hoodrepublic · 6 years
helloo angel♡♡♡
hello! 💓
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hoodrepublic · 7 years
ya’ll ik this is a lot to ask for but…my goal for the end of this year is to hit my next thousand. and im only about 150 away!!!
if you dont wanna reblog thats fine but if you could help me reach my goal that’d be great!!
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hoodrepublic · 7 years
Admin Tay departure
well this might be a lot to take in with 2 back-to-back bad news 
Since I have never been as active as the other Admins in the blog, I am Admin Tay who apparently existed in this blog (:
I’m sad and regretful to announce that I am leaving this blog. Preparation for my National Exams has taken a toll on me, and hence I find it difficult to pick up the pen and start writing. Furthermore, I have found greater joy in writing member x member stories than reader x member stories like Admin Chu. I assure you this is not an excuse that I have stolen from her (: 
I am of course, absolutely thankful to Admin Tina for giving me this opportunity in the first place to be part of the team, and also to the other Admins when we first started out as the newbies. Everyone is working really hard, and I hope that all of you, our dearest readers, can continue to show your utmost support to them. My deepest regret is that I was unable to contribute more when I still could, even though I know that there were things beyond my control. 
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I’m not self-promoting, but you can find me at @stahprapmon18 (my writing blog that I don’t update regularly either) or @bts-prompts for bts ships prompts/scenarios/imagines (: 
Please continue to shower the blog with your love and support!
Thank you ^^ <33
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hoodrepublic · 7 years
Admin Chu Departure
So some of you probably don’t even know who I am because I’ve been gone for so long. But if you didn’t know, hey what’s up it’s me. After what seems to have been several months of not writing or uploading any work to this blog I’ve decided to no longer be a part of it. 
I feel like I’ve strayed away from writing straight pairings/reader inserts because I’ve found to enjoy member x member so much more and I’ve been having less and less motivation to write. It makes no sense for me to continue to be a part of hoodrepublic while not doing anything. I’m incredibly sorry to anyone (though probably nobody cares lmao) who feels disappointed. 
You guys can definitely holler at me on @joohoneymoneymoney which is my personal even though I don’t really use tumblr that much. I hope you guys will continue to love and support hoodrepublic because the other admins are such amazing and hardworking writers. <3
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Anyway bye guys, thanks for letting me be part of such an awesome experience!
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hoodrepublic · 7 years
i don’t think people really get how little feedback fanfic authors actually get? like the effort to reaction ratio is so abysmally skewed here that a fic nearly 50,000 words long takes an entire year to amass like. 16 comments. someone reblogged a fic i wrote at 4 am and tagged it with a 5-word compliment and i can’t stop thinking about it, not because it was so nice but because half the time you post a fic you’re going to hear nothing and anything feels like so much
fandom culture is so, so good about giving artists the credit they’re due, but we gotta start doing that for writers too. you’ve got no idea how much people put into their stories and get maybe a handful of reblogs and a dozen-odd kudos. that’s not enough. writing is an endurance sport and y’all need to start giving fic writers a reason to endure it and improve their craft. encourage writers like you encourage artists. reblog fics, leave tags, leave comments, acknowledge that these stories do not just spring into being for your entertainment. 
every single damn writer i know feels like at least their readers see them as a machine. that’s gotta change. 
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hoodrepublic · 7 years
Hello! I am not sure if you are aware, but I just wanted to let you know that one of your posts, is on wattpad under a user named xlauraaaax. I can provide you with the link if you so desire. Please message me as soon as you can
I am going to speak on behalf of all the admins on here and say that yes, we would like the link to this. If this user has plagiarized any of our work, we would like to know about it. 
Thank you for bringing this to our attention - this isn’t something that should be let go.
