Things I have heard or seen in Public School:
I always get a good laugh out of lists like these when talking about public schools, so here are some personal ones from my public school.
1. “Mmmm peaches...why the fuck did I get peaches?”
 2. “I’m not empathetic, I’m just pathetic.”
3. “So basically, she microwaved a hamster.”
4. “Hey dude, one girl, one chair, three legs, what do you think?”
5.  I have seen a female teacher wear a skin-tight, cheetah print, leather dress dirty dance like her life depended on it. 
6. A friend in my band got on the field during intermission for a competition and performed a magic mike dance to the letter. (Choreography, no stripping)
7. In Junior high, we were settled in the old high school and there was a dirt and stone tunnel that extended all the way under the school and connected to the basement. Because my speech and debate class was in the basement, I passed by the (Deadbolted and chained) door every day. One day, it was open and no one, not even the teacher could explain why.
8. We got shockers (the candy)  banned from all vending machines because kids wouldn’t stop throwing the sign up in all school-related pictures. 
9. Likewise, for an entire year, no one could say mayonnaise or else they’d be sent to the office (regardless of how they meant it).
10. In high school, the last day before the summer break was usually a half-day spent in a chosen room (you could watch a movie, play games, go to the park, etc). I always chose one with my choir teacher (she makes some fantastic snacks not gonna lie). Anyway, my room got half-day fun day banned because in 4 hours we managed to shatter 2 lights (on a ceiling over 20 feet high), have a kid fall down 2 flights of stairs with minimal injuries, and apparently, while most of us were throwing dodgeballs at one another, someone went to the bathrooms just outside the room and tore every. single. door. off. the. stalls. 
11. A couple of students got into a fistfight in front of my locker, everyone around stared blankly before criticizing the brawlers for having shitty fighting form. 
12. A kid got tazed for charging our resource officer. 
13. While I was away for a singing preformance my group got held up overnight for tornadic activity around the school and the freeway. While we were gone, the school spent most of the performance day in the tornado shelter. 2 kids managed to escape teacher notice and snuck into the office and stole over 3,000 dollars from the safe. 
14. For the senior prank, a group of kids bought a shit ton of aluminum foil and covered an entire classroom (individually wrapped textbooks, desks, pencils, you get the idea). The reason behind this was the teacher of the said classroom made all of their tests fill in the blank over 40-60 page chapters. Their most popular quote (that pissed off every student to walk through the door) was that the world had no “gray” areas. Therefore, said pranksters wrote on one aluminum foil wall “Does this count as a gray area?”
15. Also with senior pranking, The halls were covered in plastic wrap from locker to locker. It was almost impossible for the pranksters to get free of their trap.
I can’t think of any more right now, but you’re free to add.
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Progress may be small, but it will take you miles in the long run!
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Shower Thought?
What if we all have the same favorite color, but because eyes see different colors, we all think we have different favorite colors?
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I Don’t Know Where This Is Going
I’m not sure what this is, nor if it is something good?? I felt like writing last night because the internet went out, so this is a thing. 
Warnings: none?
Word count: 1,645
rk800 Connor x reader (in first person)
My hands stung, heat burning into the trembling skin as I clutched the mug of tea. The café was emptier today, that is to say, there were only three customers as opposed to the usual six. I distracted myself from my shivering by observing the people who had also braved the weather to get something warm. Mrs. Fikuhara was curled up into a booth at the furthest corner of the tiny room, the recent widow drinking a glass of milk while filling out what was most likely a crossword. Mr. J was on the other end of the room, just watching the rain as it fell from the wide window next to him.
        Benji was in the back, whistling along to the radio as he tidied an already spotless kitchen. I could see his head bobbing around past the serving window, the fluorescent lights making his head as shiny as his beloved kitchen. Lola, the waitress, was doing her best to be diligent to her customers while also scribbling notes from her calculus book into a notebook. My fingers tightened against my mug. Numb to the pain, I gingerly sipped earl gray before diverting my gaze out the window beside me.
