httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
I haven’t gone through the HTTYD fics for a while. I just started again. Does anybody have any good fic recs? Preferably Hiccstrid, but open to reading other character dynamics as well!! :D
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
I’ve lost an unfinished fic where Hiccup and Toothless get caught by a storm and Hiccup gets hurt, catching a sickness from Toothless while they wait out the storm in a cave. Hiccup ends up being brought back by Toothless and wakes up a day later to his mom and Astrid. He starts changing after that, developing scales on his neck where he was hurt and starting to be able to breathe fire, his temperature rising, and maybe getting stronger? Idk. Does this sound familiar?
Huh, that actually does sound a little familiar! I’ve checked to see if I could find it but sadly I couldn’t...
If anyone has the link to this fic, please reply to this post! Thanks so much!
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Summary: Hiccup is a semi-stressed out chief and Nuffink is just a hyper active ball of energy wanting to play in some rain puddles with his Dad - Takes place a year before the epilogue in httyd 3 and is based off of a Sigur Rós song. 
Imma be real with you chief - this is 100% unapologetic fluff, written purely for the reason that I just needed some more fluffy fics about the Haddock family in my life and decided to provide some myself no matter how badly written or rusty my fanfic writing skills are 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also forgive me if it seems a bit unpolished or kind of rushed, I’ve been trying to get this done for weeks and yesterday I finally put my foot down and decided I was going to finish it this week, and I managed to wrap it all up this evening. I’m also lowkey drugged up on medication atm so I wrote the last paragraph and edited the entire thing through half lidded eyes, so if you see a spelling mistake, that’s probably why. 
Anyway I could make up excuses about my writing and keep putting off posting this all day but I’m going to stfu now - I hope you like it!
“So you have all the plans? Nothing else you need or-” “I’ve got everything I need to start right here” Fishlegs patted the scrolls “I promise you’ve got nothing to worry about chief, I’ve got it all under control” “right” Hiccup sighed a little, another weight off his shoulders “great, thank you”. 
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
*waves* Hoiya! @lunarcrown came up with this awesome venomcup au, and I just had to write something for it! Now I don’t know all the details to this AU, and I’m definitely not the first to write about it (Which I actually just found out. In the middle of writing this drabble I thought “It might be a good idea to look at the HTTYD AU tag to get more info” and… like, you have to go check out @aleteia-ff ‘s fic right HERE. It’s amazing!) So yeah I’m sorry if I got stuff wrong etc, but I hope it’s enjoyable anyhow! <3
Astrid had long since stopped struggling. She wasn’t even sure she could at this point, since her arms were so numb from the men’s tight grips she could no longer feel her fingers. She figured that, the best way to get any information, was to remain silent and passive- for now. She would fight when the time called for it. However, she could still glare, and so she did. 
After days of sitting immobile in a cell, it was a struggle to make her legs cooperate as she was dragged down the shadowy halls of the ship. She tried not to make eye contact with the men they passed, but if she did, she let her hatred spill into her gaze. If looks could kill, she was certain the entire army would be dead at this point.
The men laughed and made vulgar comments that made her squirm inwardly. They hadn’t made any moves to touch her- yet. She only hoped they knew better than to try. She might be weaponless, and weak, but she would use whatever means of defense she had. She had teeth, didn’t she? Then by Thor’s hammer she’d bite any man who came near her.
But for now, she hoped remaining cooperative would pay her back in the end. Maybe… maybe she’d stay alive long enough to get out. Long enough to…
to see Hiccup.
She watched and studied everything they passed, keeping her eyes peeled for any hints that he was or had been there. He must be. He had to be. She refused to think differently. 
But three weeks. Three weeks. What could they do to one man in three weeks? She shuddered to think.
She’d only been in captivity for three days. Locked in a cell, with nothing but moldy bread and water to keep her alive. They hadn’t even given her a slop bucket.
