horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
Launchpad 2017; meet the artists D to F... Cronfa Lansio 2017; pwy yw’r artistiaid D i F?
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Dan Bettridge, VoG It’s only the A-List playlist at BBC Radio Wales for new single Blame, another serious statement of intent from the precociously talented star. Next year he will be attending the SxSw showcase in Austin, Texas
Dan Bettridge, Bro Morgannwg Gyda'i sengl newydd 'Blame' yn cael ei chwarae ar BBC Radio Wales, mae gan y boi dalent.  Blwyddyn nesaf bydd e'n rhan o'r SxSw Showcase yn Austin, Texas
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Eadyth, Merthyr Tydfil Bilingual soul-electronic dance artist, Eadyth's track BREAK, was recently featured in a list of '33 essential songs from Wales' playlist created by Media Wales
Eadyth, Merthyr Tydfil Artist 'soul-electroneg' ddwy ieithog, roedd ei chan 'Break' yn rhan o '33 cân angenrheidiol o Gymru' gan Media Wales
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Esther, Cardiff, Cross disciplined artist and a fave of Charlotte Church, fusing lush romantic strings and jazz harp with dusty hip-hop breaks, soulful keys and heavy bass lines.
Esther, Caerdydd Ffefryn i Charlotte Church, mae Esther yn cyfuno'r delyn a 'hip-hop' gyda tonau bass a synau 'soul'
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E.T.L.B, Flintshire Tucked away in the top corner of Wales, a remarkable lyricist and self-taught producer blends soulful dream pop with homemade hip-hop. The track ‘Bunk Beds’ featured on Tom Robinson’s Introducing playlist on BBC Radio 6 Music
E.T.L.B, Sir y Fflint Yn byw yng nghornel mwyaf Ogleddol Cymru, canwr gwych a cynhyrchydd hunan-ddysg sydd yn cymysgu cerddoriaeth 'soul' ac 'hip-hop'. Mae'r gân 'Bunk Beds' wedi bod yn rhan o sioe Tom Robinson ar BBC 6 Music
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Farm Hand, Powys FarmHand is the solo name of Islet member and Shape Records founder Mark Daman Thomas, He has played Focus Wales, GreenMan, Festival of Voice. His music is his reflection on the realities of rural life, built on car boot beats, field recordings, loops and second-hand organs
Farm Hand, Powys Farm Hand yw enw solo Mark Daman Thomas sydd hefyd yn rhan o Islet a Shape Records.  Mae Farm Hand wedi chwarae Focus Wales, Green Man a Festival of Voice.  Mae ei gerddoriaeth yn adlewyrchu realiti bywyd yn y canolbarth, wedi ei recordio yn caeau, cefn ceir a trwy defnyddio organ ail-law.
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
Launchpad 2017; meet the artists A to C... Cronfa Lansio 2017; pwy yw’r artistiaid A i C?
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Adwaith, Carmarthenshire The release of their debut single ‘Pwysau’ at the end of 2016 heralded a new and exciting chapter for Welsh music. Kudos to these three young women empowering other women through their music
Adwaith, Sir Gaerfyrddin Ar ôl i'w sengl gyntaf 'Pwysau' ddod allan ar ddiwedd 2016 fe ddechreuodd pennod gyffrous i gerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Chwarae teg i'r tair menyw ifanc am hybu menywod eraill trwy eu cerddoriaeth
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Beth Celyn, Caernarfon Beth has represented Wales in the Pan Celtic Festival over in Carlow and you may have seen her last summer performing at festivals such as FOCUS Wales, Gŵyl Arall and Tafwyl
Beth Celyn, Caernarfon Mae Beth wedi cynrychioli Cymru yn yr Wyl Pan Celtic yn Carlow ac roedd hi'n brysur dros yr haf gyda pherfformiadau yn FOCUS Cymru, Gŵyl Arall a Tafwyl 
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Buzzard, Cardiff Performed a live session recorded for BethanElfyn’s show during SwnFestival and received airplay on the BBC6 Music TomRobinson show. Recently announced on the stellar Wales Goes Pop line-up!
Buzzard, Caerdydd Roedden nhw'n rhan o sesiwn fyw ar sioe Bethan Elfyn yn ystod Gŵyl Sŵn ac mae nhw wedi bod ar sioe Tom Robinson BBC 6 Music. Mae nhw hefyd yn rhan o 'Wales Goes Pop'!
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Cally Rhodes, Ceredigion, Her single ‘Soul Survivors’ received over 500,000 streams on Spotify, also received radio support from BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2 and playlist support on BBC Radio Wales
Cally Rhodes, Ceredigion Mae ei chan 'Soul Survivers' wedi cael ei wrando ar dros 500,000 o weithiau ar Spotify ac mae hi hefyd wedi cael ei chwarae ar BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2 a BBC Radio Wales
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Campfire Social, Llangollen Recently representing Wales at Seoul, South Korea for Zandari Festa via FOCUS Wales & Wales Arts International and securing a number of BBC 6 music plays.
Campfire Social, Llangollen Yn ddiweddar roedd y band wedi cynrychioli Cymru yn Seoul, De Corea ar gyfer Zandari Festa trwy FOCUS Cymru a Chelfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru yn ogystal a cael ei chwarae ar BBC 6 Music.
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Codewalkers, Cardiff Highlights so far for this Cardiff band are being chosen as BBC Wales Introducing ‘Artist of the Week’ and performing at Truefest, Big Love Festival and the Swansea Fringe Festival
Codewalkers, Caerdydd Rhai o uchafbwyntiau y band oedd cael ei dewis fel 'Artist yr wythnos' ar gyfer BBC Wales Introducing a pherfformio yn Truefest, Big Love Festival a Ffrinj Abertawe
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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Two panels made-up of 21 music industry experts were tasked with selecting successful applicants for the 2017 Horizons Launchpad fund . Here, we share some feedback for applicants who missed out this time….
Ryan Richards, Raw Power Management                                                          If your application was unsuccessful this time, please don’t let that put you off applying next time. With the standard being so high this year, our panel had to make some very tough decisions on leaving out artists we felt strongly about. There were many instances of us collectively exclaiming that ‘I hope they apply next year!’, so please don’t be one of those acts that we miss next year.
Os na fu eich cais yn llwyddiannus y tro hwn, peidiwch â digalonni a theimlo nad ydych am ymgeisio eto’r tro nesaf. Roedd y safon yn uchel dros ben eleni, a bu’n rhaid i’n panel wneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn i hepgor artistiaid roeddem yn teimlo’n gryf yn eu cylch. Ar sawl achlysur, fe ddywedodd pawb, ‘Gobeithio’n wir y bydd yn ymgeisio eto’r flwyddyn nesaf!’, felly peidiwch â bod yn un o’r artistiaid rydym yn gweld eu heisiau’r flwyddyn nesaf. 
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Eddie Al-Shakarchi, Producer                                                                        Please…think about re-applying next year - and what you might change. Think of how the Launchpad fund will help you in the long term - how will this factor into a bigger picture/plan? If you can explain that in your application, and your music is great, you have a…chance of success next time around.
