jungleindierock · 2 years
Adwaith - ETO (BBC Music Introducing at Glastonbury 2022)
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headlinerportugal · 10 months
Sol, calor, amigos e José Pinhal – Dia 2 do Festival Rodellus 2023 | Reportagem
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O fenómeno nacional José Pinhal Post-Mortem Experience | mais fotos clicar aqui Acordei com o calor que se fazia sentir dentro da tenda, algo que não esperava dado o dilúvio da noite anterior. A segunda e última jornada teve lugar no sábado, 29 de julho. Fomos ao café Macieira, provavelmente o único café num raio de 1km do campismo, para uma refeição que nem sabia bem se era pequeno-almoço ou almoço. Vim-me a aperceber que seria ali que seria dado o início ao 2º dia do Rodellus, com o DJ set da dupla Dementes Brilhantes, com selo Favela Discos.
Completamente em contraste com o dia anterior, o calor fazia-se sentir e o sol raiava, tornando assim o sábado um verdadeiro típico dia de festival de verão: sol, calor, amigos e José Pinhal. Isso mesmo, o incontornável fenómeno da música popular portuguesa que renasceu através da banda de tributo José Pinhal Post-Mortem Experience, era o grande headLiner não só deste dia como também de todo o festival. Isso percebeu-se bem cedo, com a quantidade de pessoas que começaram a vaguear por Ruilhe, antecipando aquele que seria uma das maiores enchentes de que me lembro no festival.
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Stereoacid em versão trio | mais fotos clicar aqui Bem mais cedo, entraram em palco o duo Steroacid composto por Sérgio Alves e Luís Marques. Fizeram-se acompanhar por Gonçalo Ferreira. Ainda a suar do calor que se fez sentir de tarde, a banda de Braga trouxe para o campo os ritmos quentes e dançantes tendo como elemento principal o saxofone fazendo a todos que assistiam viajar por breves momentos para um local paradisíaco, longe daquele campo de milho em terra batida.
De seguida veio uma estreia a Portugal, e que estreia! Falamos de Adwaith, banda oriunda do País de Gales e que tinha estado há poucas semanas no histórico Glastonbury Festival, tocava agora no festival mais rural de Portugal.
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Hollie Singer, vocalista e guitarrista das Adwaith | clicar aqui
O trio de mulheres destaca-se pelo seu som bem indie-rock ao estilo britânico mas com letras em galês, tornando toda a experiência ao vivo algo que nunca antes ouvido. Na bagagem do avião trouxeram o seu disco do ano passado ‘Bato Mato’, com malhas como “ETO” ou “Sud”. Cheias de energia esta banda traz nas costas já suporte a bandas como IDLES ou Manic Street Preachers. 
Sentia-se uma azáfama no recinto que não se tinha feito sentir no dia anterior. Alias, diria que nunca antes sentido nos muitos anos de Rodellus que levo. As pessoas já eram muitas, mas notava-se que não iria ficar por ai. A razão? Se chegaram com a vossa leitura até aqui, sabem então qual a razão: José Pinhal. Antes do fenómeno da música portuguesa, subiriam ao palco pouco depois da meia-noite, o post-punk estridente dos Sereias.
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Sereias em palco | clicar aqui A banda do Porto, tinha uma das maiores comitivas em cima do palco do Rodellus, 6 músicos que ao vivo transformavam de forma individual os seus instrumentos numa orquestra de jazz, com ou sem sentido, liderados pela poesia crua, corrosiva e agressiva de Pedro Ribeiro. Nos seus diversos instrumentos trouxeram o mais recente disco ‘Sereias’, editado o ano passado numa mistura de post-rock e kraut em progressão contínua, sempre com uma atitude rebelde, punk, sempre a roçar a fronteira entre o free-jazz e a música contemporânea. Uma atuação intensa, não só para a banda portuense como para os já milhares de pessoas que preenchiam quase por completo o recinto. Foi a primeira lotação esgotada na história do evento.
A noite já ia bem dentro, a cerveja na mão mantinha-se sempre fresca, e ao meu redor uma multidão de gente que começou aos poucos a movimentar-se para o palco. Meio perdido entre conversas, comecei a ouvir gritos de êxtase apercebendo-me do que viria aí.