Heathens. The Hooligans might be rough Vikings, but even they had the decency to give their prisoners a bucket to do their business in. Her hatred was threatening to brim over. She feared she might explode should she even lay eyes on Grimmel. The slimy bast-
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you, but I am looking for an oneshot, maybe you can help me. It takes place shortly after HTTYD , Valka is wondering why her son isn't really open with his feelings, and one day while sleeping Hiccup feels phantom pains from his foot, and as Astrid is taking care of this, she tells Valka that it's not necessarily because he doesn't trust her, he's just like that. I thank you very very much if you can help me :D
Hey! So, I’ve been looking around and I’m sorry to say I couldn’t find it! With thousands of HTTYD fics to look through it’s like impossible to find the exact one lol. There’s still so many other Hiccup phantom pain ones out there, though! Here’s a few links if you’re interested ;)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5879573/1/Hidden-Pain This one includes some major Hiccstrid fluff!!!
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12307910/1/I-can-always-help-you Some Toothless And Hiccstrid feels!
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12454728/1/Through-the-Hurts Includes Hiccstrid h/c (actually wrote this one myself quite awhile ago LOL. It’s pretty badly written but here ya are)
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12488586/1/A-Mother-s-Love One where Valka finds out Hiccup has phantom pains and comforts him! Probably closest to the one you’re looking for so you could try it out!
https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11337895/2/Phantom-Pains Another one where Valka comforts Hiccup! Again, close to the one you’re looking for
Anyway sorry I couldn’t find the one you were looking for, but I hope these links helped! :)
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Haddock Family Fluff in 3…2…1…
As a parent, you want many things for your kids. You want them to - of course - be happy and healthy…but another thing on that list is you also really want them to get along with their siblings.
And so it was completely heartwarming to see how fond Zephyr and Nuffink were of one another.
Sure, there were days the two would yell and bicker and say things they didn’t mean, but even then it was certain those two would always have the others back. No matter what.
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
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Chapter 2 of “Of Heirs and Traitors” is now posted!
AO3 ~ Fanfiction.net
Summary: When a new villain appears calling for the young Berk Chief’s blood and Hiccup is captured, Astrid must make a dangerous decision in order to save her young children. With the help of their friends, will the former dragon riders be able to save their families and dragons?
Thank you guys for all the support of chapter 1! I hope you’re not too mad at me for this chapter…. Also, thank you @chiefhiccstrid for helping me figure out a way to torture the readers XD. (I’m kidding…. Or am I?)
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Hi I’m looking for good hiccstrid fanfics please!! I’m not really picky as long as it’s written well!! Also I’m very new to the httyd online community so I haven’t read many yet!!
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
HTTYD3 spoilers. It’s Hiccup’s birthday.  And Toothless knows. Oneshot.
He knew it was Hiccup’s birthday. Toothless didn’t know how he knew.
But he knew.
In a few hours, his human would be waking up and going into the Great Hall where the other humans would clap him on the back and a few would make fun of him. He might tease Astrid to give him birthday kisses and she would hit him with her fist (why that was considered romantic, Toothless didn’t know).
And he wanted to visit Hiccup.
He had left the sanctuary, leaving his mate while she was asleep. Many others had attempted to follow him, but he had called them off. After all, he wasn’t actually going to go…
Maybe he could fly near the new Berk and he’d catch a glimpse of him. Just a glimpse - that was all Toothless needed. Just a peek to make sure Hiccup was happy.
If Hiccup was happy, then everything was okay.
He flew even faster than usual.
Maybe he could get more than a glimpse. Maybe he could actually see Hiccup. Just Hiccup, of course. They were all still hidden - he wouldn’t be putting anyone in danger.
He could see Hiccup.
And maybe Astrid. Her fingers were better for scratching.
But only those two.
There were a multitude of rock formations. Toothless swerved between them, remembering a time when there was a young boy on his back, crying, “This is amazing!” as they flew, or talking to him about how he just wanted his father’s approval or for the other kids talk to him.
Toothless closed his eyes.
He’d never felt more free until that moment. With a saddle on his back. And his best friend whooping, shouting to the sky, and just the two of them finding their way as they flew over miles of ocean.