Meddyliwch da chi am ymgeisio eto’r flwyddyn nesaf – ac am sut y gallai pethau newid i chi. Meddyliwch am sut y gall y Gronfa Lawnsio eich helpu yn y tymor hir – sut fydd hynny’n rhan o ddarlun/cynllun mwy? Os allwch chi esbonio hynny yn eich cais, ac os yw eich cerddoriaeth yn wych, mae’n bosib iawn y byddwch yn llwyddiannus y tro nesaf.
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Julie Weir, Sony Music                                                                               Selling yourself on occasions like this can be a very tricky task…but if you don’t have faith in yourself, how would you expect others to? Having a great deal of confidence in yourself and your project is paramount – which can be reflected in great social media (make sure all links work, there are great photos up, live footage, some press clippings etc.), a very organised and detailed proposal and of course a budget that details specifics so people are aware of how you envisage spending the investment.
Remember you are going to be competing with a lot of like-minded creative individuals for the fund and if you can come up with something that’s interesting that’s amazing, BUT being able to demonstrate knowledge of your audience, how to reach them and having a plan for moving forward and what your aims are makes you a much stronger contender to success.
Gall fod yn anodd iawn gwerthu eich hun ar adegau fel hyn… ond os nad oes gennych ffydd ynoch chi eich hun, sut mae disgwyl i bobl eraill fod â ffydd ynoch? Mae digonedd o hunanhyder a hyder yn eich prosiect yn hollbwysig – a gallwch gyfleu hynny drwy gyfrwng cyfrifon gwych ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol (gwnewch yn siŵr bod yr holl ddolenni’n gweithio, bod gennych ffotograffau gwych, fideos ohonoch yn perfformio’n fyw, toriadau papur newydd ac yn y blaen), cynnig hynod drefnus a manwl ac wrth gwrs mae angen cyllideb sy’n rhoi digon o fanylion fel bod pobl yn gwybod sut rydych yn bwriadu gwario’r buddsoddiad. 
Cofiwch y byddwch yn cystadlu yn erbyn llawer iawn o unigolion creadigol o’r un anian â chi am y gronfa ac os allwch chi gynnig rhywbeth diddorol mae hynny’n wych, OND os allwch chi ddangos eich bod yn adnabod eich cynulleidfa, ac yn gwybod sut i gyrraedd y gynulleidfa honno, a chynllun ar gyfer symud ymlaen sy’n dweud beth yw eich amcanion, bydd eich cais yn gryfach o lawer.
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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Two panels made-up of 21 music industry experts were tasked with selecting successful applicants for the 2017 Horizons Launchpad fund . Here, we share some feedback for applicants who missed out this time....
Ryan Richards, Raw Power Management                                                          If your application was unsuccessful this time, please don’t let that put you off applying next time. With the standard being so high this year, our panel had to make some very tough decisions on leaving out artists we felt strongly about. There were many instances of us collectively exclaiming that ‘I hope they apply next year!’, so please don’t be one of those acts that we miss next year.
Os na fu eich cais yn llwyddiannus y tro hwn, peidiwch â digalonni a theimlo nad ydych am ymgeisio eto’r tro nesaf. Roedd y safon yn uchel dros ben eleni, a bu’n rhaid i’n panel wneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn i hepgor artistiaid roeddem yn teimlo’n gryf yn eu cylch. Ar sawl achlysur, fe ddywedodd pawb, ‘Gobeithio’n wir y bydd yn ymgeisio eto’r flwyddyn nesaf!’, felly peidiwch â bod yn un o’r artistiaid rydym yn gweld eu heisiau’r flwyddyn nesaf. 
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Eddie Al-Shakarchi, Producer                                                                        Please…think about re-applying next year - and what you might change. Think of how the Launchpad fund will help you in the long term - how will this factor into a bigger picture/plan? If you can explain that in your application, and your music is great, you have a…chance of success next time around.
Meddyliwch da chi am ymgeisio eto’r flwyddyn nesaf – ac am sut y gallai pethau newid i chi. Meddyliwch am sut y gall y Gronfa Lawnsio eich helpu yn y tymor hir – sut fydd hynny’n rhan o ddarlun/cynllun mwy? Os allwch chi esbonio hynny yn eich cais, ac os yw eich cerddoriaeth yn wych, mae’n bosib iawn y byddwch yn llwyddiannus y tro nesaf.
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Julie Weir, Sony Music                                                                               Selling yourself on occasions like this can be a very tricky task...but if you don’t have faith in yourself, how would you expect others to? Having a great deal of confidence in yourself and your project is paramount – which can be reflected in great social media (make sure all links work, there are great photos up, live footage, some press clippings etc.), a very organised and detailed proposal and of course a budget that details specifics so people are aware of how you envisage spending the investment.
Remember you are going to be competing with a lot of like-minded creative individuals for the fund and if you can come up with something that’s interesting that’s amazing, BUT being able to demonstrate knowledge of your audience, how to reach them and having a plan for moving forward and what your aims are makes you a much stronger contender to success.
Gall fod yn anodd iawn gwerthu eich hun ar adegau fel hyn... ond os nad oes gennych ffydd ynoch chi eich hun, sut mae disgwyl i bobl eraill fod â ffydd ynoch? Mae digonedd o hunanhyder a hyder yn eich prosiect yn hollbwysig – a gallwch gyfleu hynny drwy gyfrwng cyfrifon gwych ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol (gwnewch yn siŵr bod yr holl ddolenni’n gweithio, bod gennych ffotograffau gwych, fideos ohonoch yn perfformio’n fyw, toriadau papur newydd ac yn y blaen), cynnig hynod drefnus a manwl ac wrth gwrs mae angen cyllideb sy’n rhoi digon o fanylion fel bod pobl yn gwybod sut rydych yn bwriadu gwario’r buddsoddiad. 
Cofiwch y byddwch yn cystadlu yn erbyn llawer iawn o unigolion creadigol o’r un anian â chi am y gronfa ac os allwch chi gynnig rhywbeth diddorol mae hynny’n wych, OND os allwch chi ddangos eich bod yn adnabod eich cynulleidfa, ac yn gwybod sut i gyrraedd y gynulleidfa honno, a chynllun ar gyfer symud ymlaen sy’n dweud beth yw eich amcanion, bydd eich cais yn gryfach o lawer.
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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A total of 34 talented artists and bands from across Wales have been successful in their bid for a music bursary worth a total of £35,000.
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The Launchpad fund, part of the BBC Wales and Arts Council of Wales’ Horizons scheme to develop new contemporary music in Wales received over 175 applications from across Wales.
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Since its inception in 2014, Horizons and the Launchpad fund has been granted to over 135 artists, from over 50 towns, across 20 counties in Wales.
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This year, the 34 successful artists applied for the funding to help support a range of ideas, from hiring rehearsal space to working with talented producers and recording professionally.
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From the diverse mix of applications, many will be supported in their creative work with the fund enabling them to utilise studio time, specially commissioned photography and artwork, promotion of releases, equipment, video production and touring costs.
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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BBC Introducing hosts AMPLIFY ‘17
Horizons attend the 3 day event … Part Two!
BBC Introducing Amplify, October 6-8, ExCeL London. 
