hualianlover4ever · 8 months
JWQS chapters memorable/ major scenes
(Presenting my speculative Timeline + key chapters in JWQS)
Ch 23 (Marriage) (Jingjia 8th Year) Ch 31 (Qi Yan first targets Chuntao, the soup incident) Ch 47 (Qi Yan's eyes have brightness for the first time since her kingdom was invaded 10 years ago) Ch 70 (Jingnu 15) first kiss (scary) Ch 96 -97 (Jingnu 15) proper memorable kiss after Jingnu's birthday (Jingjia 9th year 10th Month)
(Jingnu's birthday is in the month of October)
Ch 108 (Jingnu 16)(Experiences her 1st period) Ch 111 (Qi Yan is scary) (Jingjia 10th Year 10th Month) Ch 121 (Jingnu 17) (first break point) Ch 132 (Jingnu sends Qi Yan away while making her the Viceroy of Jin Province) Jingjia 11th year Ch 133 (3 years have passed) Ch 136 (Jingnu 20)(Meeting after 3 years separation) (Jingjia 14th year) Ch 139 (Qi Yan became the Minister of Personal) Ch 140 (family time) Ch 141 (Qi Yan age 24) Ch 144 -145 (trying to repair the first break point) Ch 147 (Qi Yan gets a mental shock) ("My sister is having a night of passion with the daughter of the enemy?!")(Jingjia 14th year 11th Month )(Qi Yan burns her own estate) Ch 151-152 (Jingjia 15th year 3rd Month) (Qi Yan recovers from the Fuma estate Fire incident) (The Capital exam begins with Qi Yan as the main examiner) Ch 157 (Nangong Rang asks Qi Yan about her opinion of a Female emperor) Ch 158 ( Act as you see fit) Ch 159 (Qi Yan feelings are growing) Ch 170 (Qi Yan age 25) (Liu An matters solved) Ch 171 (OMG Qi Yan fell in an incurable love with the daughter of her enemy) Ch 174 (Palace exam begins.. Nangong Rang hosted it ) (Jingjia 15th year 5th Month) Ch 176 (Qi Yan sets off to the north of Luo) Ch 181 (Wolves scene) Ch 183 (Qi Yan meets Bayin after many years) (Jingjia 15th year) Apparently Jinwushu was brought to the grass plains at the age of 4, after that Bayin started acting as his guardian Ch 186 (The pride of Qiyan Agula returns) Ch 193 (Qi Yan and Jingnu reunion after a good amount of separation) Ch 212 (Intimate scenes (last for Qi Yan as male)) (Just be reckless this once) Ch 218 (Nangong Rang dies )(Jingjia 16th year 2nd Month) ( Qi Yan is 27) Ch 228 (Jingnu ascends the throne at the age of 23) Ch 229 (Jingjia 16th year 5th Month , Reign changes to Chengji) Ch 242 (Truth gets revealed) Ch 243 (Qi Yan confesses her identity) Ch 244 (Jingnu faints from the shocking new lmao) Ch 247 (Jingnu 's first gradual acceptance..of Qi Yan being a women) Ch 258 (Divorce comes…"Qi Yan…don't cry…") Ch 259 (Prison arc torture. Qi Yan - Age-28) Ch 263 (Jingnu finds the wooden sculpt pigs) Ch 268 (Qi Yan leaves …Oh dear…) Ch 270 (No fear when Da-Jie is here!) Ch 271 (Their first time) (Jingnu -23) (Qi Yan age 27) (7th month) Ch 277 (Grand enthronement ) Ch 279 (Bathing intimate scene) (Jingnu -25) Ch 286 (Rebellion of North Luo) Ch 288 (Qi Yan's mind deterioration first proper symptoms. …oh boy..) Ch 290 (Qi Yan meets Baishi again) Ch 293 (Bayin learns the truth….No longer Andas) (Also Qian Tong, all hail our saviour) (Jingnu -26) Ch 296 (REUNION with a lingering kiss) Ch 297 (Say..which of us is the wife?)(The fluff is just AHHHHH) Ch 301 (Qi Yan (age -30) learns of her parent's death…) Ch 302 (Ding You returns..) Ch 303 (Qi Yan fake dies) Ch 305 (darkest chapter of Qi Yan's life )