Lost in the thrill of memory, he didn’t see the cliffside in front of him.
And Toothless crashed, roaring as he felt his tail jam. He hit the ground with a resounding thud.
This couldn’t happen! He had been about to make Hiccup smile on his birthday! He had been about to see his best friend!
Toothless let out the loudest call he had ever let out, for help. The others would find him, but they wouldn’t find him in time. His human would be asleep by then.
He roared again, this time in pain.
Hiccup woke up in a cold sweat, panting and shivering.
Something had happened.
He knew something had happened.
His leg was aching.
Toothless was in trouble.
He shot up into a sitting position, Astrid still resting peacefully on the other side of the bed. He fell out of bed, cursing under his breath and grabbing his leg before hastily attaching it.
Tears threatened to drip down his cheeks. He had to get to Toothless, he had to get to him now -
And then Hiccup stopped.
This was ridiculous, right? Right? It had to be.
How could he possibly know where and in what condition Toothless was? How could he get into the Hidden World? He wiped his cheeks slowly, still breathing heavily as he stood in front of the door.
Today was his birthday. Maybe he was just panicking at the thought of spending it without his best friend.
Hiccup’s right hand trembled. Or maybe Toothless was in trouble, but he was the alpha. All the dragons loved him. They would help him.
So he stepped back, tears streaming down his cheeks, and turned back to his bed, sitting down and starting to sob.
And when Astrid woke up, and saw him, and pleaded him with him to tell her what had happened, he couldn’t tell her.
But he knew.
Happy birthday to Hiccup! Consider this my…perfect gift. ^_^ Thank you to @athingofvikings for the prompt!
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
He wishes he would feel more at loss, but as he looks at the skeleton of what used to be Berk, all he feels is empty.  
Did someone say ‘Hiccup returning to Berk 1.0’? No? Well, here you go anyways. Angst ensues.
Huge thanks to the wonderful @resident-mother-hen for Beta’ing - love ya!
It takes them a month.
He’s ready to kiss the ground when he sets his foot on the wet sand. His knees wobble and he knows he looks as unsteady as he feels. Eret clamps a hand over his shoulder and almost sends them both flying back into the ship, but Hiccup appreciates the gesture. He really does.
It’s quiet.
No one in their group of twenty is willing to make the first step. They stand in silence instead. Mourning, he realizes.
Hiccup wishes he could look away but his eyes are glued to the familiar buildings (and he can still pinpoint where everyone lived), to the slightly faded colors of the constructions he worked so hard to build. He can almost see the fire rising from the burned wood, smell the smoke and hear the roars of dragons.
He wishes he would feel more at loss, but as he looks at the skeleton of what used to be Berk, all he feels is empty. 
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
An old man stepped off the boat, returning to a place he’d never thought he’d ever see again. He breathed shakily- and it was not due to whatever things still rattled in his chest- it was due to the fact that what lay before him took his breath away.
The buildings stood the same as when he’d left. They were more weathered, and as he could see just from standing on the creaky port, a few had trees toppled on top, or trees going straight through the roofs. Some had decayed over time and were crumbling where they stood, while others looked like they’d been sacrificed to Mother Nature’s storms. 
The colors that were once so vibrant were barely recognizable. The paint had mostly peeled off by now, leaving barren brown or grey wood, giving the place a ghostly appearance. 
The old man stumbled a step forward, his heavy fur cape fluttering in the breeze. An old woman stepped up beside him, her grey hair streaked with gold.
“Hiccup, you don’t have to do this.” She said. She grabbed his arm, as if to stop him. “Hiccup-” 
“Astrid, I-” He graveled, pulling away. His voice was the same, only weathered. Still nasally, only a little deeper then it once was. The breeze gusted past, as if it recognized him. “I need to do this.” he finished softly.
Several others were on the boat still, watching, letting him go first. There were only four now, the fifth having passed on a few years prior. Snotlout. As spitely as ever, had always said he’d be the one to die last. And as cruel fate would have it, he was the first to go.