Session 2: What difference does radio play make?
 All hail tradition and long may it continue! But isn’t streaming where it’s at now?
Phil Taggart explains it perfectly for me ‘’You have to be careful that streaming isn’t just an echo chamber’’.
By this – and there’s a lot of similar sentiments from the panel made up of Virgin Radio, Radio 1 bods – he means that you can hit big numbers via online streaming and it’s still possible that nobody knows who you are, whereas it’s unlikely that you’ll get serious radio play and endorsement from a DJ, without anyone knowing who you are. It’s unlikely that you’ll play a series of really well -attended gigs without anyone knowing who you are.
That’s not to say that streaming figures aren’t important. They’re a sign of a current artist; they help to quantify the ‘tipping point’ question, they have excellent insight capabilities… but you need a rounded, structured release plan - and don’t be fooled in to thinking that the live market is dwindling, or the album isn’t selling - both are thriving and all platforms have varying demands depending on the type of music the artist is creating and their fan base.
I also think, and I say this with a caveat of being a mid-thirties die-hard radio fan- that a relationship with someone who knows their stuff is important. And algorithms let me down more than a radio DJ does.
But, I get it - radio needs to respond to more to the industry shift. Matt Fincham from Radio One explains that the opportunity for new music airplay is via specialist shows or ‘tune of the week’ - and that the Radio 1 day-time playlist isn’t the place to try out new music. Why not? I wonder, perhaps a little naively.
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 Session 3: How to Make It in The New Music Business
The session was led by the engaging and charismatic Ari Herstand, singer, song-writer, blogger and author of How to Make It in The New Music Business.
‘’Tell us, Ari!!’’
It’s a story of how he did it: by setting realistic goals and a secondary way-in, using his personality and writing skills to get into the industry that was turning its back on him.
I couldn’t help but think that not everyone has these skills – so fine if you do but what if you don’t? I guess the lesson here is using every bit of you to expand your opportunities and if you have a tenacious, charming personality, you’ll definitely find it easier!
A startling point that Ari makes is that 98% of artists fail under major labels. By fail, he means they cannot pay back the financial advances the label has given them. Scary stuff. Why bother then, I think? Well – because you could always be part of that 2%. And whilst I’m hitting the percentages key, he also says be 50% artist and 50% business person. 
I think Ari’s overriding message is simply to make sure you *really* want to do it… and don’t focus too much on success, unless your measurement of success is making music and making a living from music; that’s realistic. Also, go where the energy is good! Focus on those who like your music as you’re unlikely to change the mind of those who don’t bop to your rock.
Session 4: Soundcloud
“The Creator Class: Finding and growing your fan base in the streaming age,” with independent artists Jay Prince and Oshi, along with SoundCloud Artist Relations Director, Joe Armenia and artist managers Steven Braines and Alessandro Moro (aka Moz)
The session opened with a few words from SoundCloud’s new Chief Executive Kerry Trainor. There was some alluding to additional opportunities for the user and some fixing of things that aren’t quite working, like mobile messaging. Personally, I wanted more from him but this is very early days for the new CEO and he left a lot of us in the front row speculating about exciting times ahead for Soundcloud, which of course, could’ve been his plan all along.
The panel discussion focussed largely on independence and fan engagement, broadening SoundCloud presence by cross promoting your work… which to me feels very specific to collaborations - how can you cross promote in any other way? i.e. it’s gonna work for dance artists and for the Grime market maybe… but one man and his guitar? Dunno…
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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Horizons were really pleased to be part of the first ‘Welsh Music Mixer’ as part of the 2017 Sŵn Festival last week. It was an exciting day, and we were in great company, sitting alongside sessions from Association of Independent Music, PPL, PRS for Music, Independent Music Week, The Musicians Union and PRS Foundation. 
Horizons/Gorwelion held a session on our Launchpad fund (deadline for applications is Monday 30th October!), and it was great to see such an eclectic mix of musicians attend - thank you all for coming. 
For those of you still to apply for Launchpad, you can find all the tips and advice that we went through on the day via the links below:
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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BBC Introducing hosts AMPLIFY ‘17
Horizons attend the 3 day event ... Part One!
I’ve never been to ExCel, London before. It’s so huge it has it’s own tube station.
BBC Introducing Amplify is filled with gargantuan black & monochrome stands with Drum kits, amps, DJ equipment, noise toys, and of course advice stands in the form of agencies and unions. The clashing of sounds bouncing off the warehouse walls feels like some sort of industrial techno night. It really is noisy but it’s also really vibrant.
I get to the first session a little late, aiming to slip in somewhere at the back, but the entrance to Studio 1 is bursting at the seams and it’s clear that the event is very popular. With anything that’s ‘introducing’ in nature there’s no filter for who “should” be attending - and rightly so. The music industry itself is over-subscribed: people are becoming their own labels and managers, pluggers, mixers and masters. No one gives anyone the permission to make music anymore so let’s celebrate those who are doin’ it for themselves - and there are a lot! I have since found out that over 15000 tickets were sold over Amplify weekend. Oof!
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Session 1: Self releasing
When you work in new music, a lot of questions are raised over how & when to get a label; will all labels do you over, will you stop sleeping on friend’s floor when you get a label? Is endorsement from a major everything to a band?
Self-releasing is also a thing… but is that not for the deviants? Or the control-freaks? Or those who are really savvy and business minded, who want to be their own bosses and reap the benefits? What about those who need some hand holding?
The Panel:
Will Edge, Believe Digital
Naomi Pohl, Musicians Union
Mike Hemsley, Pledge
A question is raised: ‘Are you ever alone when you self-release?’ If your answer is yes then you are probably not in a position to be self-releasing because you need fans, and a decent number, of engaged fans. Because unless you have your own money to self-release, your fans are going to be the people affording you studio time, or your next tour, or your plugger. It isn’t easy to gauge whether you’re at the right time to start a pledge or kickstart campaign… but it probably isn’t that difficult either. ‘’If you’ve got 500 fans and you want 50k, that isn’t realistic’’ says Mike Hemsley from Pledge. If you’ve got 1500 engaged fans and want £1500, then this is the time to start thinking about one of the aforementioned fundraising tools.
The Musicians Union also ensures that no-one need be alone or taken advantage of – and yes it comes at a cost but that cost for students is a mere £20 a year! £230 for the rest of us but, in the grand-scheme, worth it, no doubt.
So when do you make a decision about asking for help? Probably after you have done everything you can for yourself: DIY should be at the forefront for any artist at their early stages and the more you do for yourself, the more you will learn. Have humble beginnings and once you have accessed all the free tools, mastered them and exhausted your own skills… then maybe it’s time to seek further support.
It’s evident to me that there are now so many ways of doing things, for example you don’t have to sign to a label, you can license your music to a label, or you could simply use a distribution service like panel favourites, Tunecore. The options are wider than they’ve ever been so try to get your head around that, and if you start to struggle - perhaps use someone else’s head!