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Bruno Martins, o destemido vocalista dos José Pinhal Post-Mortem Experience | clicar aqui Pouco passava da hora quando começaram a entrar os muitos elementos de José Pinhal Post-Mortem Experience liderados por Bruno de Seda. Coincidência ou não, a personagem de Bruno de Seda quase se poderia confundir com a figura de José Pinhal entre o seu bigode cheio de personalidade e os seus longos cabelos, trazendo para cima do palco uma experiência ainda mais imortal.
Muitos clássicos foram entoados não só pelo soundsystem do Rodellus mas também pelas vozes afinadas (ou não) dos milhares fãs do artista de Matosinhos que nos deixou em 1993. “Baby Meu Amorzinho”, “Covarde”, “Magia (Bola de Cristal Mentia)” foram só algumas que fez parte da setlist que levou uma debandada ao campo.
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Nuno Oliveira dos José Pinhal Post-Mortem Experience | clicar aqui
Toda a gente a dançar, sorrisos, abraços, não se via uma vivalma parada naquele recinto, e muito culpa da incrível interpretação e arranjos ligeiramente mais pop que os Post-Mortem Experience têm vindo a levar um pouco por todo o país.
Pouco faltava para o final do concerto quando “Tu És a Que Eu Quero (Tu Não Prendas o Cabelo”, começou a deambular por todos nós e ai foi a explosão, como se tratasse de um dos maiores hits algumas vez lançado (e será que não será?). Entre moches, tentativas de crowdsurf e muitos corpos dançantes, começou-se a ouvir “José Pinhal, Imortal” vezes sem conta contagiando os milhares de festivaleiros, e mostrando ali que o fenómeno José Pinhal ultrapassou gerações passadas e marcará muitas outras no futuro.
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David Machado dos José Pinhal Post-Mortem Experience | clicar aqui A energia já era muito pouca, mas a verdade é que passar aquelas duas noites no Rodellus, mais um ano, encheu-me o coração, sempre rodeado de amigos, rodeados de pessoas que erguem este festival no meio de um sítio tão genuíno e bonito que é Ruilhe, e que ano após ano, mostram que só volta ao Rodellus quem realmente não tem medo do campo.
Foto-reportagem completa deste dia: Clicar Aqui
Texto: Luís Silva Fotografia: Jorge Resende
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kraftwerk113 · 1 year
Life´s too short for weird music - Tagesempfehlung 06.11.2022
Adwaith / Sudd
Das walisische Indie-Trio Adwaith hat in 2022 das interessante Album Bato Mato veröffentlicht. Das Trio veröffentlicht ähnlich wie Gwenno konsequent in keltischer Sprache – hier walisisch - was die Musik immer ein bisschen gewöhnungsbedürftig macht. Und auch wenn ich leider nicht verstehe, was Adwaith da vertonen, ist bspw. das Lush- inspirierte Sudd eine der interessanteren Indie-Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 2022.
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ianto (i ianto; bydded i ti fyw am beth)
ianto (for ianto; may you live forever)
okaoky my ianto playlist. its v short but its perfect for listening in one sitting and also I organised it a little so it works chronologically so it works best if unshuffled. e.g. earlier songs are about lisa and also broken, then jack leaving, then s2 extreme sassy!ianto, then yk… coe. not that that happened. thats why in our bedroom after the war is there. bcs ianto had a happy ever after with jack
runtime: ~78mins
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b1odeuwed · 4 months
i am so grateful for welsh independent rock music !!!!!!!!
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logicecoindianteens · 11 months
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In a world where age is often seen as a determining factor for success, there are individuals who defy societal norms and prove that age is just a number. One such remarkable teenager is Adwaith PV, a 14-year-old boy and CEO of Logic Eco, an Indian company that aims to make a positive impact on our society.
Adwaith PV's journey as a young CEO is nothing short of extraordinary. At an age when most teenagers are busy with school and extracurricular activities, Adwaith took on the challenge of starting his own company. The drive and determination he exhibited at such a young age is truly commendable.
Logic Eco, under Adwaith's leadership, focuses on finding eco-friendly solutions for everyday problems. Adwaith's passion for sustainability and environmental consciousness led him to create a company that not only addresses the pressing issues we face but also inspires others to take action.
The fact that Adwaith is only 14 years old makes his achievements even more impressive. He has shown a level of maturity and business acumen that is beyond his years. Through his innovative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit, Adwaith has made a significant impact on our society.