        “Benji’s Café” had always been my favorite place to visit for any occasion; tucked in-between an old-time condemned cinema and a two-story antique shop, the already small café was almost ignorable. I had discovered it while nearly braindead from college and two steps away from an anxiety attack, it was a beacon of hope in a dark night. I stepped through the door and was welcomed into a home. The set-up was rather casual with tables and booths (only enough to seat a max of forty) and a wrap around 50’s style bar, behind the bar was Benji’s cramped kitchen. The café was a mix of retro and grandma’s attic, which charmed me instantly (Mom always did say I had strange taste). I had been a regular ever since. Overtime, I had made friends with the other regulars and the workers here; somedays Benji would let me try new recipes of his while I helped Lola with her homework.
Outside the café, rain was falling in sheets. The temperature was just floating between snow and rain, leaving an awful slush mix to cling to the power lines and flow down the streets in brown mush. Every once and a while a stray person would dart under awnings and alcoves as they scurried home, even fewer cars flying by, sending slush crashing onto the sidewalks. If I hadn’t lived so close by I probably wouldn’t have risked the weather today, then again, it had been only cloudy until I arrived. As of the current moment, I was nearly regretting my choice, my skin chilled and my clothes clinging to my body in displeasing ways.
        I took another sip of my tea, sliding back into the booth with a sigh.
        “Oh, this is my jam!” Benji sprung out of the kitchen in a quickstep, sweeping up Lola in a lively dance as an upbeat song carried over from the radio. The two began to laugh uncontrollably as they tripped over one another. A smile curled onto my face as I peered over the rim of my mug, the room having gotten a little bit brighter.
        “Benji stop” Lola snorted, thick curls going wild as the older man spun her about, “you’re making me dizzy!” Her laughter carried around the room.
        “Step on his toes Lola, show him you aren’t to be fooled with!” Mrs. Fikuhara cackled from her booth, using her pen to jab at the air as if she could jab Benji himself. Mr. J smiled brightly, waving to Mrs. Fikuhara before signing rapidly.
        “Mr. J’s right Benji, let the poor girl work, she’ll never graduate high school at this rate!” Benji deflated, releasing Lola from his grip as he gave a dramatic sigh.
        “There’s no love for the cook is there?” He threw his hands about before turning to me. “You love me, right?” I took my time in setting my mug down, clearing my throat as I slowly sat up.
        “Eh,” I shrugged, “sometimes.” They all began to laugh as Benji cried in offense.
        “No more free tastings for you then, if I’m such a bother!” Gathering himself into a “haughty” presentation; shoulders back, spine straight, and expression prim, Benji executed a perfect pivot and marched back to the kitchen. His display was met by a chorus of apologies.
        “Come on Benji!” Lola threw her arms out, asking for a hug as she smiled apologetically.
        “We didn’t mean it!” Mr. J smiled.
        “You know we love you, silly boy!” Mrs. Fikuhara shook her head. Benji slowly turned, sending a pointed stare in my direction as he approached Lola’s waiting arms with painstaking hesitation. I rolled my eyes with a snarky grin.
        “I’m sorry for bullying you Benji, I love you to the moon and back, will you ever forgive me?” Benji’s face lit up brighter than the sun.
        “Aw I love you too, I forgive you kiddo!” He scooped Lola up into a bear hug, maintaining eye contact over her shoulder. He lifted his arm to point threateningly. “I’m watching you,” he mouthed. I responded with another eye roll.
        Two hours later, the rain was starting to let up as the sky darkened. The café waved goodbye to me as I stepped out into the chill air. I pulled up my hood and scolded myself for ever leaving home in this weather. Hunching my shoulders, I began my trudge home. Only three blocks, I encouraged my cranky brain. Three blocks are really no time at all. My brain scowled its non-existent face, enough time to get pneumonia. I sighed, kicking my feet through slush piles as I walked. I kept my head down, not wanting the freezing rain to bite at my face.
        One block in my brain was in almost full revolt, every thought bordering between reasoning and murder. I like visiting the café, reasoning scuffed its shoes. You couldn’t have taken a car, or an umbrella, or have had the common sense to think, “hm, maybe this is a bad idea,” murder gestured with wild movements. I shuffled on in silence for a moment. I need a therapist.