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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FESTIVAL NO 6 - PART ONE: Lost in the Woods Stage, Friday 8 September 2017
Horizons is back at Festival No 6 this year with a bespoke mix of new Welsh talent from all around Wales. You’ll also recognise some of the returning Horizons acts like Candelas, Roughion, Castles, and Climbing Trees alongside new acts nominated for the festival through our partnerships with BBC Radio Wales and BBC Radio Cymru.
Campfire Social, 12-12.30pm
Hailing from Llangollen / Chester and celebrating the forthcoming release of their first collection of studio tracks ‘Wellbeing EP’, indie-pop 5 piece Campfire Social are a refuge from the wild woods all around. Their incandescent, melodic songs take the intimate heartbreak of Elliott Smith and embellish with golden harmonies borrowed from The Beach Boys. At times getting you up off your chairs in a passionate rage, at others just to dance but always filled with hope.
Griff Lynch, 12.45 - 1.15pm
As a member of influential Welsh psych pop band ‘Yr Ods’, Griff Lynch has done most of what an exclusively Welsh language artist can do. Headlined 'Maes B’ 3 or 4 times and played every Welsh festival from Swn festival to Green Man. Yr Ods whirled through the cliches, on a minority language scale.
Griff’s first attempt at 'the solo project’ comes from a very different place. It’s DIY. It’s a bit dark, a bit depressing, a bit bilingual, but essentially, a bit Poppy. Pop from the left. It seems that boredom, despair, deaths and breakups can sometimes be quite sweet on the ear. Even in Welsh.
Adwaith, 1.30-2.00pm
Adwaith have always existed. They have been there since the sixties, through Roxy Music’s filthy glitter, and within the glorious chaos of punk and its post-punk offspring. Now the relevant stars have aligned, Adwaith have been made physical in the form of Gwenllian Anthony (Bass, Mandolin), Hollie Singer (Vocals, Guitar) and Heledd Owen (Drums). 
Kidsmoke, 2.15-2.45pm
Formed in 2013 in Wrexham, North Wales, Kidsmoke consists of: Lance Williams (Vocals/Guitar), James Stickels on (Bass/Vocals), Sophie Ballamy on (Guitar/Vocals) and Ash Turner (Drums). Singles from their 3rd EP 'Save Your Sorrow’ have made it onto the airwaves nationwide, including BBC Radio 6 Music, Amazing Radio, Radio X and a live session on BBC Radio Wales with Janice Long.
The four-piece note The Smiths, The Beatles, Wild Nothing and Real Estate among their influences and have garnered a reputation for producing well-crafted, harmony-filled indie-pop nuggets with a dynamic, well polished live-presence to boot.
Palomino Party, 3-3.30pm
Palomino Party are an electrifying art-rock band who reminisce in old-world glamour. Front man Linford Hydes is a rare performer who has the ability to create entire worlds which listeners can retreat and seek refuge. Hydes possess a charisma and theatricality akin to his celebrated Pop/Rock predecessors David Bowie, Kate Bush and Boy George. Recognised in their home-town as the go-to live band for escapism and pure pleasure, Palomino Party deliver theatre, romance and songs that need to be danced to.
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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FESTIVAL NO 6 - PART TWO: Lost in the Woods Stage, Friday 8 September 2017
Horizons is back at Festival No 6 this year with a bespoke mix of new Welsh talent from all around Wales. You’ll also recognise some of the returning Horizons acts like Candelas, Roughion, Castles, and Climbing Trees alongside new acts nominated for the festival through our partnerships with BBC Radio Wales and BBC Radio Cymru.
Castles, 3.45-4.15pm
CaStLeS’ music swirls somewhere between Os Mutantes, Ennio Morricone and the misty mountains of Snowdonia, a delightfully hypnotic voodoo groove with reverb soaked melodies. Brothers Dion and Cynyr Hamer formed the band back in 2008 following many musical project manifestations as a duo, they were later joined by former Derwyddon Dr Gonzo bassist Calvin Thomas.  CaStLeS released their debut album, Fforesteering in November 2016. The album was featured in UNCUT Magazine, Shindig! and by December, The Guardian crowned CaStLeS their ‘New Band of the Week’.
Sweet Baboo 4.30-5.00pm
The brand new album by Sweet Baboo, Wild Imagination was recorded in one wild week in North Wales with multi instrumentalists Paul Jones and Rob Jones, and was released on Moshi Moshi in June 2017.
Zervas & Pepper, 5.15-5.45pm
Zervas and Pepper are songwriters Paul Zervas & Kathryn Pepper from the South Coast of  Wales. Hailed by MOJO for their “Exquisitely harmonized, blissed-out Folk Rock”, the band has been back in the studio creating their follow up album to critically acclaimed albums 'Lifebringer’ (2013) and 'Abstract Heart’ (2015). Back with a fresh offering 2017’s 'Wilderland’ is a return to the writers acoustic sensibilities.
Wilderland’ was written and conceived whilst holed-up in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado following a month-long road trip, and was recorded in Los Angeles by James Raymond of CPR and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
Climbing Trees, 6.00-6.30pm
Formed in the Summer of 2011, South Wales four-piece Climbing Trees soon came to the attention of BBC Introducing with the distinctive Cymrucana sound of their critically acclaimed 2013 debut album ‘Hebron’. The following years have seen appearances at Green Man Festival, Festival No.6 and The Hay Festival  during a twenty-date summer tour. Climbing Trees released their second album ‘Borders’ in the Summer of 2016 to rave reviews and a spot on the Welsh Music Prize shortlist.
With the band recently returning from their first European trip and set to embark upon another jam-packed festival season in support of latest single ‘Lost’, 2017 is continuing to be another big year for Climbing Trees.
Candelas, 7.00-8.00pm
Candelas have gone from strength to strength following the release of their self-titled debut album, with songs such as ‘Anifail‘ and ‘Symud Ymlaen‘ becoming anthems across the Welsh language music scene.
Candelas were the headline act at the Eisteddfod’s Maes B in 2015, and were chosen to play with the Welsh Pops Orchestra in a jam-packed concert at the Pavillion. Their cover version of ‘Rhedeg i Paris’ reached over 100K hits on YouTube, and was sung from dawn ‘till dusk during the Euro 2016 campaign – watch here. Their latest single, ‘Ddoe, Heddiw a `Fory’ was released during the summer of 2017 as a preview of their 3rd album.
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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Festival No 6 - DJ sets from Roughion LLWYFAN Y GWALLT / LOST IN THE WOODS
Horizons are excited to share that ROUGHION will DJ in between bands on the Lost in The Woods Stage on Friday 8th September.
Roughion create electronica in every form, from garage and drum and bass to house and downtempo all using Welsh samples to great effect. With their recent releases grabbing the attention of Radio 1 Dj Huw Stephens and BBC Wales Djs Adam Walton and Bethan Elfyn, this twosome are becoming quite a force to be reckoned with since their recent signing to Libertino Records. Expect the unexpected during their vibrant dj sets and energetic live sets.
“Wales’ answer to the Chemical Brothers” - BBC Wales “A hidden gem in unsigned electronic duo Roughion, an Aberystwyth pair creating dark electronica whilst simultaneously incorporating Welsh-language vocal samples, to great effect” - A Music Blog Yeah!
