iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
Send 😨 to see my muse trying to climb through your muse’s window
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“I swear this window use to be lower to the ground,” His voice was muffled as he pulled himself through Chloe’s window “You really got to stop locking the talon’s door when you know I’m coming over, all this climbing is wearing me out.” He huffed out a breath, shutting the window behind him and wiping his hands together “Wait -- why are you wearing..” He began, narrowing his eyes towards Chloe “Did you call ME for a booty call?”
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
Send 😨 to see my muse trying to climb through your muse’s window
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“Hey, calm down - it’s just me!” He whispered rather loudly, making a loud thud as he fell onto the floor below her window “I-- I thought there was a dresser here..” He said in shock as he hit the ground, rolling over to look at the other window, to see a dresser in front of it “Oh.. yeah that makes sense.” He stated, a little embarrassed before flashing Aiden a grin as he rose to his feet; dusting himself off “Surprise!”
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
☾ My muse breaks up with yours because they discovered they were unfaithful.
Break Up Meme
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the name Tess popped up out of nowhere, he had just got back from a business trip to a not-so-happy Chloe. He knew her bad moods and he knew this was more than that, she knew something and he was terrified that this was the moment it was all going to come crashing down.
When Chloe said Tess’s name, Oliver stopped in his tracks. He could have continued on and pretended like he was confused, act like he had no idea what she was talking about - but he couldn’t do that to Chloe. Not if she knew the truth.. not when he had been keeping this from her for so long.
Turning around to face Chloe, his arms automatically and absentmindedly folded over his chest “What about her?” He questioned, wanting to make sure he wasn’t going to jeopardize himself, if what Chloe was talking about had nothing to do with the mistake he had made.
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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I don’t know what i’m gonna do.
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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Aiden rolled her eyes before playfully smacking her boyfriend’s chest. “Its not my fault if I have a certain someone distracting me from sleep.” She grinned in return, kissing his cheek. Though her blush came back when he mentioned the floor. “Oh, I’m sure you’ve been well acquainted with the floor a few times. I think the carpet burn I had a few days ago is proof of that.” She pointed out before laughing at his suggestion. “That wouldn’t work either. My brother is great at asking questions. You might cave under those questions. But I know for a fact that none of my friends have that same strength. Tried going out of town with one of them and they changed their mind because of him.” 
She bit on her bottom lip, thinking it over. “Okay, I’ll come up with a place. But you have to do whatever I want. No changing your mind if you don’t like my idea.” she lightly tapped his nose with a grin. “Do you promise?” She nodded her head, placing a kiss on his lips in return. “I will. It’ll give me time to think it over. I don’t want you to be late for your training. See you later, Ollie.” 
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Ultimately leaving the decision up to Aiden was the best plan, he was much more careless and a little more reckless than she was - always forgetting that some people still had rules, unlike himself. So instead of getting her in trouble ( again ), why not let her decide what they do for a date and where they would go, he’d enjoy it no matter what, anyways. 
Giving a nod in agreement, “Yes, I promise to call.” A huff of a laugh escaped his lips, before their lips pressed together “See you later.” Oliver grinned before placing one last quick kiss on Aiden’s lips and headed off towards his car.
He had been training for weeks now, and he was finally accepted into the group; not knowing that this group had specific rules that you had to follow - or else there were severe consequences.  Vordigan had told him the rules clearly; No lovers, no allies, and no disciples. If he broke one, things would turn messy. Aiden fell under the lover category, and even an ally in a way. He couldn’t turn his back on the brotherhood now, and chancing Aiden or himself getting hurt was not on his to do list. So, the date with Aiden would be his goodbye -- with out really telling her what was going on.
Phone in hand, Oliver dialed Aiden’s number as he put the phone up to his ear, it ringing before being picked up by that familiar voice he loved so much  “Thank god you answered and it wasn’t one of your brothers.”
Time Flies II closed
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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“I promise we’ll talk. After Olivia is asleep. I know I owe you, and a few other people, a really long explanation.” She was slightly surprised that she felt relieved at the prospect of telling him. Of getting the whole story out there for someone – especially someone she missed dearly. And knew she could trust. That was the different between Clark and Oliver showing up. Oliver she could reason with. But she wouldn’t really be able to until Olivia went to sleep. Chloe wasn’t going to have that conversation in front of her daughter. Not when she knew that there would tears – more than likely from her. She hadn’t planned on having that conversation with him. Or with anyone.
But here he was, in her kitchen, with two boxes of pizza. She didn’t argue about paying for it – that was always a losing fight with Oliver. Instead she just took the salad bowl, plates, and silverware to the table and set it all up before going back to get the drinks. Her heart was racing, quickening every time she looked at him. It was a combination of how much she’d missed him and a slight fear of telling him the truth. Telling him the exact reason she left. Why she had to leave. She had made the right decision and she couldn’t start second guessing herself now or let herself start to regret it.
“Why don’t you dish out the salad and pizza, the Chicken one is Olivia’s favorite. She doesn’t like red sauce. And I’ll go get her to wash up.” She brushed her hand across Oliver’s arm reassuringly before she went to retrieve her daughter. And maybe use the two minutes away from him to get her bearings. She was going to be one hundred percent honest with him, she just didn’t know how to start that conversation.
And as expected, she found her daughter seated at her little table again, crayons spread out around her. “Hey there sweet pea, we need to go wash our hands because the pizza is here!” Her daughter never said no to pizza. And that made Chloe smile as she followed her daughter into the hall bathroom to wash up.
Sometimes Chloe had a tough time believing that Olivia was only TWO YEARS OLD. Her vocabulary was closer to a kid that would be in first grade and THAT was a big reason she didn’t regret her choices. The development could be a side effect of what Brainiac did to Chloe – if Davis was her father, it could be a side effect of that half of her DNA. And of course, there was the whole thing with Chloe being meteor infected. Which meant that Olivia could be second generation. There were so many reasons to protect her daughter.