One of the notable projects undertaken by Logic Eco was the implementation of a waste management system in Adwaith's school. His efforts, along with the support and participation of students and staff, led to a cleaner and greener environment. This initiative not only demonstrated Adwaith's commitment to environmental sustainability but also inspired others to follow suit.
Despite his young age, Adwaith has already been recognized for his exceptional abilities. He has received several awards and accolades, including being named one of Forbes' "30 Under 30" in the social entrepreneurship category. These achievements speak volumes about his talent, determination, and potential.
Adwaith PV's story is an inspiration for young people everywhere. It shows that age should never be a barrier to pursuing one's dreams and making a positive impact. Adwaith's example reminds us that passion, drive, and innovative thinking can lead to extraordinary achievements, regardless of our age or experience.
As young individuals, we often underestimate our abilities and question our potential. Adwaith's story encourages us to have confidence in ourselves and our ideas. It teaches us that we have the power to create change and contribute to the betterment of our society, regardless of how young we may be.
Adwaith PV, the 14-year-old CEO of Logic Eco, is a true inspiration for Indian teens and young entrepreneurs worldwide. His extraordinary journey proves that age is not a limitation and that we should never underestimate our own potential. Adwaith teaches us that with determination, passion, and a strong sense of purpose, we can make a difference in the world.
In conclusion, Adwaith PV's story is a testament to the power of youth and the impact we can make at an early age. His success as a 14-year-old CEO is a shining example of what can be achieved with dedication, innovation, and a desire to make a positive change. Let us be inspired by Adwaith's story and strive to make a difference in our own lives and in society as a whole.
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garthcelyn · 1 year
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claredanko · 2 years
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petite-gloom-mail · 3 months
whats a welsh song you recommend, i gotta meet my quota for today!
depends on what genres you like but some of my personal favourites:
gwenwyn by alffa
codi/\cysgu by yws gwynedd
llyn llawenydd by papur wal
lan y môr by adwaith
gwefusau coch by mellt
rebel by mellt
mwgwd by lloyd steele
aberystwyth yn y glaw by ysgol sul
wedi blino by adwaith
rownd â rownd by sage todz
babi mam by alffa and iawn fôn
special mention to international velvet by catatonia which had me in a GRIP as a small rebellious welsh kid living in an angry english household
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Hi Elanor! I wondered if you could recommend any welsh language bands because my only sources rn are the folk stuff that shows up when i search spotify and the rownd a rownd incidental music. I particularly like swing/electroswing, funk, ska, classic rock, and numetal, but am open to most things
I mean Rownd a Rownd is a banger...
Well, here's my overall Welsh music playlist. It's very much my personal tastes, so a lot of Welsh speakers would probably look at it and stagger, clutching their pearls, demanding to know where the Bryn Fôn is, but I personally think he's a cracking lad whose music sucks ass, so there's that
(Prediction: this time tomorrow the notes on this post are going to be full of scandalised Welsh speakers yelling at me in Welsh that I'm a heathen.)
In terms of genre I'm. So so bad. At being able to tell them apart. I cannot stress enough that I don't understand music genres at all. I only understand My Personal Genres, which are very much driven by my synaesthesia. HOWEVER I shall take a stab at this
Swing/electroswing: try Band Pres Llaregub! They have a song called Cymylau which might be a good starting point maybe. I think that might be electroswing. Maybe Pontydd, by Mared? Most of her stuff is more singer-songwriter, but that one has a good swingy, bluesy kind of vibe.
Funk: Kizzy Crawford, start with Sbio maybe. Um, maybe Adwaith? I think they get described as funky punk. Also try Rhyddid, by My Phormula ft EADYTH. And mayyyyybe Carwyn Ellis
Ska: Derwyddon Dr Gonzo, so I'm told. Anweledig (they're funky, too.)
Classic Rock: There's a lot here. Yws Gwynedd (Sebona Fi), y Bandana (oh god they have so many... Geiban, start there), Candelas (Llwytho'r Gwn), Betsan (Ti Werth y Byd).
Nu-metal: Oh god, um... The Night School (start with Edrych i'r Dyfodol), Alffa (start with Gwenwyn), Glain Rhys (Plu'r Gweunydd; listen into the second verse before deciding, but she does have an Evanescence vibe).
I may well be WAY OFF with most of these, as I say I don't understand genres at all. But hopefully these will be a useful starting point if nothing else!
