humbleleader-blog · 8 years
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Today marks the end of an era in my professional career. I am leaving behind a job that I've held respectfully for 6 1/2 years. I will be starting on a new path this coming week. I am stepping out my comfort zone towards something that feels right. Towards something that will challenge me and propel me forward. I am super excited and I want to encourage anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation, to just do it! If it makes sense, just do it! Don't be afraid to give up the good and go for the great. Not taking chances leads to regret and keeps you stagnant in you personal and professional career. Weigh your options, both pros and cons, then put your actions in gear and take off. You truly do, only have one life. Thank you and God speed.
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humbleleader-blog · 8 years
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Get Out There, Roll Up Your Sleeves & Put Your Hands In The Dirt. All Pride Aside…Hard Work Builds Character.
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humbleleader-blog · 8 years
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Our Phones! At times it seems like they are always attached to us. They are our hand held mini computers and our sources for online entertainment. It’s easy to get locked into our social media accounts, text messaging, work emails and even video content, but we need to stop every once in a while!
Put down your phone. Life is in front of you.
We need to focus on the real world and take a conscience break from those beaming screens. Focus on our personal relationships and our professional relationships as well. What I mean by that is, to focus on those who you can physically reach and not just those who you can only reach online.
Conversations in real time, that are face to face are very important for your well being. Not only for your well being but also for those you care about.
You will miss something if you’re always looking down. You will neglect those who need and want you attention the most. Photos are cool to take and share, but sometimes certain events/ moments are better left unshared. They should be taken in physically and keep in your memory.
We’re all guilty of this and no one is perfect, nor can they change over night. If we choose to make a conscience effort to try and detach from our phones then we will be better listeners and build better relationships.
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humbleleader-blog · 8 years
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Keep your head up...Focus on the road ahead.
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humbleleader-blog · 8 years
My Medium Blog
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humbleleader-blog · 8 years
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•Good Monday Morning• I hope you had a great weekend, but now it’s back to the hustle & bustle of the week. It won’t be easy. It will be hard. It will be worth it. It will be done…You Got This!
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humbleleader-blog · 8 years
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•A New Dawn• Welcome! This is the first of many post. This is a place of positivity and motivation, to help lead you through life’s ups & downs. I hope you walk with me and enjoy the scenery….
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