaking into a professor’s office, stealing rare potions ingredients—”
Raven got the venom herself.
“I should give you detention for a month!” Apple said, voice rising. “I should—what are you doing?” She crossed the dungeon to peer at the only-marginally-helpful textbook Raven had propped open on one corner of her table. “The Wolfsbane Potion doesn’t use acromantula venom.”
Raven finished hydrating her powdered moonstone and scraped the glittery paste into her bubbling cauldron. “It does if you don’t want to stir for days.”
“Where did you get the recipe?” Apple asked suspiciously. “I haven’t seen any new advancements in The Practical Potioneer.”
“Kind of making it up as I go, actually.”
“Well, as eager as you are to experiment, I think it could have waited until morning.”
Raven stirred twice and waved her wand to extinguish the flame. “Trust me, it really couldn’t.”
Apple looked back at the textbook. “Tonight is the full moon,” she said slowly. “That means…”
Raven could only offer a pre-emptive wince.
“Raven!” Apple shrieked. “Have you lost your mind? I can’t believe you’re allowing something so dangerous—”
Raven glared. “She’s not—”
Apple continued as if she hadn’t even spoken. “It goes against every standard of ethics to modify a potion—especially this potion—and have someone drink it untested!”
Well. Raven looked down at the completed potion, which was shedding wisps of blue smoke. It looked like Wolfsbane, and it certainly smelled like Wolfsbane. “It’s a bit urgent, if you hadn’t realized.”
“That’s no excuse!” Apple flicked her wand, bottling a sample. “Tell me how you made it step by step—no, better write it down instead—”
“We don’t have time for—” Apple vanished the contents of the cauldron. “Hey!”
“—and we’ll send this to the Potions Association for approval.”
Raven looked at her watch. “Apple,” she said, “give me that vial.”
“It doesn’t matter how skilled you are at Potions, I’m not letting you give this to Cerise when it could have all manner of side effects!” Apple said.
“Uh,” Raven stalled, “who said anything about Cerise?”
“Raven,” Apple said. “Please.”
“Fine, whatever, then do you have a better idea?” Raven demanded. “Because unless that prefect badge can open up the Night Briars, she’ll be trapped in the school when the moon rises and that’s a bad plan if I’ve ever heard one.”
“Well, I’m sure you would know, after every time you’ve gotten…” Apple trailed off midsentence, then suddenly brightened. “The detention tower! The enchantments will keep it locked until the spool is full of gold thread, and wolves can’t use spinning wheels!”
“Okay, but you’d have to get her there first,” Raven said, “Cerise is waiting at the kitchens, that’s across the castle—”
“I’ll get her there,” Apple assured her. “If I remember the schedule correctly, there should be a clear route through the patrols.”
Raven bit the inside of her cheek, then nodded. “Be careful, alright? And hurry.”
“I will.” But Apple paused on her way out the door. “You’d better write that report for the Potions Association—”
Raven groaned. “The potion is fine.”
“—and get this all cleaned up before Professor Yaga’s patrol in five minutes.”
“Bloody hex,” Raven said, and scrambled to gather her supplies.
She did end up getting detention, which became absolutely worth it two weeks later. Apple was duly impressed by her Order of Merlin, Third Class for innovation in the Potions field and Raven didn’t even have to say “I told you so.”
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hoodhollow · 6 years
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My Secret Santa for @ankicacicero!
I know they love Duchess, but apparently we have a mutual love for Ramona Justine and ballet so I had give my little Dancer some sweet Nutcracker dreams.
Works out too because her dance has a soldier type in it too.
Brought to you by the @eah-exchange!!
Last pic, I’d like to think Justine still has sleep dancing problems but has ‘solved’ it.
Merrry Christmas!
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hoodhollow · 6 years
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Happy holidays to @everaftermonsterhigh ~!!!
You wrote you liked “anything Briar related” so I hope you like a Briar character page. I know Kitty/Maddie/Lizzie weren’t you’re first choice, but I immediately had this idea so I had to draw them~ 
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hoodhollow · 6 years
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Happy holidays @mysteriousacorn! Here’s some post-Dragon Games Apple and Darling with a (sort of) confession and a (real) first kiss.
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hoodhollow · 6 years
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Fate took them apart but love brought them back together
My gift for @hoodhollow! I hope you have a happy holiday!!!!!
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hoodhollow · 6 years
It’ll nearly be like a picture print
Rating: G
Characters/Ships: Cupid, Briar, Hopper, background Ashlynn/Hunter, background Apple/Raven if you squint
Summary: The three of them were getting pretty good at throwing parties for heretofore-unheard-of holidays.
Notes: Gift for @jolie-poupee-en-rose​ in the Ever After High Holiday Exchange! Title from “Sleigh Ride.”
It was December 24th and the Royal Common Room was royally decked out. Boughs of holly lined the windowsills, and evergreen garlands were wrapped around the stair railings. Each of the living tree pillars had been draped in tiny multicolored lights and hung with round baubles of red, green, and gold.
“So we’re not celebrating the winter solstice?” Cupid asked. She had an armful of reindeer figurines and instructions to place them strategically around the room.