The old man’s prosthetic creaked as he made his way across the weather boards of the pier. He had to pull himself over a few obstacles in the way, but it was as if the years were melting away with each step he took, and he was that young boy again, racing from Trader Johan’s boat to his father’s house to show off the new trinket he’d traded. 
He tried not to the think too much on the large black winged shadow that would’ve followed him. 
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Takes place after HTTYD 2, but before The Hidden World. Enjoy! :)
Try is All 
She was pondering, her chin resting her hand, her elbow on the tabletop, and her other hand twirling a pencil around against the wood.
She hadn’t slept in almost two days now, but, Hiccup was still worse. She swore he hadn’t closed his eyes in a week, and it showed. He had bags under his half-lidded eyes. His eyebrows were low over his eyes, his hair was messy and dirty, and his bad foot dragged. He looked horrible, and it bothered her more then words could say.
She’d tried to get him to sleep. She’d even gotten to the point of begging- and she never begged- and still he refused. When she asked why, was it because he was grief-stricken? “You’re running yourself into the ground, Hiccup. It’ll be the death of you.” She insisted, grabbing at his hand as he tried to push past her.
“Hiccup, please listen." 
"I can’t, Astrid, I can’t.” He’d practically sobbed. He hid his face in the crook of his elbow, his shoulders shaking. “Everytime I close my eyes, I see it all again. And it always ends the same way, Astrid. He dies, right in front of me, and I had a chance to save him, but I didn’t. I- I can’t keep seeing that, Astrid." 
She wasn’t the only one who tried, either. Toothless would attempt to envelope him in his wings, tucking his head above his. But Hiccup would crawl out, telling Toothless what he’d told her. The poor distressed dragon eventually began avoiding Hiccup, cringing whenever he passed. The poor thing was probably as grieved as Hiccup was, both laden down with guilt. 
Valka had spoken to her, as had some of the other’s in the gang. Even Tuffnut had noticed. "He’s not looking so great.” He’d said, rubbing his chin. “His eyebrows are starting to touch his eyeballs. Is that healthy?" 
"No, it definitely isn’t.” Ruffnut countered. 
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
They’d talked about it before. I mean, Hiccup was sure many people in the village had, but, to them it was only wishful thinking. They knew, deep down, that it was best to let the dragons be. Besides, how could they possibly find them?
It had been six years now. Most everyone had moved on- even the gang. They had their own families now to care for. Those years of myth were behind them all. They had responsibilities, whatever thoughts there were needed to be sensible ones.
But Hiccup… he couldn’t stop thinking. It was like asking him to lose an arm, or his other leg. A part of himself. At first, he’d tried to forget. He’d tried so hard. But, with Astrid and his Mom’s help, he’d realized that wasn’t going to work. Just like it didn’t work with his Dad, it wasn’t going to work with Toothless. 
So after a horrid first three weeks of working non- stop, going without rest, and countless nights spent in the make-shift forge, Hiccup finally just sat down and thought. He thought hard about all the years he and Toothless spent together. How much his life had changed. 
Did he cry? Heck yeah. And he admitted it, too. It felt like betrayel if he didn’t. Toothless was worth all the tears in the world. 
But after crying himself dry, he’d picked himself up, and thought again. Toothless wasn’t dead. He was just gone, living a good life. He imagined what he’d be doing right then. Were there eggs, now? Was Toothless to be a family man (dragon)? 
Hiccup refused to go on the hunting trips with the others. He’d tried, at first (one out of the many of his “tries” to be “fails”) but the first thing he’d thought of when he saw the buck, with a doe, was Toothless. Those animals were wild, and happy, and content. Was Toothless happy and content, too? 
He didn’t go from then on out. The younger teens of Berk greatly enjoyed the assignment of hunting, so he let them have it. 
He settled down. He and Astrid were married, and for awhile, he was… happy. Yeah, happy. Enjoying life. He learned to sail, he built carts alongside the carpenter, he adjusted to life as it was. 
And as long as he thought of Toothless as happy and contently “married” just as he was, he was okay. 
