icouldntmakethisup ¡ 8 years
"WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE!?!" they cry while two human men kiss on screen as they completely overlook the fact that the movie is about her falling in love with an literal beast. gays, gays are where we draw the line, apparently.
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icouldntmakethisup ¡ 8 years
Cash me outside
At first I thought this was funny, but now I have a few things I’d like to say as to why everyone in this situation sucks.
Cash me outside girl, you suck mainly because you’re a child. I don’t blame you for sucking b e c a u s e you’re a child and children are easily influenced. I’m sure you’re not 100% stupid and know what you’re doing and how to work what you’re doing, but I’m going to give you a pass. The only thing I’ll give you shit for is being in that Kodak video because he is actual trash, and selling your soul to “vine stars” because they are also trash. Love yourself more.
Mama cash me outside, you suck for SO many reasons it’s easier to just list them:
-what ever you are doing parenting wise, you are doing wrong.
- taking your personal issues to Dr.Phil. Lets be real, this could have been fixed with an ass whoopin and prevented with parenting.
-enabling this foolishness. You are just eating all of this up. It’s actually lowkey really sad. You put your child on a show to “fix her” because you were so devastated, distraught, and at your wits ends that you “had” to have another adult intervene on national television (which is questionable/stupid in itself)... and now you are making bank and exploiting THE SAME shitass attitude. No one sees the fucked up logic here?
- hOW are you enabling? Well, she, “cash me outside” girl, isn't old enough to fly by herself so you have to take to her all of her “appearances” or whatever you may call them to make yourself feel better. YOU helped that foolishness on that plane go down. YOU let her wander the streets and get into fights at bars (which again, who lets their child do that? questionable decisions.. I’m starting to see a running theme here) and YOU let her think this is how a human being is supposed to act by rewarding her. You are the lead enabler here.
-No one actually knows your daughters name.. we’ve all had to google it. Even the man that you made the commute with your daughter to see, and allowed him to make her a grill (questionable decision #64931) he said “We are on our way to see the CASH ME OUTSIDE GIRL” the camera man then said “do we even know her real name” “no” then they proceeded to laugh hysterically about it. He DID however, know enough to pimp out the fact that he made her a grill on every platform he had in order to get views and likes and shit. #themlikestho. DANIELLE <- her name. Isn't even famous for being a human being, she famous for not saying full words.. she's just a catch phrase. how fucked is that going to be when you are gloating in a few years like “no you don't understand, “cash me” that m y daughter!”
Dr. Phil, you also suck for exploiting a child. WHY you invited her back to your show, I DONT KNOW... maybe because you wanted the views? Also, that shit was scripted as fuck. You’re going to try to tell me that you, a grown ass man, got punked by a child multiple times on your own show?!? Not today sir, not today. you are just as guilty as mama cash me.
in conclusion: I know “if we quit talking about it she will go away” but I don’t want her to go away with the same shit ass values she has now. Maybe if we talk about the r e a l issue here.. the sucky adults, we could make it so we don't have a while girl speaking incoherent ebonic, with a mouth full of metal feeling the need to act like this for attention. Also, I really just wanted to call out the “adults” here, cause you guys are fucked.
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