~ Admin Sky 
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hoodrepublic · 7 years
hi admin Tina its me the anon about the exo chanyeol story and just wanna know what she does now(what she do) or if she has another blog(can i get the name) or something just curios thanks for replyin from last lime and thaks and you should know your stories are loved by me a lot
she has another blog, but it looks like she hasn't been active for a year?? The blog is @seahunnieyours truly, admin tina. 💛
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hoodrepublic · 7 years
hi so i have been reading stories/scenarios from your blog for a long time and saw exo chanyeol bite me story and read the story again (i read it a long time ago) and still love it and i just wanna know if part 7 was the last part cause i really want it to continue thanks in advance
hello! 💛 I'm sorry to inform you but the admin that wrote the story is no longer an admin on this blog due to her busy schedule. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 🙇🏽yours truly, admin tina. 💕
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
LETS PLAY THE 'YES' OR 'NO' GAME: Ask me questions and I'm only allowed to answer with 'Yes' or 'No'
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
If you love to write, just keep doing it. Keep writing. If you feel skeptical about your ability, keep writing. If you get stuck, take a little break, read, get to know yourself, collaborate with others, then keep writing. Keep writing. Eventually you’ll look back at some of the first things you wrote, then to what you can write now, and you’ll be astounded by your growth. Be in awe that you grew, because growing is so rarely easy, then write and grow some more. 
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
Switch It Up
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Pairing: BTS Hoseok x Yoongi x You
Genre: Fluffy fluffiness 
Yoongi froze as he entered the living room, pausing for his eyes to adjust and his brain to register the scene before him. You were curled on the couch, slumped forward with tears streaking down your face, while your hands clutched tightly onto crumpled white tissues. Yoongi then looked to the body beside you – the real reason why he stood statuesque – and huffed out an exasperated sigh. Sitting next to you, in the exact same position was none other than Hoseok. He too had tears rapidly falling down his cheeks, and held not one, not two, but three tissues wrinkled in strong fists.
“You two are ridiculous.”
You barely responded to the voice emitting from the entrance of the room, but with a sniffle and extra hiccup, you turned your gaze to Yoongi and broke out in fresh new tears.
“B-but it’s so sad!”
The latest episode of the newest drama was running its course across the screen in front of you and Hoseok.  As soon as the two of you watched the premiere episode, it was practically love at first scene. It was a romantic drama, with enough sorrow, regret, love, and tragedy to placate you for the next five years. The script was incredibly written, and the scenes were beautiful; tears were bound to come flowing from your eyes with each passionately acted episode.
“You should sit here and watch it with us.”
“Uh, I’ll pass.”
Hoseok shushed the two of you from the side, not even moving a muscle as you and Yoongi conversed. His eyes stayed glued to the screen before him; he did not want to miss even a millisecond of delirious action. As Yoongi walked away from the room and entered the conjoining kitchen, your gaze returned to the television and you sniffled again, once more focusing on the screen. You snuggled farther into Hoseok’s side, and he wrapped an arm warmly around your body, but before long you were both moving apart from the other, reaching for the tissue box again because those damned emotions were just shooting sky high. Who knew one episode could be so traumatic?
By the end of the drama, the day was beginning to bid farewell to the land, and the darkened sky was making a return appearance. Yoongi shuffled his way back into the room, deeming it acceptable now that the show was over, and the faucets coming from the two pairs of eyes had been shut off.
“Did you want me to make dinner? Seeing as you two probably need to get your bearings together and come back to reality.” Yoongi stood once again in the door way, his favourite spot when he didn’t want to get too far into the room of make believe sorrow and despair. It was kind of him to offer his services, yet Yoongi in the kitchen usually wasn’t a good match.
Clearing your throat, you lifted yourself off from the couch and began walking towards Yoongi. “No, I’ll make dinner. How does pasta sound for tonight?”
By the end of your question, your arms had found their way around Yoongi’s waist, and your head rested gently on his chest. You felt his arms return the favour and a gentle kiss met your hair.
“Pasta sounds good.”
You smiled up at him before you left for the kitchen, preparing what you needed to make the night’s dinner. You figured he finally moved from his rooted position by the entry, and sat slouched against Hoseok just like you were moments before. The three of you had been in a relationship for five months, so finding the right balance between everyone was still fresh.
Yoongi was the more rational and logical of your two boyfriends, using his brain more often than his heart. It explained why he never enjoyed watching these dramas with you, explaining it with “I just can’t connect with their problems,” and other reasons like that. He just couldn’t resonate with the strong feelings or emotional episodes that were often a trademark of these types of romantic shows. Your other boyfriend, Hoseok, was a different story altogether. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and was never afraid to show exactly how he was feeling. Whenever you wanted to watch a drama, cuddled up with one of your loves, he was always the one to volunteer immediately, loving the dramas as much as you did. He understood the intense emotion and the heartfelt confessions; he cried when you cried, and laughed when you laughed. All in all, Hoseok was the boyfriend who understood human emotions the best.