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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Horizons at Swansea Fringe Festival /  Gorwelion yn Ngŵyl Ymylol Abertawe
Horizons is delighted to be working with Swansea Fringe Festival in its inaugural year, 2017.  We’ll be showcasing a multitude of Welsh talent from all around Wales and, of course, bands who hail from the city of Swansea!
Pleser i Gorwelion yw cydweithio â Gŵyl Ymylol Abertawe yn ei blwyddyn gyntaf, 2017.  Byddwn yn rhoi llwyfan i lu o dalentau o bob rhan o Gymru ac, wrth gwrs, bandiau sy’n hanu o ddinas Abertawe!
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“Adwaith win hands down as the coolest new band from Wales; they are new, fresh, young female musical talent, that’s why I’m so excited”, Bethan Elfyn (BBC Radio Wales).  
”‘Haul’ has got to be contender of single of the year……just wonderful" Adam Walton, BBC Introducing, BBC Radio Wales
Mae Adwaith wedi bodoli erioed. Mae wedi bod yno ers y chwedegau, yn llwch llachar Roxy ac yn anhrefn fendigedig pync a'r cynnyrch a ddaeth yn ei sgil. Gan fod y sêr cywir wedi dod at ei gilydd ar linell, mae Adwaith wedi ymffurfio'n gorfforol ar ffurf Gwenllian Anthony (Gitâr fas, Mandolin), Hollie Singer (Llais, Gitâr) a Heledd Owen (Drymiau).
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Roughion strive to create electronic beats with a Welsh tint. Creating everything from Garage to Trip Hop and Drum and Bass to House. This hasn’t gone unnoticed as they recently have been signed to the Welsh label Libertino Records. Their high energy live performance is something that should not be missed and will definitely make you shake and dance.
Nod Roughion yw creu curiadau electronig ag arlliw Cymreig, gan greu pob math o stwff o ‘Garage’ i ‘Trip Hop’ ac o ‘Drum ’n’ Bass’ i ‘House’. Mae hyn yn amlwg wedi denu sylw gan eu bod nhw’n ddiweddar wedi arwyddo â label Cymreig Recordiau Libertino. Ddylai neb golli eu perfformiad byw egnïol, sy’n siŵr o wneud i chi siglo a dawnsio.
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Swansea city rockers TRAMPOLENE, who continue to deliver electrical shockers with their unique combination of garage rock, kitchen-sink poetry and acoustic heartbreakers, proudly crashed into the charts last year in UK, France, Netherlands, Lithuania & Ukraine. They toured continuously throughout 2015 and 2016 with stand out support slots with The Libertines, Buzzcocks, Peter Doherty, Reverend & The Makers, The Enemy, Pretty Vicious, Catfish & The Bottlemen and Carl Barat & The Jackals, along with performances at Glastonbury, Leeds, Y Not, Kendall Calling and Latitude Festivals last summer.
Rocwyr o Abertawe yw TRAMPOLENE, sy’n cyflwyno gwefrau trydanol parhaus trwy eu cyfuniad unigryw o roc garej, barddoniaeth tun lludw a chaneuon torcalon acwstig, gan ffrwydro i’r siartiau y llynedd ym Mhrydain, Ffrainc, yr Iseldiroedd, Lithwania ac Wcráin. Buont ar daith drwy gydol 2015 a 2016 gan gefnogi, ymysg eraill, The Libertines, Buzzcocks, Peter Doherty, Reverend & The Makers, The Enemy, Pretty Vicious, Catfish & The Bottlemen a Carl Barat & The Jackals, ynghyd â pherfformio yng ngwyliau Glastonbury, Leeds, Y Not, Kendall Calling a Latitude yr haf diwethaf.
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CADNO is a 5 piece band from Cardiff. After the success of their debut single ‘Ludagretz’ in 2016, they’ve continued to create unique pop melodies that mix soft psychedelic sounds with elements of folk music and riffs that sit somewhere between 60’s pop and contemporary indie rock and have recently released their debut self-titled EP on Jigcal Records.
Band 5 person o Gaerdydd yw CADNO. Ar ol llwyddiant eu sengl cyntaf ‘Ludagretz’ yn 2016, parhaon i greu alawon pop unigryw sy’n cymysgu synau psychedelia meddal, elfennau gwerinol a riffs sydd rhywle rhwng pop y 60’au ac indie rock cyfoes trwy rhyddhau eu EP cyntaf ar label Jigcal.
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Afro Cluster
Cardiff based Afro Cluster are renowned for their unique and exciting blend of Afro funk and Hip-Hop.
Utilizing cuts, a full horn section and rhythm section as well the MC stylings of Skunkadelic, they’ve been frequently described as having a colossal sound and an explosive live show.
After 2016’s critically acclaimed EP 'We Don Land’, the band is currently writing their debut album for release in the near future. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!
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King Goon
King Goon formed in 2011 in Swansea. Originally operating as a soundman-terrifying 8-piece, the line-up has slimmed down over the years to a less-imposing-but-nonetheless-still-rowdy 5-piece, with three singers wailing up front and a wall of bouncy noise clattering and whooping away behind.
The simple idea behind King Goon is “Music to dance to. Not stupid”; a concept which – in all its reductive glory – has served them well over the years. You’ll hear elements of ska, hip-hop, punk, soul, indie, rock, reggae, dance and unashamed power-pop, all propelled by a bass-heavy, funky groove and soaked in glorious vocal harmonies.
Ffurfiwyd King Goon yn 2011 yn Abertawe, yn wreiddiol fel band 8 aelod digon i ddychryn unrhyw ddyn sain. Mae’r criw wedi lleihau dros y blynyddoedd i fand o bump, sy’n llai dychrynllyd, ond eto’n dal i greu digon o sŵn, gyda thri canwr yn nadu’n wyllt o flaen wal o sŵn bywiog sy’n clindarddach a bonllefain y tu ôl iddynt.
Y syniad syml y tu ôl i King Goon yw “Cerddoriaeth i ddawnsio iddi. Ddim yn ddwl”; cysyniad sydd – yn ei holl ogoniant cryno – wedi gwasanaethu’r band yn dda ar hyd y blynyddoedd. Fe glywch chi elfennau o ska, hip-hop, pync, soul, indie, roc, reggae, dawns a power-pop diedifar, i gyd wedi’u gyrru ymlaen gan groove  ffynci a thrwm ar y bas, ac wedi’u trwytho mewn harmonïau lleisiol gogoneddus.
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Rachel K Collier
A unique talent for intelligent electronic production and head-turning vocals place artist Rachel K Collier in a league of her own. Combining complex beat programming, technical arrangement and meaningful lyric writing –her one-of a-kind sound is hard to define.” Ibiza Voice (Oct 2016). Following up on previous single “Paper Tiger”, supported by BBC R1, BBC Introducing and more, Welsh artist and one-woman production machine Collier delivered ultramodern metallic electro-pop with latest release “Rust” in July and is now in full flow with her energetic live set. Collier will be playing across Europe and the UK throughout the latter half of 2017.