        My eyes lost focus of the gray and brown sidewalk beneath me, instead I found them focusing on the dark sky, flinching with every frozen droplet of rain that hit my face. I also discovered, that by some miraculous feat, I was no longer on my feet, but instead sprawled on my back. A deep ache pulsed in the back of my head, shooting down straight to the tips of my fingers and toes. That’s fun. My miraculous feat then decided to bounce on over, replacing the rain on my face with large, slobbery licks. Hello dog.
        “Sumo no!” My brow furrowed as the dog above me snorted, was this a talking dog? Was I sumo? “Miss, are you okay? I’m sorry about Sumo, he gets excited!” An arm appeared in my vision, pushing past the large dog above me to take me by the shoulder and lift me into a sitting position. Not a talking dog then. My brain spun as I chased thoughts around it like a carousel. After realizing that I had been addressed I scrambled to respond.
        “No problem man, he’s a nice dog.” My words felt slow, trying to reassure my point I lifted my hand to plop onto the dog’s-Sumo’s-head. Sumo sat and continued to nudge into my hand. “Good boy.” I smiled.
        “Miss, are you alright? Did you hit your head in the fall?” The voice sounded worried, it was a nice sounding voice, soft enough to be kind, but with a rough edge that could mean business.
        “Me, oh yeah I’m fi-“My words slurred to a stop as I pulled my eyes to look at the owner of the voice, catching myself in dark eyes. Pretty. And expressive. But mostly pretty. The man’s face scrunched, impairing my view of his pretty eyes as he cocked his head to the side.
        “You do not show signs of a concussion; however, it is very likely that the fall was jarring, it might take a moment for your head to clear.” I listened to the calm explanation before deciding to cradle the back of my head in my hands. I hissed as my finger brushed over the tender knot that had formed just under the crown. “Would you like assistance standing?” The man offered his hand, after I accepted it, he glided into a standing position; careful to support my clumsy weight as he helped me up.
        “Thank you for the hand.” I muttered as my thoughts began to settle.
        “You’re welcome, it was the least I could do.” I scowled past the spikes of pain that jabbed into my face; peering down at Sumo, who still sat and watched the two of us.
        “It’s really no problem, he seems like a good dog. He’s a saint Bernard, right?” The man nodded affirmative, leaning down to scratch between Sumo’s ears.
        “Yes, he belongs to my partner, we were heading home until he found you.” A silence slipped between us, the hiss of rain the only thing the could be heard between Sumo, the man, and I.
        “My name is Connor, it is nice to meet you.” The man gave a somewhat awkward smile and he offered his hand. His dark hair was dripping with water, his suit faring in the same way, yet he still smiled with bright intensity and an air of friendliness. I gave him my name with an equally bright smile, taking his hand, not minding the chill of our skin or the slickness of the rain.
        “It’s a pleasure to meet you Connor”
In which the reader doesn’t notice if a person is an android because they don’t care/believe everyone is a person. (Benji’s an android and he’s awesome). 
I hope I got Connor’s character?? He didn’t have much of a presence?? I don’t know what I’m doing??
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Thoughts that keep me up at night:
Why do we say "thunder and lightning," when "lightning and thunder" goes by alphabetical order and in order of the way we perceive them?
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Thoughts that keep me up at night:
"Cruising on down main street," and, "making my way downtown," is essentially the same phrase with varying levels of intensity.
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A little different from my usual pictures, but I do love Sonic the Hedgehog so I couldn't resist!
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My favorite type of flower :)
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Porthos and Athos from BBC's Musketeers.
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An old picture of my other son, Liam.
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My scanner decided to quite on me, but no worries! Here is my 'lil flame son, I hope you enjoy!
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did i do this right
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Wanna hear tortoise noise?
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I fell in love with @ask-dr-hedgehog ‘s AU with an evil Sonic, and was inspired to draw this! Apologies if my shading and details are off!
You should totally check out the blog! It’s amazing!
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