“No, it’s a Christmas party,” Briar said.
“What’s Christmas?”
“It’s a holiday I found in the forbidden book section of the library,” Briar explained, weaving red, star-shaped flowers into a pine wreath. “I’m not sure where it came from, but I guess it’s all about feasting and joy and spending time with your friends and family, so I figured, why not?”
“Why not indeed,” Cupid agreed. “And these are all traditional Christmas decorations?”
“Yep,” said Briar.
Cupid inspected the last figurine. “Why does this one have a red nose?”
“I dunno, the book didn’t say,” Briar shrugged. “Maybe he has a cold?”
Cupid laughed, and set the red-nosed reindeer on the table in front of the fireplace. “Maybe this will warm him up a bit. I’ll get some matches for the hearth.”
“Wait, we can’t light the fireplace yet,” Briar said, “that’s where Santa Claus is coming in.”
“What?!” Cupid said, alarmed.
“Supposedly, he slides down the chimney in the middle of the night to leave gifts in exchange for milk and cookies,” Briar said. “I’m going to stay up to try to catch him in the act.”
Cupid blinked slowly. Back home, a lit hearth was essential to any celebration of family. But, as they said, when in Ever After… “Well, alright then.”
The double doors opened and Hopper staggered in, carefully balancing a tower of white pastry boxes.
“I’ve got the log cakes and the snowflake cookies,” he said. “Can, uh, someone help me unload them?”
Cupid took half of the stack, and Briar began making room at the refreshment table. It was already loaded down with food and drink, from fruit cake to striped peppermint candy to carafes of eggnog, cider, and hot chocolate, warmed over dragonfire coals. A basket of oranges sat at one end of the table.
“Perfect,” Briar said, once everything had been rearranged to her satisfaction. She glanced around the room. “Can you guys think of anything we’re missing?”
“Hm,” Cupid said thoughtfully. “Music?”
“I made a playlist,” Briar said. “Figured we’d go low-key instead of booking someone to perform, and it’ll be easier for the activities later.”
“Uh, we should probably, explain the holiday to everyone, and maybe warn them about the mistletoe thing,” Hopper said, casting a wary look to the corner. “I could write something up, if you’d lend me that book, Briar?”
“Sure thing,” Briar said. “So now that that’s settled…” She grinned, wrapping one arm around Cupid’s elbow and slinging the other over Hopper’s shoulders. “Let’s talk dress code.”
In The End, the holidaywear was not as odd as Cupid had anticipated. She had been provided with a pair of antlers on a headband. Hopper sported pointy ears under a green hat, and Briar herself wore a short red stocking cap with a white puffball attached to the point. Being Briar, she managed to make it a trend. When the other partygoers arrived, many of them were convinced to don silly headgear and festive sweaters as well.
Hopper, practicing his public speaking, gave the speech about Christmas and its traditions. As soon as he finished (in human shape—he really was getting better), the mistletoe corner was surrounded by a hopeful ring of boys and girls. They sighed quietly and batted their eyes at Daring or Darling, trying to attract the attention of one of the two most charming students in the school. Cupid thought she probably should have expected that. There would be no spontaneous kisses under the mistletoe tonight. Unless you were very, very oblivious.
Still, there were plenty of other things to enjoy at the party. Cedar and Lizzie were making tree ornaments, and Kitty watched over their shoulders while pretending to nap. Hunter and Ashlynn were bickering playfully as they put together a gingerbread house.
“You don’t think a one-bedroom cottage would be enough?” Hunter grinned. “I could build a really big shoe closet.”
Ashlynn lightly swatted his arm. “Kids, Hunter, where would the kids sleep?”
Hunter’s eyes went soft and bright. “Oh yeah. Okay, I’m liking this mansion idea more and more.” He reached for a few more pieces of gingerbread.
They were so adorable! Cupid couldn’t control the grin that spread across her face, though she did manage to hold in the squeal of delight.
Hopper was manning the refreshments table. Briar was refereeing a wrap battle. Cupid grabbed some hot chocolate and went to join in. She dared say the three of them were getting pretty good at throwing parties for heretofore-unheard-of holidays.
A few hours later, when the high-energy festivities had settled into something a little cozier, Briar paused the music and climbed onto a chair.
“Hey everyone,” she called, and the room quieted. “Caroling is going to start soon! If you want to go along, get the songs from Melody, and make sure to dress warm! It’s definitely getting chilly out there.”
A few of the carolers were already trying out the first song, which was upbeat and cheerful with lots of sleigh bells and ring-ting-tingling. As the traffic shifted, Cupid saw that the mistletoe corner was empty for the first time all night. She wondered if the hopefuls had given up, but then realized that the mistletoe was missing entirely.
She searched for the little leafy bundle, and saw it floating next to a mischievous smile. Just barely below it and backing hastily away were Apple and Raven, both looking as red as a reindeer’s nose.
“—a valuable multicultural experience!” Kitty’s voice said teasingly. “You don’t want to disrespect someone else’s traditions, do you?”
“Kitty, no!” Cupid immediately darted after her. “That’s not what the mistletoe is for!”