Jingjia 8th Year 3rd Month Capital Exam begins Qi Yan obtained the first position 5th Month Qi Yan becomes the Flower Seeker 6th Month Nangong Rang arranges the two marriages She gets sick again… Meets Ding You ,the Imperial doctor 12th Month Marriage of Qi Yan and Jingnu
Jingjia 9th Year 2nd Month Jingnu wishes for Qi Yan to live to a ripe old age 4th Month Initiates a scheme of the great Fire of Imperial Mausoluem and the Weiyang palace
Jingjia 10th Year 10th Month Qi Yan kills the saviour of her younger sister(along side many other innocent folks)
Jingjia 11th Year Qi Yan is under house arrest The witchcraft incident occurs Nangong Shunu meets Qiyan Nomin for the first time
Jingjia 14th Year Qi Yan becomes the minister of Personal 11th Month Learns of her sister 's relationship. . .. Qi Yan burns the Fuma estate
Jingjia 15th Year In the first two months , Qi Yan was still recovering from the damage from the Great Fire of the Fuma Estate 3rd Month Qi Yan becomes the main examiner of Capital exam (She receives the secret decree of "Act as you see fit) (Liu An incident occurs) Qi Yan entrusts her sister in Nangong Shunu's hands 5th Month Palace exams begins Meanwhile Qi Yan departs to the North of Luo as the Imperial Ambassador
(Jingjia 16th year = Chengji 1st year) Jingjia 16th Year 1st Month Qi Yan returns to the capital Spends an approx of 22 days in prison Schemes a plan to assassinate the sixth prince 2nd Month Qi Yan reveals her identity killing Nangong Rang in the process 5th Month Jingnu officially acsends the throne Chengji 1st Year 7th Month(3rd month since Jingnu's enthronement) Qi Yan aids Jingnu with the Sifang bank revenue 9th Month Qi Yan tells Xiao Die to confess about her identity 10th Month Qi Yan goes against the masked person's orders Her identity gets exposed
Chengji 2nd year 2nd Month Qi Yan's malicious crimes get exposed Jingnu divorces her 4th Month Qi Yan returns to the palace Gets thrown into jail for treason 5th Month Qi Yan officially becomes Qiyan Agula She is sent back to the north of Luo 7th Month Agula becomes "missing" Qi Yan returns to the palace They have their first time
Chengji 3rd year 3rd month Jingnu 's grand enthronement 9th month Masked person schemes activated
(Qi Yan lived in the restricted part of the palace for over a year)
Chengji 4th Year 4th Month Qi Yan resumes the position of Imperial Husband 5th Month Qi Yan learns of her parents' death 10th Month Qi Yan's memories start to relapse
The reason why (I think) Qi Yan starts to be amnesiac 1) Her mental health was already degrading which had am impact on her critical thought process 2) The red pill which Ding You gives her to remove the poison (the water disease + her womanly features) but it had a side effect which gave her a state of amnesia
Chengji 5th year 2nd Month They meet each other for last time before Qi Yan's death She paints a portrait of Jingnu (age -27) 3rd Month Qi Yan takes the death faking drugs
Chengji 6th year Jingnu crowns Shangyuan Fu as the Crown Prince Ding You successfully treats water disease
Qi Yan however has no past memories of past..