By the time your mind ran through all the reasons why the two men were so different, they were hollering from the living room wondering just when it was the food would be done. Since apparently they were absolutely starving and if they didn’t get any food that second, they were sure their stomachs would eat them from the inside out.
“Yah, yah, yah, it’s all ready. Come and get it you monsters.” A light chuckle and a shake of your head went unnoticed to the two bodies bounding into the room. If you didn’t know any better, you would have assumed the last time they ate was a month ago.
Your pasta was a huge success with the boys, their full mouths giving mumbled praise and thanks. Once everything was clean, you spooned some ice cream into bowls as dessert, and their ravenous appetite seemed to come back to a more human level.
“So what were you two watching that made you so emotional?” Yoongi shoveled a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth and looked dubiously over at the two of you for an answer he wasn’t sure he even wanted.
“You wouldn’t understand. You had to be there.” Hoseok responded lightly in return, taking his own spoon into his mouth and humming at the refreshing and cooling ice cream that landed onto his tongue.
“I wouldn’t understand? Try me.”
“Well for starters, the two main characters are madly in love with each other. But their families don’t know they are together and don’t really like the other person. Then one day they decided to confess to each of their parents that they are dating, but it was only because they were both set up for arranged marriages. Needless to say, their parents were furious and threatened to disown their own children! Now the two lovers decided to run away together and start a life, but of course their families were completely against that too, and sent people out looking for them. It’s just so intense!”
For a minute Yoongi just stared at Hoseok, not moving even the slightest muscle, while Hoseok stared back just as frozen. You looked between the two, waiting for someone to break the impromptu staring contest.
“Yah you’re right. I totally don’t get it.”  Yoongi completely dismissed Hoseok’s passionate rambling of the current drama, and went straight back to his bowl of ice cream, scraping at the ceramic to ensure every last drop made it onto his spoon. Hoseok just stared a couple seconds longer, before he too, with a slight huff, went back to his ice cream as well. As for you; well you just lightly chuckled at the two opposing people in your life, but your mind was also whirring away with a well-crafted plan.
“So I have an idea.” You started your proposition just as the boys were setting down their spoons, knowing now that all attention would be on you, rather than divided between the sweet treat.
“Oh no.”
“Please no, anything but your ideas.”
“Hey! I’m offended; my ideas are good…sometimes.” You pouted at the looks you were receiving in front of you. So sometimes your ideas didn’t exactly go as planned, but they always ensured a good laugh! Even though that laugh usually came a week, maybe month, later.
And now Yoongi was prepared to derail your plan before it even began, “If this idea is anything like the time you decided to make a beach in our living room, you can count me out.”
So the sand got everywhere, so the fuse blew because of all the lights, heaters, and iPods plugged in to ensure a real beachy scene, but it was still a fun few minutes where it felt as though, on a rainy day, you were really at the beach.
But once one person started walking down memory lane, others are usually sure to follow. Namely Hoseok, “Or what about that time, the kiddy pool was filled up, left out overnight, and made into a small ice rink.”
Yeah, that definitely wasn’t the best of your moments. It seemed like a good idea at first; your mind thinking of all the fun that would be had with your own personal ice skating rink in the middle of winter. But of course, your mind failed to think of the possibility that the water wouldn’t freeze all the way through, that it would crack, and because of the small space of the kiddy pool, someone would trip on the crack, fall out of the pool, and seriously injure themselves.
“Or what about that time when – “
“Ok, thank you very much. I think we all get the picture here. But seriously, this idea will cause no lights to go out, or bodily harm to come to any of you. It’s harmless, really.”
“I don’t know.”
“I think I’ll still pass on it.”
“Just hear me out will you? Seriously, it’s not that bad. It would be funny!”
“Fine, make it quick. But if I think for a second my life will be on the line, I’m gone.”
You beamed at your two boyfriends, glad they at least accepted to hear out your idea, even though their faces where filled with frown lines.
“Ok, so you know how you two are so different? Like Hoseok will watch dramas and cry with me, while Yoongi is always the stoic one who refuses to sit and watch even a sappy commercial? What if you to switched personalities for a day? Wouldn’t that be funny?” You were giggling at your thoughts, and were about to explain your idea further when you got cut off.
