Reblog if your blog is ace/aro friendly...
So that I can follow you. 
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the fact that anyone has to fucking explain this blows my mind
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I’m calling this segment
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Just Ace Things *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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I learned that allo people feel attraction not in their chest?? Like.... How???
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I am Asexual (I don't speak for the brand or the company!) and as such I have come to learn that I, personally, have three ranks of attraction that people I simp for fall into:
1. I am attracted to their aesthetic. Fae? Elven mercenary? Birate (bi pirate)? DnD Rogue? Maybe pastel goth? Straight up librarian vibes?? I live for it. All the vibes. All the aesthetic.
2. I wanna be their best friend. I want them to be in my life cause 🌟feelings🌟. This is completely different from meeting someone and, through circumstance or mutual interests, becoming friends and then best friends. This is an all consuming need to have this person in my life.
3. I want to cuddle that person so hard! 👉🏼👈🏼 We could have a Gilmore Girls movie night, complete with random wacky snacks so full of sugar our teeth fall out, and just hold each other. Listen to each others heartbeats. Watch as our breaths synchronize and the world melts away.
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Gonna talk about those MRNA vaccines real quick.
So, many of us (possibly not all, because other vaccines in the pipeline) are going to be getting either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
What vaccine you end up getting is likely to depend on your age, health, and where you live. Pfizer’s vaccine is harder to store and transport, so if you live in a big city you’re more likely to get that one.
For what I’m going to say, though, it doesn’t make a difference.
You’re going to be getting two shots, a few weeks apart. For Moderna, it’s 28 days (4 weeks). For Pfizer, it’s 21 days (3 weeks). Yes, this sucks. No, this is not ideal for mass vaccination. You’ll get a card that will remind you to come back for the second dose. The person administering the shot, most likely a pharmacist, will also ask for your cell phone number so they can text you. Because if you don’t come back that first shot is a waste of time.
We don’t know for sure if the single shot gives any protection at all, but the reasonable assumption is that it doesn’t.
This means you need to get your ass back in there for that second shot. And while you are waiting for that shot, you are not protected.
This means you should continue to wear a mask, etc. In fact, if possible, you should be even more careful, because if you get sick and can’t come in for that second shot? They’ll most likely have to start over. The trial included longer periods between the two, so you might be fine, but there is a risk here.
And once you have had that second shot?
It’s going to take two to four weeks to build antibodies, during which time you will have lower, but increasing, protection. They’ll tell you what it is…that data hasn’t been released yet, but will be.
So you should still continue to be careful for those weeks.
We don’t know if these vaccines provide what is called sterilizing immunity, meaning you can’t be infected and can’t pass it on.
They may only provide functional immunity, meaning you get infected but don’t get sick. You could still transmit COVID-19 to others, although the risk is lower.
Which means?
Yeah, the masks have to stay on until the case numbers and other metrics are looking good.
Please don’t be those people who get that first shot and go throw a wild party. Have a bit of patience.
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Why do I simultaneously want to dress in petticoats and also know I would never walk out of my house in one?
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121K notes · View notes
The Addams Family renting out rooms in their huge mansion cheaply to broke college students.
The students digging it because the craziness and the bugs are pretty much the same as any other dorm house. Also, Morticia and Gomez treat them all like visiting cousins, not like tenants to abuse and exploit. 
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Just an FYI for those in the US with insurance issues
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idk who needs to hear this, but:
craving physical affection is not the same as craving sexual activity.
thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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me: starts typing a new line of code
coding software: WHat IS THat??? whAT Th?E FuCK Is thAT??? WHat arE  YoU ???DOInG ThaTs nOt? ReAL cODE?????
me: finishes typing the line
coding software: :)
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The number of times I have been delighted by witty banter only to find out later that I was “Flirting” is both unfortunate and disappointing.
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[ID: A four panel meme. In the first panel, a man in shadow says “I fear no man“. In the next panel he says “But that thing…”. The next panel is labelled “people misinterpreting me being affectionate with my friends and projecting romance onto us”. In the last panel he leans forward and says “it scares me.“ End ID]
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I legit thought this was only my mom?? Like I thought she was a reverse empath in that instead of taking in everyone's emotions she just amplified her own?? And me being an empath just over absorbed???
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why are moms capable of just leeching vibe arsenic into the atmosphere when they’re pissed
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I may be aro/ace but heck if forehead kisses don't make me weak.
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