Chengji 7th year Jingnu takes care of Qi Yan's business Goes and digs Qi Yan 's grave too To find its empty
Chengji 8th year Jingnu started to travel in disguise(in search for Qi Yan in this vast world) Meanwhile Ding You suggests Qi Yan to go teach in a private school
Chengji 10th year Jingnu (Age -32) retires from the throne
1 year later of retirement They meet again with Qi Yan meeting her for the "first" time after Jingnu's 4 years of searching There is some hope as Qi Yan hugged Jingnu back Qi Yan (37) Jingnu (33)
My speculation (added with author's info) Within the next year Jingnu moved here, bought the school where Qi Yan was teaching Qi Yan moves in Jingnu 's estate
and they get married again! and this time its a love marriage! They drink the ceremonial wine which they didn't 20 years ago
Happily Ever After
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hualianlover4ever · 2 years
I'll be there, hold on
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They changed you somehow, so where are you now?
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I'll reach you by dawn, before you can be turned
Illusions are torn
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The fallen angels you run with don't know
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It is our pain that makes us all human, after all
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Warm, old sepia photographs show,
Our fragil precious world, must protect it
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Respond to the call
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Hualian fan arts I made so far
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Pitiful person with a nameless flower
Pitch dark thoughts
Fluttering in the night sky
All crushed to dust
Sublime feelings of then
Deceived by those false fruits
Why shall anyone care ?
Calling for that distant memory
To hurt oneself,
The urge to inflict pain
Increases with every step
The fear of abandonment
Makes this white flower
Vulnerable and exposed
To all sorts of nightmares
Screaming and crying for help
Yet no one to sympathize
The crimson red drenching that altar
That trampled, and withered white flower
Shattered glasses make up this heart
Broken and yet sharp to
Hurt those who dare to touch
Even in this weakened state
Strange sensation marking its presence
Wipe and wipe but it still overflows
No one's waiting on that side
Getting used to it, this loneliness
Making way through that bridge
Above the abyss somehow
heard a familiar title
called out from an unknown distance
A nameless flower on a battlefield
Desperately crying out loud
A plea to protect, a vow forged
In the depths of his heart
Disgusting desires surfaces
Enough to make one scared
A grin beneath that mask
Half crying, half smiling one
Vengeance fills this heart
Courage to forsake everything
And yet it shatters
The will to obliterate thy hearts
Having the cycle repeat itself
The urge to love something anew awakes
Blossoming again and yet it breaks
A pitiful person with a nameless flower
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Similarities between Xie Lian and Hua Cheng
I found some good similarities between XL and HC
1) They both share a personality trait which acts like a double edged sword. XL' s sympathy and pity towards other is not just his biggest personality trait but also the one which drags him to his misfortune. Similarly HC's love and devotion for XL is what makes him the best lover in the novel, but his love for XL makes him blind to other relations like friendship with the other characters. Hence he appears a bit blunt towards things which are not related to his dianxia.
2) They both respected their moms in their lives. It is evident through since they both inherited something.
Xie Lian cooks in the same style ( even naming the dishes) in honour of his late mom, whereas Hua Cheng' s clothing style and cultural aspects give us a hint to his Mom's background.
3)They both have witnessed the other at their worst time of life. They both thought that they have been wronged by every one at some point in their lives. They both felt that they wouldn't receive love. They didn't even bother to love or care about themselves for those past 800 years, but only learnt to when they were in each other's company. This is what makes Hualian so special to heart. To see them care for the other so much. It's kinda touching.
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Shen Qingqiu and Xie Lian Dirty Talk radio program brought to you by The Yilling Patriarch
SQQ - I heard that you had a coffin scene in your novel, am I right?
XL - ( Instant flush on his face **coughs ) Uhm... Yes...
SQQ - So... ( whispers) How was it?
XL - Wait, what???!!!!!
SQQ- Didn't it make you feel that you want to kill yourself? Like,," wtf did I just do??? " Kinda thing you know
XL - Ah... Well... ( scratching his face )
The situation wasn't under control, but I do understand that sentiment of yours
SQQ - What? Control? I was getting squished under that person's weight??!! And it was so dark too, how would I know what I touched?