Mae dawn unigryw i gynhyrchu cerddoriaeth electronig ddeallus, a llais trawiadol, yn gosod yr artist Rachel K Collier mewn cynghrair ar wahân. Wrth gyfuno rhaglennu curiadau cymhleth, trefniannau technegol arbennig a geiriau ystyrlon, mae ei sain unigryw’n anodd ei ddiffinio, yn ôl Ibiza Voice (Hyd. 2016). Yn dilyn ei sengl blaenorol ‘Paper Tiger’, a gefnogwyd gan BBC R1, BBC Introducing a mwy, cyflwynodd y Gymraes a’r gynhyrchwraig neilltuol dafell o bop electro metalaidd uwchfodernaidd gyda’i recordiad diweddaraf ‘Rust’ ym mis Gorffennaf, a bellach mae hi wrthi fel lladd nadroedd gyda’i set byw egnïol. Bydd Rachel K. Collier yn chwarae ledled Ewrop a Phrydain drwy ail hanner 2017.
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Safari Gold
Cardiff based quartet 'Safari Gold’ have hit out with their brand of diverse pop and have begun to turn heads with their tracks ‘Howl’ and ‘Tide’ (Showcased on Indie Shuffle and The Line Of Best Fit). Friends since childhood, the 4 piece features brothers Morgan and Lewys as well as Danny and Sion. Working from their home studio, since releasing ‘Howl’ and ‘Tide’ and 'Breakout’ online, the band have been working on an album and plan to unveil their debut in 2017.
Mae’r pedwarawd o Gaerdydd ‘Safari Gold’ wedi creu argraff gyda’u pop amrywiol nodweddiadol ac wedi dechrau troi pennau gyda’u traciau ‘Howl’ a ‘Tide’ (a gyflwynwyd ar Indie Shuffle a The Line Of Best Fit). Yn ffrindiau bore oes, mae’r band yn cynnwys dau frawd, Morgan a Lewys, ynghyd â Danny a Sion. Gan weithio o’u stiwdio gartref, ers rhyddhau ‘Howl’ a ‘Tide’ a ‘Breakout’ ar-lein, maen nhw wedi bod yn gweithio ar eu halbwm cyntaf, gan obeithio ei ryddhau yn 2017.
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The band formed in 2008 and spent the next few years releasing a series of singles and EP’s on Barely Regal and Kissability and touring extensively, including appearances on the BBC Introducing stage at Reading and Leeds festivals.
2014 saw tour support slots with No Devotion (ex-Lostprophets/Thursday) and Kids In Glass Houses and the release of their Welsh Music Prize nominated debut album Rescue, marking a shift in the bands sound, towards more introspective direction.
Ffurfiodd y band yn 2008 a threuliodd y blynyddoedd nesaf yn rhyddhau cyfres o senglau ac EPs ar Barely Regal a Kissability a theithio’n helaeth, gan gynnwys ymddangosiadau ar lwyfan BBC Introducing yng ngwyliau Reading a Leeds.
Yn 2014 buont ar daith yn cefnogi No Devotion (cyn aelodau lostprophets/Thursday) a Kids In Glass Houses, a rhyddhawyd eu halbwm cyntaf Rescue a enwebwyd ar gyfer y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig, gan symud sain y band i gyfeiriad mwy mewnddrychol.
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The Pitchforks
The Pitchforks are a three piece indie rock band from the heart of the South Wales Valleys. Friends since primary school, the band was created in 2012 and they have been playing for the last three years. This year they are spending time writing and recording material for their first EP. With the release of their first song they were selected by WalesOnline for the Best New Music from Wales list.
Triawd roc indi o galon cymoedd y De yw The Pitchforks. Yn ffrindiau ers ysgol gynradd, crëwyd y band yn 2012 ac maen nhw wrthi ers tair blynedd bellach. Eleni maen nhw’n treulio amser yn sgrifennu a recordio deunydd ar gyfer eu EP cyntaf. Wedi rhyddhau eu cân gyntaf, cawsant eu dewis gan WalesOnline ar gyfer rhestr y Gerddoriaeth Newydd Orau o Gymru.
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The Riff
The Riff are a British Indie/alternative band from Swansea, SouthWales. The Bands debut single Jezebel was released in May 2016 and featured on BBC radio shorlty after its releasing earning the band 'BBC Introducing’s artist of the Week.’ Since then the band who take inspiration and influence from the likes of The Who, The Jam, Oasis, Stone Roses and Stereophonics have supported the likes of Bruce Foxtons From The Jam, The Lambrettas, Barry Sutton (La’s) Tom Hingley (Inspiral Carpets) The Sherlocks and played on the same bill as bands such as The Beat and former Catfish and the Bottlemen Guitarist Billy Bibby.
Band indie/amgen o Abertawe yw The Riff. Rhyddhawyd eu sengl cyntaf Jezebel ym mis Mai 2016 ac yn fuan wedyn roedd i’w glywed ar radio’r BBC dan bennawd artist yr wythnos ‘BBC Introducing’. Ers hynny mae’r band, sy’n cymryd ysbrydoliaeth a dylanwad gan fandiau fel The Who, The Jam, Oasis, Stone Roses a Stereophonics, wedi cefnogi artistiaid fel From The Jam (Bruce Foxton), The Lambrettas, Barry Sutton (La’s), Tom Hingley (Inspiral Carpets) a The Sherlocks ac wedi chwarae yn yr un digwyddiadau â bandiau fel The Beat a chyn gitarydd Catfish and the Bottlemen, Billy Bibby.
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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Tips for Launchpad 2017
We’ve just launched the Launchpad Fund, where musicians and artists in Wales can benefit from grants of up to £2,000 towards their music. It’s an important part of the Horizons project, as financial help is a very practical injection of activity into the Welsh music scene. Many of the bands have been able to record, create videos, and contribute towards press and radio pluggers, as a result of the fund.
Artists from all around Wales have benefitted from Launchpad in the past, and all have been able to use the fund in very practical ways. With many musicians thinking of applying again this year, I wanted to write some practical tips that might help with the application. A panel of experts will be sifting through the applications and you need to demonstrate to them that the fund will contribute to inspirational projects that will genuinely help your band to progress.
What do you need, and how can you prove this?
1. Clarity.
Make the application form as simple and clear as possible.
If you need to fund travelling to gigs, don’t apply for a grant to help you get a new guitar. If your guitar is broken, don’t apply for grant towards gig travelling.
2. Think of a project.
It doesn’t have to be a huge idea, but will creating this one thing make a difference to your year? Estrons wanted to make a video, and they certainly did make a brilliant, beautiful, original video. A video is a great way to promote your music – but remember to think about how you will promote it, what will happen to it, does it back up a new release? Who will make it, when will they make it, have you chatted to the directors, have you had a quote from them?
“We want to record with an orchestra on top of Snowdon”. You’ll need deep pockets to fund that. Make the idea creative but realistic.
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3. Budget
Even if the sums are very simple, take time to show how much something will cost and do a little bit of research. Don’t undervalue something and focus your application. For example, it’s probably best to apply for one thing instead of many different strands of costs.
Reuel Elijah was able to split his budget into three parts in order to support the studio time, recording of a music video and PR for a new single.