But Chloe pushed those thoughts out of her mind as she dried both of their hands on the towel and watched Olivia race to the dining room. At this point Chloe wasn’t sure if she was excited for the pizza or for Oliver. Or both. And Chloe really couldn’t blame her – she herself was happy to see them interact. And get along so well. “Alright Princess, up you go.” Chloe lifted her into the booster seat at the end of the table and strapped her in.
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Oliver didn’t know what to think about the situation, in fact, he didn’t want to think about it. Not only was it terrifying - in a way - to know that Chloe had a daughter, it was also worrying that she was around the right age from when he had saw Chloe last, but of course, she did flee town so maybe it happened after she left. He didn’t know and honestly, he was scared to know the answer. It was a lot to be hit with at once, especially when he envisioned finding Chloe, this was never what his mind came up with.
Merely nodding at Chloe with the smallest of smiles, he let her go off to collect her daughter.  As he began getting the plates ready, he started with Olivia’s, putting two slices of pizza on it ( of course, slices that were smaller than others. He wasn’t around kids much, but he knew they didn’t eat that big of a meal ) and scooped out a decent amount of salad on to the plate - placing it at one end of the table, in front of a chair that had a booster seat. Laughing to himself as he imagined the booster seat being for Chloe, she was pretty short. 
Finishing up Chloe’s plate and his own, he struggled to find the right places to set them. Does he set them across from each other, beside each other? Unsure of what to do, he set Chloe’s plate on one side of the table and his on the opposite side so they were across from each other.
Knowing they would be able to talk later kept Oliver sane, he wanted answers and had an unending list of questions but right now wasn’t the right time, especially not in front of Olivia. He wouldn’t think about it now, he thought to himself, he just wanted to enjoy his time, it had been so long since he saw Chloe and he missed her like crazy - her smile, her laugh.. everything, he just wanted to be in the moment while he could be.
Oliver’s head jerked around to see Olivia racing to the table and Chloe following close behind, a wide smile taking his lips as he watched Chloe put Olivia in her booster seat. “I didn’t know where you usually sit..” He trailed off, tapping his finger lightly on the table before quickly sitting in his own seat. “So, it’s a nice place you got here. Warm, cozy -- different.” He began, not looking at Chloe as he spoke, but instead - stared at his plate. “It actually kind of reminds me of the house my parents and I use to live in, it’s nice.. yeah.” He nodded, now looking at Chloe - he never did well in these types of situations, and man, was he ever sinking.
➳ ❘ unexpected but welcomed
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
“I know it’s three in the morning but could you please get me some chocolate milk. Oh and some chocolate chip cookies, please.”
Married Bliss RP Starters
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“Umm, uh-- alright, I guess I can do that. Is this another early morning craving or do you just really want chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies?” He laughed in question, having gotten home only an hour ago from patrolling the streets “Let me get ready and I’ll drive over to the twenty-four hour grocery store. Anything else you want while I’m there?”
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
             And I was running far away                             ——–Would I run off the world someday?             ( Nobody knows, nobody knows )                              But I kept running for a soft place to fall.
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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brucas appreciation week
day two: favorite kiss ♡ 2.23 the leavers dance
↳ Lucas: I want to be with you, Brooke. Brooke: What? Lucas: I’m sorry. I know we are friends. It’s just how I feel.  Brooke: What about Peyton’s stuff? Lucas: I keep that stuff as a reminder of how badly I screwed up things… with you. To remind myself that if I ever get a second chance, I’d never let you go again.
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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Masquerade scene: For Stacy. :D
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
“Come to bed, it’s getting late.”
Married Bliss RP Starters
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A yawn escaped Oliver’s lips as he stared at his brightly lit computer screen, having to pry his eyes away for minutes at a time to look out the balcony doors, at the moonlit sky - to readjust his eyes. Shaking his head, he squinted up at Chloe “I’m not tired,” but his lips betrayed him as yet another yawn was let out “Look at this, “ He turned the laptop towards her “That looks like a good house right, maybe we could go and view it tomorrow?” He posed the question as his head hung to the side, trying his damnedest to find the perfect house and home for them - so they could finally have more space besides the clock tower.
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
👻 = something spooky happening to our characters
I will post a song that I identify with…
👻 = something spooky happening to our characters
Halloween Theme by John Carpenter
I’m sure there’s other songs that could have worked butthat’s the first one that came to mind.
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
I will post a song that I identify with…
🌠 = my character
This is actually pretty tough so I will narrow it down to two.
Echo by Jason Walker
What I’ve done by Linkin Park
If you want a happy song, then Hall of Fame by The Script
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
“Ollie, why is our child running around naked?”
Married Bliss RP Starters
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“Uh -- something about freedom.. and I think he said something about peace too.” Oliver scratched at his head in thought before looking back at his wife, “I tried to get him to put clothes on but he wants to be in his birthday suit today. I think Clark may have gave him too much candy -- and may have put some freedom speech into his mind.”
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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He waited with his arms folded over his chest, his foot lightly tapping the ground as he counted the beats till she realized - there really were two spiders on her head, nodding like he believed in her when she stated she could handle it. An abrupt laugh escaped his lips, “There we go,” He grinned, picking one spider at a time out of her hair and placing them on the ground “I don’t understand why you pretend not to be afraid, when you’re going to ultimately wig out anyways.”
continued from here @iconicarcher
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Aiden had to resist the urge to immediately touch her hair and freak out. She could handle two spiders. No big deal. “I can handle it. I can handle it.” She nodded her head with a smile. It was about two seconds later that she quickly shook her head. “Okay, I can’t handle it. Please wipe them off.”
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