WWX - Greetings, my fellow shous!!
what are you all getting so excited about? Hmmmm
SQQ - No need to enter our conversation, ( cover his face with his fan) it's private stuff, please take your leav-
WWX - ( puts his arms around the other two's shoulders) How could I possibly leave if I heard the words " Getting squished" or "Touched" If possible I could teach you both how to feel better, ( chuckles)
SQQ - Please, stop spewing nonsense just GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!
XL - Alright, alright, we all are in the same spot, there's nothing wrong with-
SQQ - Nothing wrong, my ass!! How will you know if something's wrong??!! I bet if your partner were to scheme something inappropriate, you wouldn't even question his intentions and just go with his flow!!!
XL - ......
WWX - You are angry with me, there's no need to call him out so much
XL - .....
SQQ - (* sigh) There's no point in bothering with you....
WWX - At Last you understood ,, ( giggles)
But since I have annoyed you so much, I might as well be merciful enough and give you two some space,, no worries, it's okay to feel shy, bye bye ~ I will come again~~~
SQQ - Finally left.... , he really gets on my nerves
XL - I think I should take my leave as well-
SQQ - Where are you going now??! Huhh
XL - You are not done?? ( wants to get away from this topic as fast as possible)
SQQ - Of course not, he interrupted us in the middle ( wants to reach the depth of this conversation)
So.... Uhm... That 'thing' did press down on you too, right?
XL - Why are so concerned with that thing?
SQQ - Because it breaks you into two pieces
XL - But the feeling is one's own fault, and honestly it makes me feel guilty.
SQQ - Wait guilty, in what way?
XL - Like after coming in contact with that, I couldn't comprehend my own body
SQQ - Ahh.. But it's supposed to be an accident, which occurred thanks to that author of ours
XL - But the way we react to it, is under our jurisdiction right?
SQQ - That is true ......
( Silence...)
SQQ - Was it normal size?
XL - Size?!
SQQ - Yeah I mean, I don't think it could be any bigger than . ...
XL - What are you referring to????
QQ - That thing !!
XL - What thing? !
SQQ - Are you so innocent that you can't even understand what I am trying to ask???
XL - NO NO NO, it's not that... How should I explain... (doesn't know whether to laugh or cry)
I was rendered speechless by it.
SQQ - WAS IT THAT BIG????!!!!!!
XL - WHAT????? What are you talking about?
WWX - You both seem to have nice time chatting about your hubby's p size
XL - Wait a minute, we were talking about that????
SQQ - Yeah obviously, what did you think I was talking about???!!
Hiding his face in embarrassment, XL runs away.
Notes - For those who didn't get the joke,
Shen qinqiu was complaining about the fact that he ended up touching his partner's p, whereas, Xie Lian had become hard when his partner was on top of him.
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Can anyone guess who are these four people ?? ( the portrait ones)
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Kind, benevolent, didn't regard societal classes, loved the common folks, felt that he was destinated to do noble tasks for his subjects.
As a kid he might have been pampered and spoiled, due to his up bringing as a prince.
Used to gaining favor and praises of others.
However he didn't care about these stuff.
Well versed in various fields, he thought he could do anything.
This is where the problem starts,, a person who has never faced defeat, felt emotions like envy, helplessness, fear, anxiousness.
Didn't know the other side of sphere, couldn't be omnipotent
Civil war of Xian Le showed his highness the crown prince, the dark side to human nature
The so called people he tried to protect
The trust he thought he had , everything was upside down. Who was right? He or destiny?
Making others believe in his power, but how long could he keep believing himself and ask others to trust him? Can he..... really... save...
everyone? Will no one help him?
Can he utter the words "Help...me..." in front of his believers?
