icninfrared · 1 month
Headcanons for when the Pedro boys come home after a long trip and find out that reader has put on some weight? (Whiskey and Frankie are usually my favorites in these things 💖🥺🌸)
Coming Home To Find Out That You've Put On Weight:
**Female Reader
Javier Peña: He's not going to mention it. He's not stupid. He can tell you are a bit nervous, you tug your shirt down over the extra curves that you aren't happy with and you hesitate to get naked when he is trying to strip you down. He showers your neck and lips with extra kisses, pressing his aching cock against your soft stomach and growls that he has missed you and needs to be inside you. Gonna go a little harder with you though, more cushion for the pushing is the saying, right?
Ezra: Delighted. You haven't been living off bits bars and meager rations. Maybe a little greedy for the fact that he might get better meals than what he had been having since being away from you. Plus he is of the opinion that every form is beautiful; fat, thin, tall, short, it doesn't matter. Your cunt is still hot and clutches around him like a glove and in your arms, he finds the solace he craves.
Mando: Mando yearns for softness. Everything in his life is hard, unyielding. His armor, his creed, even his cot is hard as a rock. So when he comes back to the covert to find that you are softer, he loves it. You can't see his express, because the room is pitch black, but you can feel the eagerness of his touch. The moans even louder when he squeezes parts of you that are a little fleshier than before. It might be the quickest he's ever finished.
Frankie Morales: See, Frankie loves a thicker girl. Those thighs you hate? He loves them. They are soft and cushiony, a perfect place for him to lay his head down on while pretending to watch tv with you. He always falls asleep. That pooch over your pussy? Fucking loves it, constantly touching it. So when he was deployed for eight months and he came home to find that you had put on a little weight, it didn't bother him at all. He was still going to strip you down as soon as the kids were taking and nap and explore ever soft curve you have with glee and exhaust himself and you.
Pero Tovar: Another man who does not mind if your waist grows thicker or your body is softer. Pero loves it. It shows that you did not starve while he was away, a constant source of guilt and worry for him. He had left you enough coins to last and you had obviously been successful in your gardens and trapping animals like he had hoped. The weight you have added might have made you have to let our your dresses, but your tits are also bigger, so it's extra fun for Pero.
Max Phillips: Whistles when he sees you. For a moment, he thinks about making a sarcastic comment about the weight gain, but he can see that you are actually self conscious. Max might be an egotistical, vain prick, but he's not cruel to you. You are still sexy to him. "There's my little blood bag." He hums, sweeping you into his arms and kissing you before smelling your pulse. "You look good enough to eat." He growls playfully, even though you both know that he will feed off of you when he is done making you scream his name.
Agent Whiskey: Listen, this man can throw a grown ass man around with a whip, you think you gaining some weight is going to take the fun out of the rodeo? He doesn't give a shit what the number on the scale says, as long as you still ride his mustache and his cock, Jack Daniels will be a happy man. Plus, he likes the extra jiggle.
Marcus Pike: Understands completely. He's been talking to you on the phone, knows that you have been doing the quick and easy dinners and snacking more - he has too. He doesn't mind the extra weight, as long as you don't. If you complain about it, he will offer to go for walks at night when he gets home or go with you to the gym in the mornings before work. If you don't say a word, this man will just happily love you as you are.
Oberyn Martell: Immediately asks if you are carrying a child. He has been gone for two months and when he finds that there is weight on your stomach, he is smiling as he caresses your skin, hoping for another child. The only way this man is disappointed is when you tell him that you have had your bleeding consistently while he was away. Then he will pout. But only because there is not another Sand Snake on the way. Then he will just get busy making that happen.
Dave York: He's getting older and the fucking weight just doesn't come off like it used too. He hates running, unless he absolutely must, so it doesn't bother him. Not really. Does he have the stray thought that you weigh a little more when you're riding him? Yeah, but he knows better than to say that shit out loud.
Zach Wellison: Doesn't say a word. He notices, but it's not his place to say anything. He's been gone, and you've been doing everything yourself. He just kisses you and asks how you have been while he's been gone.
