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tumblr what. what is this. why is this recommended to me. what.
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Hey, real talk? Real real for real talk?
I feel uncomfortable when people insult Spamton/make fun of Spamton enjoyers by using traits that real people are treated like shit for.
Things that are fine are like "Spamton is unfuckable because he's a possessed puppet creature who will eat your credit cards give you computer viruses and try to steal your soul" because no real human being suffers for being those things.
But stuff like "Why do people like Spamton, he's short and ugly and smells like a dumpster" hits too hard. There are actual real life people who are like that, and are dehumanized for it. Real people who are abnormally short, homeless, aren't conventionaly attractive, have deformities, have trouble with self hygiene, are forced to dumpster dive to survive, act very strangely due to mental illnesses, etc. When you act like these traits make people unlovable, you're taking a huge shit on the most vulnerable people in society.
By the way, I'm not talking about "I love my feral trash man" or "uwu he stinky" or whatever, I'm talking about people who imply that these specific qualities make Spamton unattractive/ugly/unworthy/monsterous. (I suppose one could argue that woobie-ifying these traits too hard isn't harmless either, but thats a totally different discussion that I'm not gonna start.)
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"your [disability/disorder/mental illness] doesnt make you weak !!!"
okay, but... what if it does?
mentally, i'm not always strong. i have a lot of moments of weakness. i cry a lot, i overreact, i spend days isolating myself because socializing is so exhausting. my anxiety gets so bad that it physically exhausts me, it makes me sick to my stomach i have to sleep for hours to recover. physically, im weaker. i cant carry heavy things for long periods, i have to rest FREQUENTLY, im constantly exhausted.
so what, so why is being weak bad? does it make you a bad person? does it make you unworthy of love, of respect, of compassion? of course not.
your "strength" does not determine your worth. your value is not determined by what you can (physically or mentally) do for others or for society. you have value just by being.
take care of yourself. dont push yourself just because you feel like you need to be seen as "strong."
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recommend me some spamton/swatch or spamton/jevil fics/content please 馃檹馃檹馃檹
nothing too angsty though, I don't really like that much angst since I do this to get away from my problems-
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Please tell me this is funny
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reblog and put in the tags your url but a word is replaced with fuck
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i love this sm i cant even put it into words help
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Jevil has a squishy face & pinchable cheeks
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Spamton is transgender and autistic because I said so
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Venom deserved better, I could treat him right 馃槏馃槏馃槏馃槏 /satire/joking
Like I get it, I get Eddie's point of view but saying 'it would be nice to have your support' after all venom did since that talk with Anne was supporting him, taking care of him and tried his best to make him great breakfast??? What the hell man?
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Videogame creators keep giving us conventionally hot characters, and yet we continue to choose the little mentally ill badinkadonks.
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Wait- There are people genuinely mad at Spamton being a "tumblr sexyman..."
Some people really need to get a grip on reality I guess.
Most posts I've seen about Spamton has been people bitching about him being the "next tumblr sexyman" even though that's probably not even true since I see way more anti-sexyman-spamtons than pro-sexyman-spamtons.
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now kids, this is what a liar looks like.
i love spamton a lot but he is not a sexyman have u even seen him . this is a horrid little beast with a horrid little beast face and he is stuart little small he is not sexy !!!
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i... i'm feeling things.
i am definitely experiencing a feeling right now.
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[Pathetic] .
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trans women are the pretty, charismatic, genuinely funny ones and transmascs are the little dirt goblins that follow them around and eat rocks.
It's me, I am transmascs.
trans women r literally some of the most radiant & funny individuals i have ever had the pleasure of meeting i hope every trans woman is having a wonderful day and i hope everyone laughs at your jokes and compliments your laugh :o)
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Reblog and put your pronouns and favorite color in the tags!
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