“I’m sorry you want us to do what now?”
“I make it a point to not watch those dramas. Why would I agree to this?”
Yoongi and Hoseok were looking at you with incredulous eyes, not believing you suggested such an idea, but also not understanding why you would in the first place. How was this funny?
“Oh come on, be open minded a bit guys! It would be like in those sci-fi movies where two people switch bodies. But instead of us going on some crazy mission in order to find the machine that can turn you back to your correct body, we’ll just say that you have from morning until dinner tomorrow to be the other person. See how you guys handle it.”
“I second that.”
You frowned again and let out a sigh, but frankly you really didn’t expect your novel idea to go over that well. Really, what were you thinking? As you lowered your head and began clearing the table of the final dishes, you didn’t notice the mischievous glance that was paced between Hoseok and Yoongi. Nothing else was said that night about your silly idea.
The following day you awoke with the early morning sun, and made your way quietly into the kitchen. As per usual, you began making breakfast for your boys, preparing food you knew they loved to start the day off on the right foot. You were just watching the food sizzle and pop in the pan in front of you when you heard muffled footsteps making their way into the kitchen. A soft smile graced your features, and you figured it was Hoseok coming down the hall. He was always the second one to wake up after yourself, and you waited patiently for his arms to curl around your body as they usually did for his way to say good morning.
“Good morning beautiful! You look refreshing this morning as always. Did you have any plans for today? I hear the latest episode of our favourite drama came out last night, and I’m dying to watch it with you.”
You paused your movements for a second, brows furrowed in utter confusion. The time was right for Hoseok to be awake, and the words certainly sounded like something he would say, and the energy level was definitely high enough for Hoseok this early in the morning. The only problem was that it didn’t sound like him at all. Slowly swiveling around, you began wondering why on earth Yoongi would be acting so strange and – oh. You completely forgot the idea you proposed last night; for them to change their personalities with the other and see what it would be like spending the day as someone else. To be honest, after the failed attempt at convincing them, you didn’t think they would change their minds and play along, but here you were standing in the kitchen, staring bug eyed at Yoongi with a huge grin set precisely on his over joyed face.  Oh he was pulling off Hoseok surprisingly well.
“Hey sunshine, what’s for breakfast today?” Yoongi strode over to where you stood frozen against the counter. He placed his arms around your waist and hummed in content as he looked down into the pan of sizzling bacon and toast.
“Can I help you with anything?”
You had yet to speak any words, but quickly shook yourself of the day dream.
“Well you can set the table if you like?”
“Anything for you love.”
As Yoongi skipped away to set the table, you shook you head with a light chuckle. If the day was going to continue like this, then you were in for many amusing hours. You couldn’t wait to see what Hoseok as Yoongi would be like too.
Speak of the devil; just as you were plating the breakfast for everyone, Hoseok shuffled himself into the kitchen. Along the way he smacked his lips, ruffled his rumpled hair, and gave a peck onto yours and Yoongi’s forehead. It was amazing how well he too was being another person. It was as though the two of them really did switch bodies.
“Ok lovers, what are you all doing for the day.”
Hoseok: “I’m going to work on some music for a bit, see where that takes me.”
Yoongi: “You and I, my dear, have a cuddle date with the sofa and our favourite drama. You get the tissues, and I’ll get the tea.”
You burst out laughing within a split second, finding their switched personalities absolutely amusing. You were in awe of the ease that they pulled it off with. If nothing else, it told you just how well each of them knew each other for them to so perfectly switch.
As you laughed, wiping away happy tears that managed trail down your face, you missed the mischievous glance sent silently between the two men. While you were getting ready for bed the night before, Yoongi and Hoseok had talked about your little idea. They weren’t too keen on it, but they figured if it would make you happy, then they would do it. They finished up their little conference as you walked out of the bathroom, watching as you snuggled up with them unaware that anything had transpired.
Now, as they sat watching you cry from laughing so hard, they were glad they went along with this little plan. They always wanted to make you satisfied within the relationship, and to them they knew that this would be yet another silly memory they would always be able to bring up.
For the entire day Yoongi acted perfectly as Hoseok, and Hoseok exquisitely manifested into Yoongi. Dramas streamed loudly from the television set as you curled into Yoongi’s side. From time to time you heard sniffles beside you, and you giggled attempting to figure out if Yoongi was actually a secret drama lover and being genuine with his emotions or it was still an act. Either way you didn’t care, you were enjoying the afternoon spent with one of your boyfriends.
