horrorruned · 3 months
Bit of a smaller post, but I have an idea for Queen.
Since Queen is canonically a computer, I feel it would be fitting for her to be infected with a virus, Trojan horse, or general malware in this AU. Perhaps Queen could even infect other devices in the Light World as well. Such a change to Queen could result in all sorts of things, from physical & behavioral changes to even having a corrupted interpretation of everything around her.
Also, if Queen's Light World computer self can corrupt other nearby computers & perhaps general technology, it would be interesting to see how other Darkners' Light World selves are changed. Maybe the card deck can be torn & have eyes on the cards themselves, representing the single eye Lancer & his father share feature-wise as the ruling duo. Seam's Light World plush could also be more worn...I guess all of the Darkners' Light World forms would be highly damaged & abused.
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horrorruned · 3 months
Do you have any ideas how you’d change or expand on this au? I know you like king and I this au he’s not exactly the best father. He’s straight up abusive and I don’t think you’d enjoy that
Well, I didn't know Spade King is abusive in this AU...I'm not kidding when I say all I know about Horrorrune is four single sentences & some character designs. That said, him being abusive doesn't surprise me much. I mean, this is HORRORrune, everything is darker, it makes sense for Lancer's relationship with his father to be darker too.
I'm fairly open to it honestly, I think it will add a lot of potential ideas for me. Part of why I'm now into Horrorrune is to expand what I can theorize on & create all sorts of things for characters who are new yet also familiar. That, and I have always liked parts of the horror genre, so I figured Horrorrune would be a decent fit.
I'm going into this with an open mind as I (hopefully) learn more about this AU. I'm prepared as can be for future dark & depressing revelations regarding the AU, and the more I learn about it, the more I will adjust my own ideas to better fit the narrative.
That being said, I definitely am cooking up a few ideas of my own. I have one central concept I'm developing, as well as slight tidbits about some characters. Spade King & Lancer are the primary focus for me at the moment (shocker), but I also have an idea for Queen.
I'll share those concepts & ideas as they gain a more concrete structure. I'll try to find more information on Horrorrune alongside this as well. And even if my ideas wouldn't necessarily fit the AU for whatever reason, I'll still share them because I genuinely love what I'm working on.
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horrorruned · 3 months
So what’s the premise of this au? I’ve seen some iterations of horror aus but I want to know about this one
That's a fair question to be sure. To be perfectly honest though, I can't really tell you much as I know very little about the AU myself. Most of the AU's information is scattered across the Internet and/or wiped entirely. The only bit of information I have comes from the Undertale AU Wiki, ironically enough. It has these four sentences, along with some character designs, but that's really it:
"Horrorrune is an AU of Deltarune created by ImToxicWaste and The Gravity Breaker--and later adopted by Gavineo Axius and Little-balloonicorn--that is much darker and more dangerous than the original.
In the Dark World, the Dark Fountains have made many of the Darkeners mutate, go insane, or both, and those who were unaffected got affected by The Emperor's (Chaos/Spade King's name in the AU) terror.
Meanwhile, the Light World is filled with real life horrors, and monsters can't use magic, unlike their Undertale counterparts.
As of now, the main story hasn't started, but backstories of the characters are currently in the making, and some of the older character stories are being rebooted to be darker and more horrific."
I haven't been able to find much else so far. Honestly, the lack of information is the primary reason this blog exists--I want to breathe some life into this AU, give my own ideas, and maybe even write some fanfic for it, who knows. I think Horrorrune is an AU with tons of potential, but is starving for content. I want to deliver some of that content.
And hey, if I stumble upon any Horrorrune-centered posts elsewhere, I'll reblog those on here too. Everything Horrorrune-centric is fair game.
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horrorruned · 3 months
A new era is dawning.
One of chaos.
One of despair.
One of which the likes the world has never born witness to.
It is time...to assemble.
Bring forth all propaganda, create some anew.
Such a wondrous gathering...
...do join me, will you not?
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