Dieter Bravo: Doesn't really recognize you put on weight. He's just happy you are still here when he gets home, and you want to fuck him. He's greedy and needy in bed all at the same time, but after the deed is over, he's soooooo comfortable cuddling into you that he calls you his new pillow and drifts off to sleep with a smile on his face.
Javi Gutierrez: He notices. He notices everything about you. It doesn't matter to him. You are still perfect. You are still the woman he adores. Coming back from filming his latest screenplay is a relief and he is over the moon to be reunited with you. His love for you is pure and real, it's not even going to matter if you gained weight to him. He just has more of you to love.
Max Lord: Max is one who loves appearances, so this is something that you worry yourself sick over. The 80s is a time where everyone wants to be supermodel thin and gaining weight is heavily frowned upon. So you are a wreck when Max comes home from the super secret trip that he had taken. Only to find that he is completely unaware that anything has changed. He's too focused on being successful.
Marcus Moreno: Doesn't care. Are you healthy? Are you happy? If not, then he will help you however you need. If you are, then he is happy. He loves you and completely understands that bodies change over time. He's not wearing the same size Heroic's tac vest he was a few years ago, and it's not because he's gotten smaller. He's still gonna find you irresistible and slap your ass when he walks by you in the kitchen every morning. Maybe even more so now.
Tim Rockford: All the evidence points to the new flavor of cookie you've discovered. It's a good cookie. Tim is just happy to be home, that case took way too long to solve and he just wants to curl around your thicker frame after he's made you cum and sleep for a week. He doesn't care about weight, he's home and the case is solved.
Joel Miller: Doesn't bother him a damn bit. You still fit into your clothes, although they are tighter. Joel cares about you, not what size you are. There are more important things to worry about as long as you are healthy.
Marcus Acacius: It's been two years since he has seen your face. The memory of your last kiss, the last time he made love to you, has carried him through the campaign that had taken so many Roman soldiers. You look gorgeous to his weary eyes, a safe harbor to take shelter in. The plumpness of your new body does not take away from the way he needs you. This is a man who is just happy to have come back home to you.
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icninfrared · 1 month
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🪻Pedro Boys & Flowers.
It's no secret that I love flowers, so pairing the Pedro Boys with florals that represent them, is something that's not only fun, but super interesting trying to pick out meanings that match their personalities.
🪻This is a re-creation of my original post, with new Pedro Boys added to the garden. Originally requested by lovely @doughmonkey
Enjoy! 🖤
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🪻Javi Gutierrez - Sunflower The sunniest flower for our sunniest Pedro Boy, Javi! Sunflowers often represent the sun and Javi just beams like it, doesn't he? Sunflowers also bring good fortune, and represent a long life and lasting happiness. It's often seen as a symbol of faith and devotion, radiating positivity and hope. In some Eastern religions, such as Buddhism, Sunflowers are considered sacred and represent spiritual enlightenment. Or, "divine inspiration", as Javi would say...
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🪻Ezra - Passion Flower Passion flowers, not only look a little alien in their bloom, they also have healing properties, which Ezra could do with in abundance, right? Roman Catholic priests of the late 1500's named it for the Passion (suffering and death) of Jesus Christ. And Kevva, has this prospector suffered... Passion Flowers can incite love and passion and help you attract companionship. And a lonely Prospector will greatly relish companionship of the talkative kind. A perfect flower to represent my main man, Ezra.
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🪻Joel Miller - Sweet Pea Sweet Peas represent goodbyes and yearning. In Victorian England, for example, Sweet Peas were often given as a sign of departure or goodbye to a loved one. Considering Joel has lost Sarah, Tess and most people in his life, I'd say a Sweet Pea would be a good representation of a flower for Joel. Sweet Peas also mean blissful pleasure, friendship and gratitude. They come in all sorts of colours too, such as shades of white, pink, coral, red, violet and blue, and some combining two colours.
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🪻Frankie Morales - Red Poppy Red Poppies are worn as a symbol of support for the Armed Forces community, and to remember our fallen military personnel. The Poppy is a common symbol that has been used to represent everything from peace to death, and even simply sleep. Seeing as Frankie worked in the forces, he would probably tuck a red Poppy flower behind your ear then kiss you sweetly, as he walks hand-in-hand with you through the local Veteran's Day Parade.