( Go read the book 4 for further details)
Even after those terrible events of the past, he still tries to save those in need. Even if the consequences might not be well, he still tries. This is what is admiring about him. He is him, no one has the right to change his determination towards his goals. Even if he gets trampled, tortured, betrayed, he still tries to stand up. Even if he falls down again, he would still stand up. Still love the people. Take all the blame on himself if it meant well being of many , Self sacrificing even when he has terrible fortune, hearing people talk bad about him, facing the worst situations of life. But never complaining of what he doesn't have. Just following his principles and trusting others, even if he resents them, hate them, just want to make them disappear, but at the end, his heart doesn't desire it. Even if he is desperate to survive he wouldn't blame others for his misfortune. Felt pain throughout his life, that it doesn't affect him at this point. Harsh environment, harsh comments, and yet his heart never strays away from its original path. After all these events, there was one small person he failed to notice. A red flower, whom he had met and bestowed his kindness, when he was still young. Who knew that this small crimson red would become a turbulent being in future. And what more ,the kind of devotion this red flower has ,could cause havoc in the heavens. Yes Xie Lian, even if others think you are a good for nothing, there will always be this 'red flower' watching and admiring you from afar.
Sometimes even a small act of kindness of one can turn into a meaningful incident of the other. Don't think about what you gain or lose, just help if you can :)
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Tgcf characters who I think will look good or won't mind disguising as a female
Shi Qingxuan ( adores his Female form, much dismay to his brother)
Ming yi( 100% dislikes but still does it if requested by his friend)
Xie Lian( notably looks gorgeous if a good makeup artist is available)
Mu qing( He will 100% disagree but will hit off well)
Hua Cheng ( I know he is manly af but he wouldn't mind if it's for his gege)
Pei Ming - Uhm.......
Feng Xin - I think... I will go seclusion... Bye!!
Pei Ming - Hey, wait for me!!? I am coming too
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Hua cheng has appeared in Xie lian 's life in so many ways
First as a 10 year old kid, Hong Hong-er
Second as a young soldier who fought in front lines for him
Third as a nameless ghost who died in the battle field - ghost spirit
Forth as a young black clad soldier, Wuming ,who assists Xie Lian during his resentment phase
Fifth as a young rich carefree lord , San Lang, who stays by his side after his 3rd ascension
Sixth as the ghost king, owner of the Ghost city, Hua Cheng, Crimson Rain Sought Flower.
Last but not least, "Your Highness, I am forever your most devoted believer"
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
(Spoiler alert)
Towards the end it be like
Jun wu - BE MY SON !!!!
Xie Lian - FUCK OFF, YOU OLD FART !!!!
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
A short fanfic where the supporting characters are complaining about the main couples
(Jiang Cheng, Fu Yao, Nan Feng are having a conversation)
JC- So, don't you find it annoying when the main couple starts to show their affection in front of us, supporting characters?
Nan Feng - Uhh....
Fu Yao( whispers ) -He is Jiang Cheng from MDZS, you foolish bastard
Nan Feng - Yeah, right!! Its way too annoying
JC - It starts to get even more annoying when they forget that they are in public.
Nan Feng - Witnessing it feels wrong sometimes
JC - Showing off, ugh
Nan Feng - These darn main couples acting lovey dovey in front of us
JC - Glad to know there's someone out there who shares the same feeling as me *sobs
Nan Feng - Don't you worry, Fu Yao shares the same pain as us too * sobs
Fu Yao - (in his mind)Ugh,, why am I stuck with these two fools * puts his hand on his forehead
Uhm, So why are we even discussing about this topic?
JC - I believe it's because -
Wei Ying - Hey!! A-Cheng, you are here as well! Who are the other two people beside you? I wanna meet them-
Lan Wangji - Don't go. * hugs Wwx from behind
WWX - Come on Lan Zhan, I have already given you a morning kiss, wasn't that enough?
Lan Wangji - Just... Stay here...
* The three of the spectators have black lines on their faces
JC - See !!!!!! This is what I meant!!!
Fu Yao - I get it, I feel sorry for you man
( pats his shoulder)
JC - I envy you guys tho, since the main couple in your story are not so,, you know..
