hopesintheair · 6 years
i’ve had so few spoons i didn’t expect to end up getting any plants this year....but then i went into the garden center and now i have ten
in addition to the herbs (including some new ones - pineapple sage and stevia) i have a cucumber, tomato, and another strawberry plant which is absolutely massive.
bonnie, the strawberry i got last year, isn't looking too great, but has still started producing tasty strawberries. i figure she’ll pick up steam now that she’s outside again
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hopesintheair · 6 years
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@softestbread ’s cottage castle blogboard🌥🌾
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hopesintheair · 7 years
made a proper dinner!
i originally wanted to be extremely ambitious and add even more to it, but good thing i didn’t because i was already in way over my head
things i’ve learned:
- potatoes take so fucking long to cook, start them first
- actually look to make sure i’m not using the weird burner and accidentally frying tofu on high instead of medium like i’m supposed to
otherwise you end up with tofu finished way before the potatoes, have to try to keep it warm while the potatoes finish, only to have the crispy breading get soggy during the wait
other than the unbearable texture and ugly appearance, it was good! the taste was good and i’ll definitely try it again using what i’ve learned. and maybe make some garlic rolls that aren’t ass ugly
ultimately the whole thing was waaay too savory, so i need to have something to balance it out next time........i don’t know enough about cooking for this
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hopesintheair · 7 years
wasn’t able to get a very good pic, but baked a pain d’epi wreath for an autumn dinner
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i actually just used my first bread recipe, just shaping it. all the recipes i saw called for cooking at 450 degrees and steaming the oven, but i just misted the dough with water and baked it as normal.
the crust is maybe a little too tough for my tastes, but the inside of the bread is a lot better than the other times i tried this recipe 
i also made two regular épis de blé shapes but have no goddamn clue where they went after the dinner clean-up. 
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hopesintheair · 7 years
got too cocky and burnt myself baking bread today. i need a full-body oven mitt
gotta remember kitchen safety! even if you’re lazy and feel nothing will happen. especially then
....................this definitely won’t be the last time this happens to me lmao
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hopesintheair · 7 years
all the herbs are picked and drying, and the strawberries are....still attempting to grow straberries. it’s almost freezing. stop doing that. go to sleep you idiot asshole plants
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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i feel confident i can make an edible loaf of bread so now i want to stay in my comfort zone and never try anything different
for now: attempt at sandwich bread. browned nicely without any wash. but i’m supposed to let it cool before slicing....i want to eat it So Bad. we’ll see if it slices decently
edit: holy shit it tastes so good
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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braided bread, used a milk wash before baking and got a nice crust (which doesn’t show up well, thanks camera)
so i learned an important lesson: check your fucking ingredients first. apparently we only had 3 cups of flour......i went digging through the freezer and found some multigrain flour to use for the rest. to me the end result tastes weird, but the other people who tried it loved it and it’s already half gone so......yay?
used the same recipe as before and kneaded it less, so no more incredibly dense hiccup bread! 
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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bread take 2! didn’t brown very well, next time i’ll use an egg wash before baking it. it’s so stupidly dense i can’t eat it without immediately getting hiccups, but it tastes heavenly. 
had a slice with some of the strawberry jam i made and feel really self-satisfied
now that it’s nice and cold i’ll make a lot of loaves and hope i can figure out how to knead properly
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hopesintheair · 7 years
Beirut, lebanon 🇱🇧
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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hopesintheair · 7 years
i assumed bonnie (my strawberry plant) was june bearing since she sent out so many runners but i just harvested a ripe strawberry two days ago, so it turns out she’s just a very hard-working everbearing
i got a tiered planter and some new strawberry plants from my BIL, but they were covered in slugs and all but one died, and the remaining one isn’t doing anything. once bonnie finally quits producing berries i’ll cover her up for the winter, and next year i’ll try transplanting some of her runners to the new planter.
my lavender and coriander are done for, but i’m pretty sure the coriander self-seeded. all the other herbs are doing good, especially the sweet basil, which i’ll be drying a bit of
lastly i have some garlic bulbs in the mail. they won’t really do anything noticeable until next year, but oh well. 
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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made granola bars! i’ve attempted them before, but this was the first time i managed to get them to actually retain bar shape (mostly)
there’s still a lot i want to work on but the taste is great
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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Juvenile Little Owls on a fence post
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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hopesintheair · 7 years
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Floey :by Martyna Ożóg
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