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TBB 1x01 p2/???
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wrecker no 🧍‍♂️😐
part 1
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tbb 1x01 part 3
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can we go back to what crosshair said
pt 2
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This took way too long, I'm kinda embarrassed posting this. School and life got in the way. This is going to be in 3 parts I guess, stay tune.
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What if Tech was a Professional Race Speeder driver???? Like he retired then became a Professional NasSpeeder driver????
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Crosshair's hand's fate was sealed that day. The Skywalker curse was passed on to him
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Jake: I'm this close to falling in love with Amy. Charles: Your fingertips are touching. Jake: Exactly.
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All it took for Omega to endear herself to Tech was to sit with the Batch and say she liked them since they didn't fit in either.
Seriously, we go from initial baseline curiosity -
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- to Tech being openly surprised that Omega WANTS to sit with them (which also tells me all I need to know about how the Batch were treated by the regular clones as they were growing up 💔... But I digress) -
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- to Tech insta-smiling every time Omega talks (there are only a few times we get to see Tech's reaction at the same time Omega is talking, but in every instance he is smiling).
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The Great Deku tree Lego set is SO. CUTE.
Look at little Link and Zelda below the cherry blossoms 🥺🥺
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Hunter before Omega: alright lads, the odds are -10% that any of us survive this, which means we are in it for a GOOD TIME, in fact, just for kicks, I say we go in with no armor and no guns and just STAB our way through the droid army. If you get shot, don’t forget to take a selfie for the Battle Wound Wall of Fame *does a shot*
Hunter after Omega: okay, so I know we planned to go to on our family picnic today, but I checked the weather and it MIGHT rain later, so I say we avoid the risk altogether and postpone for another day just to be on the safe side. How is everyone doing? Do we have snacks?? Are we warm enough?? Does anybody need a bandaid??? Omega come here, you look like you need a hug—
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Okay I may have made this post before, but man I wish Hondo showed up in the bad batch. Just because it would be hilarious. This is why the bad batch needed another few episodes for throw away stories that didn’t matter. Actual filler that was just funny.
Just imagine Hondo interacting with Hunter or Omega, or Crosshair, or Echo or Wrecker or Tech. Tech and Hondo would be a match no one could beat.
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*Hardcase screaming*
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Never gonna get over the fact that Captain Rex spent FOUR episodes with The Bad Batch, during which time:
Tech nearly wipes out a runway construction crew, Tokyo Drift style
Crosshair picks 3 separate fights with regs, including Rex himself (and Rex socks him in the face for it)
Hunter literally looks Rex in the face after receiving orders and says “ehhh yeah no” and then proceeds to charge an approaching enemy squadron head on
Wrecker begs to explode just about every single building they lay eyes on
Hunter confesses to a Jedi general that he’s never submitted a single report in his life
Hunter also goes for a joyride by dangling from the foot of a giant winged beast from a single rappelling line
Tech later convinces them all to jump through the air onto the backs of said winged beasts in the middle of heavy enemy fire after summoning them with his self-made Animal Sound Spotify
Wrecker destroys like 100 battle droids in 3.5 seconds with his bare hands and laughs like a maniac the entire time
Crosshair, rather than let himself be shown up by Wrecker, destroys like 1/6 of the enemy forces with tiny hand mirrors and a single laser shot
The entire batch is sassing each other THE ENTIRE TIME (“don’t worry, Wrecker, I’LL hold your hand” “yeah…it’s a lift” “me and the boys will tag along, just to say I told you so”)
And after all of that, Rex looked at Echo and was like “yeah I think we’ve found your new home” and Echo was just like 😍😍
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My baby bois
(If you’re seeing a lot of cookie cutter stuff it’s because I’ve got something big planned this year)
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*Echo and Tech devising battle strategies at 2am on Echo’s first night with the batch*
Echo: —and then, that’s when we would use the cannon to launch wrecker straight into the wall—
Tech: —yes, and at the same time, you and Hunter can be on either side rigging the explosives—
Echo: —which Crosshair will shoot from the other side of the battlefield from on top of the Rancor that we kidnapped earlier—
Hunter: *whispers to Crosshair* this might have been a bad idea.
Crosshair: *sips his coffee* I, myself, have always wanted to ride a rancor.
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