iceskatingcandian · 2 years
My drawings part 2!
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iceskatingcandian · 2 years
My drawings!
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iceskatingcandian · 2 years
Jackson Storm x Porsche! Reader [Fluff/Small Lime]
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Yet another victory for Jackson Storm as he sped right past the Finish Line.
The crowd roared in celebration for this Champion.
You were another fan in the crowd, although he may not be as good as your #1 role model Lighting McQueen, but he was good.
What you didn't like about him, was his arrogance.
But later, when he was getting photos snapped of him taking to his paparazzi, he eventually looked at you.
His speech was then a bit slow and his words were a bit stumbled as he locked eyes with you.
Little did you know, this Chamipon really liked you, a crush at first sight you could say.
His eyes widened just a little, but you noticed, and you blushed to which his response was a smirk.
Later when he was backing up into his trailer, before the door went up, he pointed his tire in your direction.
"Hey! Yo! You! Yeah yeah you the pretty girl, come here, why don't come with me?"
The paparazzi went crazy and a bunch of girls fought over who he was talking about, but then Jackson sighed in frustration.
"You, the [Favourite colour] Porsche 911 GT2 RS! Come here!"
Then everyone looked at you, you looked at all the eyes, boring into you in jealousy.
You slowly drove forward, expecting him to say he was talking to someone else, but no.
It was you he was talking about.
He was watching your every move with hungry eyes.
As you stopped just before you were on the ramp into his trailer, he waved you in with his tire.
Your eyes widened more and slowly drove in as he slowly reversed, making room for you.
Once you were both in, he shut the door behind you and turned down his very loud music and told Gale he was all set.
So, she starting to drive, hauling now two cars at once.
Jackson was quiet, not saying a word, smiling a little as he stared into your eyes.
You didn't say anything either.
Then Jackson made a move that at first scared you because you didn't know what he was doing.
He got closer and then kissed you, you then kissed him back which made him smile into the kiss.
After a few seconds, the got more heated but then Jackson's engine started, revved, and started purring signifying his arousal.
You giggled and broke away the make out.
"You wanna come back to my place? Maybe to my bedroom?~"
He was blushing kinda hard and his voice was deeper and more seductive.
You gasped a bit in excitement.
"I don't see why not. Hurricane~."
Jackson loved the new nickname he was given and started gushing over it.
Later you two arrived at his house and then once you settled in, you finished what you started. ;)
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iceskatingcandian · 2 years
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Prank time!
Axlerod - He'd help you play a prank on Zündapp because he ate his snax
- Will love spending time with you in general and enjoys coming up with a plan.
- The prank was you to [as cliche as it is] smack a handful of shaving cream onto Zündapp face and hood
- let's just say Zündapp chased you two and you had to hop onto and cling for dear life to Axlerod as he drove away full speed
- both of you were laughing kinda hard because well, Zündapp's face and hood was red in anger and cover in shaving cream and he's so cute lmao
- Zündapp ended up finding you two later though but it was worth it!
Zündapp - hides a fake tarantula on a string and waits for you to go into a certain room
- when you're finally there he lowers the string slowly and then drops it on your shoulder
- all of it was perfectly and streatigicly planned to get you back for smacking shaving cream on his face.
- will apologize later because he knows he nearly put you in cardiac arrest
- reeder ded
Grem and Acer - let's face it, these two are practically brothers and would do pretty much anything together
- including pranks!
- So they sent off in search for you and finally did, then they asked you of you could help them preform a revenge prank on Ivan.
- you agreed and they set it up
- so the prank was you would go up and flirt with Ivan then you would lure him through a certain doorway and dumped water all over him
- did I mention they yelled "let's see how you like trying to swim!"?
Finn Mcmissile - he's not one for pranks
- but if he ever does they're mostly harmless and cute ones
- like one time he replaced your wooden spoon with a cardboard one [somehow]
Jackson Storm - HUGE PRANKSTER
- his pranks can be brutal and or harsh and out going
- one time he replaced your Shampoo with [least fav colour] hair dye that didn't come out for several months
- and another time he put a milked [luckily] Rattlesnake on you whilst you were resting your gorgeous eye lids
- but after every one of his pranks he makes sure you're okay, and not you know...ded or dying
- he apologizes after every one of them like the kind hearted man he's trying to be
Max Schnell - sometimes this precious man will play a "harmless" prank
- he'll just pop in out of nowhere to scare you and once you were like "AAAaahh! Stoop I almost dropped my croissant!"
- sometimes in the middle of conversations between you two or just randomly hell just start speaking German to you
- he knows you know little to none
- but this precious man will try to teach you German [unless you already know it fluently]
Holly Shiftwell - similar thing, she knows a lot of Japanese because well, she's stationed there
- so she'll just start speaking Japanese to you leaving you in the dark as to what she's saying lmao
- other than that though she's a lot like Finn, she doesn't really tend to do pranks
- she'll only do minor ones sometimes they make you laugh
Mater - this man is the definition of adorable and wholesome this manz could NeVeR
- he'll only do playful pranks such as making you cling to him for dear life as he's running or I should say driving away from Frank because he's out late Tractor Tipping again
Lighting McQueen - this man has some stuff up his sleeves and this manz is sLiCk AsF
- he'll try to embarass you with strict limits of course now doesn't want to ruin your life
- he retricts himself to only embarass you in minor ways like make you stutter or say something dumb lmao
- Lightning will sometimes have you join him with pranking Mater by putting a blue glowing lamp on his tow hook [anyone get the reference? Ghostlight?]