4. Equipment.
Musicians love buying new gear, and Launchpad is certainly there to help fund items like this. But you need to think about how you show that you really need this new drum kit/ guitar/ keyboard?
Baby Queens used their award for new microphones, so that they could take them along to gigs. With 5 vocalists it’s an important part of their live act.
The grant funded a keyboard for Samoans that allowed them to take their songwriting in new directions.
Please consider, is this the most urgent thing that the band needs, does this move you on with your music, or would promotion/ recording in a studio be of more value to your situation?
5. Pluggers
If you’ve had a little bit of success with your music already, this is a great thing to consider for your next release. When you find the right plugger to work with, it can help get you some print or online press that could help you build a portfolio of reviews, or a ‘radio plugger’ can help get you more airtime outside of Welsh output. Try to find a plugger that will like your music, because you admire their roster. Not all pluggers accept all kinds of music, as they will have a trusted base of shows what they work with, and therefore need to keep their own standards of music.
Ellie Makes Music’s Launchpad grant funded a high quality recording and national plugger, she achieved her first airplay on Radio 2 and BBC 6Music, as well as Artist of the Week on BBC Radio Wales.
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6. Who cares?
Who currently likes the band? How many people come to your gigs; how far away from home do you play; who has been writing about you, playing your music, supporting your gigs, taking you on tour as a support band? Did you sell-out a hometown show? If you can show that you’ve got support from different people in the music industry, maybe a quote from a gig promoter, radio presenter, journalist, blogger, this will all help your application.
7. Ideas
We love reading interesting creative ideas. As well as the examples above, here’s some other ideas of how the grant could help you:
§  Professional promo pack or epk
§  Logo/artwork design by specific artist for a new release
§  Stage décor for gigs and festivals
§  Visuals at live gigs
§  Mixing with professional
§  Studio time
§  Hire of location for writing
§  Professional video
§  Promotional company
§  Additional musicians for a recording or performance
§  Orchestral arrangements or recording
§  Promotion and putting on a special launch gig
§  Artistic collaboration
§  Equipment
8. The application must be about you or your band
The application must be from the artist for the artist. Professionals, companies, studios or labels can apply on an artist’s behalf but not for the label/studio/management company in general.
9. Good luck!
I hope that’s helped a little as you consider your application – please make sure you read the guidelines and terms and conditions fully on the Horizons website.www.bbc.co.uk/horizons
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horizons-gorwelion · 7 years
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Rydym newydd lansio Cronfa Lansio / Launchpad, lle gall cerddorion ac artistiaid yng Nghymru fanteisio ar grantiau hyd at £2,000 tuag at eu cerddoriaeth. Mae’n rhan bwysig o brosiect Gorwelion, gan fod cymorth ariannol yn hwb ymarferol iawn i’r byd cerddoriaeth yng Nghymru. Oherwydd y gronfa, mae llawer o'r bandiau wedi gallu recordio a chreu fideos ac mae’r gronfa hefyd wedi cyfrannu at ariannu swyddogion cyhoeddusrwydd  (pluggers) i hyrwyddo’u cerddoriaeth yn y wasg neu ar y radio.
Mae artistiaid o bob cwr o Gymru wedi manteisio ar y Gronfa Lansio / Launchpad yn y gorffennol, ac maent i gyd wedi gallu defnyddio’r gronfa mewn ffyrdd ymarferol iawn. Gyda llawer o gerddorion yn ystyried gwneud cais unwaith eto eleni, roeddwn yn awyddus i ysgrifennu rhai awgrymiadau ymarferol a all helpu gyda’r cais.  Bydd panel o arbenigwyr yn mynd drwy’r ceisiadau a bydd angen i chi ddangos i’r rhain y bydd y gronfa’n cyfrannu at brosiectau ysbrydoledig a fydd yn wirioneddol helpu’ch band i ddatblygu.
Beth sydd ei angen arnoch chi a sut gallwch brofi hyn?
1. Eglurder.
Atebwch y ffurflen gais mewn ffordd mor syml a chlir â phosibl.
Os ydych chi angen arian i deithio i gigs, peidiwch â gwneud cais am grant i'ch helpu chi i gael gitâr newydd. Os ydy’ch gitâr chi wedi torri, peidiwch â gwneud cais am grant i deithio i gigs.
2. Meddwl am brosiect.
Does dim rhaid i chi gael syniad mawr, ond a fydd creu’r un peth hwn yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i’ch blwyddyn chi? Roedd Estrons eisiau gwneud fideo, ac yn sicr mi wnaethon nhw fideo gwreiddiol a gwych. Mae fideo yn ffordd wych o hyrwyddo’ch cerddoriaeth - ond cofiwch feddwl am sut y byddwch yn ei hyrwyddo, beth fydd yn digwydd iddo, ydy'r fideo yn cefnogi gwaith newydd sy’n cael ei ryddhau? Pwy fydd yn gwneud y fideo, pryd, ydych chi wedi sgwrsio â'r cyfarwyddwyr, ydych chi wedi cael amcan-bris ganddyn nhw?
“Rydyn ni eisiau recordio gyda cherddorfa ar ben yr Wyddfa”. Bydd rhaid cael llond sach o arian i ariannu hynny. Gwnewch y syniad yn un creadigol ond yn realistig hefyd.
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3. Cyllidebu
Hyd yn oed os yw’r symiau’n syml iawn, rhowch amser i ddangos faint y bydd rhywbeth yn ei gostio a gwnewch ychydig o ymchwil. Peidiwch â thanbrisio rhywbeth a rhowch ffocws i’ch cais. Er enghraifft, mae’n debyg ei bod yn well gwneud cais am un peth yn hytrach na chael sawl math o gostau.
Llwyddodd Reuel Elijah i rannu ei gyllideb yn dair rhan i gefnogi’i amser mewn stiwdio, recordio fideo cerddoriaeth a chyhoeddusrwydd ar gyfer sengl newydd.
4. Cyfarpar.
Mae cerddorion yn mwynhau prynu offer newydd, ac yn sicr mae’r Gronfa Lansio / Launchpad ar gael i helpu i ariannu eitemau fel hyn. Ond mae angen i chi ystyried sut y gallwch ddangos bod angen y drwm/cit/gitâr/allweddau newydd hyn arnoch chi.
Defnyddiodd Baby Queens eu gwobr i brynu microffonau newydd, er mwyn gallu mynd â nhw i gigs. A hwythau yn cynnwys 5 o gantorion, mae’n rhan bwysig o’u perfformiadau byw.
Defnyddiodd y Samoans arian y gronfa i brynu allweddellau gan eu galluogi i symud i gyfeiriadau newydd gyda’u gwaith cyfansoddi caneuon.
Ystyriwch, ai dyma’r peth pwysicaf mae’r band ei angen? Ydy hyn yn datblygu’ch cerddoriaeth neu a fyddai hyrwyddo/recordio mewn stiwdio yn fwy gwerthfawr yn eich sefyllfa?