From time to time, Hoseok came into the living room from the music room and joined the two of you on the couch. Slinging his arm naturally around your shoulders, making sure to touch Yoongi’s as well, but he would soon be off, hibernating in the secluded back room. By the time dinner time came, the drama’s credits rolled on screen, and Hoseok stood precisely in the doorway, just like Yoongi usually did.
You finally stood and stretched your limbs high above your head. Wordlessly you walked out of the kitchen to begin making dinner, while Yoongi and Hoseok once again moved closer to each other.
“Dinner’s ready!” You hollered from the kitchen, placing the last dish of home cooked food on the round table. Once everyone seated themselves at the table and began eating, you brought up the events of the day.
“Ok, I think it’s safe to be yourself again. How’d it go? From my perspective, that was the funniest thing to ever happen!” You laughed once again to yourself, quickly reliving the events of the day.
“If anything came out of the day, it was awesome cuddling up with you, and watching how passionately you get absorbed into a drama.”
“And I quite enjoyed writing songs. Who knew that it could be so calm and relaxing? But man, was the entire day tiring.”
“Absolutely exhausting.”
“Let’s never do that again.”
Both then turned to face you, wanting your assurance as well from the deal they just formed; this was a day they weren’t particularly keen on repeating again, even if you did enjoy every second of it.
“Ok fine, no more boyfriend switch ups. But what if a brain switching machine was invented one day?”
You couldn’t help your laughter that accompanied your two boyfriends’ groans from your remark. Ok, so maybe coming up with new ideas wasn’t really your forte. But it didn’t matter, seeing as the two men in your life were absolutely perfect already.
Hope you all enjoyed that! I don’t know where that idea came from, but I had a lot of fun writing it. Hopefully you had as much fun reading it. 
Please remember to comment and request! 
~ Admin Sky :)
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
Hey there baby stars!!!
Just wanted to keep you all updated, and let you know that I will have another poly!au scenario up soon!! I’m thinking/hoping within the next couple of days. Hopefully you’ll all enjoy it. 
I hope you all are having a lovely day/night, and please remember to request at any time. Or just come chat with us admins, if that is your preference. :) 
~ Admin Sky :D 
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
Are you going to finish Bundle of Love? ❤😱 it's really good
Yes, I would love to finish the series but I have discovered there are too many plot holes in the story and it needs major construction. I hope to have a better version posted on this blog soon! 💕yours truly,admin tina. 💓
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
Prompt #58
Yoongi is the popular and cool captain of the school’s basketball team but becomes clumsy and awkward when within 10m radius of smol resident cutie slash best dancer in the school Jimin
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
hello baby stars! ✨
i hope you all are having or have had an amazing day today! ☺️💕🌈 i just wanted to remind you all that our ask/request box is open, so feel free to send in any requests for scenarios, reactions, etc. I lowkey have nct feels, so if you sent in nct requests, that would be great, but please do send requests for other groups and we’ll get to them as soon as possible. ☺️💜🌙
yours truly, admin tina. 💓
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
tbh, I see so many writers here who got lucky from the start, while I can still remember almost crying of joy the first time I posted a story and it got around 15 notes. I remember getting exactly three comments about it, telling me that I was doing well for my first fanfic in english, and it was enough to make me feel like maybe, with some hard work, I could actually be good at this.
so… whenever I start comparing myself to others or start paying attention to the number of notes and how meager they seem in comparison to others, who can easily get thousands in less than two days - I remind myself of that day when I felt immensely happy about those fifteen readers liking my story, how I should stay as humble and excited as I did during those days.
everyone, if you feel discouraged because you don’t have that same amount of luck others seem to have - we all start somewhere, and we have to embrace that somewhere and be proud of it, even if it’s not as amazing as everyone else’s. remember that starting from the bottom and actually struggling in your path leads to a satisfaction impossibly bigger. keep that in mind and never stray away from that humbleness. :)
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hoodrepublic · 8 years
Reblog For ...
The well being of our idols who are working extremely hard on their comebacks or who overall work their booties off …. they don’t get to eat proper meals and practice to the point of exhaustion :/// let’s hope they all stay healthy and strong
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