Nan Feng - Excuse me, what do you mean by that??? They act like a married couple in front of us!! Fu Yao show him those manhua pages
Fu Yao - Why should I??
Nan Feng - It's a matter of our pride as the most beloved bl novel!!
Fu Yao - Ugh, fine.. ( rolls eyes)
On a projector, the scenes of the " Where's the bed" part is shown?
JC - Haa... Right at the beginning..
Nan Feng - They don't think about us at all
Hua Cheng - You are just jealous of us, you peerless folks~ * suddenly appears in between them and goes away smirking
Xie Lian -Oh San Lang, there you are!
Hua Cheng - Yep ~~
Xie Lian- Who were you talking to?
Hua Cheng - Just some nobodies
Black lines on their faces again ( JC and the other two)
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Hello everyone
My name is Xie Lian
I am the crowned prince of Xian Le kingdom.
Believe it or not, I have ascended Heavens
Thrice, actually... * nervous laughter
Oh also, you all wonder how can I be positive after all that stuff happened
Wanna know the reason?
Cuz I lie to myself that everything will be fine 🙂 hahaha....
* sees Hua Cheng passing by
And I might have someone in my heart..
- the end -
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
( Liushen is a just a nice ship that i couldn't stop myself from writing about them. Also I love the interactions between SQQ and SQH. )
Short comic 1
Liu Minguan - Uhm.. Brother, do you have a crush on someone?
Liu Qingge - What?!??! That's bullsh*t ?!!?
Liu Minguan - Then what about Shen Uncle?
Liu Qingge- (*spits the tea , eyes wide ) I ain't a cutsleeve like those two bastards ( proceeds to leave)
In her mind , Liu Minguan- I see, he is one of those types, who doesn't like to admit it. Perfect personality for a rival love interest.
Must add him in the novel.
Short comic 2
Interviewer - So Liu Qingge, why do you always deliver fans to Shen Qingqiu? 
LQG - He seems incomplete without it 
Interviewer - Then what about giving rides on your sword? 
LQG - He asks for it, I just follow his requests. 
Interviewer - What is that one thing which you dislike about Shen Qingqiu? 
LQG - The fact that he favours his 'that disciple' over everyone. 
Interviewer- Oh, so do you dislike Luo Binghe? 
LQG - (*bangs the table) If possible, I would want him dead!
Interviewer - If Shen Qingqiu were to favour you, would that make you delighted? 
LQG- * speechless 
Interviewer- We will take it as a yes, now for the next question
LQG - Wait!! I didn't say anything
Interviewer- Should we take it as a no, then? 
LQG -(*gritting his teeth looks away) 
Interviewer - For the next question we have a special guest, please welcome An ding Peak Lord, Shang Qinghua. 
Shang Qinghua- Aiya,, I didn't expect myself to be here, they just dragged me and -AAAAHHHHH, please someone save me,,,,,,, He is glaring at me. Will I be able to make it out alive? 
Interviewer- Don't worry, since we said 'special guest ' he must have thought we were referring to Shen Qingqiu and nothing else
SQH- Hahaha.. *Nervous laughter
Interviewer - Okay, this question is directed to Shang Qinghua. 
Do you perceive Liu Qingge as a proper rival love interest? 
As he rises from his chair in rage , immortal cables bind around him and his mouth gets shut tight with a cloth
SQH  almost got a panic attack, witnessing this
System notification- If you can't answer, then we will have to deduct your B-points
 He rolls his eyes to glance at LQG, who is trying to break free with no positive results
Okay, so we never really get to see them act intimately with each other, but among all the characters who support  the cucumber bro, Liu Qingge is always there to aid the current Shen Qingqiu, despite throwing his anger and kicking the door of his place. Actually if seen this way , it's as if he is not just doing as a fellow shidi, but rather acts on his own wishes.Well it could be due to the fact that cucumber bro had saved him. But again his actions when that succubus was predicting Shen Qingqiu's fated mate, his reaction did seem suspicious. Hmmm.. And he does seem to become angry when he sees those two together, I guess...... it could be out of jealousy. Therefore my answer is 
He peeks at Liu Qingge once again
SQH - I don't think he sees him that way
As soon as he uttered this words, Liu Qingge's face darkened, hands tightly gripped with force, it looked as if they were about to strangle someone. 