“Hey, it’s all in the holiday spirit!” Kitty reappeared directly above the pair, still grinning. “You know you want to…”
Raven rolled her eyes, then leaned in and kissed Apple’s cheek. “There, satisfied?” she demanded, face flushed.
“Boo, hiss,” Kitty said, but relinquished the plant. Apple and Raven hustled away and ducked into the crowd gathering around Melody.
With most of the students out caroling, the party began to wind down. A few of the stragglers were sent out with the remaining food—not that there was much left. Cupid made a mental note to compliment Ginger later. She gathered the platters for the cleaning fairies, thanking Hopper when he arrived to help.
“I think that’s probably about it for cleanup,” he said. He was still wearing the pointy-eared hat. “Have you seen Briar?”
Come to think of it, she hadn’t. “Did she go with the carolers?” Cupid asked.
“She might have,” Hopper said. He started for the door, then stopped abruptly. “No, wait, I found her,” he said, voice soft. Cupid quietly joined him.
Briar was asleep on the couch in front of the fireplace, head pillowed on a pile of Christmas sweaters. A plate of the beautifully decorated snowflake cookies had been placed on the table with a glass of milk. Next to them was a card proclaiming both to be “For Santa.”
“Do you think Santa Claus will actually come?” Cupid whispered to Hopper.
“Uh, well, I thought he was sort of fictional,” Hopper whispered back. “But I guess it’s possible…and it couldn’t really hurt to wait for him, could it?”
“Just in case,” Cupid agreed. “We’ll wake Briar up if he shows.”
She took a nearby armchair and Hopper sat down on the plush rug, legs crossed. With lights twinkling in the trees above and snow drifting down outside the dark windows, they settled in to wait out the night.
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hoodhollow · 7 years
This...works so well?? Like I know the song is supposed to be satire but it’s a pretty cool dark AU too.
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5g_V7Q84AA
New AMV by me ♥
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hoodhollow · 7 years
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Ever After High + The Raven Cycle → Winter Girls
You will live because of Snow White. Someone else in the Dark Forest is dying when they should not, and so you will live when you should not.
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hoodhollow · 7 years
i’ve been thinking about this since spring unsprung aired
so what if, when the well of wonder dries up, it doesn’t just turn everything black and white
instead, the world just starts...disappearing? like oh no, wonder is so integral to the land of ever after that we can’t even exist without it
(evil apple is like shit, i fucked up and we’re all gonna die)
so everyone is gathered on the fairground just waiting for the world to end
and it does, flash of light, smash cut to--
at a regular high school, without magic, where the only ones with memories of EAH are the wonderlandians
who then have to figure out how to get back to normal without getting sent to the loony bin
which may possibly involve detouring through pirate ships or midwestern tornadoes or really deep closets WHO KNOWS IT’LL BE AN ADVENTURE
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hoodhollow · 7 years
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my hair is big with secrets
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hoodhollow · 7 years
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Ever After High Fairytales: Cerise Hood, Daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf. (9/38)
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hoodhollow · 7 years
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submitted by @gingerplatypus1142
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hoodhollow · 7 years
I really wish canon had explored how Cedar is literally CURSED to be a good person. Like, all that helpfulness and honesty and kindness? The result of a spell cast on her as an infant, a well-intentioned but short-sighted “gift”. And considering how insecure she is about not being human, I can only assume she’s also worried about how much of her personality is “real” and how much is magically induced. Does she help people bc that’s just who she is, or bc that’s who she was made to be? It would’ve made an excellent episode or subplot, where maybe she and Apple could find some common ground in a less one-sided way than ‘The Beautiful Truth’.
Like maybe Apple notices Cedar constantly, casually helping people throughout the day and approaches her about it, about how she admires/envies Cedar for being so selfless without ever having to think about it (and maybe asking for advice, bc it shouldn’t be as hard as it is for the Fairest of Them All to do the Right Thing, it’s supposed to come naturally right? there must be something wrong with her if she has to work at it). But then Cedar explains how much she admires/envies Apple (and Raven) for choosing to be good even tho they have the ability to choose not to be–about how often she desperately tries to lie or be cruel or just say no–just to prove to herself that she can–and how she fails miserably every time. This would humble Apple, helping her realize that she isn’t inherently a good person, and that the fact she’s trying to be anyway is a strength rather than a weakness. And it would highlight why Cedar sides with the Rebels, why she wants for everyone to have a choice in who they are and what they do. Bc even more so than Raven, Cedar understands what it means to have no control over your own personhood, to have an identity forced on you and be told it’s for the best, and to give in to that identity even as everything inside you screams “this is not what i want”
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hoodhollow · 7 years
in the end, for your snowfall eah fanfic, would she have been with cerise or dexter, or even a whole new person? [I'm here for the lesbians ya'll lmao]
Gonna assume you mean Raven–she’s not interested in Dexter at all, but the Cerise thing is complicated… Like, Cerise is for sure crushing a little bit on Raven but Raven is completely oblivious to her (and maybe her own???) feelings. So maybe it will happen!
(It will definitely happen Raven/Cerise was my first EAH ship and I am total trash for this unfortunately unrealistic pairing)
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