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🪻Marcus Acacius - Geranium Romans grew many flowers in their gardens, including Roses, Violets, Geraniums, Buttercups, Irises, Lilies and Daisies, to name a few. They also brought exotic flowers in across their empire, and would use many flowers in garlands, crowns and wreaths, as well as in medicines and in food. I chose Geraniums for Marcus as they are considered a protective flower, and as Marcus is a General, he would be a protector of the people and his soldiers alike. (He mentions about not wanting to send his soldiers to die for the emperor's vanity.)
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🪻Reed Richards - Clematis In both Victorian and Greek mythology, the Clematis flower often represents mental acuity and cleverness. Considering Reed is a scientist fluent in mechanical, aerospace and electrical engineering, chemistry, all levels of physics, and human and alien biology, I'd say this flower is a perfect representation of him. The Clematis is also known for its slow growth, with an old saying that goes, "The first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they leap". Whilst Mr Fantastic can certainly "stretch", so too do these pretty florals, as their growth stretches out over time.
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🪻Javier Peña - Anemone Anemones are my most favourite flower. It was believed that the flower sprang from the blood of the slain Adonis, who was a lover of the goddess Aphrodite. As such, Anemones are often seen as a symbol of love and passion. And there's no-one more passionate a lover than Javi P, right? Anemone flowers are available in many colors with each symbolizing a different meaning. White Anemone flowers symbolize sincerity due to their delicate appearance. Red and pink Anemone flowers symbolize death or forsaken love. Purple Anemone flowers symbolize protection from evil. I think Javi would be a purple Anemone, due to the job he has... he'd definitely protect you.
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🪻Marcus Pike - Pink Rose More subtle than the bold traditional Red Rose, Pink Roses typically symbolise admiration, happiness, and love. Pink Roses also symbolise sweetness, femininity, appreciation, and admiration - all traits that this handsome agent showers in abundance towards his love interest. I think receiving a bunch of beautiful pink, velvety Roses from Marcus Pike would sweep you off your feet - and totally convince you to go to Washington D.C. with him.
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🪻Dieter Bravo - Gerbera Daisy Colourful, fun and a little kooky looking, Gerbera daisies are just flowers that make me smile in abundance. And so does Dieter Bravo. Yellow Gerbera daisies tend to symbolize cheerfulness and celebration. Orange Gerberas convey that the person you present it to is the sunshine of your life. Red Gerberas represent an unconscious love or to be fully immersed in love. White Gerberas symbolise innocence and purity. Pink Gerberas are a symbol of admiration, adoration, or high esteem for someone. I imagine Dieter would love these because he would be attracted to the variety of colours and they would make him smile, even when high.
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🪻Agent Whiskey - Wild Heliotrope In the language of flowers, Wild Heliotrope symbolises devotion and an everlasting love, which when you think about Whiskey losing his sweetheart and baby boy, this flower couldn't be more suitable for him. It has a delicious scent and the flowers follow the sun as it tracks across a winters day, hence the name "Heliotrope" which is derived from the Greek Helios meaning sun and tropos meaning 'turn' or 'direction'. Everlasting love is a journey that you rarely falter from the path, so I imagine Whiskey would choose this flower to place on the grave of his sweetheart and baby boy.
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🪻Lucien Flores - Azalea Although we don't know much about Lucien (as of posting this) in some cultures, Azaleas symbolize taking care of yourself and others, making them a good gift for someone who needs a quick recovery or to express your affection for a loved one. In the film clips we've seen, Lucien mentions he no longer drinks, and clearly still harbours some longing for his ex-partner, so I feel this flower is spot on for him. Not to mention how stunning how it is, and delicate, traits I feel Lucien has deep down.
