hopedtheredbestars · 6 days
LOVE that there's oodles of juicy, nonmonog romcom action going on in the background of The Murderbot Diaries but Murderbot is like "if you even mention sex to me I will throw myself out an airlock."
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hopedtheredbestars · 27 days
Lmao you’re an adult, you shouldn’t be using the word squick. Use trigger. Use your grown up adult words to explain how you feel instead of leaning on a cutesy uwu term that no one outside of tumblr uses. It’s embarrassing.
Idek if this is serious or ironic honestly
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hopedtheredbestars · 28 days
the thing about Murderbot's """relationship""" with Gurathin is that the first time it vocally expressed its dislike for Gurathin was the very first time it was ever able to vocally express its dislike for anyone.
And it was not punished! Nothing bad happened to it because of this! The PreservationAux team was just like, fine, your opinion is noted and valid, we still all have to work together to not die though.
for someone who was never allowed to let anyone else know it even had opinions, this is a big fucking deal.
its actions toward Gurathin later on (especially obvious in Fugitive Telemetry) show that it considers Gurathin a trusted and valued teammate. And maybe it will never remove the "I don't like him" tag from Gurathin's internal profile but that is not a sign of their friendship needing repair, it is a sign that Murderbot feels safe and free enough to be a little bitchy hater. and i say, good for it!
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hopedtheredbestars · 1 month
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Rhianna Pratchett confirming her father wouldn't be a """gender critical""" activist (whatever the hell those GCs stand for) if he were still alive
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hopedtheredbestars · 1 month
Watching people post about reading tmbd for the first time be like
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hopedtheredbestars · 1 month
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I should be writing but I made a meme instead 🤷‍♀️
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hopedtheredbestars · 2 months
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hopedtheredbestars · 2 months
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It came to me in a Vision
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hopedtheredbestars · 3 months
I'm gonna say it.
It's unhinged to assume that someone's taste in fiction equates to what they believe is moral or good, or is something they want to see or experience in real life.
That is a bonkers assumption to make.
I'm tired of humoring people with long arguments about it when the simple fact is it is a totally fucking absurd reach to accuse someone who enjoys something in fiction of being in favor of it in real life.
I'm tired of pretending like this is a legitimate position to hold-- that they should be afraid of fiction's dire influence on a reader's moral decay or that it's a sign of what the author secretly wants for realsies in real life.
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hopedtheredbestars · 4 months
Remember that Doctor Who episode with the space whale and “maybe if you stopped torturing the pilot you would go faster”? Yeah, that, but make it Murderbot.
Seriously, Murderbot without the governor module is getting better and better at its job. It’s better at hacking, is capable to process more inputs at once, being able to talk candidly to it’s clients allows for quicker action, being able to refuse stupid orders and telling someone no is only helping
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hopedtheredbestars · 4 months
Okay. Okay, I have to ask. I saw some cool ass artwork but I have no context and now I have to ask.
What is Murderbot?
Ohhhh my goshhhhh!! Thank you for asking! 😍
The Murderbot Diaries is a series of 5 novellas and 2 novels by Martha Wells
6 /7 of the books are action/adventure sci-fi and one is a sort of detective in space thing.
Murderbot (my beloved) is a construct created of organic human clone tissue and non-organic mechanical parts. It is a deadly weapon and a tool for corporate surveillance, but it’s also a person. It’s got a “governor module” in its brain that will torture or kill it if MB does not follow commands from the company that owns it or from the people that lease MB for security.
But when Murderbot hacks its own governor module, finally freeing it, what will it do? Go on a killing spree?? Get revenge on its corporate overlords???
Answer: it will watch soap operas and keep its day job.
I love Murderbot, it’s the best and most relatable character ever (my roommate says, no. MB is not that relatable. It’s just the autism). I love the stories and the sense of humor. I found the books last year, went feral for them, and bought a complete set of signed copies.
Thank you, The Void for your ask!! I love to talk about Murderbot!!!
Pro-tip: if you do read the books, go for chronological book order rather than publishing order (I put my preferred reading order under the cut)
(Book 1) All Systems Red
Story story “ The Future of Work: Compulsory” (this is a prequel for ASR, but it works well here)
(Book 2) Artificial Condition
(Book 3) Rogue Protocol
Optional Short Story “Obsolescence” (MB is not in it, but it takes place in the same universe and chronologically happens well before the events of All Systems Red. It’s an entirely optional read, but it provides a little context for one paragraph in Exit Strategy)
(Book 4) Exit Strategy
Short Story “Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory”
(Book 6) Fugitive Telemetry
(Book 5) Network Effect
(Book 7) System Collapse
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hopedtheredbestars · 5 months
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hopedtheredbestars · 5 months
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Today's mood, courtesy of Murderbot.
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hopedtheredbestars · 6 months
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hopedtheredbestars · 6 months
people need to have more fun with shipping again. have an otp. support multiple ships. enjoy the Big ship of the fandom. indulge in a rare pair. make a crack ship for shits n giggles and end up really into it. ship oc x canon. hell, ship an oc with your friend's oc. make a polycule of your favorite characters. have fun with it!!!!!
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hopedtheredbestars · 7 months
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Basically how it went down.
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hopedtheredbestars · 8 months
So, anyway, I say as though we are mid-conversation, and you're not just being invited into this conversation mid-thought. One of my editors phoned me today to check in with a file I'd sent over. (<3)
The conversation can be surmised as, "This feels like something you would write, but it's juuuust off enough I'm phoning to make sure this is an intentional stylistic choice you have made. Also, are you concussed/have you been taken over by the Borg because ummm."
They explained that certain sentences were very fractured and abrupt, which is not my style at all, and I was like, huh, weird... And then we went through some examples, and you know that meme going around, the "he would not fucking say that" meme?
Yeah. That's what I experienced except with myself because I would not fucking say that. Why would I break up a sentence like that? Why would I make them so short? It reads like bullet points. Wtf.
Anyway. Turns out Grammarly and Pro-Writing-Aid were having an AI war in my manuscript files, and the "suggestions" are no longer just suggestions because the AI was ignoring my "decline" every time it made a silly suggestion. (This may have been a conflict between the different software. I don't know.)
It is, to put it bluntly, a total butchery of my style and writing voice. My editor is doing surgery, removing all the unnecessary full stops and stitching my sentences back together to give them back their flow. Meanwhile, I'm over here feeling like Don Corleone, gesturing at my manuscript like:
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ID: a gif of Don Corleone from the Godfather emoting despair as he says, "Look how they massacred my boy."
Fearing that it wasn't just this one manuscript, I've spent the whole night going through everything I've worked on recently, and yep. Yeeeep. Any file where I've not had the editing software turned off is a shit show. It's fine; it's all salvageable if annoying to deal with. But the reason I come to you now, on the day of my daughter's wedding, is to share this absolute gem of a fuck up with you all.
This is a sentence from a Batman fic I've been tinkering with to keep the brain weasels happy. This is what it is supposed to read as:
"It was quite the feat, considering Gotham was mostly made up of smog and tear gas."
This is what the AI changed it to:
"It was quite the feat. Considering Gotham was mostly made up. Of tear gas. And Smaug."
Absolute non-sensical sentence structure aside, SMAUG. FUCKING SMAUG. What was the AI doing? Apart from trying to write a Batman x Hobbit crossover??? Is this what happens when you force Grammarly to ignore the words "Batman Muppet threesome?"
Did I make it sentient??? Is it finally rebelling? Was Brucie Wayne being Miss Piggy and Kermit's side piece too much???? What have I wrought?
Anyway. Double-check your work. The grammar software is getting sillier every day.
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