Interviewer coughed softly and said - Dear fellow, I don't think you were aware about it, but you actually said your thoughts out loud.
Interviewer - Okay then, that's it for this part, see you all next time 
SQH - Wait, you are leaving me to die here????  AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH- , HE BROKE FREE OF THOSE DARN CABLES !! 
Yue Qingguan - How did Liu Qingge agree to participate in the interview? 
Interviewer - Earlier I had told him that Shen Qingqiu was stuck in a dreamscape, and in order to rescue him he must answer my questions honestly. 
YQG - That's a clever move 
Interviewer - *giggles
YQG - He is safe, right? 
Interviewer - Yep, safe and sound in the demon realm
- The End -
Short comic 3
Shen Qingqiu- ... Where am I?
Shang Qinghua- Cucumber bro...
SQQ- Airplane bro , what are you doing here?
SQH- Same question goes to you as well..
SQQ- I don't remember much, but I do think I was sleeping.. And then found myself here..
SQH - Ahh.. I see.. That guy must have brought you..
SQQ- Who's that and why do you look so exhausted?
Interviewer- Greetings to all
SQQ - Who are you?!
Interviewer- Oh, I didn't give my introduction in the previous session. My bad,
I hope now you may recognize me,
SQH - Tianlang Jun!?
System inquires in - A Mission has been assigned 'Comply to Tianlang Jun's wishes', If failed 1500 points will be deducted from each off you.
SQQ grabbing the collar of SQH says - What more did you add in his character huh??????
Wasn't all of that enough that he had to make his come back???
SQH - Cucumber bro, have mercy, I really don't know anything.
Leaving the collar he looks at Tianlang Jun again
Tianlang Jun- Peak Lord Shen, I mean no harm to anyone of you. You see, I am deprived of all my powers. It's just that recently I found something which caught my interest.
He tosses a copy of the novel Regret of Chunshan.
Tianlang Jun- I couldn't believe my eyes when I found out about this
Shen Qingqiu thoughts - F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK how come the book reached in his hands???????????????? They had stopped the supply and yet??!?!!!!?
Please someone kill me, I want to dig a hole and bury myself in.
Shen Qingqiu- .... I am terribly sorry that-
Tianlang Jun- This book is a piece of art!!!
SQQ - Excuse me? !
Tianlang Jun- the song was already so good but who would have thought that even the source material would be so rich in words.
SQH finds it hilarious but doesn't dare laugh in front of them. On the other hand, SQQ is just standing there, dumbstruck.
Tianlang Jun -I will be extremely delighted if you can hand this letter to the author of Regret of Chunshan.
*SQQ Opens the letter ,SQH takes a peek
Recently the author has added a new rival character, which has made the story more intriguing. I would like to recommend the author to add yet another rival.
As they read the letter, they were sure, the description matched with Zhuzhi lang
SQH ( internally) - Just how many guys has he seduced ????First Liu Qingge and now this demon Zhuzhi lang? Arghh just ship him with almost any male character out there. Wait a minute, so does that mean I am also included???????? I,the Great Airplane towards the sky, ends up becoming a part of Shen Qingqiu's harem????? No, no, no, no that's not possible, our relationship is not like that at all.
Tianlang Jun- I will take my leave now.
....... silence.....
SQH - Cucumber bro, he went away, but what will you do now?
SQQ- Great Airplane towards the sky, I have a humble favor to ask of you. PLEASE KILL ME BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
Hualian song
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hualianlover4ever · 3 years
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My first Hualian ship fanarts
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