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🪻Dave York - Black Dahlia Black Dahlias aren't truly black, but rather a very deep shade of crimson that appear black. They symbolise betrayal and sadness, so shouldn't be gifted lightly. It also represents inner strength, likely due to the plant's ability to tolerate such harsh conditions. Although a stunning flower to behold, the symbolism doesn't come without it's notoriety; they're associated with the infamous murder of Elizabeth Short (The Black Dahlia Murder) in 1947 in Los Angeles. Dave is definitely a strong, resilient character, regardless if you feel he was justified in his actions or not. Black Dahlias and Dave York? Nuff' said.
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🪻Max Phillips - White Trumpet Pitcher A flower with a bite, just like Max. A carnivorous plant, this flower eats insects. They have simple nodding flowers and leaves modified as hollow pitchers, which function to passively trap insects, luring them with nectar, then digesting them or drowning them with fluids, later to be absorbed by the plant. So, although it looks pretty and alluring on the outside, beware whats hidden underneath - just like our feisty vampire, Max. Nom.
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🪻Oberyn Martell - Marigold With their vibrant orange, yellow and red petals, naturally Marigolds are symbols of positive emotions, like joy and excitement. Marigolds also represent energy, good luck, warmth, creativity, prosperity and more importantly - passion. Oberyn exudes passion in abundance, whether indulging in sex or plotting revenge, so this flower would be prefect for him. Their vibrant colors and strong fragrance make them an essential part of various traditions, festivals, and rituals worldwide, such as Día de Los Muertos. A perfect flower to represent Oberyn, in both life and death.
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🪻Din Djarin - Ghost Orchid The Ghost Orchid earned its name due to its ghostly white petals and the illusion of floating in mid-air when attached to trees, with no visible roots or leaves. The Ghost Orchid is considered one of the most elusive orchids in existence. Its scarcity and remote habitat have contributed to its mythical status among plant enthusiasts. Due to its unique growth habits and specific environmental requirements, sightings of the Ghost Orchid in the wild are extremely rare. A little like our Mandalorian here in the sense you never see his face. He, like the flower, is elusive and a rare specimen indeed. And when you do get an eventual glimpse of it, it's absolutely breathtaking.
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🪻Marcus Moreno - Strawflower Holding on to their shape and color long after being cut, Strawflowers are said to symbolize immortality and are commonly known as 'Everlasting' flowers. Their endurance and strength is notable, and we can compare this to our original resident hero of the Pedro Boys, Marcus Moreno. Everlasting flowers symbolize eternal love, hope, and remembrance. They're often used in wedding bouquets, funeral arrangements, and other special occasions to express enduring sentiments and commemorate cherished memories. Considering Marcus is also a widower, this flower is a great choice to represent him.
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🪻Tim Rockford - Bird Of Paradise The Bird Of Paradise flower symbolizes joyfulness, freedom, anticipation, and excitement. Furthermore, it represents faithfulness, love and thoughtfulness while being the official flower of the ninth wedding anniversary. As someone who is often bogged down in the the dark gloom of investigations, a colourful, peppy flower such as this would brighten Tim's mood instantly after coming home from a long day of work.
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🪻Pero Tovar - Tiger Lily Tiger Lilies represent courage, strength, and confidence. The main red Tiger Lily meaning is passion. White Tiger Lily can be described as purity. Pero would be of the red variety, considering he wields such strength, courage and confidence on the battlefield. Tiger Lilies also have healing properties and the Lance Leaf Tiger Lily is native to China. Apt, considering Pero fights there.
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🪻Maxwell Lord - Forget-Me-Not Giving someone one of these small blossoms is a pledge that you will never forget them and that you'll think of them often. For this reason, they're also considered a symbol of fidelity and faithfulness. Forget-Me-Nots represent true love, and giving someone this flower means you truly love and respect them. Similarly to making a wish, if Max gifts you with these flowers, he's not likely to forget you in a hurry.
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🪻Silva - Red Rose The most classic of them all, a Red Rose is a perfect choice for a significant other. This stunning shade most popularly stands for passion and communicates love. It's the rose of romance and deep feelings, but can also relay desire, beauty, victory, harmony, joy, luck, pride and martyrdom. Which if you're familiar with Silva and his traits, this flower is the perfect choice for him.
