iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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iconicblur · 7 years
—> ship ( Chloe and Clark )
Send me a ship and I’ll rate it from a scale of 1-10 and tell you my thoughts about it
read more cause long
Chloe Sullivan & Clark Kent || 3948/10
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I know I said Oliver and Chloe are one of the ultimate couples and while true,I am torn by Chloe and Clark. It’s strange because in high school I do not ship them at all, as best friends yes but as love interest no. I do love their story lines though! It just wouldn’t work in that time period and seems so wrong in that time period to me, if Lana didn’t exist then 500% yes in high school. As adults, I don’t think I could ship two beings more. They might even top Lois and Clark for me or tie at least.
There’s so much to say for them and I don’t want to get 10000 pages long but..
I don’t think there was a better match for Clark, or for Chloe but I also think they could have been one of the worst matches depending on how it was executed. I mean, these two have been best friends forever, they know each other like the back of their hands. They know each others bad days and good days, bad sides and good sides. These are two people who’ve walked along side each other through grade 8, high school, being young adults and adults. So you can see how it could be bad or good if they did ever end up together. Chloe isn’t afraid to stand up to Clark, tell him when he’s wrong, what the world needs, when he’s being a dick and Clark doesn’t like it sometimes, but it’s true and it’s genuine because why would his best friend lie? And I think that makes him love her more, that she has no guard up for him, she’ll say or do whatever she pleases and he knows its in his best interest to listen because – it’s Chloe, she knows him better than he knows himself and sometimes he doesn’t realize that. 
So many people say they don’t see them as a couple, or that either of them liked each other but it’s been obvious since the pilot. At first it was Chloe having a crush, then they both had a crush and I think after Tempest, they both still really liked each other but kept lying to each other about their feelings so they didn’t mess up their friendship and that says a lot. Even as adults, it’s so damn obvious they’re in love with each other, I mean.. all they want is for each other to be happy and I think they don’t realize that should be with each other. Even as adults, they get jealous of who ever the other is dating and heart broken. I think Clark and Chloe both know, at the same time, that they THINK they can never be who the other wants them to be but in reality, they both like each other just the way the other is. They wouldn’t change anything about them.
Chloe: It’s just that … we’ve been friends for such a long time. 
Clark: We’re more than just friends, Chloe. 
Chloe: When Jimmy and I get married, things will probably change … between us, I mean. And I don’t know if I’m ready for that just yet. Are you? 
Clark: I know that your happiness is one of the most important things in the world to me … and that you and Jimmy will have a wonderful life together. Don’t worry about anything else.
( about always trusting in Clark / believing in him )
Clark Kent: You never gave up. 
Chloe Sullivan: And I never will. 
Clark Kent: I just want you to be happy. Chloe Sullivan: Clark, what you and I have, I will never have with anyone else. 
I think they’re awesome and that if Lana never existed, Clark and Chloe would have dated through grade 8 and high school and possibly married.
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tblrthreadtracker · 7 years
Hey - I just had a random question. I've been using this tracker for years (literally the best thing for RP on Tumblr, seriously can't RP without it) and I just discovered the Queued Replies feature (I'm very excited to start using this) but I also had a question... is there a way to ADD threads that are queued (like starters or replies to starters - ones that are not already tracked) or do I have to wait till they actually post to my blog?
Heya! Unfortunately, no, they can only be marked queued once they have a post ID in the system (the reason is that the tracker uses the post ID to check if it’s been updated on Tumblr since you marked it queued, which it can’t do if it doesn’t know where to look). Once you’ve got at least one post on your blog in the thread, though, you’re all set. :)
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hypohearted-a · 7 years
@codenamewatchtower replied to your post: YALL @sheriffofbeaconcounty IS THE GREATEST AND...
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theblackfamilysheep · 7 years
😖 - Bury their face in my muse’s chest
My muse is touch starved, send one for your muse to-😖 - Bury their face in my muse’s chest
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The touch was welcome, but Sirius couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong. He hadn’t had a moment to glance at the blonde’s face before it was buried against his red sweater, so he could be anything from excited to inconsoloble and Sirius would have no clue. So he stuck for the safest route and just wrapped his arms around the girl. He’d enjoy the sudden makeshift hug until there was a reason not to.
“Hey Chloe.”
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bcttleswithin · 7 years
  idea: bucky is still appear of hydra and muse b is...
So you mean Steve Rogers? XD
It could, but also be another character xD
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drsncw-a · 7 years
☮ / ☼ / ✿
☮ - If you’d like a starter.
☼ - If you’d like our characters to be friends.
✿ - If you want to try a romantic relationship with my character.
tbh I’m open for anything
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wereyxulonely · 7 years
M/M smut gif starters #6 (noyoumove)
{ sexy time | meme }
It’s not everyday Isaac and Steve get to be alone. Really it’s hardly ever that they get down time that is more than them coming home and falling asleep. So to have a full day off, it was only a matter of time before the two ‘fell into bed’. 
Something Isaac was all too happy to entice from the super soldier by sitting in his lap. He knew Steve could tell he was there not of innocent intuition, especially as Isaac started to move his hips against the older man. Slowly and deliberately, drawing out the movements and capturing the calloused hands that try to hold or encourage him. “No touchy.” 
The protest of the man under him made Isaac grin a little smugly. But it lasts mere minutes as Steve pulls from Isaac’s grip and holds his grinding hips closer to feel the result of his teasing, making Isaac moan low in his throat and finally let the super soldier take over. Clothing hastily was discarded all around the living room and couch.
Quickly, Isaac is turned around to face Steve, naked and needy but nowhere near ready. Which the super soldier takes his time with, eliciting moan after moan until Isaac is begging for the man to take him. But Steve doesn’t make him wait long, since they’ve hardly had time or energy for these usual antics. It takes only minutes for Isaac to adjust to having Steve deep inside him then he’s riding his super soldier. Reuniting the two in the best way possible after weeks of world saving and little intimacy.
~ @noyoumove 
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
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iconicarcher-blog · 7 years
Send 😨 to see my muse trying to climb through your muse’s window
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“I swear this window use to be lower to the ground,” His voice was muffled as he pulled himself through Chloe’s window “You really got to stop locking the talon’s door when you know I’m coming over, all this climbing is wearing me out.” He huffed out a breath, shutting the window behind him and wiping his hands together “Wait -- why are you wearing..” He began, narrowing his eyes towards Chloe “Did you call ME for a booty call?”
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iconicblur · 7 years
Lex, Oliver, Chloe + 6
Send me three names + a number…
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hypohearted-a · 7 years
@codenamewatchtower replied to your photoset
duke stop. shaun stop. its too early for this kind of shit on my dash.
i.............im love him a lot.
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