5. Swyddogion Cyhoeddusrwydd (pluggers)
Os ydych chi wedi cael rhywfaint o lwyddiant yn barod gyda’ch cerddoriaeth, dyma rywbeth da i’w ystyried ar gyfer yr hyn y byddwch yn ei ryddhau nesaf. Pan ddewch o hyd i’r hyrwyddwr neu’r swyddog cyhoeddusrwydd iawn i gydweithio ag ef, gall eich helpu i gael rhywfaint o sylw yn y wasg neu ar-lein a allai eich helpu i lunio portffolio o adolygiadau, neu fe all ‘swyddog cyhoeddusrwydd radio’ (radio plugger) eich helpu i gael mwy o amser ar yr awyr y tu allan i Gymru. Ceisiwch ddod o hyd i swyddog cyhoeddusrwydd a fydd yn hoffi’ch cerddoriaeth, oherwydd eich bod yn edmygu’i restr o gleientiaid. Nid ydynt i gyd yn derbyn pob math o gerddoriaeth, gan y bydd ganddynt sioeau y maent yn cydweithio â nhw ac yn ymddiried ynddyn nhw ac felly mae angen iddynt gadw’u safonau cerddoriaeth eu hunain.
Gwnaeth grant Ellie Makes Music ariannu swyddog cyhoeddusrwydd cenedlaethol o safon uchel yn y maes recordio , a chafodd ei gwaith ei chwarae am y tro cyntaf ar yr awyr ar Radio 2 a BBC 6Music. Bu hefyd yn Artist yr Wythnos ar BBC Radio Wales.
6. Pwy sy’n malio?
Pwy sy’n hoffi'r band ar hyn o bryd? Faint o bobl sy’n dod i’ch gigs; pa mor bell oddi cartref fyddwch chi’n chwarae; pwy sydd wedi bod yn ysgrifennu amdanoch chi, yn chwarae’ch cerddoriaeth, yn cefnogi’ch gigs, yn mynd â chi ar daith fel band cefnogi?  A gafodd y tocynnau eu gwerthu i gyd ar gyfer sioe yn y dref lle rydych yn byw? Os gallwch chi ddangos eich bod wedi cael cefnogaeth gan wahanol bobl yn y diwydiant cerddoriaeth, dyfynbris efallai oddi wrth hyrwyddwr gigs, cyflwynydd radio, newyddiadurwr, blogiwr, bydd hyn i gyd yn helpu’ch cais.
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7. Syniadau
Rydym wrth ein bodd yn darllen am syniadau creadigol a diddorol. Yn ogystal â'r enghreifftiau uchod, dyma syniadau eraill am sut y gallai’r grant eich helpu chi:
Pecyn hyrwyddo proffesiynol neu ‘epk’
Logo/gwaith celf gan artist penodol ar gyfer cerddoriaeth newydd yr ydych am ei rhyddhau
Decor llwyfan ar gyfer gigs a gwyliau
Deunydd gweledol mewn gigs byw
Cymysgu gyda pheiriannydd proffesiynol
Amser mewn stiwdio
Llogi lleoliad ar gyfer ysgrifennu
Fideo proffesiynol
Cwmni Hyrwyddo
Cerddorion ychwanegol ar gyfer recordio neu berfformiad
Recordio neu drefniannau cerddorfaol
Hyrwyddo a threfnu gig lansio arbennig
Cydweithio artistig
8. Rhaid i'r cais fod amdanoch chi neu eich band
Rhaid i'r cais ddod oddi wrth yr artist ar gyfer yr artist. Caiff pobl broffesiynol, cwmnïau, stiwdios neu labeli wneud cais ar ran yr artist ond nid ar gyfer y cwmni rheoli/stiwdio/label yn gyffredinol.
9. Bob lwc!
Gobeithio bod hyn wedi helpu ryw ychydig wrth i chi ystyried eich cais – gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn darllen y canllawiau a’r telerau ac amodau yn llawn. Maent ar gael ar wefan Gorwelion. www.bbc.co.uk/horizons
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horizons-gorwelion · 8 years
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Horizons speaks to ... Connah Evans
Connah Evans is one of the artists making up our Horizons 12 for 2016, and we caught up with the indie pop singer songwriter to find out how Horizons has helped him progress. 
Horizons: How have the festivals you have played with Horizons this year helped your music?
Connah: The festivals I've played with Horizons have been great! Being a part of Horizons has given me the opportunity to play bigger festivals that I might not have had the chance to play at this stage of my career. Playing these types of festivals has also enabled me to learn about the importance of stage times and changeover times, which will be useful for the future. I hope that the festivals I have played with Horizons this year will want me back again next year!
Horizons: What other benefits have you experienced whilst with Horizons - have we been able to help you with elements such as social media, filming, photography or contacts?
Connah: I now have a bigger social media presence meaning that when people search for me online there is more for them to see other than just my Facebook and website. For example there are great live photos of me online that have been taken by the hard workers in the Horizons crew. In addition to this, I have made some amazing contacts over the past months. At Truck Festival I was introduced to a band called ‘Clean Cut Kid’, and I’m now really close to them and they’re always there to talk to for advice. I’m sure that the contacts I’ve made this year with Horizons will be there to help me in future years. Horizons also allowed me to play at Festival no.6, which amazed me as I’ve been trying to play at this festival for a long time! It was difficult for me to play here as I’m a Welsh artist but don’t sing in the Welsh language, nevertheless Horizons gave me the chance to play at this amazing festival in front of people from all over the UK! 
Horizons: Have you noticed an increase in traffic around your music?
Connah: I have noticed a slight increase, although my live videos are yet to go online and when they do I believe there will be even more activity around my music. I also believe that my next release will experience the most attention of my career, thanks to Horizons. The main thing I have noticed is the increase in online fans over the past few months, and I’m hoping they will be tempted to buy tickets for my tour! 
Overall Horizons has been an amazing experience and has been great for my career. It is amazing to actually be paid for what I love to do. Some people forget that musicians have spent years learning and perfecting their instruments but Horizons understands this and sees how important it is to us! Being with the Horizons team has been one of the biggest and best stepping stones towards what I want to do for the rest of my life. Thank you!! 
You can check out Connah’s page on the Horizons website here, which includes links to his website, social media, and Youtube videos:
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horizons-gorwelion · 8 years
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Horizons’ Top Ten Videos of 2016: 
1. Double Trouble - Afro Cluster: Live @ Truck Festival 
Number one on our list of favourite 2016 videos comes from the phenomenal Afro Cluster. The band have been making huge ground this year with their incredible sound, blurring the lines between a variety of different genres and captivating audiences and critics alike with their wonderful energy and enthusiasm. Their performance of ‘Double Trouble’ at Truck Festival was a joy to behold, with so much exuberance and vitality in both the band and the crowd. Keep an eye on these guys, they are going on to great things.
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horizons-gorwelion · 8 years
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Horizons’ Top Ten Videos of 2016: 
2. Cartref Ymhob Man - Danielle Lewis: Live @ The National Eisteddfod
Our second favourite video of 2016 comes from Danielle Lewis and her wonderful session at The National Eisteddfod. Her song ‘Cartref Ymhob Man’ is a beautiful and effortless Welsh folk tune, and Danielle’s voice may remind listeners of artists such as Lucy Rose with its soft and melodic sound. Danielle has already toured Australia with her music, and the future is clearly bright for the young singer songwriter. 
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