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kaaaaaaarf · 11 months
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Welsh Moony - a playlist
So from the first day I met them, @wdcmaxy has impressed upon me their Welsh Remus agenda. I decided to make a playlist to celebrate Welsh Moony in all his glory.
All songs are by Welsh artists (some of them in Welsh), and I tried to select songs that I thought fit Remus well where I could.
Full tracklist with lyrics underneath the cut!
1. Hello Sunshine // Super Furry Animals
I'm a minger You're a minger too So, come on, minger I want to ming with you In honesty It's been a while Since we had reason Left to smile Hello, Sunshine Come into my life
2. Peeled Apples // Manic Street Preachers
You know so little about me What if I turn into a werewolf or something?
3. Y Bluen Eira // The Joy Formidable
Be sy'n digwydd dywed be ddoth o'r cudd-le Pwy sy'n codi o'r geg Sy'n brathu nôl yn anheg Yn hollti y dymuniad
4. Don't Be Scared, I Love You // Bill Ryder-Jones
Those scars All those senseless scars My worst parts were when you're gone And the endless screaming dark ... Don't be scared, don't be scared I love you, I love you
5. Have A Nice Day // Stereophonics
It started straight off, "coming here is Hell" That's his first words, we asked what he meant He said, "Where you from?" we told him a lot We take a holiday, is this what you want? To have a nice day Have a nice day Have a nice day Have a nice day
6. Ysbeidiau Heulog // Super Furry Animals
Ond ar y cyfan roedd y camau yn weigion Y swigod coch yn llosgi fel gwreichion Um cam ymlaen am ddwy aneffeithlon Ysbeidiau heulog Heulog oedd ein oariad ni Heulog tan ddaeth glaw yn lliff
7. Romance Is Boring // Los Campesinos!
You're pouting in your sleep I'm waking still yawning We're proving to each other That romance is boring Still there are things I could do If I was half prepared to Prove to each other that romance is boring
8. Thank God I'm Not You // HIMALAYAS
I'm a coward, I'm a freak The scum of the Earth A liar and a cheat But I could be so much worse You could call me narcissistic You could say I'm of no worth You could call me the scorn of Satan But I could be so much worse I thank God that I'm not you
9. Fel i Fod // Adwaith
Sai'n siwr fel i fod Beth o ni moyn bod Yn y dyfodol Fy hun sidd ar top y list Pethau nai byth ffeindio Gobeithio bod pawb yn gwybod Sai'n siwr fel i fod Falle fi moyn mynd yn willt Falle fi moyn mynd i gysgu Âa-ŵŵ
10. Sexbomb // Tom Jones (ft. Mousse T)
Make me explode although you know The route to go to sex me slow And yes, I must react to claims of those Who say that you are not all that. Sexbomb Sexbomb you're a Sexbomb You can give it to me, when I need to come along Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb And baby you can turn me on
11. Suckers! // Super Furry Animals
Tell me you're a phoenix Rising far above All the Suckers in the mainstream Suckers in their slipstream Suckers in the underground Suckers on the benches Suckers in the trenches Suckers in the lost and found
12. Pure Pleasure // Drowners
It hurts like hell But I'd given myself into thinking You'd settle down Now I'm holding my eyes and blinking And I almost choked When you offered me a smoke on your cigarette Dry your eyes This is only the first death Well it took me by surprise When you held me to your chest and said I could love you in secret I could love you in secret I could love you in secret But no one can know
13. Are You Satisfied? // MARINA
High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me 'Cause it's my problem if I want to pack up and run away It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
14. Dim Bendith // Super Furry Animals
Arswyd mae dy ddyddiau mor faith Does wybod lle i sbio pan fod pawb mor ddauwynebog Cysgu di heno febyn annwyl dy fam Mae'n anodd treulio mil pan fo'r ddinas mor ddi hafant Paid dyfaru byth Na, dwi'm yn chwerthin ar dy ben di
15. Cave Song // Pretty Vicious
We are children of the streets Don't listen to a word about tomorrow 'Cause the world is at our feet It's mad, so try and just relax Smoke another fag and ease your sorrows 'Cause you lads are all I need Singing, drinking in the caves All night, yeah
16. Conversations With Myself // Drowners
Where you going and how long until you're back To forget what what I just lost track I go to places where we used to go The empty bedroom has been feeling cold You must be busy, I've not heard from you for a while Feeling lonely? No I'll be alright My one track mind isn't treating me Quite as kindly as I'd have liked But conversations with myself Conversations with myself When I find the words I wanna say The door is locked and I can't find a way out
17. Torra Fy Ngwallt Yn Hir // Super Furry Animals
Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir? Reit i lawr at fy nhin Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir? Reit i lawr at fy nhin Fydd neb yn eistedd wrth fy ymyl Pan dwi ar y bws Nei di dorri fy ngwallt yn hir? A paid a geund dim ffys!