- you'll prank him back sometimes and you two will once in a while have a 'Prank War to see who can prank most people in the most creative ways
Sally Carerra - she's nice, she'll have you join her in messing with the Sheriff and Lightning because you both think it's funny
- sometimes she'll harmlessly prank you when you're sad because she knows you well enough to know what you think is funni
I can take requests!
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iceskatingcandian · 2 years
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Soooo imma make this and no one can stop me >:3
[Also side note I have Wattpad and make stories there and I'm going to do the same stuff here I do there with x readers. The reader is gender neutral unless specified otherwise]
[Human] Finn Mcmissile x [Human] reader
"Cute stuff"
You were driving back to your house where Finn would hang out with you on his days off.
You two have known each other day about five years now and have been dating for two.
Eventually getting there, you went into you garage which there was, surprisingly, Finn's car too.
You weren't expecting him until the next day which was when he said he'd be off.
Luckily though your garage was built for two cars so you pulled in next to his and shut the garage door.
When you entered your house, you were nervous, it was quiet, too quiet.
You then went to the kitchen where he liked to be because of your delicious snax and cooking.
Or he'd be on your couch watching his favourite movies and shows, or upstairs in your bedroom.
Heading upstairs, you heard a loud thump and ran as fast as you could.
Going into your room you saw...nothing.
Looking around you didn't see anything you were about to walk out of your room, slightly shaken, when you saw a bit of a sky blue suit behind the door you opened.
Moving the door closed you saw the man himself.
Then you spotted something that made you burst out laughing, he had chocolate on his face and had two chocolate chip cookies in his hands.
"What are-"
You laughed harder starting to wheeze.
Barley able to breathe you managed to choke out the rest of your question.
"What are you doing you Goof?!"
He started to laugh as well and had to cover his mouth otherwise he'd spit the chewed up cookies everywhere.
He muffled a reply, or tired to at least.
"Eh dono!" [I don't know!]
That made you laugh even harder and you ended up on the ground wheezing.
Once Finn finally swallowed the cookies he bent down still kinda laughing with you.
While he enjoyed your laugh, he wanted to make sure you were okay.
"Hey, [Y/N], you good?"
He asked while still laughing.
You said still wheezing.
After a few minuets you were able to get up but was still laughing and kinda needed Finn's assistance.
Finn found your reddened face and your laughing kinda cute, he blushed a bit and put a hand on your cheek.
Although now you chocolate on your face, Finn took a delicious advantage though.
When he was done getting in your beautiful [E/C] eyes, and being lost in a trance he leaned in kissed you deeply.
Once he pulled back and lowered his hand, he saw the chocolate left over and smiled an evil smile showing he had an idea.
You were a bit surprised by this because that smile was rare coming from Finn.
He leaned in again and licked your cheek, licking the delicious choccy from thou face.
After he was done your face was flushed, he chuckled and his gaze softened back to his usual one.
He smirked adorably ran away in a very silly manner laughing like a child.
You started laughing really hard again but this time manged to follow him and he set up your favourite movie.
You remembered the stuff in your car and your surprise for him which reminded you to ask him about his early day off from what he said.
After you brought in the stuff from your car Finn was already chilling on the couch eating sum snax.
Then you grabbed the remote and paused the movie and excitedly looked at him.
"I have a really special surprise for you I'll be right back!"
Your excitement was very evident he chuckled as you ran out and went to your trunk and fished out your wonderful surprise.
When you got it you ran back it was a red heart of his favourite chocolates and some of his favourite flowers.
"Aww [Y/N], what's this for?"
"Well, you are Finn-tastic so why not give you something to Blue your mind!"
You not only made a funny pun put of his name but also the color of his suit!
He chuckled at your joke and took the flowers and chocolate.
Then when he opened the heart box there was a not, a hand written note.
The picked it up and read it.
"Heart of Gold,
In my list of favourite people,
You would be number one.
Always there with help and care,
A smile for all, a Heart of Gold,
You're the very best
This world could hold."
To top off the romantic masterpiece you had signed your name in the same beautiful calligraphy as the poem was.
He gave you a hug and thanked you, you hugged back, whispering a you're welcome.
You two shared another kiss and watched a movie sharing the scrumptious snackies.
"Sooo, Finn?"
He hummed in intrigue.
"I thought your day off was tomorrow, but when I came home, your car was in our garage. Why? Or, I suppose, how?."
"My boss was feeling generous and was in an extra good mood and gave me an extra day off."
He gave a soft chuckle then yawned, you returned a yawn and then locked eyes with him.
"Awwwww is the big boy tired? Wanna go to bed?"
He nodded and blushed at the nickname you gave him, it's one you used with him, not too often, one you would use generously.
"Yes I am quite tired, I can yell you are too. Shall we?"
You nodded and got up, he followed and you turned off the TV, cleaned up the snacks, and headed upstairs to your shared bedroom.
On your way there you two took a quick shower, him going first and you setting up the bedroom.
I.E. Turning in the fan for background noise, coolness, and air circulation, turning on gentle music, pulling his side of the blankets back and turning off the lights.
This was [and both of you can collectively agree on this] is the best setting for sleep there is.
When he was done you hopped in and was done in about twenty minutes.
When you got out and turned off the Restroom lights you could hear Finn's quiet and soft breathing.
You then walked over and crawled in bed with him, snuggling.
"I love you Finn."
You thought he was aleep until you heard him whisper a response.
"I love you too Cute Stuff."
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