Then… Zephyr arrived. 
His world changed forever. 
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Hiccup IV
A one-shot I started working on before the names were revealed but didn’t have time to finish. Huge shoutout and thanks to @adelindschade for letting me use her wonderful headcanon! I hope you like what I did to it! This is definitely not canon but it’s do adorable I couldn’t resist.
Astrid sighed contentedly as she stared at the newborn in her arms. Hiccup sat beside her, his arm around one of her shoulders while his chin rested on the other. She tore her eyes from her son to her husband and smiled at the sight of the bags under his eyes. She could tell how happy he was, but she also sensed his deep exhaustion. He had been with her since she had kicked him awake in the middle of the night a day and a half ago — only leaving to use the outhouse, bring food, and check on their two-year-old daughter, who had been staying with her grandmother the past two days.
Astrid couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to have a husband like Hiccup. He had also stayed with her during the birth of their daughter and was as involved with raising her as his position as chief allowed him to be, providing for them and catering to their every need — even learning how to braid when his daughter asked him to braid her hair.
Looking back at the baby and taking in his appearance, she was overjoyed to notice that — apart from the dirty blond mob atop his head — her son looked like a smaller, much cuter version of his father. She knew the freckles that dusted his familiar nose, spreading to cover his chubby, kissable cheeks, and she recognized the sharp shape of Hiccup’s face — albeit slightly more rounded like hers. Suddenly, she was filled with an inexplicable and irresistible urge to call him Hiccup.
She had been vehemently against following that Haddock family tradition, wanting her son to have a unique, individual name and avoiding confusion. But she found it increasingly difficult to call him anything else, and she found herself relishing the idea of the two most important guys in her life sharing a name as well as similar features.
She was shaken out of her thoughts when Hiccup removed his chin from her shoulder, reaching forward to caress his son’s head with the gentleness of an experienced father.
“You know,” he spoke softly, afraid to disrupt the bubble of peace and quiet surrounding them. “I never thought I’d say this, but he looks a lot like me.”
She chuckled. It was true; Hiccup had always been quick to turn down anyone pointing out a trait their daughter could have gotten from him, insisting that her auburn hair had been from Valka instead. She bit her lip, holding back a grin that threatened to split her face in half, not wanting to give away her musings just yet.
“Yeah, he looks exactly like you…” She trailed off mischievously, giving him an deceptively innocence look that she knew from experience he was helpless against. Her daughter was extremely lucky to have inherited her blue eyes. Try as he might, Hiccup was physical unable to deny them anything, she and her daughter both knew that.
Having been on the receiving end of that gaze too many times, Hiccup could tell something was off at once.
“What?” He asked. “What’s on your mind?”
Instead of replying, she glanced at the sleeping babe in her arms then back into her husband’s eyes, her grin never faltering, and Hiccup finally caught on.
“Oh, no. Nope. Not a chance,” He refused.
“But why?” She whined.
“I am not passing on my name to an innocent child! There’s a reason I never met any of the previous Hiccups. The world can’t handle two of us at the same time!”
“Oh, don’t be dramatic! They died long before you were born!”
“Why do you want it that much in the first place? I thought you were against naming any of our kids after me.”
“I was. Just….here,” Astrid only wavered for a second before gently placing her son in his father’s outstretched arms. “Look at him and tell me he’s not a Hiccup.”
For a moment, Hiccup completely forgot about the matter at hand as he held his son for the first time, but he was quickly reminded when he took in his features.
“He does look a lot like me, I admit, but we still can’t name him Hiccup. It’ll be too confusing for everyone,” he reasoned, and though Astrid pouted, he could tell she saw his point.
“I hate you.”
Hiccup wisely held his tongue, smiling as he rocked his newborn son.
“Alright, gang. What do we have this week?” Hiccup asked his council, which consisted of his friends, mother, mentor, and chieftess gathered around the breakfast table — hence the informality he addressed them with as he held his daughter in his lap, struggling to get some food into her mouth.