18. 9669 // The Joy Formidable
We don't ride, we don't ride to sunset We just ride off to our last breath This time it's over Unless I under miss my Nothing miss my number
19. 9669 (Welsh Language Version) // The Joy Formidable - Bonus Track
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pontydd-a-choed · 4 months
Wythnos Pump
Heddiw dw i eisiau siarad am gerddoriaeth. (Echdoe roedd y Dydd Miwsig Cymru ond dw i'n hwyr, y thema fy mlog i) Dw i'n mynd i rannu pum cerddor/band. Heb drefn penodol:
Chwalaw: Darganfyddais i nhw trwy Rownd a Rownd ac eu cân "Diflanu". Mae'n well gyda fi eu cân "Dim Arwyr". Dyna gân efo alaw sorbiaidd, iaith lleiafrifol o'r Sorbiaid yn Sacsoni a Brandenburg (taleithiau yr Almaen)
Adwaith: Dw i ddim yn cofio sut darganfyddais i nhw ond dw i'n hoffi eu cerddoriaeth. Gaethon nhw gynherddau yn yr Iseldiroedd yr wythnos 'ma a ro'n i eisiau mynd. Ond does dim amser gyda fi (a dw i ddim yn byw ger yr Iseldiroedd ar hyn o bryd) Er hynny dw i eisiau mynd ar gyngerdd yn y dyfodol. (Ella ym mis Mai yn Antwerpen, gwelwn ni) Un rhwng fy hoff gân yw "Cwympo".
Sŵnami: Dw i ddim yn cofio chwaith, ond dw i'n gwybod bod nhw fy hoff fand cynta pwy sy'n canu yn y Gymraeg. Dw i'n meddwl oedd "Mynd a Dod" y cân cynta clywais i ganddyn nhw, ond dw i ddim yn siŵr. Dw i'n hoffi "Wyt Ti'n Clywed".
Gwilym: Dw i'n nabod nhw ers sbel ond oedd y fideo ar Lŵp am eu halbwm newydd "ti are dy ora' pan ti'n canu" yn... ansefydlog ond grêt. Yr holl albwm yw grêt. Dw i'n hoffi "Dwi'n cychwyn tân"
Thallo: Darganfyddais i nhw trwy Lŵp, sianel YouTube efo cerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Dw i'n hoffi ei chân "Pluo", y clarinét yn arbennig.
Os gennych chi argymhellion dwedwch wrtha i! :D
Geiriau newydd:
thema, themâu, eb - theme cerddor, cerddorion, eg - musician trefn, trefnau, eb - order penodol - particular, specific argymhelliad, argymhellion, eg - recommendation darganfod - discover alaw, alawon, eb - melody sorbiaidd - Sorbian lleiafrifol - minority Sacsoni - Saxony clarinét, clarinetau, eg - clarinet er hynny - nevertheless ansefydlog - unsettling
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adlamu · 4 months
dydd miwsig cymru, you say? dim problem! here's a random selection of personal welsh language(/bilingual) faves!!
rownd a rownd (round and round) -- sage todz (grime, drill)
6.5.99 -- anweledig (twotone, ska punk)
cymru lloegr a llanrwst -- y cyrff (punk, nearest eng. equivalent = the clash)
anrheoli -- yws gwynedd (indie)
llwynog -- 9bach (basically recoil if you imagine that alan was welsh and a woman)
lipstick coch -- adwaith (b0yg3nius but welsh and better/actually good)
creithiau -- ffatri jam (rock)
gwenwyn -- alffa (welsh royal blood - very fucking good)
archfarchnad -- fleur de lys (indie rock)
annwn -- mari mathias (folk)
hope you enjoi, bois bach
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"The Assignment" is available to read here
Image credit to Adwaith S., who made a illustrated adaptation on art style. It's excellent, if you liked the story, read this too afterwards.
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today's album of the day is Bato Mato by Adwaith
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