icaughtthesnitch · 1 month
Y'all like decades late with this question.
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My friend is into transformers
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icaughtthesnitch · 1 month
If you like the word “queer” reblog.
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icaughtthesnitch · 2 months
Or Jason just there as Jason Todd. It's common knowledge that he's back (and it was a Gotham cemetery, so nobody questions it), but he hasn't officially come back to life. They just through some zombie makeup on him.
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What happens when I watch SNL and am talking to my best friend? Bruce Wayne as the SNL host of course! We think we’re funny
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icaughtthesnitch · 3 months
big naturals…. small naturals…. doesn’t matter…. all that matters is that u know they are
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icaughtthesnitch · 3 months
Reblog if its ok to spam you with boops
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icaughtthesnitch · 3 months
the funniest part about the april fool’s boops is it weaponizes a tumblr user’s need to both be annoying and receive validation
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icaughtthesnitch · 3 months
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Boop battle
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icaughtthesnitch · 3 months
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icaughtthesnitch · 3 months
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icaughtthesnitch · 5 months
if you've been to more than one, pick the one that's further down on the list. stopovers don't count unless you actually left the airport.
feel free to say how many / which ones you've been to in the tags!
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icaughtthesnitch · 6 months
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icaughtthesnitch · 6 months
cant believe they made the packers from the hit show danny phantom into a real sports team
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icaughtthesnitch · 6 months
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icaughtthesnitch · 7 months
I know this is probably not the ideal time given that a lot of people are particularly angry at the administration over their perception of what it should be doing differently with regard to I-P, but let me share my dream to someday see a post about the 2024 election get traction that does NOT go something like this: "look I agree that Biden is way too conservative and old and senile, and he's a warmonger and a strikebreaker, and also the architect of most of the worst legislation of our lives BUT he's still better than Trump who is a literal fascist."
Why? Because none of these points about Biden are actually true. I mean he is old, but that can hardly be a dealbreaker for anyone but the most committed ageist. Uncritically repeating leftist and right wing misinformation does not help. It does not help. Nobody new is persuaded by this framing, and it makes a few uninformed people think that these are factual statements that everyone agrees on, because even the liberals are saying it. It also feeds the ecosystem of idiotic dunks about how libs embrace fascism because their only ideology is Orange Man Bad. I get that it's usually a means-well kind of situation but nah, you need to stop this shit.
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icaughtthesnitch · 9 months
I was speaking a little more generally, based on what I've seen in fic. And it very much so depends on which DC you're using.
In a fictional world, I don't think it's unreasonable to rely on CSI crime science, so I imagine the process all the DNA they find at a crime scene. Most fic is also in the undefined cursed, people expect to get mugged/attacked anytime they go out at night, Gotham. There I would absolutely expect most citizens to have family either involved in or victims of crime (including extended family).
It's really just all about our own fandom experiences and the inherent inconsistency of comic universes.
not to put anyone on blast but some of y’all in the batfam fandom have a really bizarre conception of how often the government collects your dna and i’m honestly concerned about it. do you think it’s normal for the government to have everyone’s dna in a database???? help
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icaughtthesnitch · 9 months
If we're talking about Gotham, this is a city where everyone is probably related to a criminal or a body that needed to be identified (at the very least to some sort of DNA left behind at a crime scene). It's not wildly authoritative that they would have DNA for all of those reasons.
It's actually pretty believable that Gotham PD has enough DNA in their system to identify most people within a degree or two of relation.
not to put anyone on blast but some of y’all in the batfam fandom have a really bizarre conception of how often the government collects your dna and i’m honestly concerned about it. do you think it’s normal for the government to have everyone’s dna in a database???? help
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icaughtthesnitch · 9 months
I'm actually curious now to find out what the common consensus is so
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