“Well when you’re done with that battle over here,” Gobber gestured to his daughter who refused to let the food into her mouth, twisting her head and licking her father’s hand instead. “There’s a problem with Sven’s sheep, and it’s about time we start preparing for Bork week.”
“Don’t forget the baby’s naming ceremony,” added Astrid as she held said baby to her chest, rocking him slightly.
He rolled his eyes affectionally. Of course he wasn’t going to forget Hiccup’s naming ceremony. He froze, caught off guard by the thought; he had referred to his son as Hiccup and knew he would never hear the end of it should Astrid know.
But that wasn’t the predicament he found himself in. He caught himself entertaining the idea he once found ridiculous and wondering if his wife was right, as she tended to be.
“Oh, yeah! The little rascal’s naming ceremony,” Tuffnut, who sat closest to Astrid, cooed at the bundle in her arms.
“We’re not naming him Hiccup,” he groaned.
Everyone turned to face Hiccup in bemusement — everyone except Astrid, who hid her smug smirk in her baby’s fur wraps — before Eret spoke, “uh…no one said anything about a Hiccup, Chief.”
Hiccup blanched, thinking back. He belatedly realized his grave mistake; the twins and Snotlout knew now.
“Yes!” The twins high-fived.
“You’re going to name the kid Hiccup?!” And there went Snotlout.
“He does look a lot like you when you were just born,” His mother too. What did he get himself into?
“‘Iccup!” Even his baby girl. He sighed, betrayed.
He held eye contact with Astrid, daring her to add to the pile, but she didn’t. Instead, she laughed briefly before leaning down to press a kiss against her son’s forehead.
The day of the naming ceremony rolled around. Hiccup stood in front of his people, donning his best furs and carrying his infant son, who has also dressed for the occasion, his tiny body covered in the warm clothes Astrid had spent months making. In fact, he surmised as he looked around, everyone had cleaned up nicely — as was expected for the naming ceremony of the Chief’s firstborn son.
Astrid stood beside him, holding their daughter as they waited for the crowd to settle down. She had refused to suggest a name other than Hiccup, so the responsibility of naming their son fell on him, and he still hadn’t made a decision. He knew that, in a few moments, he would have to announce his child’s name to the entire village. A name he couldn’t think of, and he didn’t even know why.
He had already considered a short list of names. The first to be crossed off was Stoick. Not that he didn’t want to honor his father’s legacy, but he couldn’t imagine his small, blond son baring the burden of such a name. He’d also mulled over Arvid, which sounded too close to Astrid; Finn, which reminded him too much of the glare of Astrid’s overprotective uncle as he caught him staring at her back when they were young; and an abundance of various names that hadn’t felt right.
He was aware of the actual problem, but that didn’t mean he wanted to admit that the idea of naming his son after him had grown on him to the point that he found no other name acceptable. Looking back at the villagers, he decided it was time to speak.
“Thank you all for coming here. Today, we gather to celebrate the birth of a new member of the Haddock family, and of the village,” he paused, his emotions catching up to him as he looked into his son’s barely-opened, sleepy eyes. “As Chief of Berk, I welcome this baby into the Hooligan tribe and pronounce his name to be Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Fourth!”
The crowd cheered enthusiastically, but it was when he looked back at his wife he knew he had made the right call. Astrid had tears falling down her cheeks, but the grin that split her face assured him she was beyond happy. That, and the way she hugged him, tight but mindful of the children they both held.
“Thank you,” she breathed through chuckles, hastily wiping her eyes.
“I hope you’re happy now,” he teased. “I don’t know why you would ever want it, but you got your two Hiccups.”
“I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world,” she kissed him softly, pulling back, she continued, “I love you, and I love our family.”
He smiled. Taking her hand, he kissed it, then kissed both of his children. “I love you too, Milady. I love all of you so much.”
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SD5T9G
by StefWrites
Life has moved along rather quickly for Hiccup and Astrid. Now after an unexpected turn of events, they have to learn how to juggle their fast-moving relationship, their future as King and Queen of Berk while also wrapping their heads around the news that turns their world upside down. (Sequel to Moira).
