houseongrace · 1 day
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Sit down, understand the Holy Bible, sit down! Be humble.
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houseongrace · 6 days
Always wait for HIM, grow in faith, grow in confidence, grow in trust & grow in more faith, always grow while waiting for HIM, grow faithfully, grow in praise & worship while waiting cause we are like sheep before HIS Eyes.
What do sheep know compared to humans?
What do we know compared to the ALMIGHTY ONE of Israel?
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houseongrace · 17 days
There is no sitting on the fence with the ALMIGHTY God. Choose wisely
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houseongrace · 25 days
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Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who delights greatly in HIS commandments. his descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. wealth and riches will be in his house, and his righteousness endures forever.
Psalms 112:1-3
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houseongrace · 29 days
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Let all who thirst and hunger come to the WATERS, come and eat, for HIS Ways and Thoughts are infinitely higher than ours.
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houseongrace · 1 month
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I, THE SOVEREIGN LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his DOINGS. Jeremiah 17:10
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houseongrace · 1 month
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Through Him, our prayers transcend the limits of words: becoming profound dialogues with the DIVINE. The Holy Spirit, our guiding COMFORTER, intercedes with groanings too deep for words, aligning our requests with the ALMIGHTY God's Will. We pray to invite & receive.
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houseongrace · 1 month
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Through Him, our prayers transcend the limits of words: becoming profound dialogues with the DIVINE. The Holy Spirit, our guiding COMFORTER, intercedes with groanings too deep for words, aligning our requests with the ALMIGHTY God's Will. We pray to invite & receive.
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houseongrace · 1 month
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With each moment given by Jesus, let’s live with purpose and grace, making the most of every day.
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houseongrace · 2 months
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The Gracious LORD Christ Jesus used bread and wine to symbolize HIS Sacrifice. What does this mean to you?
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houseongrace · 2 months
Seek first the kingdom of the ALMIGHTY LORD & HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS: all other things are gonna be added pon us.
Video Credit @truthbysarah
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houseongrace · 2 months
Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us. Beloved, forgiveness is for us, even much more than them.
Teaching good @prophetessjasmine
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houseongrace · 2 months
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YOU are HOLY, beyond imagination, YOU are WONDERFUL in every situation. HALLELUYAH!
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houseongrace · 2 months
There is always a reward for the enduring. Will you endure today?
Video Credit @susannah.friesen
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houseongrace · 2 months
Making Christ the LORD of your life is totally different from being a Christian, just as Judas Isacriot, brethren, be urged to make the Gracious LORD Christ Jesus MASTER today through obedience & intimacy = staying prosperous!
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houseongrace · 2 months
We refuse to be shaken. Put on the whole armor of the ALMIGHTY God.
Teaching good @truthbysarah
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houseongrace · 2 months
Seasons come, & seasons go, but the WORD of the LORD ALMIGHTY endures forever.
What season are you in? which would you like to see next?
Teaching good @truthbysarah
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