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🪻Veracruz - Petunia Petunias display feelings of deep resentment and anger. Despite their amazingly striking appearance, they take people by surprise because of their shocking underlying meanings. And if you know a thing or two about Veracruz, you know he's just like a Petunia - beautiful on the outside, but sinister and resentful on the inside.
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🪻Dio Morrissey - Hellebore Some cultures believe the Hellebore represents scandal - and we all know the type of scandal Dio landed himself in, right? In Victorian times, the flowers signified delirium, and we can probably all agree that Dio lives in his own little world of delirium. That being said, these flowers are just stunning, but all parts of the flower contain toxic compounds. Just like Dio, they're gorgeous, but can be deadly.
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What are your favourite flower and Pedro Boy combinations? Would you pick something different? Let me know in the comments. 🖤
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icninfrared · 1 month
Thinking about gnawing on his arm
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PEDRO PASCAL with his sister LUX PASCAL out and about in London August 10th | via Backgrid
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icninfrared · 2 months
3 words and I’m tearing up.
3 words that he could never say about his daughter.
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icninfrared · 5 months
I can't unhear this and I love him??
Big Daddy. Okay then.
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icninfrared · 5 months
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Michael Sheen as William Boldwood in Far from the Madding Crowd (2015)
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icninfrared · 5 months
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A familiar weeping angel
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icninfrared · 5 months
Musical bit from the Nye cinema screening tonight. Excuse the quality and the angle. Just had to share for some friends who I hope see it in full soon :)
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icninfrared · 5 months
Reblog for an instant serotonin boost courtesy of Aziraphale’s unabashed joy.
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icninfrared · 7 months
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Some more of Michael Sheen’s filmography.
More oriented towards series.
I have some more here. :)
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icninfrared · 7 months
Michael has been reading the good fanfiction
The hands dancing part in The Way swingers scene is one of the most beautiful displays of love and tenderness that I have ever seen. Not only does it show the tender touches between the men, a beautiful kiss on the palm, sweet holding of the face, it shows them touching each other’s pulse points on their wrists feeling their heartbeats ❤️. There is so much love in that little part that doesn’t belong anywhere near the rest of the scene. It makes my heart burst. Michael’s whole heart is showing in these 5 seconds.
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icninfrared · 7 months
This should not feel this erotic
Mr @neil-gaiman hope I have studied the character of Aziraphale well
Crowley had clean shoes of course
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icninfrared · 7 months
Me and my Girlfriend tribute @neil-gaiman and Terry.
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We met thanks to good omens and we fell in love, your art created our couple thank you Neil 🤍🫂
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icninfrared · 7 months
When Aziraphale is trying to come up with an alias for Gabriel, he glances at a nearby bookshelf, the camera following his gaze and we see this.
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Our eye is drawn to Treasure Island, due to the stronger contrast between the book binding and the lettering. And then back to Aziraphale who comes up with Jim, the same name as the narrator of Treasure Island. But let's take a look at the other book. Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad. The Lord feels a bit on the nose due to Gabriel's previous rank in heaven not to mention the obvious godly connection, but look at the plot summary
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He abandons those who were entrusted to his care, incidentally were pilgrims going to the Red Sea, to save his own skin. Although he abandoned the boat along with other members of the crew including the Captain, he is the only one to stand trial. From there, Jim is looking for a place to belong and trying to outrun his past.
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icninfrared · 8 months
Aziraphale: I go to church every Sunday
Crowley: . . . ?
Aziraphale: I do
Crowley: staying in bed with me while I make you say "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God" is not going to church
Aziraphale: I go to church every Sunday.
Crowley: ………………?
Aziraphale: Okay, every other Sunday…
Aziraphale: I’ve BEEN to church!
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icninfrared · 8 months
Not just touch his lips, but pushes on his mouth to mimic the kiss. He's chasing the sensation of that kiss, trying to replicate it because he wants more.
"south downs" this "and they're not talking" that
but are y'all ready for this hellsite's reaction in s3 every time michael "acting choices" sheen touches his lips
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icninfrared · 8 months
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Part of a video I'm working on. You guys seemed to enjoy the sketch version, I figured you may like where it's located!
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