Words: 2992, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Stoick the Vast, Valka (How to Train Your Dragon), Gobber the Belch, Eret (How to Train Your Dragon), Ruffnut Thorston, Tuffnut Thorston, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Stormfly (How to Train Your Dragon), Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson
Additional Tags: Romance, Drama & Romance, Inspired by Princess Diaries, Hiccstrid - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Berk (How to Train Your Dragon), Family Drama, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SD5T9G
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Based off one of these AMAZING headcanons from @horrendous-haddocks  
I got inspired and I’m just…so in love with this family. And I really wanted to write something. 
I don’t know what this is exactly lol it just came to me and now I have…something? It may suck and I’m sorry. LOL 
HTTYD3 spoilers…obviously. lol
The forge was one of Zephyr Haddock’s favorite spots on the island. It was the place where she could watch and help her Uncle Gobber and father make incredible things from scratch. It was where she spent a lot of her days watching her uncle and hearing him tell many stories about her parents that always hooked her in right from the start. It was also the place where she first saw her dad cry. Her strong, loving, and dorky dad…cry.
It was a day she’d never forget.
She was six years old.
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httyd-fanfiction-daily ¡ 5 years
Requested by @we-are-not-the-losechesters. I hope this is what you had in mind. :)) Enjoy!
Astrid could always tell when Hiccup was hiding something.
And it was difficult to see at times. I mean, there were situations where Hiccup was so obviously hiding something, even the twins realized it. But that was usually for silly things, like he’d accidentally set Snotlout’s undies that’d been drying by the Forge on fire, or something equally as ridiculous. 
Then, there were times that were severe. When something was hurting him- badly- and he refused to tell. She knew he hated being put on the spot, hated being the center of attention- especially the center of pity- and over the years he’d gotten all too good at hiding it.
But, she found a way to tell. Toothless. The dragon always trailed behind Hiccup when he was in turmoil, physical or not. Toothless could sense it better then anyone else, so Astrid observed.
Once, after a patrol on a rainy night, Hiccup came back acting completely normal. At first witness, you’d think he was fine. But with Toothless’s constant crooning, or soft nudges at Hiccup’s arm, Astrid knew something wasn’t quite right. She asked, and he’d laughed it off, saying he was fine and why did she ask? Turns out he’d contracted a raging fever.
She had crossed her arms and frowned. It was almost scary how good he’d gotten at lying. Once upon a time, he’d have stuttered out the fib, giving away that there was indeed something wrong, and he was poorly hiding it.
But never had Astrid actually seen Hiccup admit when something was wrong. Someone would always have to ask, and even then, he wouldn’t always admit it. It was one of those things that he was so gosh darned stubborn about. Like his Dad. Astrid had never seen Stoick say something hurt. Even that one time his arm had been burnt from the tip of his fingers clear up to his shoulder, he hadn’t uttered a single complaint. 
Astrid wondered if Hiccup was conscious of that fact, and hence he wanted to prove his father that he was just as strong. Astrid had thought he’d gotten over the whole “prove-I’m-a-true-Viking” thing, but maybe she was wrong. 
Either that, or it was just him being stupidly stubborn. Could be a bad combination of both.
Either way, she’d learned that no amount of telling Hiccup to actually tell people when something was wrong would get him to do it, so, she adopted to other ways of finding out.
Hence: Toothless. A dead giveaway.
And that’s exactly how she found out that Hiccup had phantom pains.
The first time it happened, Hiccup had walked into the club house, unusually quiet. None of the other’s noticed, chatting amiably over the table as they ate their breakfast. But Astrid noticed how Hiccup’s steps were short, how he boar a little falter when he placed his metal foot on the floor. She saw the shine of sweat beneath his hair, and how pale his face had become.
But what was the dead give away was how close Toothless was to Hiccup’s side. You’d think they were glued together. The dragon’s nose was pressed at Hiccup’s left hip, and an occasional whine would rumble in the back of his throat. 
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